From 3rd World to 1st – an arduous task
Posted on November 20th, 2024

Chanaka Bandarage

The fact that we now have a fine government (at least uncorrupt), many have the unrealistic expectation that we will soon become a developed nation.

Sri Lanka is a  3rd world country; a chronic one. Before becoming a 1st world country (eg. Singapore), we have to pass the 2nd world stage (eg. Malaysia).

Surely AKD and his Ministers/MPs will do their best to  make Sri Lanka a clean, prosperous country. They are a highly disciplined, hardworking and corruption free lot.

This is a real blessing for Sri Lanka.

It is very good that the whole country is now united (from Point Pedro to Dondra)

The government cannot perform miracles.

It must be afforded full support by everyone.

If we are determined to become a better country, all of us must pull our weight.

Needles to say our public service (who now receives good wages/perks) is one of the worst in Asia. Overall, it is utterly indisciplined, lethargic, not friendly to people, ill-trained, very inefficient, dishonest and bribe taking.

Our school teachers – than teaching the full syllabus, many concentrate on securing students to their afterschool  tuition class.

Politicians, especially those who were in power after 1978, must bear the responsibility for ruining our public service.

When the British left us in 1948 we probably had the best public service in Asia.

Can this corrupt public service be rescued/reformed?

An extremely difficult task, but possible.

Then the people at large – the citizenry – sadly, majority of them  are indisciplined, impolite (thankfully not to foreigners), selfish, unpatriotic, rude, aggressive and deceitful.

If we want to become a 1st world country (of course, this is a distinct possibility), each of us must change.

We must acknowledge that as citizens we have many weaknesses and that we must reform.

We must remove ourselves from bad habits and  cultivate good ones.

Some of our vices – environmental pollution – from public spitting (now it is more of spitting out red saliva in the open  after chewing betel nuts), illegal dumping (including to rivers and sea), queue jumping, careless pedestrian walking, dangerous vehicle driving, unbearable honking, illegal vehicle parking, bad bus commuter manners, stealing/theft, chronic lying, using ugly language, substance use, sexual misconducts and  basically  very bad manners everywhere including committing public nuisance.

Sadly, it is those who were born after 1970 that show bad manners, ill-discipline.

Of all the age groups, the baby boomers demonstrate best manners and discipline. This is because they grew up in the best good old years. During that time, there existed a culture of discipline, respectfulness, caringness, command obedience and high law and order.

It is important that we go back to the drawing board, and as the last resort try to rescue our children. If they continue to go down in the current pit, there will be no Sri Lanka left.

From scratch, let us teach our children good manners, discipline, camaraderieship, patriotism and overall how to become responsible citizens.

Children must be taught of the correct history – who we are and how we came to be.

All children must be able to proudly sing the National Anthem loudly – in Sinhala or Tamil (better if in both languages). Children must know about our National Heroes. They must be encouraged to attend Sunday religious schools (Daham Pasal, Christian/Hindu Sunday schools etc). Private tuition classes must be banned on Sunday mornings.

For these; the government, in good faith, will have to re-train all the teachers. It will be a massive task.

The government must utilise its resources. It must realise that it is a good future investment.

Again, it is ludicrous to expect AKD and his team to perform  miracles. Of course they will do their best – to the best of their ability and belief; as stated before, we must do our bit.

We must resolve to work towards making our beautiful Sri Lanka a better, peaceful, friendly, clean, corruption free and  respectful place.

Then, at the end of this government’s 5-year term, Sri Lanka will be a country hastening to become a 1st world nation.

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