Posted on December 1st, 2024

Sarath  Wijesinghe President’s Counsel, Solicitor in England and Wales  former Ambassador to UAE and Israel and President Ambassador’s Forum

Tourist Tourism and hospitality trade

Tourist is one who travels away from the residence for a period  over 24 hours for pleasure, leisure rest,holiday in addition to any other reason. But human by nature is  to travel  at any available opportunities are ready to travel and explore as has been done for generations. Human travelled to explore and better green pasters with better resources facialists and environments.With modern facilities to travel human adopted new and quicker methods of conveyance for the human development reached today with faster and most advanced  modes of conveyance, until most modern methods  are developed on Artificial Intelligence or other means to transmit themselves via most modern methods  as now when we watch on movies showing the future travel on space which the human may experience in the near future. This is the era for tourists and tourism which is the most productive and fast moving  industry in the  world which is easy for any nation to prosper with available resources and the geographical positioning of  the nation, add to hospitality which is also a consumer item available at a certain consideration. Hospitality is meeting and greeting with a worm hand for or with a consideration, and in tourism it is prices as payment for tourism all inclusive with food and  other requirements and facilities. Ambassador’s forum has published volume 11 on tourism with 40 chapters available to read free on Google Drive, in addition to number of articles on tourism by teh author all research based articles.

Fastest growing industry

It is the fastest growing and easiest industry that contributes 2.3 trillion in USA, 1.3 trillion in China, and 237.1 billion in Whilst contributing 2.5% in Sri Lanka earning 2.35 billion as revenue, when the potential of tourism is much more as the real potential is not properly, and scientifically exploited to the maximum capacity, despite the positive factors the nation possesses to be the best tourist  destination on the Globe. Sri Lanka is an ideal compact island tailormade for tourism, yet needs modernisation to bring to world standards to attract tourist of the world over state intervention and State Private partnership is required to take off as a tourist hub in the powerful Indian ocean. It is pleased to note the governance has realised the potential and need  to promote tourism in this country with a great potential for tourism with least effort making use of the available resources, and natural beauty and excellent climate conditions differ in a matter of the drive of few miles on the excellent network of roads surrounded by beautiful sceneries. It is unfortunate these beauty, and other advantages are not properly and fully utilised to promote tourism in Sri Lanka, despite high literary rate, IT penetration with youth with kentledge on modern technology,and we see some rays of hopes when articles published, and the positive approach of the head of tourism and the activism of the line Minister who appear to understand the need and a vision for future tourism that could change economic downturn on positive directions.

Public Private Partnership on tourist industry

France is leading as the most visited tourist hotspot,with arrival of 100 million  tourists earning 685 billion with activism from the public sector and private sector exploiting all resources on heritage, culture, geographical positioning, and econimic factors. France was quick on grabbing Olympic and the theme park at initial stages as a leader on tourism using Eiffel  tower as an emblem of tourist industry and grabbing Olympic to France and using the brand name Eiffel to teh world have brought them to the top of the league on tourism. UK earns 237.1 billion contributing 9.9 trillion to the GDP making use of the position as a business hub and being a world power for teh benefit of the tourist industry which is linked to business and political culture. Business community and trade and industry organizations work hand in hand with the state on the promotion of tourism which is a classic example for Sri Lanka to follow as teh legal system and the governance. USA earns 175.9 billion collecting 2645 per tourist which is an example to out industry depending on only 149$ from each tourist. It is salutary for THASL to invite Minister Herath to plenteous and historic Mount Lavinia and FT to give publicity to the event that will help the tourist industry to  take off internationally and encourage for more and more public private cooperation on the industry. These information indicates how important the state intervention and PP partnership is needed for a leading tourist culture. There is lot for us to learn from the success of these tourism leaders.

Speech by Minster Herath

Speech by the line Minister Herath is straight and to the  point on policy and strategy is commendable and sending the  message across to all the sector locally and internationally, that is a new venter innovation competition with ethers, to raise 169$per day income to international standards when Maldives are attracting high end tourist only with the main resource shallow water and small islands. He said it is more than an industry and it reflects, history,culture and past glory our tourist industry has not properly made use when we possess highest standards in all these sectors. He further mentions on new venters,inventions, competition and devirilization which is the talk of the town linked to general developments.’’THASEL’’ the hoteliers organisation headed by Mr ‘’Shantikumar’’ we understand is controlling 70% of the industry and we as Ambassador’s forum in UK/SL pleased to organize few events in Sri Lanaka with the assistance of Mount Lavinia hotel, Dr Hans Wijesuruya and ICTA he is heading on activating and promoting 66the digitalization process of Sri Lanka which is the need of the hour in all sectors especially on good governance and tourism. There is a good word for the head of tourism and  Mt Lavinia hotel for sponsoring promotional events that is need to be followed by others for the benefit of themselves and the  nation as a whole.

Developments of the  Industry as a leading Mega and SME based industry

 Tourism has gained grounds after the introduction  of air travel and  revolutinary IT developments for the tourism industry to communicate easier, cheaper and faster for the industry to thrive as an industry providing the maximum GDB of world and the  respective nations when Sri Lanka gets substantial amount for GDP on tourism ever increasing. Though small in size Sri Lanka have been in the map of tourist industry for decades famous among travellers countries and other sectors such as historians religious leaders and those interested in international business  and international  relations. Lot is written on the beauty of Sri Lanka culture and Buddhism as a leader of the Theravada Buddhist Chapter and ag an agriculture entity with a great history. Sri Lanka is a beautiful compact island with all requirements and resources to be the  best tourist destination yet not fully exploited the  natural beauty and resources to the maximum capacity, and a country with place of religious and areological significance  interest and places of Worship of many religions.


Any traveller will as the initial step look at the bank balance and leave available for travel if employed and days available if in business, and find the destination on the internet and making inquiries from friends, relations and others known and reputed on travel experience and knowledge on  world affairs. Traveller may have different kinds of interests needs or requirements as the human nature is for varied and interest which is the human nature. Today with the ‘IT’ literary rates and the modern way of life of internet age  is the most probable vehicle for an average citizen to find available information is the  internet that has is taken over  reliable and efficient mode of communication and collection of information    any average person will browse the net looking for a destination based on the knowledge they have collected form friends and media in addition to  heresy evidence. There are ample  of tourist destinations  world over offering tourism to the prospective tourists with facilities, perks and have taken measures to publishes their destinations. Therefore it is a competitive business and it is necessary to live up to the expectations of the tourists  expecting world standards at a competitive price with modern filialities. Comparison online is very easy on the developments on the internet and standards  are maintained con comparative basis on the other competitors, as the  famous adage ‘’Sri Lanka is not the only beautiful girl on the beach’’ showing there are lot more competitors such as India, China, Vietnam, Maldives, Nepal, and many other  Competitors  for Sri Lanka is close vicinity or even far away. In addition to providing necessary requirements and faciality’s to the  tourists and tourism giving priority to the internet the world has access cheap and easily with the click  of a button click from anywhere of the world and it is imperative the tourist nations must give priority to make use the modern form of publicity to popularize tourism in Sri Lanka to teh world. Fortunately Sri Lanka can provide most of the needs of tourist in this compact island in addition to the inherent smile with teh common man adds to hospitality the avenge tourist is awaiting for.

Countries offer tourism to travellers

Tourism is the fastest growing, profitable, and productive industry to manage with limited investments that provides substantial sums to the GDP of the  world and the respective countries. Most visited country is France followed by USA, UK, China and many due to various reasons despite the cost as due to teh need and teh demand. GDP from tourism globally and especially by USA, FRANCE, UK, China and many other countries are substantial and they give emphasis for the promotion of tourism as a priority with vigorous promotional activities and  providing facilities to the tourists at competitive prices. Small nations depend on tourism more than major powers as they need foreign exchange and the easiest mode  from tourism to be obtained the maximum benefit from the available resource and offering hospitality and the needs of the tourists, looking for a change and novelty in life away from the busy life they lead in urban lifestyle. UAE is a small nation on the top bracket on tourism with minimum resources has invested their newly found oil in 1960 on developments on infra structure, industrious, and tourism making use of soil which is the only available resource for tourism on sandy mountains in the night and malls and infrastructure with high end hotels and artificial waterfalls in the absence of water and desalinated water from the sea for  industrial use. They have invested lot on education, international conference centres, and many buildings and facilities to attract the international community while maintaining perfect peace and law and order with minimum crime rate which  is appealing to the travellers, and investors as investments, education, infrastructures, and peace and independence are linked to promoting tourism. UAE is careful on good governance, efficient state sector,excellent communication and IT system with modern systems based on digitalisation with one stop shops for the investees helps tourism directly and indirectly on reciprocal  basis. System of legal proceedings on commercial matters are English law and the civil and others are bit expensive but fast and clear with not many complaints. All this helps tourism and the existence of the tallest building, excellent infra structure, availability of land and availability   and investment opportunities on land houses and business are attractions for high end tourists and investors looking for peaceful canter hidden from to invest with a peace of mind and accordingly many in other parts f the world choose UAE as a place to invest their money away from home.and the availability of houses at a given price attract the high end tourist in this centre of business, and education hub connected to many air and naval lines situated in somewhat centrally. Maldives is the other small nation extremely successful with least resources , yet attracting high end tourists for peace of mind, shallow water, sunlight on abundance, and safety and security. They most;y depend on tourism for their GDP and maintain the relations with all powerbocks carefully as a tiny nation alone in the mod sea. Any way it is a success story doing so well on tourism only having shallow water as main resource on promoting of tourism. Singapore has been a neglected barren land brought to what it is today by a visionary leader by imposing struct discipline, whilst improving on education infrastructure, and business educations and relations as a business and an education hub and a centre for international arbitrations business promotions with excellent set of admiration supporting business whist promoting high end tourism and an international centre for business, education, business transections, and a naval hub. Singapore has a successful story on tourism connected to business, education and all kinds of business deals. Israel is a small tiny strip of land in enemies around in war yet leading on agriculture, arms deals and manufacture of armament’s, famous for innovations and also tourism manly based on religious tourism due to the historical significance of the historical ad religious sites in Israel for the followers of Christianity and the related religions world wile considering Israeli as the centre of worship yet a famous tourist hotspot despite strict security arrangements. They are the leader on agriculture where it is 96% technology and the citizens highly educated and innovative with large number of SME s engaged innovations, aerostructure and also tours. We have discussed the success stories of few nations with few resources yet successful on tourist industry due to their innovative hard work and adoptability to situations. Undoubtedly Sri Lanka is lot more fortunate that app above mentioned tourist hotspots yet why not so successful despite so much and many natural resources within an a compact island situated on the traditional and famous silk route with access to shipping and airlines on the powerful ndian ocean surrounded by shallow beautiful sandy land and excellent climatic conditions with plenty of water sprung from hill country spread all-over the island when UAE had to desalinate sea water and Singapore had to buy water form the neighbour Malaysia.

Why Sri Lanka and Way Forward

Tourist like and choose Sri Lanka for what it is which the Sri Lankans still have not understood and realised. It is  advisable to Sri Lankans especially living abroad, and those employed  in Embassies to learn bit more on the motherland which is so easy as it is a matter of browsing the internet which is so easy and cheap. Then it is their duty to collaborate with teh governance and the private sector work towards promotional matters even on a profitable basis or as a SME as in Israel where every citizen is an innovators and an SME on innovation’s that helps tourism too. Line Ministers speech at Mt Lavinia is clear and loud that it is more than a business and that it is our future which is based on our culture,heritage and the compact island with everything gin it. The answer Why Sri Lanka is embodied in the above paragraph.

Please browse articles by the author on the internet on tourism including Lanka today-digital tourism/volume ‘’11’’ on tourism published by Ambassadors forum with 40 Chapters/way forward for the best tourist destination and many more sarathdw28@gmail.com

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