L.K.N. PERERA (LL.B Cey) Attorney at law 1) Appeal to revoke the name change of Estate Tamils as Malayam Tamils
Posted on March 20th, 2025

L.K.N. PERERA (LL.B Cey) Attorney at law, Labour Consultant, Ex-Senior Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, Ex Judicial Officer,Ex-President. Lanka Academic Association, Ex Director Waste Management Authority, Co -Chairman- Seruvila Mangala Maha Chaityawardena Samitiya . Advisory Committee Member of All Ceylon Buddhist Congress. Commissioner of Aragalaya Inquiry Commission

L.K.N. PERERA (LL.B Cey) Attorney at law

1) Appeal to revoke the name change of Estate Tamils as Malayam Tamils

2) Request to treat Rohingia immigrants not as refugees but as illegal immigrants.

3) Request to adopt Boomiputra Policy to protect interests of Sinhala Nation.1) Appeal to revoke the name

                        I take this opportunity to draw your Excellency’ s attention to the following statements

  1. Deputy Plantation Minister Sundaralingam Pradeep has said the present Government has renamed Estate Tamils as Malayan (Up Country) Tamils (CWC News)
  2. In your Budget Speech too, you have named Estate Tamils as Malayam Tamils without any legal authority.

2) Public statement made by Hon Minister of State Security that One Hundred Thousand Rohingias are schedule to invade Sri Lanka.

( 1 ) Both these topics need special investigations, particularly regarding their consequence. We have had enough problems by the change of the name of Malabar Coolies as Ceylon Tamils in the year 1901. This name change was done by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam , the first Ceylonese Registrar General, hoodwinking the Sinhalese leaders who were unaware of the grave consequences of this tiny change. You will be surprised to note that last 30 -year- old war was the ultimate result of this tiny name change. It is unfortunate that none of the Bikkhus nor the academics nor the so -called patriotic Sinhalese politicians have voiced their protest against this irrational move which is detrimental particularly to the Upcountry Sinhalese

Probably they may have not seen the hidden danger of this name change.

 1). NAME CHANGE of a community

In the year 1901 Sir Arunachaam Ponnabalam, being the first native Registrar General, abused his powers and changed the name, Malabar” as Ceylon Tamils”. Sinhalese leaders at that time were unaware of the hidden agenda of this name change or the grave consequences of this tiny change.

a) Who is Ponnambalam Arunachalam.

He is a grandson of a Malabar toilet cleaner who rose up to aristocratic level thank s to colonial rulers’ divide and rule policy and missionary education.

Malabar Coolies were brought to Sri Lanka by Dutch rulers (1656-1796) Dutch planted them in Jaffna Peninsula in the North. Throughout the history Sinhalese did not accept them as natives of this country. In the year 1978, I went to Madrass now called Chennai. There I found several Colombo Tamil lawyers at Egmore Station. They were visiting their relatives during court vacation. This is crystal clear proof that descendants of these Malabar coolies still maintain relationship with their relatives. Sir Arunachalam, the pioneer of Eelam Struggle died in the year 1924 in a visit to India to see his poor relatives. This incident too is vital evidence that Malabars have no right to claim an inch of land in this country. Descendants of these Malabar Coolies now claim Tissa Viharaya too as their ancestral property. Next time they will claim Seruvila Temple which has a written history of more than 2500 years too as a Hindu Kovil. Are we to tolerate further.

After this name change the so -called Ceylon Tamils started fighting for a separate autonomous state in the North and East as the first step in formation of Dravidastan or Dravida Empire. Eelam is part of that project. ( 2 ) b) Christian involvement in hiding Jaffna true history.

Eelam was a project of colonial rulers and the Christian clergy. Christian historian such as Dr.G.C,Mendis and Professor K .M.De Silva of Peradeniya University deliberately distorted the true history of Jaffna Kingdom . Legitimate heir to Jaffna Kingdom was Leveke Bandara a three- year- old infant. His custodian was Weerasundara Mudali. (See Portuguese Historian Queros – Spiritual and Temporal Conquest of Ceylon) Queros says that Kotte Tax Officers functioning in Jaffna were arrogant. So, what else you need to prove that Jaffna was under Kotte King. Against all these evidence, Hitler”s Gobbels theory was followed and the whole world was misled. The ultimate result of this Eelam campaign was the last 30 year-old war which was based on mythical concepts of Eelam project. If the Tamils or any other community cannot live peacefully in Sri Lanka, we have no alternative other than deporting them and protect the interests of Sinhalese who are the natives of this small island.

c) Branding Thesawlamai Law as an ancient law is another fabrication that led the Tamils to believe that they too have a long history in this country. Likewise   future generation of these Estate Labourers too will one day claim that Up Country is their Ancestral homeland and their kings ruled Sinhalese. Name change of Malabars as Ceylon Tamils led to several complications. Thesawalamai Enactments still call these Tamils as Malabars. It is because Sir Arunachalam had no power to change the legislative enactments.

Even the judiciary was misled by Eelam propagandists. Judiciary has not made any attempt to ascertain the truth of the history of Thesawalamai law. However their attempt to extend its application to Eastern Province was prevented by British Judges long time ago.

Dr. Suriya Gunasekera while in England has discovered that Thesawalamai law is a reproduction of Jus Mandas a German Tribal law operative in Holland . Otherwise how could be there provisions for Christian marriages in Thesawalamai Law.

                      Honoured Sir,

This name change will make Estate Tamils equal to up country Sinhalese (Kandyans) who are natives of Up country. Thereafter they will say that Sinhalese were ruled by their kings quoting last king Sri Wickram Rajasingher of Kandy.

 ( 3 ) After all, the government has no legal right to change the name of community to the whim and fancies of their leaders. Such attempt should necessarily go before a referendum J.R. Jayawardena as the UNP leader in the 1977 General Election had secretly agreed with late Saumamoorthi Thondaman, the leader of Estate Tamils to grant citizenship rights to Estate Tamils. It was not in his Election Manifesto and Sinhalese were unaware of this Secret agreement. This shows that J.R.Jayawardena hoodwinked the Sinhala masses.. This is how Estate Tamils got citizenship rights. Now they are claiming lands too. These lands are the lands robbed by colonial rulers under Waste Land Ordinance. (From their prescriptive owners -The Kandyana Sinhalese) For the second time the lands belonging to Sinhalese were robbed by Sirima Bandaranayake Government under the cover of Land Reform commission.

Now your government is going to construct houses for these estate labourers. Not only that your government is ready to distribute these lands to them. What a shame. What a pity and what a betrayal?

Poor Sinhalese live in shanties. Some of them live by the side of rail roads. Isn’t It pathetic. This is how Sinhalese are ill-treated by their own politicians, the so-called patriots. Power hungry Sinhalese rulers in the yester years have given unnecessary privileges to the migrant Malabar (Now called Tamil) labourers and Muslims. Muslims too have come to Sri Lanka along with Malabars. Some have come from Egypt, Aden etc. Now they too claim parts of this country as their homelands. This is ridiculous. It is said that Muslims do not allow Sinhalese to run a Shop in Kattankudy.

Possible Consequences of this name change You may be aware that some Estate youth joined Eelam Struggle. Their aim was to have a separate Tamil province for them and to Join Eelam, Eelam Threat still exists. It is unfortunate that our leaders do not understand the gravity of the forthcoming danger.

I cannot understand as to why the Bikkhus, the so-called protectors of Buddhism are silent on these matters.

2) ROHINGIA REFUGEES. The information I have got is that sending Rohingias to Sri Lanka has become a lucrative business in Mienmar. Please hold a census in the        Districts of Mannar, Trincomalee and Batticoloa to find out how many of them have been secretly settled in these Districts.,

I believe Rohingia issue too will be a major problem in the near future. It is your duty to nip it in the bud.

4) Request to adopt Boomiputra Policy to protect Sinhalese. As we all know Sinhala Nation is one of the dying nations. It is said that your government wants to adopt a New Constitution. In that this policy could be included. Follow the example of Malasia.


L.K.N. PERERA (LL.B Cey) Attorney at law, Labour Consultant, Ex-Senior Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, Ex Judicial Officer,Ex-President. Lanka Academic Association, Ex Director Waste Management Authority, Co -Chairman- Seruvila Mangala Maha Chaityawardena Samitiya . Advisory Committee Member of All Ceylon Buddhist Congress. Commissioner of Aragalaya Inquiry Commission

No 22/1, Old Kesbewa Road .
Tel 2869865, Mob -077- 6096588 Gmail-lknperera@gmail.com

CC 1) Hon Prime Minister.

2) Hon Chief Justice.

3) Hon Attorney General.

5) Indian, Canadian, British, Australian High Commissioners.

6) Hon President All Ceylon Buddhist Congress.

7) Hon Mahanayakes

8) Chief Incumbent

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