Posted on October 21st, 2024

Sarath Wijesinghe ( former Ambassador to UAE and Israel, President’s counsel in Sri Lanka, Solicitor in England and Wales, President Ambassador’s forum in UK and SL)

Statehood and behaviours of states

2/3rd of the world family are non align or neutral – that is to say  is they do not belong to any power block or take any sides in world affairs, which is a difficult task to maintain in this economically and politically volatile and complex world with ongoing disputes on political and economic fronts that are ongoing and rarely settled to the end. United Nations Organisation set up after the world war in place of League of Nations  is the main forum of the world family is the forum of the states with a ‘’defined territory , effective government  and permanent population’’ ( statehood ) that are effectively conducting world affairs under international law making affects to prevent another war amongst other affairs reasonable successfully in the complex world with complex nations and nationalities. Human beings  are selfish and fights are ongoing on wealth, territory, and beliefs they consider religions headed by religious leaders and their religions also a reason for wars as other considerations. The income and resources of states with defined boarders are unevenly distributed thereby many states are comparatively poorer than others and eternal struggles and wars are common among regional groupings and states the United Nation Organization intervenes to settle disputes by settlements mediation and lastly via the world Court if necessary.

Grouping of Nations

It is common knowledge that nations are grouped or aligned to powerful nations or groupings for various reasons and small countries such as who have experienced dominated by external powers are extremely careful in selecting friends yet unavoidable as no nation can live in isolation due to need of external help and assistance. In such situations foreign relations play a major role in living successfully in the family of states. The litmus test and the ongoing time bomb is the war in the Middle East Israel Iran and proxy nations and backed and sponsored by the world powers which is escalating fast due to the innovations arms trade of Israel and the oil wealth of Iran due to religious and different sects of the same race of generations and generations to come, with a possibility of a third world war with Israel ignoring UN backed by world powers and their technical advancements with arms production and trade that has influenced the major powers though a tiny strip yet a nuclear world power. Generally small nations are non aligned and maintains neutrality but not powerful Israel backed by the western forces.

Foreign Policy/Foreign Relations

Foreign Policy is the behaviours of a state and how it acts and reacts with the other members of the world family and the International Organization  politically economically and in all other ways and means in dealing with the behaviours for and on behalf of the nation and the people. Sri Lanka though small is a leader of the non aligned movement having given leadership to the NAM summit in Sri Lanka participated by large number of nations led by Madam Bandaraneika – first World Prime Minister of the world possibly the best foreign Minister of Sri Lanka backed and  assisted by a battery of experts on foreign policy and relations. To the credit of Sri Lankan leaders except HE J R Jayawardena who mismanaged foreign policy antagonizing the friendly mighty powerful India that led to the break down of Indo Sri Lanka relations rest managed it especially Madam Bandaraneika who maintained excellent relations with the entire world successfully Sri Lanka still remembers with great respect and pride.

Present situation in Sri Lanka in current situation with economic downturn and volatile political situation.

Political situation and economic chemistry in Sri Lanka  is completely changed with the mismanagement of economy by successive governments and collective decision taken by the masses to change the political outlook by selecting a new set for governance for the international relations of the new governance appear to adjust themselves with less drastic changes by following the same or similar model based on non align foreign policy based on the same moto based on ‘’friendly with all and angry with none’’ adopted to date since the independence in 1948.

Statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

 It is timely to watch the behaviour of the new government and the new Minister of Foreign Affairs whose statements and pronouncements are taken seriously as the views and policies of the new government world over as a practice and the behaviours of the international community. His views published by FT on 9.10.2024 is vital and important in the absence of a policy statement by the government generally dome by powerful states on forming of new governments. Foreign Minister Vijatha Herath  stated that foreign policy of neutrality would operate in practice in the following manner ‘’ there will be no favouritism  and We do not consider any country to be special whether it is big or small while Sri Lanka maintains dolomitic relations with all countries China India USA Russia Cuba or Vietnam.  We have no bias in our approaches.’’

Balanced approach

This is a balanced and appropriate statement by the new Minister in the new government showing maturity and forward thinking strategy base don the polices adopted historically and as the new Minister in the new government has done so well creating hopes on they system for a successful regime on international  relations and foreign policy. Many heads of states have visited the new president who appear to conduct himself s diplomatically with a good start developing hope on the nation for friendly and reputed nation respected by the world as before and it is the duty of the Minister and the government to be extremely cautious in dealing with the minefield of international politics on the  volatile globe. In nutshell the conduct of the government the President and the minister is exceptionally good in the current circumstances and it is their duty to keep it up.

Way forward and the duty of the governance towards the people they were chosen

International relations and diplomacy is a very important and a compacted areas  the other factors directly depend on. Therefore a good set of advisers should be chosen from within or overseas among educated Sri Lankans prepared to serve. Mrs Bandaraneika had excellent team within and outside but not anymore in the ministry while fondly remembering  people of the calibre of late Dr Jayantha who was a pride to Sri Lanka rose up to be an undersecretary of UN, and battery of expert around her though not academically qualified but an intelligent patriotic smart lady. Since there is a good start it is time to walk on the rope carefully maintain the same equilibrium with balance gradual diplomatic approach without loosing head due to absolute power. Author could be reached on Sarathdw28@gmail.com

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