Over 98% of India’s 0.7% Buddhists are Classified as Dalits
Posted on May 8th, 2023

Dilrook Kannangara

India’s sudden interest in Buddhism seems to be driven by militarization than anything noble. India uses Buddhism as a weapon against China, a bargaining tool against Burma and Bhutan and as an extortion tool against Sri Lanka. All this happens while India’s Buddhists endure acute discrimination, marginalization and deprivation. This has many learnings for Sri Lankans. Taking them to heart early can mean the difference between survival and extinction.

According to India’s recent censuses (2001, 2011) and estimations, total Buddhist percentage is only 0.7%.

However, what is worrying is 98% of them are from scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes (Dalits”).

If India’s population is 1.4 billion (current estimate), only 200,000 Buddhists live with fundamental rights.

In wide contrast, almost everyone in Sri Lanka enjoys all fundamental rights and privileges irrespective of faith and language.

As the island nation is rapidly Indianized militarily, economically, culturally and religion-wise, the plight of Buddhists in Sri Lanka will be no different. It goes against logic that India will treat Sri Lanka’s Buddhists any better than they treat their own Buddhists.

Whatever one’s faith is, most Sri Lankans are touched by Buddhism in some way. Unlike other nations in the South Asian region where persistent religious animosity is the order of the day, the Buddhist majority in Sri Lanka has a way of self-correcting course which is the result of Teachings they adhere to. Arousal takes them only so far and soon the silent majority takes over replacing agitation with compassion. Protection of Buddhism guarantees the dignity and equal rights of everyone. India’s continuing suppression of Buddhists and Indianization of the island are bad news for everyone.

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