Posted on November 28th, 2024

Chanaka Bandarage

In Europe, politicians including Prime Ministers cycle to work. In Japan, pretty much everyone (rich, poor) cycles. In Netherlands, bicycle is the main and most important mode of transport. In Sri Lanka, cyclists are shamed. Here, cycling is considered a symbol of poverty,

We still foolishly regard that bicycle is the poor man’s vehicle. Everyone dreams of travelling in a car – even short distances.

When we own a Maruti or a Wagon R; we are not satisfied. We strive for a Benz or a BMW. This materialistic mentality is not good, it will not take us anywhere. We should get rid of it.

The new government, which is for the first time intellectual; should take steps to condition the citizens’ mentality. Teaching right things for the Children is very important. From small age, they must be taught to think intelligently, logically, rationally and fairly.

Cycling offers fresh air. It is a hobby/sport. It is extremely good for health. It protects us from serious illnesses like stroke, heart attack, dementia, cancers, depression, diabetes, obesity and arthritis.

In our big cities (Colombo, Kandy), due to high road traffic volumes and reckless driving, cycling is no longer safe. Up to 1990 or so, it was very safe to cycle in Colombo.

We now have  a transport system that pits cyclists against cars and pedestrians. Basically, in our big city roads It is now extremely difficult to cycle. Vehicles like big buses, cars, motorcycles feel that they have the complete right of way. Pedestrians have taken the full control of the sidewalks.

The new government must encourage people to take up cycling. Prior to the recent elections, they mounted the idea that ‘Made in Sri Lanka’ bicycles will be made available. The government must initiate programs to get rid of the social stigma that associates with cycling.

We should no longer consider the bicycle as the poor man’s vehicle.

It is important to establish proper infrastructure for cycling such as bike lanes/safe routes.

Outside of big cities, cycling is possible even now. Many inhabitants of Jaffna and Batticaloa, especially women, do cycling. They are the fortunate ones.

This writer states that cycling is a fantastic way to discover Sri Lanka – a small island. Once the infrastructure is fairly  improved/in place, foreign tourists must be encouraged to cycle, everywhere.

In Australia, Malaysia, cycling is allowed even on highways (motorways).

It must be made compulsory to wear a helmet for cycling. They definitely save lives and prevent injuries.

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