Greenpeace Spy Ship, White Mischief & Selling off Key Industries in Sri Lanka
Posted on January 24th, 2024
e-Con e-News
‘Before you study the economics, study the economists!’
e-Con e-News 14-20 January 2023
‘We are coming, Colombo! Next month the iconic Greenpeace´s Ship:
The Rainbow Warrior will be in our country, SriLanka,
demanding Climate Justice!’
Demanding? From whom? Greenpeace – yet another Anglo-American Environmental NGO camouflage – is set to sail their much-hyped ship (bombed in a New Zealand port in 1985 by the French government, who saw it as an English spy ship) into Colombo harbor from 17-18 February. You’d think they would demand peace now, and sail to the Red Sea to stop the US & England from bombing Yemen & Palestine! Or sail to Fukushima!
But surprise, surprise! What on planet Earth does all this ‘green’ peace have to do with the plans to jail (if not assassinate) former President Gotabaya Rajapakse, & others, on criminal charges, using the so-called ‘Truth & Reconciliation Commission’, financed by the US Exxon Rockefellers, while allowing multinational corporations (MNCs) like Exxon & Anglo Unilever to override local courts.
And if justice is the prize, why then, e.g., were no Englishmen charged with criminality (isn’t colonialism a crime? – ask Palestine?) after 1948 independence? They were instead protected (by English military bases) and provided special seats in an ‘independent’ Parliament to continue this import-export colonial plantation fraud, & its ‘private practices’, that have brought us to this pass. (see ee Random Notes)
A Director of Greenpeace South Asia, Jehan CanagaRetna recently joined a USAID-funded relative of one of the main 1962 coup leaders, at the Supreme Court, in accusing Sri Lanka’s former President G Rajapakse & his economic advisors of solely causing the economy’s bankruptcy. Having failed to eliminate him in 2022, the plan now is to continue pitting communities against each other, charging Rajapakse as a ‘common criminal’ in court (Milosevic-style), by first threatening the key national, economic & security forces he was elected to represent, to accede to imperialism’s plans to reinstall Sri Lanka as a colonial base, to block links between East Asia, West Asia & Africa, continuing (yes, continuing!) their war against China (the white wars on Taiwan & Korea, by the way, are called ‘frozen conflicts’).
CanagaRetna is also the SL Representative for the Unilever-linked Rainforest Alliance, which aims to control access to white (we tire of using the geographic misnomer ‘Western’) markets. CanagaRetna is President of Wildlife & Nature Protection Society of SL – WNPS is promoting debt-for nature-swaps with MNCs, to grab Sinharaja rainforest, etc.
This week, WNPS’ PLANT (Preserving Land & Nature (Guarantee) Pvt Ltd) announced building an ‘ambitious’ 9km forest corridor with Hayleys’ Horana Plantations, along the banks of Maskeliya Oya, near the Samanalakanda –Sri Pada Sanctuary, out of which flow some of Sri Lanka’s major rivers, aiming to prevent our harnessing of local sources of energy.
ee has already reported on the sabotage of DJ ‘Laxapana‘ Wimalasurendra‘s vision for making us self-sufficient in energy – a crucial element in the last government’s mandate, undermined by strangling access to finance, fuel, fertilizer, food & pharma.
‘Sri Lanka is a nation blessed with indigenous energy sources.
If managed properly, the amount of energy available from these sources
is much more than the total requirement of the country.’
(see ee Focus, CPSL’s Way Forward program)
So says Sri Lanka’s Communist Party program on Power & Energy. It seems we need to make conventional hydropower (including wave-tidal power) more efficient, which would involve investment in research & development of energy machinery, and local innovation. Meanwhile, the Energy Minister says they can’t access fuel from Russia due to Singapore’s monopoly? (see ee Quotes)
So is Greenpeace coming as a spy ship? Yes, it is. And more. Greenpeace, unbeknownst to many, has also been providing green fog for the illegal English-US military occupation of Diego Garcia (in the Chagos Archipelago, from where the US launches bombers over East Africa & Asia). Meanwhile US & English banks like Standard Chartered & HSBC Holdings (with their origins in pushing opium from India on China, and funding apartheid in South Africa) are now pushing ‘a new $15billion program to ‘protect Indian Ocean habitats’. And yet there’s little kerfuffle from Greenpeace after Japan’s government’s recent dumping of nuclear radioactive waste water into our oceans… So much for ‘climate justice’! (see ee Random Notes)
• Welcome to the 301st weekly edition of ee. We enjoy most of the criticisms ee gets. Some think ee is obsessed. One frequent kvetch is that the weekly ee should be more focused and less prolix (see, we also like using unusual English words just to show we too can wield the kaduva, though against English colonialism, yankee-style). However, we see ee as more than a sound-bytten (past participle of sound byte?) news site, and more as an archive of the sheer criminality of the imperialist & colonized media, which accuses everyone but themselves of corruption.
Readers wish to know how Unilever controls the media. Funneled through PR & advertising agencies, many news stories are repeated word for word in all newspapers and should be classified as infomercials, and are obviously paid for, perhaps with a nod & a wink & under-the-table, even if the Inland Revenue Department may not tell us how MNCs fund this expensive ‘free media’.
As the USA & its English & EU pitbulls escalate the horror in West Asia & East Africa, to cut off energy to Asia, we also keep noting how our so-called national media depends on Washington’s (AP, Bloomberg, etc) and London’s (BBC, Reuter) hacks to tell us what’s going on in our own neighbourhood. ee found this hilarious disclaimer at the bottom of a news item in the George Steuart Group’s The Morning:
‘Source – BBC Disclaimer:
No part of this article was changed
except for the headline’
(see ee Industry, Microsoft)
Look at the bloated coverage of inbred Hanover Anne last week, compared to the just one or 2 mentions of the plans to allow MNCs to enforce laws without going through Sri Lankan courts! (also see ee 02 Dec 2023, ICSID) So who did the inbred English royals meet? – nestled within their itinerary are so-called social media with their anarchistic & nihilist ‘art’, now on display as the English & their white-Black Colombots + their white sponsors are invading Sinhala Ruhuna to fete fake art & literary extravaganzas (which stunt the real art & literature that could bolster a modern industrial renaissance).
‘Representatives from the Museum of Modern Art,
The National Trust Sri Lanka, Design Development Corporation,
Ceylon Theatres, Scope Cinemas, Agenda14 and The Gratiaen Trust
met English Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence & his wife Anne
at the British Council office’ (see ee Sovereignty)
The Admiral & mistress Anne avoided visiting England’s chemical-pushing ICI/CIC corporation who stage-managed the fertilizer hulabaloo, the shylock opium & apartheid bank Standard Chartered, or carcinogen-promoting Ceylon Tobacco Co (CTC). The SoE Restructuring Unit (SRU), selling off national assets, is headed by England’s CTC Suresh Shah. The SRU meanwhile announced there were only 3 responses to the Request for Qualification (RfQ) notice to divest the Government’s stake in Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT). The Telecommunication Engineers’ Union (TEU) wonders why? (see ee Focus)
• An absolutely perverse white media continues to blame Yemen for blocking Red Sea traffic, when there is no doubt it is the US & English & EU who have launched wars in both East Africa & West Asia to control access to energy for the rest of Asia’s industrialization (see ee Random Notes).
The IMF meanwhile keeps prescribing their tampered medicines, offering grim forecasts unless we accede to their dubious & often deadly panaceas. If the IMF’s masters in Washington are promoting wars in Asia & Africa, which would render moot all the IMF’s fixes, which are provoking chaos, why on earth are we acceding to their ‘bitter medicines’?
With the US/English/EU aka white wars in West Asia & East Africa surely causing further havoc, not just economically – while providing rosy predictions & prescribing even more ‘bitter medicines’ – why is the IMF being allowed to interfere with Sri Lanka’s internal affairs?? (see ee Economy, IMF meets Constitutional Council to interfere in Commissioner Selection Process)
Awaiting a more definite selloff of crucial sectors of the national economy (which could instead be sustaining a modern industrial renaissance), the opposition now claims they would ‘amend’ the USA’s IMF program. Meanwhile the IMF is cranking up ‘pressure on SL, by putting off the next tranche until April: so says US-funded Verite. The despotic Yankee-funded CBSL Governor says no future government can amend. Meanwhile, most of IMF-linked news is ‘bullish’, with the IMF claiming that their economic reform program is ‘yielding the first signs of recovery, and ‘starting to pay off’? Hmm, for whom exactly?? (see ee Economy)
‘The Truth, Unity & Reconciliation Commission can summon any individual
to testify or produce materials before it, and the failure of anyone to do so
will be considered as equivalent to the punishable offense of contempt
committed against the Court of Appeal.’
(see ee Random Notes).
It’s no coincidence that the plans to put on trial former Sinhala Presidents Gotabaya Rajapakse, Mahinda Rajapakse & Maitripala Sirisena proceed apace. This is evident in the hourly harangue about their ‘corruption’ (with or without which the colonial economy was set to crash anyway!). And then, while hyping of the so-called Constitutional Council, there are just one or 2 mentions of the plans to allow multinationals to enforce laws without going through local courts! (also see, ee 02 Dec 2023, ICSID) This MNC-privileging bill was sneakily passed just after spirited holidays (when all were looking for their next cheer!) under legislative cover of another bill about the National Unity & Reconciliation Commission (ONUR)! What does giving multinational corporations the right to impose their writ, impinging national sovereignty, have to do with ‘Reconciliation’…?
These Bills were passed by Parliament’s Sectoral Oversight Committee on Reconciliation & National Unity, with many bureaucrats & only 2 MPs present – both presumably ‘nationalist’, one Sinhala & other Eelamist. What exactly are we reconciling with? Capitalism! & herein lies the plot! It also explains the arrival of the Exxon-Rockefeller International agent (an off-white one!) who initially funded the ONUR to throw more dollars around, as a sop to extend multinational corporate dictat, while threatening nationalist forces.