The Return of the Tamil Brigade
Posted on November 11th, 2011
Prof. Hudson McLean
The Return of the Tamil Refugees from Tamil Nadu demonstratesƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the success of the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government policy of humane fairness.
As most of the supporters of LTTE Terrorists claim unfair treatment of Tamils in the North and left the shores of Sri Lanka to their historical Homeland of Tamil Nadu. Those loud mouth pundits in Tamil Nadu and other Indian politicians should look at how the Motherland of India treated their own Kith & Kin.
I doubt very much that if these “refugees” were treated with kindness by their Motherland, they would return to Sri Lanka.
Would they call Sri Lanka “The Frying Pan” or “The Fire”?
Now its upto those who returned and specially those expats in foreign countries, the various governments, to Put-up or Shut-up!
Either support the Government of Sri Lanka andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ their Tamil cousins or alternatively Rent-a-Tub and take any of them who wish to leave Sri Lanka to any country who wish to accommodate!
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November 12th, 2011 at 6:57 am
Those 300,000 Civilians who were rescued by the Great Sri Lankan Soldiers during the last lap of the war too SEND THE CORRECT SIGNAL TO THE TAMIL DIASPORAH WHO ARE STILL STRUGGLING FOR A UPRISING OF TERRORISM AGAIN,
November 12th, 2011 at 7:31 am
The ‘Refugees’ who are returning to Sri Lanka hold ID cards issued by Navi Pillai’s UNHRC. Has anyone checked to see whether these people are true born Sri Lankans ?
Similarly, Navi Pillai’s UNHRC has issued ID cards to a large percentage of the so-called IDPs who came out of the ltte held areas after being held by the ltte as a ‘human shield’. Has anyone checked to see whether these people are true born Sri Lankans ?
Only true born Sri Lankans should be allowed to enter Sri Lanka. All Illegal Migrants should be deported.
UNHRC should be fair by Sri Lanka, and help sort out this matter.
November 12th, 2011 at 7:35 am
Are UNHRC issued plastic ID cards being treated as though they are passports to enter and stay in Sri Lanka ?
November 13th, 2011 at 7:14 am
I believe we must treat with understanding and kindness those who may have fled to India as refugees through genuine fears for their safety and now welcome them back gladly and with a large heart. There is little comfort to be derived from the knowledge that Sri Lankans are living as refugees in India. They will be happy to return to their homes and have no doubt that living conditions are so much better back home.
November 13th, 2011 at 8:39 am
All genuine Sri Lankan born people should have the choice to return to Sri Lanka. All others, i.e. Illegal Migrants, should be deported. Just to inform Lankans that Illegal Migrants should not be tolerated, this year, America has deported over 400,000 illegal migrant Mexicans back to Mexico.
We have to first find out who are true born Sri Lankans, or else an Exodus of Tamil people from Tamil Nadu will continue to arrive in Sri Lanka in batches, courtesy of Ms Navi Pillai, UNHRC !
The ‘human sheild’ held by the ltte had about 300,000 people. At that time, the Army reckoned that there ought to be around 100,000. How did the numbers increase to such a huge number ?
People who are returning to Sri Lanka from the ‘refugee’ camps of Tamil Nadu : How do we know they are truly Sri Lankan ?
Navi Pillai’s UNHRC did not check out these people before issuing ID cards. Neither were the IDPs from the ‘human shield’ checked out properly before issuance of ID cards by UNHRC. Now it is assumed that these people are Sri Lankan just because they hold ID cards from the UNHRC !
* We wish the same ‘understanding & kindness’ is extended toward Sinhala & Muslim people who wish to return to the North of Lanka.
* We wish that Sri Lankan Tamils had the option of settling down in Tamil Nadu too ! Why is the kindness only one way i.e. that Tamils can come to Sri Lanka which is a much smaller and overcrowded place ?
Sri Lanka : what price Peace ? Forget political party differences and solve this problem before it is too late.
November 13th, 2011 at 10:00 am
Srilanka is the motherland for Srilankan Tamils and they have the right to settle in Srilanka
Plantation tamils came to Srilanka in 1940s . They have relatives in South india
Srilankan tamils are different and they do not have kith and kin in South India
my understanding is after 83 riots the Srilankan Tamils arrived in thousands to South India
my sinhala friends say it is called black july, As a sinhalese they are very ashame of the riots took place in 83 which should not have happened
what needs to be done today . I will say it over and over and over again
(a) Srilanka should get Psychiatric doctors and counceillors from all over th e world to stop the disease Racisim
Be very very honeset and accept the truth
racisim is a disease like HIV and Aids
I am not a racist at all. My good father taught me to repect every one regardless of the race cultcure and religion . Never prejudge a person , never hurt others feelings
My definition of racisit is a person who do not mind hurting other human beings .or who enjoy bullying others
Like HIV and Aids racisim can also kill people
see what happened in Rwanda . Million Tutsis were killed by Hutus. peoples throat were slashed . How could such a hatred exist ?
WHAT needs to be done in Srilanka now is to create a good atmosphere for all Sinhalese ,Tamils , Muslims , Indian Tamils, Bergers , Malays vedhas .
We have to be honeset and asking the question are we racists? be honest and there is nothing wrong in accepting the truth
Then find a way how we can become good people , get councelling and for serious cases get Psychaitric treatment.
60 years of mistrust , hatred can never go easily
Govt should spend most of its wealth in changing the heart of people , to be respectful and compassionate to each other
bring the best councillors like Dr Phil to Srilanka and organize thousands and thousands of clinics, events alll over the country to cure the disease or control it
It will take time but the Govt should work on it now . It should have been done many many years ago
Sinhalese want tamils to be patriotic and Tamils expect respect and equality
There is nothing wrong on that
Both may not happen the way we wanted unless people can Psychiatric help and councelling
November 13th, 2011 at 10:01 am
Srilanka is the motherland for Srilankan Tamils and they have the right to settle in Srilanka
Plantation tamils came to Srilanka in 1940s . They have relatives in South india
Srilankan tamils are different and they do not have kith and kin in South India
my understanding is after 83 riots the Srilankan Tamils arrived in thousands to South India
my sinhala friends say it is called black july, As a sinhalese they are very ashame of the riots took place in 83 which should not have happened
what needs to be done today . I will say it over and over and over again
(a) Srilanka should get Psychiatric doctors and counceillors from all over th e world to stop the disease Racisim
Be very very honeset and accept the truth
racisim is a disease like HIV and Aids
I am not a racist at all. My good father taught me to repect every one regardless of the race cultcure and religion . Never prejudge a person , never hurt others feelings
My definition of racisit is a person who do not mind hurting other human beings .or who enjoy bullying others
Like HIV and Aids racisim can also kill people
see what happened in Rwanda . Million Tutsis were killed by Hutus. peoples throat were slashed . How could such a hatred exist ?
WHAT needs to be done in Srilanka now is to create a good atmosphere for all Sinhalese ,Tamils , Muslims , Indian Tamils, Bergers , Malays vedhas .
We have to be honeset and asking the question are we racists? be honest and there is nothing wrong in accepting the truth
Then find a way how we can become good people , get councelling and for serious cases get Psychiatric treatment.
60 years of mistrust , hatred can never go easily
Govt should spend most of its wealth in changing the heart of people , to be respectful and compassionate to each other
bring the best councillors like Dr Phil to Srilanka and organize thousands and thousands of clinics, events alll over the country to cure the disease or control it
It will take time but the Govt should work on it now . It should have been done many many years ago
Sinhalese want tamils to be patriotic and Tamils expect respect and equality
There is nothing wrong on that
Both may not happen the way we wanted unless people can Psychiatric help and councelling
November 13th, 2011 at 12:44 pm
People who want everlasting true peace in Srilanka will agree with me in 2 more points
b) like western countries govt should pass LAW of Zero tolerence against any one who talk write against race , religion or country. People who violate could face the consequences.
c) lankan flag and national anthem should be given imporatnce all over the country
As I said before sinhalese expect patriotisim and Tamils expect respect
Good councelling can help to get the results. Change of mind from Tamils as well as sinhalese will help our country to progress . I give importance to (a) more than anything
All the religions teach love and kindness. Every one can live happily and peacefully in this short life in this earth without hurting other races and faiths by acts and words
If we want to say something say something good if not do not say
I believe very much Srilanka will progress and The unity among tamils sinhalese Muslims will be very very much stronger than before