Sri Lanka: Tamils must first be reconciled with Tamils
Posted on August 22nd, 2012

Shenali Waduge

It is easy to be asking solutions but when asking for solutions that relate to human beings it is not something that can be hurried. The international propaganda of the LTTE has left out crucial components that reveal exactly how divided Tamils in reality are. Not many have cared to question why LTTE did not use its USD300 annual earnings to uplift the areas it aspired to control over its own people. Absolutely nothing had been done except to build sophisticated bunkers and homes for the LTTE and their families. Even the food and medicines were sent by Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Government to the North throughout the LTTEƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s rule. The world needs to know that there is a major difference in what the Tamils (who controlled the Tamils during the hayday of the LTTE) aspire and what the Tamils need (the Tamils who suffered at the hands of the LTTE/Tamil politicians and the Tamil Diaspora).

The few incidents given below were given hardly any space in the Tamil/English mainstream media though they would have been jumping up and down if a non-Tamil had been involved and the World Wide Web would have been inundated with such clippings. We question the reason for the silence.

1 July 2012 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” a 7 year old Tamil girl from Kirulapone had been raped by her Tamil uncle and 2 males and dumped into a drainage canal.

It has emerged that she had been sexually abused for over a month by the accused.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 26 July 2012 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Lover informs that 31 year old Tamil businesswoman was hanging from a fan in a Vavuniya hotel. The lover a Tamil domestic who had been working for her parents too has a series of robbery cases against him. Her parents had married her to a wealthy businessmen 15 years her senior and both had a daughter though later she had discovered he was a father of 3 from a previous marriage. After their separation, she had reunited with the former domestic

29ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  February 2012 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” a 48 year old Tamil woman found dead with stab wounds inside a hotel room in Kollupitiya. She had been visiting Sri Lanka from UK.

May 2012 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Kayts Police arrested a Tamil man for tying a stone round his 80year mother of two and pushing her into the well because she was an inconvenience to him. The suspect was a member of the LTTE armed units.

19 August 2012 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Tamil kills 58year old father, mother and 23 year old sister in an apartment complex in Wellawatte. The son is suspected to have fled the island.

Furthermore, while the Sri Lankan security forces are going to great lengths to disarm all armed groups that had taken arms for their protection against the LTTE, several tiffs between these Tamil groups have resulted in deaths/injuries.

The incidents of Tamil gang violence in all the countries that Tamils have been given refugee is certainly alarming as well. It is no exaggeration to say that in some towns traditionally ruled by the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-BlacksƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ it is the Tamil gangs who are now involved in mugging, looting, shoplifting, credit card scams and other such nefarious activities.

With a million Tamils now living in foreign shores it is not difficult to fathom how financially their lives have changed. Anyone doing marketing in Wellawatte will agree that it is the most expensive place to shop and there is no bargaining not even for vegetables and vendors have even stated gleefully that some shoppers do not even wait to take their change! Translated this simply means that practically all the Tamil families in Colombo and suburbs have at least one member of their family now living overseas and what many of them cannot forget is that it is the LTTE that they have to be thankful for.

Here is the catch. While Tamils whatever caste or class they belong to feel happy that Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s conflict is now over there is an inherent gratitude that they cannot shrug off towards the LTTE for their financial and social status quo though it does not necessarily mean that they are for a separate state. We need to comprehend this dilemma.

Confusing the situation is the fact that the LTTE was a terrorist organization generating profits of USD300annually and its international co-activities meant that a large number of Tamils had become rich and acknowledged internationally in view of being LTTEƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s foreign representatives. These people do not wish to give up 30 years of perks and privileges they had been enjoying. This is the reason why they wish to keep flagging the Sinhala-Tamil discrimination theme and using their illicit money to create stories, buy foreign politicians and make up some bizarre senate with former senile war criminal lawyers.

From overseas these Tamils most of whom have not set foot in Sri Lanka or sent a penny to uplift the lives of ordinary Tamil people cry to remove Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s military presence in the North while the Karaveddy Tamils are requesting the Jaffna Commander to continue the military as the Tamil people feel far safer. This same sentiment was expressed by Dr. Subramaniam Swamy when he was visiting Sri Lanka as a Guest Speaker. So are we to believe people who have not come to Sri Lanka or the Tamil people themselves who are living amongst the Sri Lanka military? If one goes deeper into the Northern terrain in places like Mullaitivu the popularity of the Sri Lankan army would make any international anti-Sri Lanka speak squirm with envy!

Unknown to most especially those that seek to champion the cause of the Tamil people, is the reality that Tamils are far more divided than they promote themselves to be. The divisions are many ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” there is the caste where a handful of the Vellalas continue to want to dominate over the entire Tamil population. You will find them among the ruling Tamil politicians and their election victories can be compared to the Gandhis continuing to win votes. Some say that even if GandhiƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s dog stood for election, he too would win resoundingly!

Why is it that only we question the silence of the TNA politicians throughout the LTTE reign where not a single dared to walk into the North, not a single even appealed to the LTTE not to kidnap the Tamil children to make them into child combatants. Why were the TNA politicians silent ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” because the children who were kidnapped were not Colombo Tamils or high caste Tamils but poor low caste children. The same is true of the 297,000 Tamil civilians who were rescued by the Sri Lankan army. The caste difference is such that you will not find any high caste sharing the same cup with someone belonging to the low caste and you can be sure that there will be separate cutlery and crockery to be offered. Alarming too is the fact that the blood to Jaffna hospital is supplied by the Sri Lankan army because Tamils do not want to donate blood due to their caste differences! How many would even care to acknowledge this fact?

Nevertheless, 30 years is a long time and the Tamils that have gone to make a home overseas are now ready to compete with their own having the power of money to gain the position they were denied because of their caste. It is easy to pick the expatriates that arrive now to Sri Lanka. The male youth wear earrings, the young girls are in micro miniƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s, the once shy Tamil women are not shy to wear shorts and all speak in incomprehensible English with equally incomprehensible accents!

Whatsmore the extent of the freedom Tamils now enjoy thanks to the Sri Lankan forces is something they are unable to control. The police statistics will reveal the rise in rapes among Tamil families with fathers raping their own daughters, there are also cases of unwanted pregnancies and Tamil girls once preferring to wait till their parents matched their horoscopes now not shy to start affairs.

What is not difficult to conceive is that the new generation of youth are first of all unlikely to follow the traditional thinking patterns of their older generations while the older generation who are comfortable with the existence of the divisions that helped them dominate their own are doing whatever they can to maintain that status quo. Obviously there is a major mismatch.

Bridging these divides is nothing a war victory can achieve. Acknowledging the divides that exist among Tamils is more important. Our dilemma is all about whose Tamil aspirations are being denied and a Sri Lankan Government cannot be drawing up reconciliation programs simply to please a handful of high caste/class Tamils knowing that the majority of the other Tamils would end up suffering by their own people. In this modern day and age this is not how things should work.

The international community needs to comprehend the fact that there is a major disparity in what some Tamils want and what most Tamils need. By demanding solutions from the Sri Lankan Government without knowing the ground realities they are not helping the Tamils who had been excluded by the Tamils for 30 years ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” unless this is the gameplan!



23 Responses to “Sri Lanka: Tamils must first be reconciled with Tamils”

  1. Marco Says:

    Is Shenali seriously clutching at straws here?
    or is she playing for the “Thompson Twins”?

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Well said.

    But what SW misses is Tamil caste problem that kills MORE Tamils in SL. These are blamed on “UNIDENTIFIED GROUPS” and the army.

    Tamil Tigers killing Tamil Tigers so no need for army to do it!

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Micro (brain) can’t accept truth. Still denying Thalivar is dead?

    DAMN it! :))

  4. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    First, a small correction:- USD 300 million.

    Shenali !! What you say is absolutely true. As long as Tamils think in terms of caste, there is not going to be any reconciliation, either with the Tamils themselves, nor with the rest of Sri Lankans.

    About the Senate, it is a set of Tamil Clowns playing House. First they self appoint as a Prime Minister, of a Trans National Government. Then another set of clowns are Senators of the IMAGINARY GOVERNMENT. This is a DAMNING FRAUD by a few of the CRAFTY TAMILS to continuously collect Funds for Super Luxury Living by those who receive these funds. The low caste Tamils continue to release their personal funds on some fantasy dream. They are really taken for a ride. Tamil Di-as-Pariahs, GONATA ANDAGANA. TAMIL CLOWN DRAMA WITH LOT OF WORD PLAY by script writer Rudra.

    The Defence Secretary just said that there will be no more LTTEs raising their heads. They sure will be de-capitated in a jiffy. The Forces are waiting for them, if they do dare.

    I do hope that the GOSL release some land adjacent to Nandikadal, for this TAMIL CLOWN PARLIAMENT TO MEET.

  5. nandimitra Says:

    I completely disagree for once with Shenali. Let us not look at the Tamil community. Look at the Sinhalese community it is no different than the tamil community. The main problem is not tamil unity but sinhalese unity. Until the majority sin hales unite and there is good governance not the corruption and the duplicity of the so called Sinhala ruling class the country will go from bad to worse. As it is the especially the Sinhala Buddhists are being pauperised and their rights are being trampled , It is time we look at our selves seriously not point the finger at the tamil community. When the sinhala community solves its problems as a majority the rest of the communities will join us to make SL a success.

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    “The Defence Secretary just said that there will be no more LTTEs raising their heads. They sure will be de-capitated in a jiffy. The Forces are waiting for them, if they do dare.”



    Thank God we have a defence secretary with a backbone who does NOT hesitate to DECAPITATE any terrorist (if they ever dare to test the waters again).

  7. thurai Says:

    Shenalai failed to indicate the Major differences among Tamils. SL Tamils Even all speak Tamil language they live
    in different communities. Noone is eligiable to say I am leader of Tamils in SL. Upcountry,North,East and Southern
    Tamils have different situtions and Problems like other communites.

    Tamil is a weapon of well educated western Tamil servants . Like GG Ponnampalam and S,J.V .Chelvanayagam
    misused the Tamils for their own benefit. Noone among Tamils refused to learn English. They learn English to
    go to western countries. But the Tamil politicians taught them not to learn Sinhalese even you like to
    work in southern SL. Innocent labour class, and low cast Tamils were cheated. They belive until now
    Tamil politicians liberate them oneday.

  8. lingamAndy Says:

    Shenali Waduge
    You are clearly NOT confused !!!
    Tamils must first be reconciled with Tamils, – That is not your or my or SL govt problm !!!

    Where is the 13+……………… than We will have baila together !!!!
    Are you Shenali Waduge reconciled with yourself !!!
    Peikke Peya ? ( do not show Devil to Devil) !!!

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    Shenali is bringing out the problems within the Tamil Community because the Tamils for ltte abroad (TLA) are still going on about “how badly the ‘Sinhala Community’ treats them, how bad it is in Sri Lanka for Tamils”. The TLA is doing just that because :

    (a) TLA get sympathy & ‘Brownie Points’ from foreign countries who do their bidding.
    (a-1) Foreign politicos get votes & money by listening to false stories of TLA.
    (b) The TLA can continue to collect foreign funds.
    (c) Attention and importance to TLA members abroad.
    (d) Sending money to local Tamil families from moneys collected by TLA.
    (e) Keep criticizing ‘Sinhala govt.’ abroad to get more free stuff and make GoSL do all the helping.
    (f) Some foreign people use this false criticism to ‘get at’ GoSL.

    However, at some point in time, all this harassment will stop. Even Empires fold up. Time is the great healer.

    But what some Tamils are doing abroad will not be forgotten in Sri Lanka. It will always be seen as a negative, false and unfair act by others in Sri Lanka. Cheat & Deceit have never paid. Trust will be forsaken for a long time. Is it worth it for Tamils abroad ? Will they ever recover their good name ?

    Shenali is trying to stop an activity by TLA that is negative both for Tamils as well as for the Sinhala people.

    The other great threat for Sinhala & Tamil people are illicit Drugs & Narcotics, and dangers of excessive Alcohol consumption. GoSL should carry out a Campaign against Drugs & Narcotics as well as excessive Alcohol consumption.

    Our thanks to Shenali for bringing out important topics to discuss at this website.

  10. Marco Says:

    Shenali should stay in Aus and regurgitate the same wine in new bottles.

    When does Lankaweb deal and discuss current issues say for example
    – Shut down of the higher educational establishments. Universities. FUTA protest today at Vihara Mahadevi Park was very successful (irrespective of the fact that GR closed down roads and had the tractors and police out to tar mac Green Path which was only carpeted last year for Namal Rajapakse’s drag races! ) Wonderful waste of public funds!
    Naturally, our erst while Minister of Education thinks that you don’t have to attend Universities to get Doctorates!

    -Resignation of the Chairman of the SEC (that’s two Chairpersons within one year). The International investor community have seriously doubts of the “checks and balances” within SEC, being manipulated by political influences.
    BTW- Both Chairpersons had the credibility to resign instead of being political stooges. One happens to be the wife of the Presidents Secretary. (You know who wears the trousers then!)

    -French Tourist kissing a Buddhist Statue. Six months hard labour! (suspended for 5 years). Just as well they didn’t “bunch” a Buddhist monk in Parliament.

    -UPR report to the next UNHRC session is just two months away. Countries assigned to review the Sri Lankan case are Spain, Benin and India (yes, India!)

    – Navi Pillay makes a house call to fly kites at Galle Face Green.

    On a lighter note, Wimal Weerawansa hyper ventilates when he is found out that roofing materials have been siphoned out from his Ministry!

    All is well in Sri Lanka!

  11. Lorenzo Says:

    Micro (brain) is hut by truth. He tried to drag attention away from this key topic. What else can he say?

    “irrespective of the fact that GR closed down roads and had the tractors and police out to tar mac Green Path which was only carpeted last year for Namal Rajapakse’s drag races”

    Such FOOLISH nonsense is best written in Tamilnet (toiletnet).

    Repairing roads hurt Tamil Tigers!! Lovely! DO MORE!!

  12. Dham Says:

    There is no doubt that violence as a means of achieving various goals ( aspirations or thanha) has become a norm in Tamil community in Sri Lanka than in Sinhala community. Look at what is happening in Australia. They are threatening their own people. In Canada and UK too they kill each other.
    This is what Shenali is trying to say.

    But her solution of “leaving it to Tamils” is wrong.Tamils cannot solve their problems.
    In Sri lanka at least The government must intervene and give them proper mental training. This should start at school level. Teaching Sinhal- Buddhist teaching to those who learned Tiger Religion is important.
    Tiger Religon is practiced everywhere now. At least in Sri Lanka this religion should be banned and erradicated.

  13. lingamAndy Says:

    Australia. They are threatening their own people- Not 100% correct my chinhala brother , yes agrred in LTTE time We had serious threat , not now. If any one of Tamil in Western world get threat but not informing to Police is fool now !

    This is what Shenali is trying to say.- NO ,shenali is tring to say in Tamils are Modayas , Sinhaleses are saints !

    “leaving it to Tamils” is wrong.Tamils cannot solve their problems.Agrred We need sinhalese to accept We have diversity between us that need to be unit ! ( if necessary by force in Lorenzo language- King you happy !)

    Teaching Sinhal- Buddhist teaching to those who learned Tiger Religion is important- Fully agrred , If our Govt consenrate this Two teaching our problm will be desapire itself,by building Road & Super market won’t help – Tamil people are mendaly thick people , Even they like to build puplic road from their own hard working money (not loan from IMF or China or India) !

    At least in Sri Lanka this religion should be banned and erradicated.- NO , banning , court order , jail sentance, killing in jail etc….. won’t help at all, but wiil stanth thier Tiger Religon( Naalai pirakkum Thamil Eelam – Eelam will born Tomorrow ) !
    Unit in diversity – no short cut !!!

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    How did ‘Tiger Religion’ come about in the first place ? Was it not due to Caste System of Jaffna ? Where did the Caste System of Jaffna come from ? Tamil Nadu.

    Till the homeland of Tamil people, Tamil Nadu, and its base changes, no real change will happen for the Tamils of anywhere. Since Tamil Nadu has to change with no harm to anyone, Tamil Nadu should start with a CASTE FREE ZONE (CFZ) within Tamil Nadu itself. The CASTE FREE ZONE (call it Nigiri Eelam), should embrace the Four Great Yogas of Hinduism, mainly Raj Yoga, as the religion of that area. The CFZ can expand to embrace the whole of TN, gradually.

    By all means teach Buddhism to anyone who cares to learn, especially Buddhist meditation.

  15. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Where did the Caste System of Jaffna come from ? Tamil Nadu.- TN got it from so called present Hinduasiam(Saivate)!
    to get retaoff caste system We should get retaoff Reliegn ( not possible – As founder of Dravidar Kalakam (D(M)K party) Periyar said demolised all Temples -100% correct but not precticly possible)!

    ‘Tiger Religion’ – can be replced by Sinhal- Buddhism if Sinhala Govt genievanly think We all are one Nation as one family members we can work together to solve our diversity to unit forever !!! no short cut ( no minority in our country, NEP is not only belongest to Tamil etc…. )

    Tamil Nadu itself. The CASTE FREE ZONE (call it Nigiri Eelam- you mean Nigiru Nadhu ( Eelam is from Hela is nothing to do with Indian TN )- Good idea not possible until religien exists in India TN !

  16. Fran Diaz Says:


    We can’t hold present day Tamils of Tamil Nadu responsible for the Caste System of India- they too are caught up in a system not made by them, but has existed for over 3,000 yrs. in India, in fact, all present day Indians are caught up in such a system not of their making.

    The best TN leaders can do is to get together and create a CASTE FREE ZONE in a pleasant area such as Nilgiri surrounds and call it by any name, but Nilgiri Eelam sounds right to me as it may appeal to Eelamists all over the world. To cut through barriers created in the long past, it will need care and real human feelings to operate here, not just cool plans.

    If you think Sinhala/Buddhism is more appealing to Sri Lankan Tamils, so be it. But, the Caste structures must be erased gently – that is the bottom line.

    What I am trying to say is that both in TN & Lanka the Caste system must be gently erased. It is pointless erasing it in Sri Lanka only – TN grows it daily. Both TN problems and Lanka problems will be greatly eased if something concrete and lasting is done to, again, gently erase Caste. It will help India greatly if the venture is successful.

    No intent to hurt anyone here.

  17. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Sorry to say Mr Fran Diaz you trying to pass the beg to TN indian !
    CASTE FREE ZONE in a pleasant area such as Nilgiri TN – not our problme also We do not capacity to solve others problm yes agrred We have & will have their caste discrimination sickness to us !
    My opinion is We as small country & majority of well educated people in our country , I am sure We can solve our problm ourself with mutual understading ( give & take policy) !
    than We can pass experiance to TN india to solve caste system ! Not other round !!! you know what I mean !!!

    First of all We should trust each other !!! We need genievien head of state ( I am not saying MR is not ) !
    We have geinive people but not head of state !!!
    eg:latest news I women locked up in upcountry Two children ( Tamil) in their home ,Police officers found them , you can see how these childern are treated ( see pixs – ) by our sinhala police officers !!!!

  18. Fran Diaz Says:

    Any CASTE FREE ZONE in Tamil Nadu can embrace all three languages, viz. Tamil, English & Hindi, creating better relationships for TN with the rest of India.

  19. Dham Says:

    “We can’t hold present day Tamils of Tamil Nadu responsible for the Caste System of India- they too are caught up in a system not made by them, but has existed for over 3,000 yrs. in India”
    Even Buddha to be selected to be born into warrior caste !
    People say Buddha thought it is Sri lanka where Buddhism flourish, not India.

    Lingam, machang,

    Actually, what I noticed was Indian tamils are very timid compared to Sri lankan ones. Except those few politicians , they are generally not aggressive.
    It is the Lankan ones who have terrorist blood ! Do you agree ?

  20. Dham Says:

    August 24, 2012
    “Killed parents, sister with poisoned yoghurt”
    28-year-old Prasan Kumarasami, who went missing from his rented annex in Wellawatta, after the mysterious deaths of his parents and sister, had been arrested around 10.45 am by the Kadawatha police and handed over to Colombo Crime Division at Dematagoda for further investigations.

    This is the latest.
    Sri lankan government must intervene and should start educating Tamils. Should not delay this. They are our citizesn.

  21. Fran Diaz Says:


    Prince Siddartha after he became the Buddha, one of the wisest things he stated was that : “a person is high born or low born according to his actions only”, thus rejecting the Caste system of India.

    Buddhism can to be practised anywhere, or else it is a Philosophy merely written on paper, not practiced and LIVING. If each of us govern ourselves a bit, or at least strive to, then the country will be fairly well governed, and the Core Teachings of all the religions will be practiced. Human beings are programmed inside to aim for being better in every way. Buddhism will revive in Sri Lanka so long as we practice at some of the Core Teachings.

    What GoSL must do now is to crack down on illicit drugs/narcotics and excessive alcohol consumption in Sri Lanka. GoSL has done a good job so far but more needs to be done. This may be done by educating school children on the bad effects of such items as well as education programs for adults in all public institutions while encouraging the private sector to do the same. It must be noted that Drugs & Alcohol are a problem in the developed countries too.

    Buddhist temples must lay emphasis on MEDITATION.


    If we don’t concern ourselves with Tamil Nadu situation, we will have ongoing problems with Tamil Caste (with Caste related to Poverty) issues from there, on a forever basis.

  22. Fran Diaz Says:


    Don’t blame Head of State for the ills of the citizens. Heads of States do not enter households to keep people from drinking, rape, abuse, killings, etc. It is up to the individual to conduct himself/herself worthy of being born human.

  23. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    Sofar, caste system did not kill any Tamils. If any such, provide them.

    Shenali talk about crimes. Is she telling here that Sinhalese dont kill or rape or any other crimes?

    Sri lanka is a country where buddhist monks killed a famous Prime Minister. Under the Dharmishta Government of JRJ, they ran torture camps and killed thousands of Sinhalese.

    She better write an article how Sinhalese are not following Buddhism!

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