In deference to President’s appeal: Munneswaram animal sacrifice halted – Presence of Sacred Kapilavastu Relics had bearing:
Posted on August 30th, 2012


Acceding to a request by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, tomorrowƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s animal sacrifice at Munneswaram Kaali Kovil has been halted.

The decision was taken by kovil administrators considering the Exposition of the Sacred Kapilavastu Relics in the country, Munneswaram Sri Badra Kali Amman Kovil Kaali chief custodian Muththu Shivapaada Sundaram said. Over 200 animals were to be sacrificed at the annual feast of the Sri Badra Kali Amman temple. The sacrifice was slated for tomorrow.

Public Relations and Public Affairs Minister Mervyn Silva vowed to stage a sathyagraha to prevent the sacrifice.

The minister last year entered the Kovil premises and forcibly removed over 700 goats and fowls slated to be sacrificed. Therefore the feast was held without the ritual.

Animal rights activists and Buddhists along with other religious groups vehemently voiced their oppostion to the animal sacrifice. The All Ceylon Hindu Congress issuing a media release condemning the sacrifice described it as a cruel and sinful act. Minister Mervyn addressing a media conference said the President had requested a halt to the animal sacrifice at the Kali kovil and the matter ended there. “I myself halted this cruel act last year.

I know Godness Kali very well while I know devils also. I know how to deal with them,” the Minister said.

Ven Prof Kumburugamuwe Wajira Thera said killing animals denigrates a country’s morals. “According to the teachings of the Buddha, it is not permitted to harm any animals,” he said. “There is a religious awakening throughout the country. People consider the Buddha has arrived in the country for the fifth time. Hench such sacrifices will be a black mark to the country’s moral image,” the Thera said. He said under Act No 03 of 1893, the British government had taken action to stop harming animals.

5 Responses to “In deference to President’s appeal: Munneswaram animal sacrifice halted – Presence of Sacred Kapilavastu Relics had bearing:”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    CHIEF ANIMAL MURDERER M.S. Sunderam had made a comment to some newspaper that he will start the Animal Sacrifices after the RELICS are taken away. Damnining Cheeky thought.

    All people of Sri Lanka must appreciate and support Dr. Mervyn Silva in his NOBLE efforts to completely do away with ANIMAL SACRIFICES in Sri Lanka. May the Noble Triple Gem Bless him in his efforts. I ADMIRE HIM AS A MAN OF GRIT.

    Any CLOWN wanting to continue the ritual of ANIMAL SACRIFICE should be made to face the SACRIFICIAL SWORD FIRST.

  2. Dham Says:

    I wonder whether Mr. M.S. Surendram is the father of Mr. M.S. Mudali.
    Only good thing is this bugger listened to (Mah)inda (Raja)paksa because he did not force him. Tamil mentality !

  3. samurai Says:

    A newspaper cartoon a few days ago published a cartoon on the Munneswaram priest’s statement that he would stop the ritual if the President orders so. The cartoon shows the President saying, “Now I am being asked intervene in god’s work!”

    One Sinhala newspaper quoted the chief priest at Munneswaram saying that the animal sacrifice was being done to bless the President and country!!

    A writ application filed by the Sri Bodhiraja Sangamaya and 13 other petitioners against has been fixed for hearing before the Court of Appeal on September 4. The petition states that the ritual was not as religious practice and not one of Hindu devotion but it was a misconceived social custom unknown to the Hindu religion. As far as it known only the Munneswaram Kovil management engages in this brutal ritual in the whole country. If so why is the government turning a blind eye to this ritual instead of having it banned PERMANENTLY?

    The plain and simple answer is this. We are witnessing the emergence of showboat Buddhism in place of real Buddhism the principles of which are being sacrificed for political expediency.

    Accordingly, Buddhists are expected to tolerate practices offensive to them although this is supposedly a predominantly Buddhist country. They should not demand a ban on such practices lest it disturbs ‘religious harmony’ and deprives politicians of votes.

    In other words non-Buddhist minorities have the freedom and right to engage in practices offensive Buddhists but the latter has no right to offend non-Buddhists by opposing them. The Buddhist vote is taken for granted no matter how their sentiments are ignored. It is the non-Buddhist vote about which ALL politicians are anxious. In other words power groups among non-Buddhist are holding the Government and the Opposition to ransom to ransom.

    I am sure not only the animal sacrifice at Munnsewaram but also the annual slaughter of hundreds of cattle,goats, chicken and pigs during Christmas and Ramazan would stop if the animals had votes!

    But then again on second thoughts we must not forget this is a ‘Buddhist’ country where some bhikkus chanted pirith at the Fisheries Ministry to mark the Sambuddhatva Jayanthi last year!.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Animal sacrifice in Tamil Madu.

    From the Hindu.

    “Former DMK MLA of Tamil Nadu Assembly, Kader Basha, was hacked to death at his residence in Ramanathapuram on Friday.

    Basha (67) was having breakfast when Dhanaseelan entered his house and hacked him to death with a sickle, police said.

    Previous enmity was suspected to be the reason for the murder, police said.

    Mr. Basha’s aide, in an effort to protect the former MLA, immediately retaliated and hacked Mr. Dhanaseelan to death, police said.

    Police said Mr. Dhanaseelan, a Dalit leader from Melaramanadhi, entered the house of Basha through the back yard. As it was common for the local people to come to his house, workers present in the house did not prevent him.

    After entering the dining hall of the former MLA, Mr. Dhanaseelan pulled out a sickle and hacked Mr. Basha to death.

    He also attacked Mr. Basha’s wife who tried to protect her husband. She suffered injury in the hand.

    A worker of the former MLA who heard Mr. Basha’s wife raising an alarm, hacked Mr. Dhanaseelan immediately killing him on the spot and fled the spot.

    A search was on to nab him, police said.”

    Just like how they hack OTHER animals to death.

  5. lingamAndy Says:

    Mah)inda (Raja)paksa because he did not force him. Tamil mentality !- Agrred again , We Tamils thick mentality only MR can understand !
    if he visit Muneeswarm Sri Maha Kali Kovil He will solve this poor villager problm forever !!!
    Well done President , You are a People President !!! soon or later you will get All Tamil votes !

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