Ignore the Dictators and Wind-Bags!!
Posted on August 11th, 2009
Prof. Hudson McLean
“Sri Lanka MUST Release the Tamil Refugees in Camps”! ……cries Amnesty International, says also, Sri Lanka breaks International Law.
Yes Sir! All the Free Beer, served tomorrow!
Did the Amnesty International (AI) weep for the poor Sri Lankans who were mowed down by some of those ex-LTTE -ers who are now being held in the government controlled camps? Perhaps in the eyes of AI, the LTTE were on a Mission-to-Kill, above The Law!
Sri Lanka government will undoubtedy check every Tooth & Nail (mouth, fingers and toes) of every single able adult held in the camps, to ensure the rest of the citizens can have a peaceful nights sleep.
Did Amnesty International scream at the Americans who held and are still holding hundreds of Al Quaeda terrorists and suspects in various facilities, limping on leg-irons, manacled, blind folded, during the past seven years, without any legal access?
The simple answer is that when a suspected terrorist, who possibly aided, abetted and committed a crime against civilisation, deserves strictest controls until the suspect is deemed innocent.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ A suspected terrorist can be held indefinitely, without trial, in most countries. The same law applies in Sri Lanka.
During the thirty years of annihilation perpetrated by the evil Tamil Tiger Terrorists on the innocent men, women and children, not a single country came to the rescue of the citizens of Sri Lanka, until the bold initiative and leadership of His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa Team took the helm.
Suddenly the Foreign Secretaries of Great Britain, Sweden and France jet into Sri Lanka to save the skins of the worst of the terrorist leadership of the past hundred years.
The Double Faced political hypocrites have no limits! Or shame! Or conscience!
Amnesty Internnational is not an idependent, imparial body as it claims to be.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It has a political agenda and controlled by person(s) in respective countries and do have “An Axe to Grind”.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ AI has little or No Credibility in most countries!
For what it is worth, my simple advice is, “Ignore them. Now and in the Future”!
“Sri Lanka MUST explain Why & How KP was brought to Sri Lanka and being held for Investigation” ……… demands LTTE Diaspora abroad, trying to delve into legalities.
Did the American government apply legally to extradite suspected terrorists from across the world?
Does Mossad apply for legal extradition when the Mossad wishes to remove suspected enemies of the State of Israel?
April Fools Day comes but once a year!ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This must be treated as a drunks LTTE joke!
Many of those who are screaming are sh-t scared that the next noose might fall on one of them.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ As I have said before, terrorists are the worst cowards of all. And KP is nothing less than one of those cowards.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ KP will, in due course, give much awaited information on the likes of Solheim, Rudrakumar, Adele Balasingham and the likes!!!!!
Did KP and his late boss Velupillai Prabhakaran give notice of their intended massacres any time during the past three decades, prior to releasing suicide bombers?
Did KP give details of his deadly Supply Chain of Weapons, Submarines, Aircraft, tens of thousands of munitions which were brought in clandestinely into Sri Lanka for the sole purpose of annihilating the population?
Perhaps, the Tamil Diaspora might have expected General Sarath Fonseka to send a polite email or SMS, to the newlyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ self-annointed Leader of LTTE, to the effect that a team of Sri Lankan Military Commandos might drop by, to bundle KP into a private jet to be whisked to Colombo.
Sorry ole Chaps! Part One was expended in pure absolutely professional true military fashion.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Part Two was done in like in a James Bond film.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Wait for Part Three!
The Sri Lankan Military Commandos are honing their skills like the Israelis!
The Government of Sri Lanka, under credible, dedicated, patriotic leadership directed the Armed Forces to eliminate the Scourge of Terrorism which plagued the Island for thirty years in under one term of the Presidency.
The President and His Team have the God-given Right to Ignore these Dictators and Wind-Bags and “Go For The Kill”!
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