Sinhala Buddhists should strongly oppose carving out EELAM through Truth, Unity and Reconciliation
Posted on December 31st, 2023

Dheshamaanya Dr Sudath Gunasekara. Mahanuwara. President Hela Abhimaani jaathika Padhanama.

All Sinhala Buddhists should rally around this national struggle and strongly oppose and protest against the Government’s move to pass this Act in Parliament, designed to harm the Sinhala nation and its culture and that will carve out the map of EELAM, the 29th State of Bharatha Desh? and demand the Government to withdraw this proposal immediately.

It was reported that the Government of Sri Lanka, has decided to establish an independent Commission for Truth, Unity and Reconciliation and pass an Act of Parliament embodying the recommendations of that Commission. It was also reported that even the concept paper is being drafted in developing legislation that strengthens and safeguards national unity through truth, transitional justice, reconciliation, reparation and social cohesion. In another press release, they had said Sri Lanka is going to take a historic step” by passing this Act in Parliament

The Sinhala Buddhist constituting 75 % of the country’s total population even now, in spite of the    treacherous demographic changes made jointly by the British and the Church since 1797, strongly oppose and protest against this proposed treacherous political Act of this government and demand that it must be withdrawn immediately for the following reasons.

1 Firstly, such action is completely contrary to the sweeping mandate given by 6.955 million to the then President in 2019 as well as the government in 2020.

2 Secondly, the incumbent President who got elected on 20 July 2022 has no mandate from the people to spearhead such legislations as he was Elected by the Parliament that got elected on 20 July 2022, for the vacancy after the elected President Gotabhaya Rajapaksha fled the country, only, to fill that vacancy and to perform the responsibilities and duties strictly under the mandate his predecessor had got in 2019, until his period of offices expires in 2025. The Parliament that elected him as President was also elected with the same mandate in 2020. As such he can never bypass those two mandates. Therefore, neither the President nor the Government has the power to make any legislation that goes against those two historic mandates given by the people of this country.

3.Therefore, thirdly, whatever the President or the government does contrary to that mandate will be unconstitutional, illegal, immoral and unethical and moreover, treacherous and treasonable. Therefore, I deem all such actions could be challenged in a court of law. Leaving aside the legal aspect, I call such action by the government or the President as unethical, immoral and unpardonable.

4.Fourthly, it is a naked and wretched betrayal of the 2009 victory against terrorism and the 29,000 soldiers who sacrificed their lives and those 14,000 who sacrificed their limbs in the name of the motherland and furthermore the tens of thousands of innocent people who were killed and died indiscriminately with no ethnic differences as Sinhalese, Tamils and Tamils

5 Fifthly, it will also open the flood gates for ethnic and communal uprisings and renew and strengthen separatism on ethnic basis.

6. Sixthly the Tamil Diaspora the world over will raise its ugly head and mobilize all anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhis forces against Sri Lanka and its native Sinhalese Buddhists.

7 Seventhly, the Indian interference in the countries internal matters will also increase and penal-ultimately, this country will end up as an eternal battle ground between the native Sinhalese fighting for survival and the Tamils and Muslims competing and fighting for owning it by dividing the Island in to ethnic and religious enclaves.

8 Finally, the native Sinhalese will first become a minority and thereafter it will disappear from the surface of this planet as JR predicted in his old age.

 It is in view of this imminent disaster that I decided to pen these few words to awaken a nation in deep slumber, and command them to rise up in millions to save our motherland and its great culture, from these self-seeking, power hungry and unpatriotic politicians, as this is the only place we have on this earth, whereas, Tamils have their motherland in India and the Muslims all over the world.

As such, as a Sinhala man who loves my motherland, I was surprised and perplexed to read this news and the press release by the Presidential office and the unusual prominence it has been given to it in the press, as if it is the number one priority item in the government’s agenda at a time when the whole country is on fire with hundreds of burning issues. To me this proposal appears as a historic betrayal in the history of this country and the Sinhala nation and therefore it is definitely not a historic step as the government had stated without realizing the gravity of the sin, they are planning to commit but a death trap to eliminate the Sinhala Buddhist nation and their country for political gain.

Definitely, this should not be the priority number one in the government’s agenda.

Therefore, definitely this should not be the priority number one in its agenda of a sensible government at a time like this when the whole country is faced with much more serious and urgent priorities  The government in my view should first attend to  more crucial and urgent social and political issues in the country such as mass hunger, spiraling and unbearable cost of living, increasing and unbearable taxes, chronic unemployment, daily increasing crimes, complete breakdown in public service and law and order, inordinate delays in dispensation of justice, complete neglect of the farming and the industrial sectors and finally the overall crash in the economic, political and the Social system, all of which together are heading the whole country and the social system to an imminent crash and a no return situation, before it gets bogged down in this type of tricky issues at the request of the Western agencies like the International Human Rights Commission and India that are only trying to push us to the fire from the frying pan.

Is it a decision of the Government or is it only a decision of the President?

Furthermore, firstly, of all, the Sinhala Buddhist people, the Bumiputras of this country, constituting 75 % of the population of this this Island would like to know whether the above decision is a decision of the Government as the news says or is it only a decision of the President, their savior as the SLPP politicians think.

Secondly, whether it has got cabinet approval before it is presented to Parliament.  Since this is an issue that decides the fate of the nation and the whole country, I would also would like to know whether it has been discussed at the govt group and approval obtained, before taking action to prepare legislation and present it to Parliament. The fulfillment of this process is a must, as he is only a President elected by Parliament (enabled by a constitutional error) by a group of MPP elected by a 6.95 million voters, all of whom had cast their votes against Ranil at the 2020 General election. This President was elected by the Parliament only to fill the vacancy created by Gotabhaya’s resignation. As such he cannot function outside the mandate given to Gotabahaya in 2019. 

Thirdly, has it been discussed at the Cabinet at least and its approval obtained, before he made that public declaration?  If not, the whole Cabinet should immediately resign in protest against his arbitrary public statement.

Even if it has passed all these barriers. I don’t think the Present President or the government should go for this type of political suicide.

The Press release also has stated that the key objective of this process is to establish the truth regarding post-conflict grievances of Sri Lankan citizens, facilitating reconciliation, reparation and sustainable peace. The proposed Commission acknowledges every Sri Lankan’s inalienable right to ascertain the truth, a pivotal aspect for individuals and communities to heal from past conflicts. Additionally, the Commission aims to ensure and strengthen national unity, peace, the rule of law, coexistence, equality, tolerance, respect for diversity and reconciliation among the people of Sri Lanka. This commitment extends to prevent any recurrence of disharmony and future conflict between Sri Lanka’s multi-ethnic and diverse communities.  

The question is, on behalf of whose interest the Government is making this proposal. Is it the SLPP or the President’s personal interest? I think the President has made these overtures to placate the Tamil electorate hoping to get their vote either at a future Presidential election or a Referendum of the JR type, he may be having in his crafty mind. If so, obviously, the gamble boils down to personal interest of one individual or a group of poly-trickishians and agencies both local and international who advise him with whom this country is abundantly infested with.

Personally, I think these jumbles are irrelevant to our national context. Because, in the first place, these local advisors as well as the international agencies such as the Human rights Commission work on the assumption that minorities in Sri Lanka re illtreated, discriminated and victimized by the majority Sinhalese and Buddhists which is not true. All these local advisors are the Black Whites the proxies of the real whites. All the so-called international agencies on the other hand are outfits owned and operated by the colonial powers which victimized, exploited and destroyed our country for five centuries to enrich their own coffers through others riches by exploiting our resources as they did in the past. They don’t want countries like ours, in the so called third world to develop. Instead of our being their colonies as it happened in the past. now, they want us to be their economic dependencies forever by controlling us by different type of leverages like trade, finance and international agencies like the WB, IMF Human rights commission etc.

Therefore, in my opinion this move by the government is activated on demands by them. As such I see a big conspiracy manured jointly by the West and India as one of the major conditions to qualify for the WB loan with a long-term agenda to destroy the much-envied Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this country.

Each and every word in this press statement issued by the Presidential Office appears to be a mere transcript prepared either in Washington or at least in London or Paris. It had been prepared and sent definitely either by the World bank on the advice of the GTF to the present Government under Ranil Wickramasinha to implement it to the letter before the next election, if the aid package is to be released. Therefore, I deem, this is definitely pressure coming from outside, manipulated by the Tamil Diaspora and India as they know that this is the best time to make their hay while the Sun, Ranil shines in the high heavens, and the SLPP is bogged down in deep political mire with no chance of any resurgence and all other political outfits quarrelling with each other.

This proposal also could be even the 3rd plan of Victoria Nuland followed by the second plan mentioned by Dr, Wasantha Bandara. Both the Western elements and India know that they will never be able to get this kind of legislation passed by any patriotic government, that will definitely emerge like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, in the very near future as the patriotic forces are working on it day and night with no stone unturned. 

Therefore, it is the bounden duty of all patriotic Sinhala Buddhist forces in this country, or outside Such as the (goeliiya Sinhala sansadhaya) wherever you live and specifically the neglected and forgotten Sinhala Buddhist majority ignored by all governments since 1948 to oppose this move forthwith and to rise against this betrayal to save the motherland and the Sinhala nation and of cause the Buddhist heritage (the rock foundation of our civilization), our ancestors have protected and jealously guarded for 2500 years, as we have no other place to go on earth unlike the Tamils and Muslims.

When I read this news, it reminded me the famous Sinhala saying   that ‘Ekek ravula ginigena danagalakota thawa ekek thama suruttuwa paththu karaganta hadanva”. In this case Ranil Wickramasinha is struggling to collect the Tamil vote at the next election for him to continue in power while the whole country is on fire. For him collecting the Tamil vote is priority number one while the whole country is caught up in high flames. I pause the question as to why the SLPP majority cannot reject this externally driven proposal and advise the President accordingly. I also ask the President and the Government as to why they cannot implement the recommendations of the LLRC and the Task Force 2006 without trying to waste a couple of another million or even billion on a meaningless assignment when the whole nation is running on its worn out four rims.

 Another pertinent question I pause here is how can this Government say, that it has decided to do this under a situation where there is no legitimate government at all in this country. If you call it a government then it is only an externally manipulated interim arrangement brought about by a conspiracy using the weaknesses of the constitution without any public mandate. So, it is a puppet government that has no mandate what so ever, to take such decisions dealing with the fate of the nation. As such it cannot take this type of decisions that leads to the nemesis of a great nation that had been there for almost 2600 years as an independent and sovereign nation.

Looking at the way how things are being done and decisions taken, this government, obviously is a veritable puppet of the Western block and India, that has no concern what so ever to the Sinhala Buddhist majority or their heritage. Therefore, it should not be allowed to go through this unconstitutional, illegal and traitorous process of passing this Act. It is the bounden duty of every Sinhala Buddhist citizen, both young and old to rise against this treachery of this illegitimate and puppet government’ that has no concern for the sons of this soil and their millennia old proud heritage.

These are not issues that should be even discussed by an illegitimate Government and a Parliament that has expired its legitimacy to rule this country in the eyes of the public.

Furthermore, words like post conflict, multi ethnic, victim centric and diverse communities clearly show the hidden agenda behind this traitorous plan. The language used throughout this news release clearly shows the minds of the architects of this conspiracy and it is a mirror of their anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhist thinking based on the following statements of the predators.

Sri Lanka is a multiethnic, multi religious and multi linguist and multicultural society where the minorities are illtreated by the majority Sinhalese Buddhists. But it is far from the truth.  Even though the Sinhalese Buddhists constitute the majority, even today neither the outside world nor the government accept the fact that Sinhalese are the only legitimate nation of this country as they were the people who found and developed the civilization pf this country and also, they were the people who defended this country for millennia against all foreign invasions, 17 Indian from 2ndBC. to the 12th century AD. and three Western from invasions from1505 to 1815.It should also be clearly noted that during all these invasions, both Tamils and Muslim minorities have always supported the invaders against the native Sinhalese.

As such Sinhalese were the only people who are legitimately qualified to be the Nation of this country. Even today, in spite of all western conspiracies to weaken the native Sinhalese they constitute the majority being 75% of the total population. This is the only land on earth they have, unlike the Tamils who have their motherland in South India and Muslim almost all over the world. Malabar Tamils in the north and East have only 300 hundred years history of domicile in this country. The first batch of those Indian Tamils who live in the hill country was introduced in 1838. But none of the original labourers or their descendants are there now. Almost all those who are there now are the people born after1948. When British left the Island in 1948 these Indian Tamils were British Citizens.  Most of them left to India after 1948.  Even if you assume that all of them stayed behind expecting Sri Lankan citizenship and got citizenship after 1987 they have a domicile history of only less than 36 years in this country, even if you consider them as citizens after they were illegitimately registered as citizens by force under the JR/ Rajive Accord of 1987 only. As such their claim Nam 200 years is a politically manipulated blatant hoax on their part and a historical betrayal of the Motherland and the Sinhala nation by the then President JR Jaaywardhana almost as a hostage of India.

Descendants of Muslims who had come from the Arab world as traders, were there in the maritime areas such as Beruwala in the South West when the Portuguese came in 1505. When those who escape death at the hands of the Portuguese ran to the King of Kandy Senarath pleading for life it was King Senarath settled some of them in Panampattuwa area of his Kingdom in the east as refugees. Ironically it is the descendants of those refugees rescued and land given by the Sinhale King, like Hisbulla today are claiming a Separate Muslim land” having already converted the area to a replica of an Arab land, using the political clout against the unpatriotic Sinhala political leaders who consider the vote more important than protecting the heritage of the Sinhala nation.    

During the pre-1815 era it was compulsory for all those foreigners who decided to be domicile here to learn the language of the land and abide by the local law and thereafter they got integrated with the native Sinhalese. They were also called Sinhalese as they all were living in the Sinhale Kingdom, the motherland of the Sinhala nation on this earth.   So, they too were also considered Sinhalese as the citizens of Sinhale prior to 1815. It was only the Dutch and the British who set these minorities against the native Sinhalese. Cleghorn in 1799 and the Wesleyan Church in 1819 met in Galle and said their main aim was to divide this country in to two districts, one Tamil and the other Sinhalese.  British were the people who did the biggest damage to the Sinhala nation using their divide and rule policy.

The destinies of this country from 1815 to 1948, the year of so-called Independence, were decided by UK. They exercised control over this Island nation through the Solebury Constitution up to 1972 by reserving ultimate Legislative, Executive and Judicial power in their hands, including the foreign policy through Constitutional manipulations Jennings had cleverly inserted.

In other words, we were not a fully independent country until we were declared a Republic on 22nd May 1972 under the Republican Constitution passed by the Parliament of this country. Although many positive steps towards Independence and self-reliance in socio economic fields were taken when the SLFP was in power up to 1977, a complete reversal took place in 1977. The new government in 1977 under JR, replaced even the May 22nd Republican day with the old Feb 4th Independence Day, an independence we never got in 1948. This attitude of the then government clearly shows the patriotism they had and the feeling and the love they had towards their country and the 2500-year proud heritage they owned from their ancestors. 

 Since then, there was no eventful national achievement until LTTE was defeated in 2009. Although the credit for defeating the 30-year LTTE goes to Mahinda Rajapaksa he also miserably failed to establish the war victory on the ground as it was done by the kings of the yore, such as Dutugamunu, Parakramabaahu the Great, Vijayabahu 1 and Sithavaka Rajasinha. He messed up due to perhaps overestimation and bad advice and got defeated in 2015 again due to political conspiracies deployed by the West and India and by his own people at home. The series of political tragedies such as the famous Central Bak Robbery and the Easter Sunday bomb blasts that killed more than 200 on Apr 21, 2019 followed by —ousting of Gotabhaya Rajapaksha on Sept 2nd conspired and staged by the same international and Indian forces against the emerging Sinhala Buddhist nation continues up to date with no light to be seen even at the end of the tunnel.

In addition to the never ending numerous domestic political, economic and social problems at home the continuing interference by the west and India has reached its zenith by now. The West led by US and all pro Tami Diaspora and anti-Sinhala Anti Buddhist elements both inside the country and outside are doing overtime day and night to empower the minorities 

What is even worse is now we are trapped between the power struggle for global political and economic war between China in the east and the US and the western block supported by India in the West. Thus, we are sandwiched between these three power rivalries. New geo strategic compulsions have brought the USA in to the seen in a very big way with the latest Indo-pacific NATO called QUAD. Meanwhile India is trying to make hay while the sun shines by exerting maximum power to take control of this Island nation following the Panikkar strategy.

Coming back to the subjects of the proposed Commission Truth, Unity and reconciliation,

Now let us have a glance at the three key words in the Governments formula. Truth, Unity and Reconciliation.

Truth : history.

The stark truth about the Truth is, first of all, the Sinhalese were the original settlers of this island who built up the civilization from 543 BC up to date.  They were the people who defended this country against all foreign invasion from 2nd century BC to date. And it was also their motherland from 543 BC. to date. The ancient invasions included 18 South Indian starting from 2nd century BC to 12th Century AD. The native Sinhalese defended the Kingdom and chased the out. The modern invasions from 1505 to 1815that were Portuguese, Dutch and British. They were also defeated by the native Sinhalese. But finally, they handed over the country in1815 to British under the Kandyan Convention of 2nd March 1815 as equal partners, British promising to protect the native law, customs and religion. But in 1817 the Sinhalese revolted ( Uva Wellassa Revolt) against the British as they found the British had violated the conditions of the Convention and in fact they have been deceived by the British under the clever manipulations of John Doily. Governor Brown Wrigg by his 1818 Nov 21st Royal Proclamation declared war against the Sinhalese violating he Kandyan Convention unilaterally and crushed the Natives. Thereafter this country was governed by the British under Royal Proclamations up to 1948. Meanwhile the Natives again revolted against the British in 1848 (Matale Revolt) In both these revolts Tamil sepoys from India were used to kill the native Sinhalese and Muslims were used as spies and to transport their goods. Hajji Muhandirama was appointed as Disaawa in Uva for services rendered to the British.

In the past from 2nd century BC South Indian Tamils had invaded this country 18 times. Of all early invasions the 12th century Kalinga Magha was the worst and the most destructive. He vandalized whole Rajarata including Polonnaruwa and he left no Dageba or temple or reservoir untouched. He set fire to all buildings and temples and plundered all treasure in Dagbas and left no Tank bund unbroken. Thus, it was his invasion that did the biggest damage to our national and religious assets. Finally. he was responsible for the complete destruction of the Rajarata civilization and for its Southwestward shift and the total disintegration of the ancient Sinhala Buddhist civilization (one of the greatest in the world) that stood in par with Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilizations. shifting of the Rajarata civilization to the South West. Any one visiting Polonnaruwa even today can witness the vast destruction he did to a once glorious Sinhala Buddhist heritage in protected ruins of burned down palaces and temples.

The latest next stage destruction and devastation and attempts made to Sinhala Buddhist heritage of this Sinhala Buddhist Island nation began with the advent of the Western colonial invasions starting from Portuguese in1505.This was followed by the Dutch and the British. Out of the last 3 it was the British who did the greatest devastation. By altering the Sinhala Buddhist imprint from the North and the East. This they did first by dividing the Sinhalese and Tamils as two ethnic groups starting with the famous Cleghorn Report with the 1799 letter to the Governor wherein he identified Sinhalese and Tamils as two ethnic groups living in two different parts of the Island – Tamil in the north and East and Sinhalese in the rest part. The Weslayen Methodist Mission in 1818 said that their main objective is to divide this country in to two districts to be designated the Singhalese and Tamil Districts. The British using this framework for their divide and rule policy made the best   use to drive a wedge between the native Sinhalese and immigrant Tamils. Meanwhile the Dutch and British also imported South Indian Malabar Tamils to work on their Tobacco plantations and road building. British also had a plan to settle South Indian Tamils in Large numbers in the Northern and Eastern Provinces under irrigation projects to change the demographic map by increasing the Tamils in this country. But this scheme failed. As such the present generation of Tamil in the north and East counts less than 300 years of domicile in this country only.

The last Groupe pf South Indians appeared in this country with the introduction of Coffee plantations in elate 1830s as the native Sinhalese refused to work for the invaders. The first batch came in 1838 to clear jungle for Coffee. When coffee failed due to the Coffee blight Tea was introduce in early 1870s after the Loolecondera experiment was started in 1867 by Scotsman James Taylor.

Since then, as Tea plantations began to sprawl all over the hill country the influx of South Indian labour also increased up to 1.2 million by 1910. Most of them returned after making some money. In any case almost every Indian went back to India annual to deposit the money they earned here. Most of them did not return. The new labour groups were brought by middlemen like Thodaman. But again, only few of them had a continuous domicile here. This process continued up to 1948, the year British left this country leaving their south Indian labour gang behind high and dry without either repatriating them to India or taking the home to UK as they were British citizens at that time, thereby creating a big problem of 1.2 gang of stateless Soth Indians to us. Samyamurthi Thondaman himself came here in 1924. As such most of the Estate Tamils I think belong to that category who came to Sri Lanka after that date. According to the Ceylon Citizenship Act 1948 only those who had a continuous domicile of ten years in Ceylon were considered for Citizenship.

Many a thing has happened since then until all Indians in the Island were made citizens of this country under the JR/Rjiv Act, with a simple affidavit singed on a Rs 1 stamp, a mischievous and illegal method of giving citizenship unseen and unheard in any country in the world.  Under this system any Indian whether he/she was plantation labour, an illicit immigrant (kallathoni) a gypsy or any other could claim citizenship in this country He needs only an affidavit singed by him before JP. I do not think that there is any country in this world where citizen ship could be obtained like that. so easily.

Having said that on citizenship now let me say few words on the kind of privileges a Tamil or a Muslim enjoy in this country. As far as I know all are equal before the law. There is no discrimination on ethnicity religion or language.  There is no discrimination in education, employment, purchasing property. Marriage, residence or any other. For that matter, in my experience Sri Lanka is the country where the minorities enjoy the highest freedom and privileges on earth. Muslims have their own laws and Karthi courts to dispense justice Tamils too have their Thesavalamei whereas the Sinhalese don’t have their own law which they had enjoyed for 2600 years. A Muslim man can marry a Sinhala Buddhist woman, but a Sinhala man or Tamil man can never marry a Muslim woman. Again, A Sinhala woman who marry a Muslim man has to wear the purdah and she also has to change her religion. Even then there is no hum from the Sinhala society.

On the other hand, the Bhoomiputras, the native Sinhalese the founders of this island, who made the civilization, who defended this country against all foreign invasion for 2600 years and protected it against all invasions and above al the only ethnic group who consider this country as their mother land a and has no allegiance any other country don’t have any of these privileges. They can’t live in the North and the East, they are traditional Tamil lands they say. No can they run a business there either, no can they restore even a Buddhist archaeological ruin 2 -3 thousand years old there. No can they fish in the northern waters while Indians are allowed Now you see who is discriminated and who is not.

As a nation molded on the 4 sublime principles of Metta, Muditha, Karunaa and Upekka, reconcillation has never been a problem to us.

This is the Gospel Truth about the Sri Lankan society.

Now let us consider the other two issues; Unity and Reconciliation

Unity and reconciliation with people of other communities including religion, language or ethnicity etc. As practicing true Buddhists, it has never been a problem for our society. All these issues like disunity and reconciliation in this country were the creations of the colonial West, after 1505, specially the British from 1797. There were no such problems before their arrival. Before 1815 this was one country (Sinhale) and one nation (Sinhalese). The name of the country we handed over was Sinhale, meaning the land of the Sinhala people. It was the British who divided Lankan/Sinhala nation in to different groups such as Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. They further divided the Sinhalese as Kandyans and Lowcountry Sinhalese (see Robert Percival 1806). In 1901 a new ethnic group called the Ceylon Tamils (former Malabars) was created by Ponnambalan Arunachalam a Tamil Civil Servant (The first Ceylon Civil Servant under the British) most probably as advised by the British, the world masters of divide and rule state craft. It was Cleghorn the Secretary to first Governor of British Ceylon, Fredric North who advised the British to divide the Native inhabitants; Singalese; in to two different nations as cingalese and Malabars(Tamils) and stated that the Sinhalese inhabit the interior of the country in its Southern and Western parts and Malabars possess the Northern and Eastern parts. According to him Sinhalese had come from Siam. This alone shows his ignorance of the Sri Lankan society. Again, the Soulbury Constitution under sec 29 created the concept of minority nations in this country for the first time in history. The British also gave special privileges to Tamils from the very beginning. They also provided English education and government employment for them and did everything to elevate the Tamils. They also argued that the Malabars (Tamils) as an ethic group were superior to the Sinhalese. By 1843 Jaffna was provided with 45 English schools when the whole country had only 103. British also made an attempt to flood the Northern and Eastern provinces with Malabar Tamils to upset the demographic constitution of the Island to weaken the strength of the native Sinhala people.  They brought all their labour requirements for the hill country plaFntations nearing 1.2 million from South India and left them high and dry as stateless destitute when they left the country in 1948. They also employed these Malabar men as sepoys to fight against the native Sinhalese in the 1818 and 1848 rebellions. This shows how the British colonial master have divided the Sri Lankan nation in to two and how mistrust had been cleverly built up from 1797. In this backdrop why appoint a Commission to find out the truth.  In 1947 Tamils wanted a separate State when they formed the Ilankayi Tamil Arasukachchi Party  (Ceylon Tamil State Party) not accepting the fact that this country had been a Sinhala Kingdom from the inception of history in 543 BC.  Stil later in 1980 the LTTE was formed aspiring to from their Tamil Eelam  (meaning the land of the Sinhalese) and fought a 30 year brutal war with the government of the country killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians including Buddhist Monks and even sucking babies and pregnant mothers and 100ds of lay devotees observing sil at the Sacred BO tree in Anuradhapura and carrying out mayhem all over the country .A massive bombing spree including the Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy (the palladium of the whole Buddhist world) and several key place like the Central Bank of the nation and the Main Airport at Katunayake completely destroying about 10 brand new Planes were carried out.

This summarizes the eternal craze the Indians had throughout history starting in prehistoric times to capture this beautiful Island. This is the Gospel Truth about the eternal animosity between India and Sri Lanka. There are only two ways to solve this battle. First, is for India to forget this dream of capturing Sri Lanka and leave us alone without interfering with our internal politics and leave Sri Lanka to solve the problems of its Tamil population without pestering us calling them people of Indian origin as if we Sinhalese are not. If India is so concerned about them sometimes even more than their own people in India completely forgetting that  they are Sri Lankan citizens, the best solution is to take them back without creating headaches for us.TH second solution is for the Tamils in this country  first to understand this historical back ground and accept that this country belongs to the Sinhala nation as it had been from prehistoric times and reconcile with the native Sinhalese and live here happily by giving up all their attachments to India, as we Sinhalese also have done. Politicians of both countries must understand this reality on earth accordingly to bring about a permanent solution to this problem.

Muslims on the other hand were used mainly as spies against the natives and they supported the Muslims in the famous Sinhala -Muslim riots of 1915.  Now they also want a separate State within this country of 25,000 sq miles.  The Tamils in the north and East demand a separate State   covering 1/3 of the area of the country for just about 4 million Tamils and another 1.2 Tamils on the Hill country also want a Malayanadu covering about another 1/3 rd of the country. In addition, Muslims also want a separate State in the East where their ancestors were given land by the King of the Sinhale Kingdom after they were chased out from the western littorals by the Portuguese, in 1665.

Talking about reconciliation, no reconciliation is possible on earth under this situation until and unless both Tamils and Muslims accept that this is the home land of the Sinhala nation as it had been for the past 2600 years and it is non- negotiable and inalienable.  They are only visitors and not owners of this country.  They have to go by the dictum when you are in Rome you must do as a Roman do. They must first accept this stark truth and respect the original owners and learn to live with them amicably without quarrelling to own someone else’s land. Then only one can reconcile and live in unity and peace Never until then. Politicians who cannot understand this language must quit immediately without trying to destroy this 2600-year-old civilization and this ever-resplendent Island nation on earth.

This is the time we need real statesmanship to save this 2600-year-old Sinhala nation and this Paradise on earth.

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