UK Govt – What about UK living White Tiger “Aunty Adele” trainer of LTTE Child Soldiers & British MPs abusing their office?
Posted on March 26th, 2025
Shenali D Waduge

When British MPs who are regular mouthpieces for pro-LTTE demands & regular visitors to pro-LTTE events & regularly read of LTTE prepared speeches, abuse their office to sanction individuals on conjectured crimes, the Govt of Sri Lanka must first of all demand that the UK Govt investigate all British MPs who are voicing one-sided statements completely ignoring facts & evidence. The 4 names on UK sanction list perfectly highlights the bias. The Army Commander who led the military onslaught is excluded but just 3 officers who took orders from him are. The former LTTE leader named left LTTE in 2004 & LTTE committed scores of crimes thereafter. What continues to go unexplained is how the Sri Lanka Armed Forces would save 300,000 people but would kill” 40,000, 70,000, 120,000, 200,000” Tamils who the accusers cannot still name, whose skeletons are not even found & whose families have not even filed habeas corpus. The entire genocide” claim rests on the ability to prove 40,000 or more were killed, which has yet to be proved even after 16 years. Moreover, where in the world have we heard of Tamil genocide” when Tamil population is increasing?
The GoSL must demand that the British Govt investigate all British MPs linked with LTTE Diaspora especially their accounts & their misuse of British taxpayers money for witch hunts to satisfy LTTE Diaspora agenda.
According to a UK Govt press release 24 March 2025, 4 Sri Lankans have been sanctioned for serious human rights violations and abuses during the civil war in Sri Lanka” – exactly what court of law has found them guilty? How is Sri Lanka’s conflict civil” when the National Army was fighting an armed group that was even killing members of its own community? Does that qualify as ‘civil”.
UK has sanctioned a former LTTE commander Karuna Amman who left LTTE in 2004?
What about all of LTTE’s crimes after 2004 which included assassination attempts of Sri Lanka’s Army Commander Sarath Fonseka in April 2006.
The following list of assassinations were committed by LTTE after Karuna left LTTE.
Minister Jeyraj Fernandopulle – April 2008
Minister D M Dissanayake – January 2008
MP T Maheshwaran (Tamil) – January 2008
Herath Abeyweera – Chief Secretary Eastern Province – July 2007
Kethesh Loganathan (Tamil) – Deputy Secretary General of SCOPP – August 2006
Nataraj Raviraj (Tamil) – August 2006
Josepha Parasingham (Tamil) – December 2005
The British Govt may like to explain why the Commander of the Armed Forces who led the defeat of the LTTE is not included while those he gave orders to are.
These all point to a witch hunt especially when the British MPs mooting for these accountability” are frequent visitors to pro-LTTE forums.
MP David Lammy
2022 (reading off a prepared script probably sponsored)
2023 Speaking with the usual culprits
Has David Lammy even been to Sri Lanka to be such a vocal critic?
His statements are purely based on his association with pro-LTTE elements & gracing the events held by them in honor of dead LTTE terrorists. That hardly calls for unbiased judgement by a British politician.
Given the largess of the LTTE kitty, the UK Govt & Scotland Yard should do an investigation into the transactions of all UK MPs vocalizing on the Sri Lankan issue taking a one-sided stand and basing their statements on speeches prepared for them by the LTTE lobby.
Other than David Lammy & Catherine West there are a host of other UK MPs who should be investigated.
Sri Lanka’s terrorist conflict ended in 2009.
It’s now 2025 there has been no violence associated with LTTE since 2009.
UK MPs reading prepared scripts & using their office & UK tax payers money to whine about an event that concluded 16 years ago echoes some for of witch hunt by those whose agenda was defeated.
UK Govt seriously needs to explain why the Army Commander who headed the defeat of the LTTE is omitted & why those who took orders from him are included into a sanctions list 16 years after the conflict?
David Lammy claims that the current action is to ensure those response for past human rights violations & abuses are held accountable”.
Then he may like to explain why the British are taking NO ACTION against Adele Balasingham who was the key trainer of LTTE’s child soldiers & she is happily living in the UK.
Does the UK sanction foreigners but give safe haven to the real culprits?
Let us jog everyone’s memories.
Adele Balasingham is the wife of so-called LTTE theoretician possibly British agent Anton B.
She is an Australian nurse and undertook to training kidnapped Tamil children as young as 7 years. These Tamil children were kidnapped from POOR & LOW CASTE Tamil homes. Another noteworthy factor – no high caste/high class Tamil had their children kidnapped & turned into child soldiers.
One third of LTTE comprised children. These children underwent gruesome training from 4a.m. some even perished during the gruesome training. No one is held accountable for these deaths.
They were denied their fundamental rights. The UN appointed a Tamil rapporteur but she did sweet nothing except compile reports & walk away with awards. No child was saved from being turned into a child soldier. During the hay day of LTTE’s rule in North Sri Lanka, scores of NGOs/INGOs, Faith-based organizations had their offices set up virtually next to LTTE offices. None of these tried to prevent poor & low caste Tamil children from being turned into child soldiers.
These children were denied to be with their parents. They were denied the right to education, freedom of movement & the freedom to enjoy their childhood. Where was David Lammy & Catherine West then?
Has Adele not violated the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (2000)? Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) prosecuted cases involving child soldier recruitment, wouldn’t this apply to LTTE, Adele B & the LTTE Diaspora who has supported LTTE?
Adele Balasingham stands guilty of also training these children to commit suicide by biting the cyanide capsule & killing themselves without surrendering to the Sri Lanka Armed Forces. How many would have died or committed suicide following her orders. Are these not valid reasons to at least arrest & question her?
Books Written by Adele Balasingham:
- The Will to Fight: The Tamil Liberation Struggle in Sri Lanka” (2004)
She admits to her involvement in LTTE.
- The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam: A History of the Tamil Liberation Struggle”
She justifies LTTE rights for a separate Homeland.
Sisters in Arms” (2006) – covers Adele’s role in training women & children – what about the war crimes of Aunty Adele
Relevant quotes from Adele Balasingham:
I believe the children who have taken up arms and sacrificed their lives in the cause of Tamil Eelam are martyrs.”
In one of her interviews, she said: The training of these young soldiers is not just physical but also ideological.They are not just warriors; they are the future leaders of our struggle.”
On the role of women and children: The women and children in the Tamil Tigers are not victims. They are soldiers fighting for freedom, fighting for their people.”
Jayantha Liyanage has lodged several complaints with Scotland Yard regarding the British silence & inaction against Adele Balasingham. There are scores of videos of her training children & handing the cyanide capsule and she has even written 2 books boasting of her achievements. These are more than enough evidence & far more than the fairy tales the LTTE Diaspora keep churning annually to keep alive their kitty, enable their people to get asylum & refugee status & mix & mingle with foreign Govts and even contest elections & wriggle into their parliament. We have no issue in their bettering their careers, but these lies must stop, these fabrications must end.
Adele B is the White Tiger living off LTTE’s ill-gotten gains in New Maiden, London.
A BBC produced documentary in 1991 shows Adele in LTTE uniform carrying an AK 47 and wearing a cyanide capsule around her neck & tied cyanide capsules around necks of innocent children & young Tamil women.
She was trained by Prabakaran to fire weapons.
Boston Lanka documentary on Adele –
Tamil children were not only kidnapped but Adele & LTTE went from school to school indoctrinating Tamil children – they all referred to her as Aunty Adele”. One of these schools was Patrima from which 543 students were taken to Skandapuram camp & trained by Adele. At the Abu base camp children as young as 12 were trained & sent to fight. Any children who fled were captured & jailed. No one knows what happened to them.
The UK Govt, David Lammy, Catherine West have no moral right to be demanding accountability if they are ignoring the White Tiger aunty living in UK having taught thousands of kidnapped Tamil children to kill and commit suicide. All the fictitious genocide” war crimes” allegations which are only iced with LTTE propaganda cannot erase what Adele committed on behalf of the LTTE.
If UK Govt continues to provide her safe haven and sanction retired military officers 16 years after the conflict ended excluding the head of the armed forces who led the end of LTTE, it clearly shows bias.
The former LTTE members, especially child soldiers who are now adults must file case with UK authorities & demand action against Adele for denying them their childhood & youth. We do not know how many kidnapped children actually died having fled & being punished by LTTE. Where is the accountability for these deaths?
These former child soldiers should now realize how foreign based LTTE made money riding on the separate homeland song while happily living in foreign shores & educating their children in Ivy League schools/universities with the money made from LTTE propaganda machine, while poor & low caste Tamils suffered in the jungles. Tamils who suffered must seek accountability from their own first!
GoSL must call for the UK authorities to investigate the biased actions of pro-LTTE British MPs.
Shenali D Waduge