How the USA Military Strategic Analysis Won without Losing a Single American! Using the Monkey’s Paw -Getting the Hot Coals Out!
Posted on November 8th, 2024

Prof. Hudson McLean

Converting a Political- to a Military-Strategic Objective

By Milan Vego National Defense University press
Political objectives are usually achieved by using one’s military power. Converting political objectives into achievable military-strategic objectives is the primary responsibility of military-strategic leadership. This process is largely an art rather than a science. There are many potential pitfalls because much depends on the knowledge, understanding, experience, and judgment of military-strategic leaders. Most often, mistakes made are only recognized after setbacks or defeats suffered during the hostilities. Despite its critical importance, there is no consensus on the steps and methods in converting political- into military-strategic objectives. There is scant writing on the subject in either doctrinal documents or professional journals.

Political vs. Military Objectives

Any war is fought to achieve certain political objectives, which may be described as securing important national or alliance/coalition interests in a certain part of a theater. …………..”

How the USA Super Intelligence Won Several Whammys with One Shot!

What are whammys? whammy • \WAM-ee\ • supernatural power bringing bad luck b : a magic curse or spell: jinx,

USA have a Few Top Mandarins with a Very High IQ with Foresight, & Millions of ordinary citizens who are Below Par who could be Manipulated ! (An opinion given by a Top Russian)

1 How the USA Got a Complete Analysis of Russian Military Capability and to Act to Strengthen NATO!!

By Using the Monkey’s Paw – Meaning Ukraine!

Ukrainian Lives were Expendable Unlike Finnish or Swedish!

(A top American opinion)

Main Interests of NATO led by USA were to -;

1: Strengthen NATO with a Wall of Defense *Finland!

2: Broaden Norway-Denmark and Attract Finland-Sweden to join NATO.

Going Back to the USSR?

Although President Vladimir Putin dreamt of Going Back to USSR, the break-up of the Soviet Union by Mihail Gorbachev a new USSR Dream would never be the same again.

A typical Humpty Dumpty Rhyme!

Trump after winning, the Comfort to Putin, first give away.

One of the First Statements made by the US President elect Donald Trump, Victory could mean-;

1: US withdraws support for Ukraine in war with Russia

2: Recognise Crimea as part of Russia

3: Protective Border of 700 km of Ukraine controlled by

Russia, 18% of Territory 109,000 km2, as a Buffer Zone!

Next – Remember the American Arab Smile with Trump? Then How Trump may Deal with

Israel – Palestine Conflict!

——ENDS—- 08.11.2024

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