Easter Sunday Truth vs Conspiracy – Who are spreading conspiracy theories & why?
Posted on October 16th, 2024

Shenali D Waduge

One mass murder managed to send 3 President’s home & brought one President to power based on assurance given to deliver justice to the victims. While LTTE committed over 300 gruesome terror attacks over 30 years, these victims were never lucky to have 4 Presidential Commission reports & 1 Parliamentary Report. All victims must be treated equally & justice can have no favoritism. Why is it that the 2 final reports are not been released for the public to make their own deductions given that the current JVP-NPP Government sought public mandate citing it would do things different” to all previous govts & people voted for that change”. People expect a different” President, one who would not continue to hide commission/committee reports.

It was the very same players now in power who demanded the release of the previous reports, though internally they took no disciplinary action against the father of the 2 suicide bombers who was on their national list & key sponsor.

Now as President, people expect action.

What are the 2 pending reports that have garnered public attention.

  1. President Ranil appointed former Justice S.A. Imam to investigate the allegations made by Channel 4(UK) primarily around Sri Lankan intelligence.
  2. President Ranil appointed N. J. de Alwis to investigate the conduct of the State Intelligence Service, Chief of National Intelligence & other relevant authorities. 

These reports were handed to President Ranil in July 2024.

Why President Ranil did not release the reports must be questioned from him.

Throughout this time period the JVP-NPP used this as an election slogan which is why the general public must question why the sitting President is now doing a Ranil.

The issue has now ended up a circus with the Government’s Minister of Public Security challenging a former MP to release the reports when the government should do so, especially when one of the key promises to come to power was justice for Easter Sunday victims. The newest tactic is to claim pages are missing. Such excuses negate the transparency promised to the people even before forthcoming general election.

We have to now wonder why the JVP-NPP Government has done a u-turn on releasing of the 2 Easter Sunday Commission reports.

Can the people resort to right to information & demand the release of the 2 reports?

Can the Cardinal & the Church insist on releasing the reports?

 https://www.facebook.com/share/v/QSEnjL43jWJZkFoR/ –

The President’s assurance to the victims at this Church is now put to the test but the reports are still not released.

(Cardinal & President Anura at Katuwapitiya Church)

A parent of the Katuwapitiya Church bombing directly told the President, that he holds him liable for the crime in a very emotional outburst.

There is NO NEED for another new Presidential Commission – simply release what has been investigated unless there is incriminating evidence against those close to the Government & those who supported the government. There is no other reason to shield the reports so that the Public can come to their own conclusions from the findings in the reports.

If the reports are not released, hired youtubers will only be ranting about conspiracy theories probably floated by those who do not wish to have the reports released as it would expose their role of negligence.

We can float conspiracy theories about foreign involvement, mahamolakaru, the suicide bombers etc – only if intel were not aware of an attack & a series of foreign warnings were not given that named the bombers, named the venues being targeted.

LTTE never gave prior warnings of their attacks. Even intel services were not aware of prior attacks to prevent such. These were meticulously planned with only a handful within the LTTE aware.

However, the Easter Sunday bombing was far different. Not only did the intel services pass on the info to the key officers and public servants, circulars were sent even to diplomatic missions.

The SIS head Nilantha Jayawardena’s testimony to the Commission clearly states that by 11 April at least 15,000 would have been aware of an attack. While many of those who knew there was going to be an attack did not attend the Churches named, yet none of those who knew took the pains to even warn the innocent people who perished that day.

Not only the security apparatus, public officials but even the civilians who knew of an impending attack are all equally guilty of selfishly protecting their lives but neglecting to safeguard the lives of those unknown to them.

How many of these 15,000 even have a guilty conscience? 

As former Defense Secretary said, he thought only something small” would happen.

How many thought like him and did nothing?

Why were people not prevented from entering the 3 churches? Why were hotels not asked to beef up their security. The hotels are well equipped for such measures given their experience throughout LTTE terror.

No conspiracy theory can eliminate the names of people who were in key positions on duty & who had in black & white warnings of a terror attack. Conspiracy theories & hiring foreign tv channels to accuse people who were overseas & attempting to plug them to the crime while those who held positions are not taken to task is not the transparency people expect from the government nor to give new positions to those who maybe incriminated in the reports by shelving the reports without publicizing them.

So far only President Sirisena & SIS Head Nilantha Jayawardena have been forced to pay to the State for their negligence of duty.

What about all the others who knew & had the powers to prevent but did nothing as well as the others who from word of mouth knew & did nothing too. 

They all have blood on their hands. 

However, the present government cannot spend tax payers money to commence another Easter Sunday new Commission as this is an insult to all the other victims of terror who have not even got a single Commission of justice for their deaths.

No more Commissions on Easter Sunday. Release the 2 reports, if there are recommendations for the AG’s department to take punitive action, the President must support this without shelving the reports & coming out with silly missing page” excuses.

Who are spreading conspiracy theories & why?

Why is the Govt not releasing the 2 Commission reports?

Shenali D Waduge

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