Sri Lankans From the North, South, East and West United Again After 557 Years Later
Posted on November 15th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara

The 2024 General Election is a watershed moment in Lankan history. Interestingly the total number of votes won by NPP still falls short of the number of votes Gotabaya won in 2019. It is not the quantity but the quality. NPP won around the country from all communities and creeds. No party has ever won the north and the south both, let alone the east, west and the hill country too. This unity across the island was last seen during the rein of King Parakramabu the Sixth. Since his demise 557 years ago Sri Lankans across the island were never united politically until NPP won the election in 2024.

In 1994 Chandrika Kumaratunga won all but one electorate at the presidential election but the north didn’t vote in meaningful numbers. Besides it was achieved with the help of sectarian parties including SLMC, CWC and TULF. It is not unity, but disunity. None of that polluted NPP’s historic landslide victory.

Winning a war only consolidates land and power over land, not the people. Elections are the only way to unify people for one national plan. It never happened in Sri Lanka in over 550 years. Forced unity under the British was based on slavery, genocide, plunder and other evils of colonialism. It’s no voluntary unity. The moment the British colonial rule eased divisions erupted.

With 159 seats the first task of the NPP regime must be to replace the Constitution which is plastered 20 times so far but still falls short of defending national interests and fundamental rights of citizens. NPP government must also reach out to the main opposition SJB to join the effort. This is because the next ruling party may well be the SJB. Sri Lanka needs a Constitution that works for all, not just for one clan or political party. Other parties are irrelevant.

With great power comes great responsibility. It is expected that the ruling party will focus on long term peace and prosperity of the nation instead of short-term enjoyment, appeasement and indecision. People have vested substantial power in it for decisive action, change and visionary rule. It is possible to achieve with sensible and educated people in the government, inside and outside.

President Dissanayake must not forget what happened to Gotabaya – people will punish anyone if their economy is not looked after well. On economic matters the government must seek advice from educated economists and not from laymen or religious texts.

Old and outdated foreign policy disasters like middle path, non-aligned and India First” policies must not be repeated. All those who followed these policies had their rule cut short due to local and international pressure. Instead, Sri Lanka must follow a Sri Lanka first” foreign policy opportunistically aligning with economically beneficially countries and give a low priority to countries that have little economic worth to Sri Lanka.

Similarly, imposing majoritarian or minority beliefs on others is a disaster. No community accepts any other as any better or historic than them. It may be unpalatable for some outdated political elements but this is the hard truth and the path to coexistence.  

Another pitfall that awaits is the charity trap. Disproportionate government investments in the north, east and plantations must not be made out of compassion or due to other non-economic reasons. These are bankrupting activities. If economic returns for the government is less than the investment value, it leads to national bankruptcy and further indebtedness. It is also a recipe to lose both the north and the south. People are unforgiving. Instead, private investors must be encouraged to invest on their terms.

In conclusion, people must shed their centuries-old divisive ethnic and religious dogma and support the regime achieve national (not party political) outcomes. This is a very rare opportunity that dawned on the island 557 years later and it must not be missed. If this fails, people will be compelled to look for alternative national structures that works for them.  

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