Bangladesh Separating from Pakistan Did Not Trigger Separatism in West Bengal, India or Elsewhere in India
Posted on May 28th, 2023

Dilrook Kannangara

There is a wrong view in some sections of Sri Lankans that India will never allow an Independent Tamil Eelam as that would trigger separatism in India. This belief cannot be more wrong. In fact, the opposite is true.

Both Bangladesh and West Bengal state of India are mostly habituated by Bengali people. Bangladesh was part of Pakistan from 1947 to 1971. After a violent separation, independent Bangladesh was created. West Bengal which also has an ethnic Bengali majority was elated. Their unity and allegiance to India strengthened as India helped Bengalis split from Pakistan and become an independent nation. Over 52 years have passed since and both nations are racing fast towards becoming industrialized nations.

There is a large Bengali Diaspora (larger than the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora) in western nations. Had Bangladesh not received Independence by today they too would have financed its separatist movement.

This is a vital lesson for Sri Lanka and for those who naively put their faith on India to keep Sri Lanka in one piece.

Bangladesh’s experience should convince India that the creation of Tamil Eelam will not trigger separatism in India. On the contrary, it will further strengthen India’s unity, reaffirm India’s commitment to the interests of its various ethnic groups beyond its borders, India’s national security and will create a safe buffer zone between India and its potential rivals in its most vulnerable flank.

Powerful nations create buffer zones between them and actual and potential rivals. Ukraine, North Korea, South Korea, Eastern European countries, Laos, Cambodia, Chinese artificial islets, Diego Garcia, French and British Pacific and Indian Ocean territories are examples. Sri Lanka’s parts closest to India make a perfect buffer zone for India. The purpose of a buffer zone is not just to ward off India’s rivals; it is more to place India’s attack forces to target enemies.

Sri Lankan leaders have got this wrong. Not allowing Sri Lankan territory for anti-Indian activities is outdated and not sufficient for India today. Beyond that India wants Sri Lanka to actively be part of India’s offensive (attack) capability targeting Chinese and Pakistani interests. As Sri Lanka does not agree to this vital requirement, India will keep pushing for the creation of a nation within the island that will take this extra mile. In addition to India, NATO and QUOD also want this and Sri Lanka has been unable to deliver on this requirement for good reasons.

Just because Sri Lanka follows a middle path, nonaligned or equidistant foreign policy does not mean others will do same. They don’t.

This is bad news for Sri Lanka but it is the reality. Since becoming a republic in 1972, India has continuously supported Tamil Eelam whenever and whichever way possible. However, India has other plans too for Sri Lanka to salami slice it including Malaya Nadu, Colombo Nadu, etc. These movements have already begun in Sri Lanka and are at the infancy stage; where the Tamil Eelam movement was in the 1940s.   

India’s continuing and increasing camaraderie with USA, Australia, Japan, Canada, UK, etc. against the common rival China is also bad news for Sri Lanka. Modi’s assertion that the Indian Diaspora has built unbreakable bridges between India and Western nations is not just his view. This is the view of all Indians apart from minute political sections. The merging of Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora with their Indian relatives, especially from Tamil Nadu, is speeding up thanks to a common language, common cultural artefacts, beliefs, identity and aspirations.

Fourthly, all Tamil elected (not appointed) MPs in Sri Lanka have followed a strong pro-India stance even at the expense of their allegiance to Sri Lanka. Elected Tamil MPs represent Tamil people’s desires whereas appointed Tamil MPs have no acceptance on ground. This has been the case since 1930s. LTTE’s attempts to separate the two (1987 to 1991) was short-lived and was not taken up by many. With the absence of the LTTE, Tamil MPs have totally aligned themselves with India and of course Tamil Eelam, Malaya Nadu and Colombo Nadu. There is no likelihood of any other group will rule or control Tamil Eelam, if created.

This convergence of Indian interests, western interests (especially nations with a large Tamil diaspora), Tamils living in Sri Lanka and their elected politicians are pointing towards a very dangerous new round of separatism in Sri Lanka. Divisions created by the LTTE totally disappeared since 2009. Now there is complete unity among them all towards Tamil Eelam.

Sadly, there is no unity among Sinhalese due to religious divisions used by political elements to divide the community, party politics that has divided the community into three rival wings and also due to economic class divisions. There is no end in sight to infighting within the community. It will be a cakewalk for India to assert its territorial expansion project in to the island backed by Tamils in Sri Lanka and in western nations with the support of western nations. If history is anything to go by, it will be supported by a section of aggrieved Sinhalese and Muslims too.

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