Sri Lanka rejects Canadian PM’s reference to ‘Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day’
Posted on July 25th, 2023
Courtesy Adaderana
Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rejected the reference to a ‘Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day’ in a recent statement by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Issuing a statement in this regard, the Ministry said it unreservedly rejects the reference to a Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day in the statement issued on 23 July 2023 by the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”
They further accused that Canada’s continued reference to a false, distorted narrative” of the past conflict in Sri Lanka is aimed solely at achieving local vote-bank electoral gains”, and is not conducive to broader goals of communal harmony.
Thus, Sri Lanka has urged Canada and its leaders to support Sri Lanka in its efforts to ensure stability, progress, peace and reconciliation among all communities in all parts of the island, and amongst those Sri Lankans residing abroad.