Notice of Intervention in Court in the Black Leopard Death case
Posted on July 23rd, 2020

Sri Lanka has now become the killing fields of rare and exotic animals.
It is heartrending to see the pride of Sri Lanka’s fauna, namely, wild elephants and leopards being trapped and killed.
Last year (2019) alone 384 elephants died mostly at the hands of humans and sometimes under cruel circumstances by use of ‘Hakka Patas‘.
This is an improvised small explosive device which contains black gun powder, lead and iron made to a ball of a firecracker shape and used illegally to keep wild elephants away. Hakka Patas” are strategically inserted into a cucumber, pumpkin, or melon, which are delicacies for wild animals, and explode in their mouths once they are swallowed. Elephant calves, in particular, are tricked to consume the explosives and suffer without food before succumbing to a painful death.
Now, Leopards are being trapped by hunters’ snares to satisfy a growing demand for their body parts in illegal wild trade carried out both within and outside Sri Lanka.
Law enforcement bodies like the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC), Police and the Attorney – General’s Dept., have failed to take effective and drastic action against the poachers to contain the destruction of our wild life.
The death of the Black Leopard on May 29, 2020 which was an avoidable death, if not for the negligence of the country’s law enforcement authorities, has caused immense sadness in the country.
The case concerning the death of this Black Leopard will be resumed at the Hatton Court on Wednesday, July 29, 2020.
Justice for Animals and Nature (JAN) under the leadership of Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobhitha Thero intends to intervene in this case to ensure that the voices of both the dead animal and animal lovers are heard and that the people responsible for the death of the Black Leopard are brought to Justice.
Mr. Anura Meddegoda, PC. and his legal team will appear on behalf of JAN as an Intervenient Litigant.
You are welcome to join us in attending the proceedings at the Hatton Court at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 and give moral support to our intended intervention and plea for justice in this case.
Thank you.