My observations and comments on the letter by Mr. LKN Perera to the President are given below
Posted on March 22nd, 2025

Dr Sudath Gunasekara. Ex -Secretary to Prime Miniter Sirimavo Bandaranayaka and President Sri Lanka Administrative Service Association (1991-1994)

The writer of the attached letter Mr. L.K.N. Perera, a lawyer and a retired judge by profession, is an authority on the subject of Tamil and Missionary activities in this country from 1505 onwards. I don’t see a single Sinhala politician, in this country, from the President down ward, including the so-called Parliament that is supposed to be in charge of the governance of this land of the Sinhala Nation, or at the provincial or divisional level who has the head to understand this imminent national disaster this country will have to face as a result of their unpatriotic irresponsible cand utterly treacherous political decisions they have taken on the tree issues LKN has raised in his letter.  

If the government  implement their policies, of accepting the  Indian estate Tamils as ‘Malayaham Tamils” and carry on the construction of  the estate village development  programme that is being   presently  implemented in the plantation  areas this country (both of which are utter treacherous betrayals of the land of the Sinhalese) will first get converted to a mono Indian Tamil enclave and the government of this country will  lose control over the entire hill country and its  buffer zone consisting about 1/3 the area of the country. Thereafter it will be controlled by India, as if that is a part of India. Most probably they will open up an airport in Nuwara Eliya so that India can have direct air connection with the Malayanaduwa. This will be followed by declaring the Northern and Eastern Provinces also probably   as the historical Tamil home lands This will be followed by the third step of merging the central Malayanaduwa with the NP and EP Tamil Homeland making use of the Rajiv/JR Accord.

With the completion of the formation of the Malayaha Tamil country at the center all Kanyan Sinhalese will be first marginalized and probably chased out of the traditional home land. Kandyan Sinhala people who owned this land from the inception of history up to 1815 the  will have to either mere with the Tamils or jump in to the Indian ocean thereby drawing the  curtain over th2566 year old Sinhala Buddhist civilization on this Island.

I am pausing this question to the President of this Government and all its MPP and all other political leaders of this country including Ranil, Sajith , Mahinda and Dhilip and all the rest of Sinhala politicians. Is this what you al are trying to do the Sinaha Bauddha nation 

Now that you have accepted Rohingyas also as refugees are you all trying to make this country a part of Indian Tamils and Muslims to remain in power Do you think you will have a place on earth once this vicious circle is complete?

Meanwhile I am pausing this question to the Mahaanaayaka Theras of the Three nikayas and the entire brotherhood of Sanga in this country , the Muradevathaavas of the Sinhala dhesaya, the Sihana Jaathiya and the Theravaada  Buhddha sasna, are going to keep your eyes and closed and remain deaf and blind while these politicians are all up  in arms to  ruin this country, the sinhala nationand theBudhdha sasnana,

Isn’t it tragedy that none of the present- day politicians have a wee bit concern on this very serious national issue. I don’t call any one of them Sinhalese Buddhist, the way they talk, behave and act. LKN is the author of the book EELAM Exposed 2020, a master compendium on the Tamil problem in this country. I have been trying to get this Book tabled in the House, by a MP at his request for the last one year. But sadly, I have not been able

to get anyone who has the guts to do it. One MP to whom I gave the book and made the request kept the book for two weeks with him. But he didn’t have the courage to do it. So, I presume there isn’t a single Sinhala patriotic politician among the 225 in the present parliamento take up an issue that decide the fate of the Sinhala nation on this planet. What a tragic political culture we have inherited from the colonial British. LKN also has brought to light many original aspects of the true history of this country: professional historians of universities have either failed to find or deliberately avoided to do so and they have presented a Western Church biased version, which is not the true history of this country. Apart from true historians, unfortunately this country also never had a patriotic politician who had a vision and a mission to restore the true image of the lost human rights of the 2566-year-old native Sinhalese due to western colonial  depredation from 1505 to date and Indian invasions and expansionism from 1948 to date.

The only one who had such a vision anmission in the post Intendance period, as I have come across is late R.G. Senanaayka, the son of FR the patriot, who had written a 23-page book which I consider as his Election manifesto in 1968 under the caption ඔබ සින්හලයෙක්ද”? as the leader of the Sinhala Mahajana Pakshaya; Dr Sudath Gunasekara. Ex -Secretary to Prime Miniter Sirimavo Bandaranayaka and President Sri Lanka Administrative Service Association (1991-1994) printed by a person called Jayampathi Herath of Jayantha Weerasekara Mavatha, Maradhana, Art Printers.This is a book worth Printing and distributing among all Sinhalese in the country, with copies to all schools, Pirivenas and Universities and every house hold. Fortunately for me I found a copy of that publication in my library. Havin gone through it, I find that it is the best and the most ideal election manifesto ever produced by any politician in the post Independent Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, his untimely death in 1970 made Sri Lanka the poorer and this country lost the services of the best Sinhala Political leader who could have been the best Statesman in modern times, perhaps the incarnation of the legendary Diyasena Kumaraya. When I talk about Statemen, in my view, this country had only five statesmen and one State woman in the post- Independence era who were genuinely concerned about the serious threat of the presence of the Indian labour force in the plantations, right at the center o this country. Those were the first Prime Minister DS who disenfranchised these Indian plantation labour in 1949 and Sir John Kotalawala Pm, who succeeded in enacting the Nehru/Kotelawala Agreement of 1953 and R.G. Senanayaka who formed the Sinhala Mahjana Pakshayain 1968. (The best and the ideal election manifesto, I have ever seen in contemporary politics in this country and S.W.R.D. who ushered in a socio-cultural revolution in this country in1956. Mrs Sirimavo Bandarnayaka, the only statewoman, who made a genuine attempt to solve this problem by entering in to an agreement with PM Sasthri of India which was also never implemented fully.

But sadly, none of the successive Governments has implemented theN/K Pact. Had that agreement been implemented by the governments that followed, definitely that would have been the end of the now cancerous Indian estate labour problem. Unfortunately, none of the Governments that came to power since then up to date, had taken any action to implement the Nehru//Kotalaawala Agreement although, it is still a valid document. If there is any Sinhala Buddhist politician in the Parliament by chance, I call upon him/her to move a motion to present this Agreement and to Parliament immediately, after abolishing all other subsequent agreements on this subject including the now defunct Raji/JR Accord of July1987. The one who does this will go down in history as the second DutuGamunu in the annals of history in this country, who saved Sinhale Kingdom from been treacherously betrayed and converted to be the29th State of India by all other present-day politicians, who are a disgrace and a curse to my motherland.

The much-hyped Sirima Sastri Pact of 1962 as a landmark, also had its tragic death due to political and Administrative bungling. Even the 550,000 India agreed to take back never went to India. Instead of going to India, having got the compensation from the government of this country and the railway warrants too to go to India they were made to get down from the Vavuniya railway station on their way to India and they were settled on crown land by the norther Tamil politicians in the North, while the Government in the Soth turned a blind eye on it. There by they became the most fortunate lot, to get compensation from Sri Lanka government to leave to India plus new land in the north to open up Tamil colonization there.

None of the successive governments took any action to send at least that 500,000 to India. There ended the Sirima Shastri Agreement of 1962. Isn't it a historic political tragedy, that no government took any steps to correct this treacherous tragedy? I am lost to understand as to whether there was a single Sinhala politician, descending from the great Sinhala nation of the past, in any one of the successive Parliaments. Instead of addressing this issue in a favorable manner to this country and its native Sinha people the Bhumiputhras of this land, they all have bungled and messed it up furtheras none had the brain to understand the dimension of this problem. J.R. Jayawardhana who had been in Srii Lanka politics since the State Council days who had once made a proposal in parliament to convert this Island as a part of Federal India and having come to power at his last days, at last, gave Sri Lanka citizenship to all Tamils of Indian Origin who presented a certificate signed before a JP? on a RS 1= stamp, using a method of giving citizenship to non-citizens, never found anywhere else on this earth. This included even the gypsies in the countryside who were supposed to be people of Indian origin. All this was done under the Rajiv/J. R Indo-Lanka Accord of 29th July1987, he was forced to sing under Indian pressure. Thereb he committed the greatest treacherous betrayal of the Sinhala nation in the history of this country. As for me I have not heard or read of an incident like this, of awarding en-masse citizenship to foreigners anywhere else in the world. Chandrika who followed JR and Premadasa attempted to pass even worse legislations under the famous 'Package” in 1997. But that treachery was defeated by a protest organized by me in Mahanuwara under the leadership of the two Mahanayaka Theras of Asgiriya and Malwatta (Ven Palipaana Chandananda and Ven Rambuwelle DharmarakkithaTheras).

Among the Rev Monks who participated in this historic meeting were Ven Madihe Pannassiaha, Weweldheniya Mahanayaka Thera and Maduluwawe Sobhhitha Thera.

Among the lay participants were Sup court Judge Raja Wanasundara, S.J Walpita (Chairman Sinhala Bala Mandalaya), HNS Karunatilaka Ex Governor CB, Leel Gunasekara, Prof C.Madduma Bandara and Disanaayka Secretary of the Sinhala Sinhala Bala Mandalaya. The meeting was held at the Chandanaanda Hall Asgiriya and Dane and Lunch and refreshments for all participants were provided by The Mahanayaka Thera Asgiriya. It was a full day session. The final document sent to Chandrika was edited by me. That enabled Chandrika to drop the"POTTANIYA" as it was nicknamed by JR. Since then, the only notable event of protecting the country, in recent history was the historic defeat of the LTTE in 2009 By Mahinda. That was indeed a landmark in the history of this country. But unfortunately, Mahinda messed it up after the 2010 election. (You may read my following article in Lankaweb, if you are interested to see what I had said in 2010 about his messing up in the years that followed2010 Presidential elections. Where President Mahinda Rajapaksa went wrong?

LankaWeb › news ›items › 2016/02/25

Feb 25, 201

All what happened thereafter up to date is a first-class tragedy as you all know. Just to mention few highlights, the Sirisena Ranil duo messed up the country, quarreling against each other. The CB Scam manipulated by Ranil and the unprecedented heap of foreign debt was followed by Gotabhaya getting elected with 6.5+ million votes which I stated in an email I sent to him two days before the election, where I said "Gota your victory is a forgoneconclusion. You don't have to have any doubt about it .You will definitely poll more than 6.9 m votes and you should not be surprised, even if you get 7million" Unfortunately, when the nation was looking forward to a complete resurrection of the country and the Sinhala Buddhist Nation, he too messed it up miserably, probably due to his amateurish politics and incompetent and immature advicefrom his self-centered advisers not worth of that designation. As a result, he had to run away at midnight to China to save his life, by putting mother Lanka and the Sinhala Buddhist nation in to an abysmal depth for which crime the Sinhala natin will never forgive him. His decision in nominating Ranil, a total misfit, violating the parliamentary democratic norms as the PM bypassing the Leader of the House being nominated as the Prime Minister, when Mahinda resigned, I think is the biggest blunder he made in his life. What happened thereafter and the latest miraculous victory of Anura rising from the dust with only some 2-5 % to 57%, I attribute firstly to Gota’s blundering and second infighting in the UNP where Ranil waisted 17% of UNP votes and paved the way to Sajith’s defeat. Had Ranil not contested most probably that 17% would have most probably voted Sajith. By this assertion, I don't want to suggest at all, that Sajith would have been better than Anura. Any how now that Anura haswon, let and time decides as to what is going to be next. Nevertheless, with aspersions to none, I still maintain my original conviction, I expressed in my article "රනිල්,සජිත් සහ අනුර යන තුන්නාගෙන් කිසිවෙකු මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ ජනාධිපති වීමට කිසිසේත්ම සුදුසු නැත ලන්කවෙබ් 24 ජූනි 25 2024

සුදත් ගුනසේකර

That is my conviction, I am entitled to hold for the following reasons I had given in that letter. All three of them, as almost all the politicians in this country do, hold the view that this country is a multi-ethnic, multinational, multi linguistic and multi religious country. All three of them have promised to accept the estate Tamils as a nation. They also have promised to  give them the land in the hill country presently covered with Tea and provide them with houses and all other facilities without knowing that all thi land was owned by the Kandyan Sinhalese, before they were illegally plundered by the British after 1840 and it constituted the Heartland of the Sinhale Kingdom from 543 BC.

None of our politicians admit that these estate labours were only slave labour brought from South India in the latter part of the 19th century and who had no continuous permanent residence on these lands thereafter for more than 50 to 60 years. Th disfranchised lot in 1949. They were made citizens only by JR under the Raviv /JR Accord of 29th July 1987.All these politicians have publicly accepted that the name Malayaha invented by these Indian elements pretending to have prescriptive rights over these lands. Thereby these crazy politicians have erased the 2500-year-old history of this Island nation.

All this was done by the Sinhalese politicians, elected by the Sinhala voters, just to get the vote of these estate laborers. This proves beyond any reasonable doubt that none of these politicians can be called the descendants of the Great Sinhalese race. As such none of the present-day Sinhala politicians don’t know their country; they don't know their history and none of them love the motherland or the Sinhala nation or their invaluable civilization.

None of them are patriotic either. I don’t think even the hell will have any space for these treacherous betrayers. None of these politicians accept that this had been the motherland of the Sinhalese from the beginning of civilization that had been protected by our ancestors at very high cost over millennia. This is why I maintain that none of our present-day politicians are fit to rule this land of the Great Sinhalese Buddhists, sanctified by the sacred foot print and thrice blessed by the Buddha and thrice offered to him by our ancient Kings, where only a Sinhala Buddhist who dedicate himself to protect the Saasana and the noble Sacred Dalada was accepted as a person fit to rule this land. I wonder whether any one of these politicians know, what the ancient Kings had said about the king and the subjects of this country when they said that The king, people and the religion of Buddhism in this county is one” (Mahavamsa) I apologize my readers for the long and somewhat tiresome introduction. I hope they will bear with me.

Why I wrote this fairly long introduction in introducing Mr. Perera's letter, addressed to the President (The main subject of this write up) of this country and other important persons holding prestigious positions in our society is to emphasize and highlight the critical national importance of his contribution to the worthy cause of protecting our motherland, the Sinhala nations buddha sasana and that great Sinhala Buddhist civilization, once stood in par with those greatest other world civilization in the East as well as the West.

It is really disgusting that no positive action has been taken by any post independent government, firstly, to restore the free and full ownership of the motherland of the Sinhala nation, who were de facto and de jure owners of the land, free from any encumbrances as it existed prior to 1815 and secondly, to rectify the historical injustices done to the Sinhala nation by the British colonial invaders, such as flooding this country with Indian laborers and leaving the behind as a cancerous political, economic and social burden and a virtual national cancer, after political freedom was gained in1948. All post independent governments and politicians have miserably failed in these two all- important national missions.

The present-day politicians in Parliament are even worse. All the three main Presidential candidates at the last Presidential election, Ranil, Sajith and Anura, the Present President, have openly accepted all these Indians as citizens of this country and promised to give all the estate lands to these Indian laborers and also give them housing and all other infrastructure facilities, at the last Presidential and General elections, had no mandate to make such promises to hand over the lands of the native Sinhalese who are the real legal owners of these lands. Meanwhile all three candidates have ignored the fact that this land belonged to the native Kandyan Sinhalese from the inception of history up to 1840 and as such they cannot make promises to give their hereditary lands to a pack of foreign people who have been made citizens illegally under the Rajiv/JR Accord that had been totally rejected long time ago while India who had forced it on us and furthermore it has also violated the Accord unilaterally. This is why I said that none of thesethree candidates is suitable to be the President of this Sinhala Buddhist Country in my letter to the Lanka web news forum in June 2024.

                                 රනිල්,සජිත් සහ අනුර යන තුන්දෙනාගෙන් කිසිවෙකු මේ සින්හල බෞද්ධ රටේ

ජනාධිපති වීමට සුදුසු නැත”

Lanka web

June 2024.

I still maintain the same stand although Anura has become the President All these three persons with their ignorance have openly accepted the bogus and illegal claim made by these estate labour gang of having a 200-year continuous residence’ in this country, made under the much-hyped caption Nam 200 years” which is all blatant humbug. They also have accepted these Tamils being called Malayaha Tamils” (Kandyan Tamils) where as they all are only Indian Tamils for all intent and purposes, both in heart and mind.

As Mr. Perera, the writer of the following letter has clearly disproved all these blatant lies that amounts to  treason on the part of both parties, the estate Tamils as well as our own headless unpatriotic poly ticks. The author also has very clearly shown as to how these Malabar coolies brought to this country by the Dutch (after 1665) and the British (after 1840) inhabiting the North and East coastal belts and the Central hill country of this Sinhale Kingdom have been made Ceylon Tamils (N&E) by the British by conspiracy using Arunaachalam Ponnambalan their own first Registrar General in 1901. I may point out here that JR did the same treacherous crime illegally on a simple affidavit singed on a Rs1 stamp before a JP in 1987 under the, now defunct, Rajiv/JR Accord by awarding citizenship to all Tamil living all over this country including even the kallathoni and gypsies loitering in the country side. This was the second treacherous betrayal committed by JR (a descendant of a South Indian Muslim called Tambi mudiyanse) after he mad his first criminal and treacherous betrayal of destroying the foundation of the sound national agricultural and the industrial renaissance built up by D.S. and Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranayaka up to 1977, together with the Sinhala Buddhist resurgence brought about by S.W.R.D. in 1956.

This is the gist of the classic letter, given below, by Mr. Perera has addressed to the President of this country. I request all patriotic Sinhala Buddhists of not only this county but also the world over to rally round LNKs struggle to fight against all these unpatriotic Sri Lankan poly-Ticks and rally round a true Sinhala Buddhist Leadership, to once again restore and rebuilt the lost great Sinhala Buddhist Kingdom of the yore to ensure that this land of the Buddha, thrice blessed by him and made eternally sacred by His supreme Dhamma and His foot prints. Over to you my dear true Sinhala Buddhist friends at Home, and the world over, to support LNK’s struggle to save this country, the Sinhala nation and the supreme Buddha sasana from the present genre of denationalized anti -Sinha, anti-Buddhist, unpatriotic and treacherous political ticks before they fix the last nail to the coffin of the 2566 year old Sinhala Buddhist Nation on this land of the Buddha sanctified with his sacred foot print, to satisfy their temporary political greed, by handing over the Northern and Eastern provinces (1/3 of the country’s land area) together with the entire Central Province with its buffer zone comprising parts of the NWP, SAP, SP and UVAP (about another 1/3 the area of the land of the Sinhala nation) to Tamils and Ampare, Batticaloa, Panamapattu and Potuwil to Muslims. Please don’t forget that the entire Western world, (including Australia and New Zealand and surprisingly Japan too) the Catholic Church the whole Muslim world and Modi’s India, with all their so-called international organizations like the WB, IMF, ADB, UNO and all its branches such as the UNHCR have already finalized the blue print for the completion of final rituals of this betrayal. It is a well-known fact that the present government of this country is only implementing their agenda that was set by Ranil in his last days. This right Royal betrayal will complete the disappearance of the Sinhala Buddhist civilization from thesurface of this planet. This treacherous disaster could be avoided only by a united struggle by all patriotic Sinhala Buddhist all over the world, as one formidable force ofroaring lions, as it was always done in the past history by our ancestors who knew the real value of their motherland and its heritage.

Unfortunately, none of the present-day political ticks a has any idea about this country or its history or its heritage.

This is the only way open to defend and protect the territorial integrity, sovereignty, freedom and independence from the extremist separatist Tamils, and Muslims who dream an eelam and a want to make it an extremist jihadist Muslims country.

All the leaders of major and dying political parties like Ranil, Sajit and Anura have already openly promised to grant their requests at the past elections. That is why have already saidthat none of them are suitable to be the leaders of this country, as I have even said before.

Therefore, the crying need for a new political organization who can full fil the aspirations of the Sinhala Buddhist nation of this country. I am of the opinion that the content of the letter by LKN to the President will serve as the starting point of this national resurgence. Therefore, I appeal to all those who read this letter,first to demand the President to comply with the requests made by LKN to immediately initiate some action, to form such an organization ASAP. I also request you all to Demand the President to immediately comply with the following request made by LNK

1) Appeal to revoke the name change of Estate Tamils as

2) Request to treat Rohingia immigrants not as refugees but as illegal immigrants and deport the immediately without creating new problems as we already have enough problems

3) Request to adopt Boomiputra Policy to protect interests of Sinhala Nation. (Take action to pass a law to this effect in Parliament immediately without further delay.) This law should have been passed in the first Parliament after Independence

4 Also demand the President to withdraw his illegal statement of making these Indian Tamil Malayam Tamils)

5 Also demand the return of all lands where there are Tea plantation to their original owner by 1 Either transferring them to their original owners or 2 If that is not possible convert all them to State owned or privately owned (only Sinhala Companies preferably with Kandyans ownership)

6 Abolish all Ministries such as The Ministry of Hill Country Village and Infra Structure Development and institutions presently catering only to Estate Tamil labour only

7 Immediately to stop giving these lands to Estate Tamils and constructing  Housing schemes with Indian assistance as these housing schemes pause big threat to the physical stability of the Central watersheds from where all the 103 main river begins.

8 Stop all construction works on land above 3500 ft msl in the hill country immediately until a more scientific system of settlement is formulated for all those who are presently living on land above 3500 ft msl

9 To prohibit all foreigners including Diplomats (like the American Ambassador) and agents of various foreign institutions including Indian Politicians visiting these plantation areas without permission from the Government as their activities pause a big threat to the sovereignty and independence of this county as such actions invariably tantamount to foreign interference with the internal governance of an independent country, as past experience has aptly proved.

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