“I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104” said Vijitha Bulathsinghala  (March 12, 2025) -This letter is my response to Deepak Anand, Conservative MPP for Mississauga-Malton, to whom Vijitha Bulathsinghala wrote.
Posted on March 18th, 2025

Asoka Weerasinghe

Mr.Deepak Anand,  (Conservative) MPP  Mississauga-Malton
7895 Tranmere Drive, Unit 11
Mississauga, On
L5S 1V9

I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104” said Vijitha Bulathsinghala  (March 12, 2025)

This letter is my response to Deepak Anand, Conservative MPP for Mississauga-Malton, to whom Vijitha Bulathsinghala wrote.

2066 Kings Grove Crescent Ottawa, Ontario . K1J 6G1               17 March 2025

Dear Deepak:

 I am Asoka Weerasinghe of Ottawa East, a Sinhalese Buddhist, from Sri Lanka, who has been domiciled in Canada since October 16, 1970  (who arrived in Canada from London, England,  having lived there since December 1956). I did not vote for your party member in Ottawa-Vanier, and I would not have even holding my nose closed and drop my ballot into the box, to keep away from the sickly smell of the lying Canadian politicians who provide oxygen to the separatist Tamils to continue with their diatribe

to hurt my Mother Lanka who nurtured me with affection for the first 19-years of my life.

There is a sense of gratitude in me — I was brought up that way by my Mum and Dad, the Classic WEERA-SINHA’S who you see holding a sword upright in Sri Lanka’s National Flag.

Deepak, I was  a card carrying Conservative many, many moons ago,who packed you all and put away together with the Liberals and NDPers with a commitment to never ever vote for your bunch, who I consider as ‘God damn Liars’, when you all accused my Mother Lanka to have committed “Genocide” on your Constituent  Tamil Friends, the

Tamils who are sympathisers for the Tamil Tiger Terrorists and their separatist  mono-ethnic Eelam cause.

Deepak, what a bloody shame, when you Canadian politicians show your hypocrisy

recognizing others Genocide that you say happened 13,995 km (Toronto to Colombo)  away except your own Genocide 4,007 km (Mississauga to Kamloops) away of Canada’s Indigenous peoples in Kamloops, B.C.

Shish! Deepak, let’s cut out that We are Holier than thou’ attitude as we Canadians are not that Holy, nor are they lily-white.

The Tamil Tigers were serial killers who killed my innocent Sinhalese people, farmers and fisher folk, the pregnant mothers, and infants plucked from their Mother’s breasts, and kids. in the border villages in the North and East of Sri Lanka, which happens to be part of my Homeland the beautiful resplendent island, Sri Lanka.  And Conservative politicians  say that you all got bleeding hearts —what rubbish..what poppycock…what strings of masala wades with a dead curled shrimp fried-stuck in the center hanging at the windows in Curry Huts in Mississauga-Malton.

Deepak, get this right.  It were these Tamil terrorists who were spoiling for a fight,  and not with stones, catapults and bamboo sticks, but with Kalashnikov live bullets, mallets and butcher knives, claymore mines and hand grenades brought in eleven armoury

Warships along the east coast’s Mullaitivu at night’s dark.

They were aided and abetted by Canadian Government’s of Chretian, and Martin letting the Canadian-Tamils collect 2-million dollars a month for 13 years to stuff the Tamil Tiger war chests to buy sophisticated war weapons to kill my people. Nasty…nasty…and that was brutal Canada.  Shame on You politicians and this immigrant-Canadian resents it.

After the Tamil Tiger Terrorist-butts were whipped on May 19, 2009, they started crying and lying like man-babies, and Canadian politicians like you with bleeding hearts sucked in turning your guns at the Government of Sri Lanka saying that they committed Genocide against the Tamils.  It is only the Canadian politicians like you who says so, when even the UN says that there were no such acts of Genocide. 

It was the normal ‘War attrition of life’ when you live by the gun that you die by the gun.  It’s that simple.   As there was no Manual for Dummies prepared by your Canadian Government nor Amnesty International, nor the United Nations to instruct the

Sri Lankan soldiers, how to win a war without killing anyone, Let’s STOP the Tamil vote

hungry fingers pointing wrongly at Sri Lanka, which happened to be my O Sri Lanka my Home and Native Land….from far and wide…O Sri Lanka I will stand on guard for thee…”

Deepak, if I question the Mirror in my washroom, “Mirror….mirror…on the wall, who is the liar of them all,  who accuse my Mother Lanka as a Tamil Genocide Wallah?.; The Mirror will tell me , it’s the Tamil vote hungry Canadian politicians.”    Damn it, I knew it all along…” I would respond

Vijitha told you in his letter of March 12”…I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104”.  Those collective words …but we do not like Bill 104”, includes me, Ottawa’s Asoka

Weerasinghe, too.

To conclude this letter to you I will prove positive that you Tamil vote hungry politicians of all three major Canadian political parties, the Conservatives, the LIberals and the NDPers, lie and exaggerate when talking of Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka, as I told you earlier as Hogs wash, Cods wallop, poppycock, buckets of capelin washed on the shores of Middle Cove in Newfoundland, and strings of Tamil masala wade,

Here is an exaggerated lie in the Preamble presented on Bill 104  – the Act to proclaim Tamil Genocide Education Week.

Here’s the exaggerated lie in the text of the Preamble of Bill 104.

For example, the Sinhala Only Act of 1956 made Sinhalese the official language of Sri Lanka ignoring the 29 percent of the population whose primary language was Tamil…” 

There were no 29 percent of people who spoke the Tamil language…” I am surprised that the Tamil draftsman had difficulty doing a simple Grade 3 addition of numbers.

According to.the Tamil speaking population Census Stats of  Sri Lanka in 1981 was thus:

Tamils   …. 1,871,535 (12.6%); Indian Tamils 825,233 (5.5%); ?suspect Tamil speaking Moors  1,056,972 (7.1%)

Simple Grade 3 Arithmetic Class would come up with – 12.6%+ 5.5% + ?7.1% =

25.2%   And Holy Cow, that is not the exaggerated number of 29%.

These Tamils certainly knew how to make the Canadian politicians suckers” when they were hungry for the Sinhala blood soaked Tamil votes…

And by the way, Deepak, did any Tamil, not two or three, just one thank the Sri Lankan soldiers for saving 295,873 Tamil refugees who were used as a Human Shield by the Tamil Tigers during the final six months of the Eelam War, from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers.  These refugee were marched under a scorching Jaffna-Killinochchi sun  like a herd of unwashed cattle from the west coast to the east coast,  The 295,873 Tamil, refugees were easy targets to be bumped-off and  would have been a good reason to call it Genocide.  But it didn’t happen.  How and Why, I ask?   And so would you!

If Genocide was the calling  of Sri Lankan soldiers to win the war, but they did not bump off the 295,873 Tamils.  They were not only rescued from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers,  but these God’s sent saviours housed the 295,873 rescued Tamils in a white tent city and sustained them by preparing a million meals, hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day.  You bet, Genocide was never in the Sri Lankan soldier’s victory cards..  It was a Humane War Textbook  Human Rights Classic Act which deserved a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize..  

But no Canadian wants to talk about it, as it would only diminish the Tamil refugee cause for being considered to be a ‘Convention Refugee’..   Deepak, think about it.  You have certainly shunned the opportunity to prove to be an Honest Canadian politician.   Shucks!   Damn the Tamil lies! C’est la vie!

There are no If’s and But’s Mother Lanka, you bet I will stand on guard for thee in every nook and corner of Canada.   Jayawewa…Jayawewa…Jayawewa

Bless You!


Asoka Weerasinghe

Mr.Deepak Anand,  (Conservative) MPP  Mississauga-Malton

7895 Tranmere Drive, Unit 11

Mississauga, On

L5S 1V9

I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104” said Vijitha Bulathsinghala  (March 12, 2025)

This letter is my response to Deepak Anand, Conservative MPP for Mississauga-Malton, to whom Vijitha Bulathsinghala wrote.

2066 Kings Grove Crescent Ottawa, Ontario . K1J 6G1               17 March 2025

Dear Deepak:

 I am Asoka Weerasinghe of Ottawa East, a Sinhalese Buddhist, from Sri Lanka, who has been domiciled in Canada since October 16, 1970  (who arrived in Canada from London, England,  having lived there since December 1956). I did not vote for your party member in Ottawa-Vanier, and I would not have even holding my nose closed and drop my ballot into the box, to keep away from the sickly smell of the lying Canadian politicians who provide oxygen to the separatist Tamils to continue with their diatribe

to hurt my Mother Lanka who nurtured me with affection for the first 19-years of my life.

There is a sense of gratitude in me — I was brought up that way by my Mum and Dad, the Classic WEERA-SINHA’S who you see holding a sword upright in Sri Lanka’s National Flag.

Deepak, I was  a card carrying Conservative many, many moons ago,who packed you all and put away together with the Liberals and NDPers with a commitment to never ever vote for your bunch, who I consider as ‘God damn Liars’, when you all accused my Mother Lanka to have committed “Genocide” on your Constituent  Tamil Friends, the

Tamils who are sympathisers for the Tamil Tiger Terrorists and their separatist  mono-ethnic Eelam cause.

Deepak, what a bloody shame, when you Canadian politicians show your hypocrisy

recognizing others Genocide that you say happened 13,995 km (Toronto to Colombo)  away except your own Genocide 4,007 km (Mississauga to Kamloops) away of Canada’s Indigenous peoples in Kamloops, B.C.

Shish! Deepak, let’s cut out that We are Holier than thou’ attitude as we Canadians are not that Holy, nor are they lily-white.

The Tamil Tigers were serial killers who killed my innocent Sinhalese people, farmers and fisher folk, the pregnant mothers, and infants plucked from their Mother’s breasts, and kids. in the border villages in the North and East of Sri Lanka, which happens to be part of my Homeland the beautiful resplendent island, Sri Lanka.  And Conservative politicians  say that you all got bleeding hearts —what rubbish..what poppycock…what strings of masala wades with a dead curled shrimp fried-stuck in the center hanging at the windows in Curry Huts in Mississauga-Malton.

Deepak, get this right.  It were these Tamil terrorists who were spoiling for a fight,  and not with stones, catapults and bamboo sticks, but with Kalashnikov live bullets, mallets and butcher knives, claymore mines and hand grenades brought in eleven armoury

Warships along the east coast’s Mullaitivu at night’s dark.

They were aided and abetted by Canadian Government’s of Chretian, and Martin letting the Canadian-Tamils collect 2-million dollars a month for 13 years to stuff the Tamil Tiger war chests to buy sophisticated war weapons to kill my people. Nasty…nasty…and that was brutal Canada.  Shame on You politicians and this immigrant-Canadian resents it.

After the Tamil Tiger Terrorist-butts were whipped on May 19, 2009, they started crying and lying like man-babies, and Canadian politicians like you with bleeding hearts sucked in turning your guns at the Government of Sri Lanka saying that they committed Genocide against the Tamils.  It is only the Canadian politicians like you who says so, when even the UN says that there were no such acts of Genocide. 

It was the normal ‘War attrition of life’ when you live by the gun that you die by the gun.  It’s that simple.   As there was no Manual for Dummies prepared by your Canadian Government nor Amnesty International, nor the United Nations to instruct the

Sri Lankan soldiers, how to win a war without killing anyone, Let’s STOP the Tamil vote

hungry fingers pointing wrongly at Sri Lanka, which happened to be my O Sri Lanka my Home and Native Land….from far and wide…O Sri Lanka I will stand on guard for thee…”

Deepak, if I question the Mirror in my washroom, “Mirror….mirror…on the wall, who is the liar of them all,  who accuse my Mother Lanka as a Tamil Genocide Wallah?.; The Mirror will tell me , it’s the Tamil vote hungry Canadian politicians.”    Damn it, I knew it all along…” I would respond

Vijitha told you in his letter of March 12”…I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104”.  Those collective words …but we do not like Bill 104”, includes me, Ottawa’s Asoka

Weerasinghe, too.

To conclude this letter to you I will prove positive that you Tamil vote hungry politicians of all three major Canadian political parties, the Conservatives, the LIberals and the NDPers, lie and exaggerate when talking of Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka, as I told you earlier as Hogs wash, Cods wallop, poppycock, buckets of capelin washed on the shores of Middle Cove in Newfoundland, and strings of Tamil masala wade,

Here is an exaggerated lie in the Preamble presented on Bill 104  – the Act to proclaim Tamil Genocide Education Week.

Here’s the exaggerated lie in the text of the Preamble of Bill 104.

For example, the Sinhala Only Act of 1956 made Sinhalese the official language of Sri Lanka ignoring the 29 percent of the population whose primary language was Tamil…” 

There were no 29 percent of people who spoke the Tamil language…” I am surprised that the Tamil draftsman had difficulty doing a simple Grade 3 addition of numbers.

According to.the Tamil speaking population Census Stats of  Sri Lanka in 1981 was thus:

Tamils   …. 1,871,535 (12.6%); Indian Tamils 825,233 (5.5%); ?suspect Tamil speaking Moors  1,056,972 (7.1%)

Simple Grade 3 Arithmetic Class would come up with – 12.6%+ 5.5% + ?7.1% =

25.2%   And Holy Cow, that is not the exaggerated number of 29%.

These Tamils certainly knew how to make the Canadian politicians suckers” when they were hungry for the Sinhala blood soaked Tamil votes…

And by the way, Deepak, did any Tamil, not two or three, just one thank the Sri Lankan soldiers for saving 295,873 Tamil refugees who were used as a Human Shield by the Tamil Tigers during the final six months of the Eelam War, from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers.  These refugee were marched under a scorching Jaffna-Killinochchi sun  like a herd of unwashed cattle from the west coast to the east coast,  The 295,873 Tamil, refugees were easy targets to be bumped-off and  would have been a good reason to call it Genocide.  But it didn’t happen.  How and Why, I ask?   And so would you!

If Genocide was the calling  of Sri Lankan soldiers to win the war, but they did not bump off the 295,873 Tamils.  They were not only rescued from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers,  but these God’s sent saviours housed the 295,873 rescued Tamils in a white tent city and sustained them by preparing a million meals, hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day.  You bet, Genocide was never in the Sri Lankan soldier’s victory cards..  It was a Humane War Textbook  Human Rights Classic Act which deserved a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize..  

But no Canadian wants to talk about it, as it would only diminish the Tamil refugee cause for being considered to be a ‘Convention Refugee’..   Deepak, think about it.  You have certainly shunned the opportunity to prove to be an Honest Canadian politician.   Shucks!   Damn the Tamil lies! C’est la vie!

There are no If’s and But’s Mother Lanka, you bet I will stand on guard for thee in every nook and corner of Canada.   Jayawewa…Jayawewa…Jayawewa

Bless You!


Asoka Weerasinghe

Mr.Deepak Anand,  (Conservative) MPP  Mississauga-Malton

7895 Tranmere Drive, Unit 11

Mississauga, On

L5S 1V9

I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104” said Vijitha Bulathsinghala  (March 12, 2025)

This letter is my response to Deepak Anand, Conservative MPP for Mississauga-Malton, to whom Vijitha Bulathsinghala wrote.

2066 Kings Grove Crescent Ottawa, Ontario . K1J 6G1               17 March 2025

Dear Deepak:

 I am Asoka Weerasinghe of Ottawa East, a Sinhalese Buddhist, from Sri Lanka, who has been domiciled in Canada since October 16, 1970  (who arrived in Canada from London, England,  having lived there since December 1956). I did not vote for your party member in Ottawa-Vanier, and I would not have even holding my nose closed and drop my ballot into the box, to keep away from the sickly smell of the lying Canadian politicians who provide oxygen to the separatist Tamils to continue with their diatribe

to hurt my Mother Lanka who nurtured me with affection for the first 19-years of my life.

There is a sense of gratitude in me — I was brought up that way by my Mum and Dad, the Classic WEERA-SINHA’S who you see holding a sword upright in Sri Lanka’s National Flag.

Deepak, I was  a card carrying Conservative many, many moons ago,who packed you all and put away together with the Liberals and NDPers with a commitment to never ever vote for your bunch, who I consider as ‘God damn Liars’, when you all accused my Mother Lanka to have committed “Genocide” on your Constituent  Tamil Friends, the

Tamils who are sympathisers for the Tamil Tiger Terrorists and their separatist  mono-ethnic Eelam cause.

Deepak, what a bloody shame, when you Canadian politicians show your hypocrisy

recognizing others Genocide that you say happened 13,995 km (Toronto to Colombo)  away except your own Genocide 4,007 km (Mississauga to Kamloops) away of Canada’s Indigenous peoples in Kamloops, B.C.

Shish! Deepak, let’s cut out that We are Holier than thou’ attitude as we Canadians are not that Holy, nor are they lily-white.

The Tamil Tigers were serial killers who killed my innocent Sinhalese people, farmers and fisher folk, the pregnant mothers, and infants plucked from their Mother’s breasts, and kids. in the border villages in the North and East of Sri Lanka, which happens to be part of my Homeland the beautiful resplendent island, Sri Lanka.  And Conservative politicians  say that you all got bleeding hearts —what rubbish..what poppycock…what strings of masala wades with a dead curled shrimp fried-stuck in the center hanging at the windows in Curry Huts in Mississauga-Malton.

Deepak, get this right.  It were these Tamil terrorists who were spoiling for a fight,  and not with stones, catapults and bamboo sticks, but with Kalashnikov live bullets, mallets and butcher knives, claymore mines and hand grenades brought in eleven armoury

Warships along the east coast’s Mullaitivu at night’s dark.

They were aided and abetted by Canadian Government’s of Chretian, and Martin letting the Canadian-Tamils collect 2-million dollars a month for 13 years to stuff the Tamil Tiger war chests to buy sophisticated war weapons to kill my people. Nasty…nasty…and that was brutal Canada.  Shame on You politicians and this immigrant-Canadian resents it.

After the Tamil Tiger Terrorist-butts were whipped on May 19, 2009, they started crying and lying like man-babies, and Canadian politicians like you with bleeding hearts sucked in turning your guns at the Government of Sri Lanka saying that they committed Genocide against the Tamils.  It is only the Canadian politicians like you who says so, when even the UN says that there were no such acts of Genocide. 

It was the normal ‘War attrition of life’ when you live by the gun that you die by the gun.  It’s that simple.   As there was no Manual for Dummies prepared by your Canadian Government nor Amnesty International, nor the United Nations to instruct the

Sri Lankan soldiers, how to win a war without killing anyone, Let’s STOP the Tamil vote

hungry fingers pointing wrongly at Sri Lanka, which happened to be my O Sri Lanka my Home and Native Land….from far and wide…O Sri Lanka I will stand on guard for thee…”

Deepak, if I question the Mirror in my washroom, “Mirror….mirror…on the wall, who is the liar of them all,  who accuse my Mother Lanka as a Tamil Genocide Wallah?.; The Mirror will tell me , it’s the Tamil vote hungry Canadian politicians.”    Damn it, I knew it all along…” I would respond

Vijitha told you in his letter of March 12”…I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104”.  Those collective words …but we do not like Bill 104”, includes me, Ottawa’s Asoka

Weerasinghe, too.

To conclude this letter to you I will prove positive that you Tamil vote hungry politicians of all three major Canadian political parties, the Conservatives, the LIberals and the NDPers, lie and exaggerate when talking of Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka, as I told you earlier as Hogs wash, Cods wallop, poppycock, buckets of capelin washed on the shores of Middle Cove in Newfoundland, and strings of Tamil masala wade,

Here is an exaggerated lie in the Preamble presented on Bill 104  – the Act to proclaim Tamil Genocide Education Week.

Here’s the exaggerated lie in the text of the Preamble of Bill 104.

For example, the Sinhala Only Act of 1956 made Sinhalese the official language of Sri Lanka ignoring the 29 percent of the population whose primary language was Tamil…” 

There were no 29 percent of people who spoke the Tamil language…” I am surprised that the Tamil draftsman had difficulty doing a simple Grade 3 addition of numbers.

According to.the Tamil speaking population Census Stats of  Sri Lanka in 1981 was thus:

Tamils   …. 1,871,535 (12.6%); Indian Tamils 825,233 (5.5%); ?suspect Tamil speaking Moors  1,056,972 (7.1%)

Simple Grade 3 Arithmetic Class would come up with – 12.6%+ 5.5% + ?7.1% =

25.2%   And Holy Cow, that is not the exaggerated number of 29%.

These Tamils certainly knew how to make the Canadian politicians suckers” when they were hungry for the Sinhala blood soaked Tamil votes…

And by the way, Deepak, did any Tamil, not two or three, just one thank the Sri Lankan soldiers for saving 295,873 Tamil refugees who were used as a Human Shield by the Tamil Tigers during the final six months of the Eelam War, from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers.  These refugee were marched under a scorching Jaffna-Killinochchi sun  like a herd of unwashed cattle from the west coast to the east coast,  The 295,873 Tamil, refugees were easy targets to be bumped-off and  would have been a good reason to call it Genocide.  But it didn’t happen.  How and Why, I ask?   And so would you!

If Genocide was the calling  of Sri Lankan soldiers to win the war, but they did not bump off the 295,873 Tamils.  They were not only rescued from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers,  but these God’s sent saviours housed the 295,873 rescued Tamils in a white tent city and sustained them by preparing a million meals, hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day.  You bet, Genocide was never in the Sri Lankan soldier’s victory cards..  It was a Humane War Textbook  Human Rights Classic Act which deserved a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize..  

But no Canadian wants to talk about it, as it would only diminish the Tamil refugee cause for being considered to be a ‘Convention Refugee’..   Deepak, think about it.  You have certainly shunned the opportunity to prove to be an Honest Canadian politician.   Shucks!   Damn the Tamil lies! C’est la vie!

There are no If’s and But’s Mother Lanka, you bet I will stand on guard for thee in every nook and corner of Canada.   Jayawewa…Jayawewa…Jayawewa

Bless You!


Asoka WeerasingheMr.Deepak Anand,  (Conservative) MPP  Mississauga-Malton

7895 Tranmere Drive, Unit 11

Mississauga, On

L5S 1V9

I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104” said Vijitha Bulathsinghala  (March 12, 2025)

This letter is my response to Deepak Anand, Conservative MPP for Mississauga-Malton, to whom Vijitha Bulathsinghala wrote.

2066 Kings Grove Crescent Ottawa, Ontario . K1J 6G1               17 March 2025

Dear Deepak:

 I am Asoka Weerasinghe of Ottawa East, a Sinhalese Buddhist, from Sri Lanka, who has been domiciled in Canada since October 16, 1970  (who arrived in Canada from London, England,  having lived there since December 1956). I did not vote for your party member in Ottawa-Vanier, and I would not have even holding my nose closed and drop my ballot into the box, to keep away from the sickly smell of the lying Canadian politicians who provide oxygen to the separatist Tamils to continue with their diatribe

to hurt my Mother Lanka who nurtured me with affection for the first 19-years of my life.

There is a sense of gratitude in me — I was brought up that way by my Mum and Dad, the Classic WEERA-SINHA’S who you see holding a sword upright in Sri Lanka’s National Flag.

Deepak, I was  a card carrying Conservative many, many moons ago,who packed you all and put away together with the Liberals and NDPers with a commitment to never ever vote for your bunch, who I consider as ‘God damn Liars’, when you all accused my Mother Lanka to have committed “Genocide” on your Constituent  Tamil Friends, the

Tamils who are sympathisers for the Tamil Tiger Terrorists and their separatist  mono-ethnic Eelam cause.

Deepak, what a bloody shame, when you Canadian politicians show your hypocrisy

recognizing others Genocide that you say happened 13,995 km (Toronto to Colombo)  away except your own Genocide 4,007 km (Mississauga to Kamloops) away of Canada’s Indigenous peoples in Kamloops, B.C.

Shish! Deepak, let’s cut out that We are Holier than thou’ attitude as we Canadians are not that Holy, nor are they lily-white.

The Tamil Tigers were serial killers who killed my innocent Sinhalese people, farmers and fisher folk, the pregnant mothers, and infants plucked from their Mother’s breasts, and kids. in the border villages in the North and East of Sri Lanka, which happens to be part of my Homeland the beautiful resplendent island, Sri Lanka.  And Conservative politicians  say that you all got bleeding hearts —what rubbish..what poppycock…what strings of masala wades with a dead curled shrimp fried-stuck in the center hanging at the windows in Curry Huts in Mississauga-Malton.

Deepak, get this right.  It were these Tamil terrorists who were spoiling for a fight,  and not with stones, catapults and bamboo sticks, but with Kalashnikov live bullets, mallets and butcher knives, claymore mines and hand grenades brought in eleven armoury

Warships along the east coast’s Mullaitivu at night’s dark.

They were aided and abetted by Canadian Government’s of Chretian, and Martin letting the Canadian-Tamils collect 2-million dollars a month for 13 years to stuff the Tamil Tiger war chests to buy sophisticated war weapons to kill my people. Nasty…nasty…and that was brutal Canada.  Shame on You politicians and this immigrant-Canadian resents it.

After the Tamil Tiger Terrorist-butts were whipped on May 19, 2009, they started crying and lying like man-babies, and Canadian politicians like you with bleeding hearts sucked in turning your guns at the Government of Sri Lanka saying that they committed Genocide against the Tamils.  It is only the Canadian politicians like you who says so, when even the UN says that there were no such acts of Genocide. 

It was the normal ‘War attrition of life’ when you live by the gun that you die by the gun.  It’s that simple.   As there was no Manual for Dummies prepared by your Canadian Government nor Amnesty International, nor the United Nations to instruct the

Sri Lankan soldiers, how to win a war without killing anyone, Let’s STOP the Tamil vote

hungry fingers pointing wrongly at Sri Lanka, which happened to be my O Sri Lanka my Home and Native Land….from far and wide…O Sri Lanka I will stand on guard for thee…”

Deepak, if I question the Mirror in my washroom, “Mirror….mirror…on the wall, who is the liar of them all,  who accuse my Mother Lanka as a Tamil Genocide Wallah?.; The Mirror will tell me , it’s the Tamil vote hungry Canadian politicians.”    Damn it, I knew it all along…” I would respond

Vijitha told you in his letter of March 12”…I voted for you but we do not like Bill 104”.  Those collective words …but we do not like Bill 104”, includes me, Ottawa’s Asoka

Weerasinghe, too.

To conclude this letter to you I will prove positive that you Tamil vote hungry politicians of all three major Canadian political parties, the Conservatives, the LIberals and the NDPers, lie and exaggerate when talking of Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka, as I told you earlier as Hogs wash, Cods wallop, poppycock, buckets of capelin washed on the shores of Middle Cove in Newfoundland, and strings of Tamil masala wade,

Here is an exaggerated lie in the Preamble presented on Bill 104  – the Act to proclaim Tamil Genocide Education Week.

Here’s the exaggerated lie in the text of the Preamble of Bill 104.

For example, the Sinhala Only Act of 1956 made Sinhalese the official language of Sri Lanka ignoring the 29 percent of the population whose primary language was Tamil…” 

There were no 29 percent of people who spoke the Tamil language…” I am surprised that the Tamil draftsman had difficulty doing a simple Grade 3 addition of numbers.

According to.the Tamil speaking population Census Stats of  Sri Lanka in 1981 was thus:

Tamils   …. 1,871,535 (12.6%); Indian Tamils 825,233 (5.5%); ?suspect Tamil speaking Moors  1,056,972 (7.1%)

Simple Grade 3 Arithmetic Class would come up with – 12.6%+ 5.5% + ?7.1% =

25.2%   And Holy Cow, that is not the exaggerated number of 29%.

These Tamils certainly knew how to make the Canadian politicians suckers” when they were hungry for the Sinhala blood soaked Tamil votes…

And by the way, Deepak, did any Tamil, not two or three, just one thank the Sri Lankan soldiers for saving 295,873 Tamil refugees who were used as a Human Shield by the Tamil Tigers during the final six months of the Eelam War, from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers.  These refugee were marched under a scorching Jaffna-Killinochchi sun  like a herd of unwashed cattle from the west coast to the east coast,  The 295,873 Tamil, refugees were easy targets to be bumped-off and  would have been a good reason to call it Genocide.  But it didn’t happen.  How and Why, I ask?   And so would you!

If Genocide was the calling  of Sri Lankan soldiers to win the war, but they did not bump off the 295,873 Tamils.  They were not only rescued from the clutches of the Tamil Tigers,  but these God’s sent saviours housed the 295,873 rescued Tamils in a white tent city and sustained them by preparing a million meals, hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day.  You bet, Genocide was never in the Sri Lankan soldier’s victory cards..  It was a Humane War Textbook  Human Rights Classic Act which deserved a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize..  

But no Canadian wants to talk about it, as it would only diminish the Tamil refugee cause for being considered to be a ‘Convention Refugee’..   Deepak, think about it.  You have certainly shunned the opportunity to prove to be an Honest Canadian politician.   Shucks!   Damn the Tamil lies! C’est la vie!

There are no If’s and But’s Mother Lanka, you bet I will stand on guard for thee in every nook and corner of Canada.   Jayawewa…Jayawewa…Jayawewa

Bless You!


Asoka Weerasinghe

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