UN Secretary General’s Spokesperson Haq Attempts To Justify The Trail Of Derision Left Behind By Naveen Pillai Who Seems To Have Overstepped Her Mandate.
Posted on September 12th, 2013

Insight By Sunil Kumar September 9th 2013

It appears that the UN is either a bunch of mixed up deadbeats with agendas often laced heavily in bias or circumspect myopia starting from the top with secretary general Ban Ki Moon, human rights ambassador Naveen Pillai and now an associate spokesperson by name of Farhan Haq who in the typical manner of his peers quoted has made comments typical of what the UN appears to stand for these days, misguided biased and blinkered, clutching at straws sometimes and in playing follow my leader to Naveen Pillai has typified why it is that powerful sources like the USA do not really pay too much attention when the UN organization calls to order.

Probably this is also a portrayal of incompetent selection of top officials in the UN Organization who end up going their merry way disregarding the protocols of some of their assignments as though the UN is the adjudicator of everything that goes on in the world regardless of realities at times to pass ridiculous judgements and draw wrong conclusions where in the past the nobility of the organization was upheld by intellectuals and persons of stature albeit today manned by run of the mill bunglers who often tend to dabble in areas way beyond their jurisdiction as well as showing transparencies about rank disregard for the credibilities surrounding sovereignity and territorial integrity of countries like Sri Lanka to serve their own agendas.

As Naveen Pillai exited Sri Lanka she left behind a trail of angered derision by the Sri Lankan authorities and may of her citizens that she had overstepped the objective of her visit, dabbled in internal matters she had no entitlement to and visibly portrayed her Tamil leanings and sympathises with the terrorists and their supportives who caused so much devastation within Sri Lanka so much so perhaps she needs to be held to accountability as she has apparently tried to foment dormant hatreds and fires that were once thought quelled permanently! The opinion of many astute observers with a degree of semblance towards the truth behind her visit.

Then along comes another UN sycophant by the name of Haq with no comprehension about what really transpired in Sri Lanka although a greater part of the world was aware of it attesting to how blinkered these apathetic UN sources sometimes are and upholds Naveen Pillai like an angel of mercy when in fact she has succesfully played the role of Devil’s Advocate as her meanderings literally supported the devils the Tamil Tigers were! or so it appears through her rhetoric!

So while the UN has stated boldly that it fully supports the work that UN Human Rights Commissioner Navanethem Pillay did while on the ground in Sri Lanka also adding that no one should face intimidation for speaking to the UN maybe the UN needs educating about why Pillai faces so much flack from many areas of criticism and requested not to create cover ups for the damage Pillai has attempted to do to Sri Lanka!

To add insult to injury Pillai seems to have come up with a brief loaded with cooked up innuendo, codswallop and at times blatant lies where the premeditated agenda she went to Sri Lanka with has surfaced with painful accuracy and regardless of what she says has no real proof that her accusations against the Government of Sri Lanka could be substantiated beyond reasonable doubt!

Stories about groups of people swarming to have an audience with her to address their grievances, intimidatory visits from government sources to threaten them and strong arm tactics by the Government none of which hold much water as the Administration does not comprise of a bunch of idiots who would compromise its credibility.

Neither was there any mandate for a miniscule minority that caused the problems in Sri Lanka in the first place to surround her with their grievances as she was not there to adjudicate but to observe where she does not seem to have observed the grievances of the majority Sinhalese and other ethnicities wit equal or far greater grievances which to all intents and purposes have now been addressed favourably.

Speaking at a UN press briefing held in New York yesterday (September 4), Associate Spokesperson for the Secretary General of the UN, Farhan Haq stated that the UN respects and fully supports the work that Navi Pillay was doing while she was in Sri Lanka which to reiterate typifies how birds of a feather flock together although the feathers here seemed to have been plucked to the point where their transparencies are beginning to show!.

Statements made by Navi Pillay following her visit to Sri Lanka has drawn mixed reactions by lawmakers in Sri Lanka although some government politicians have criticized her for violating her mandate by making political comments.

While the direction, objectives and end result of UN Human Rights Ambassador Naveen Pillai ( herself a Tamil) was almost predictable towards bias, sympathy and posturing towards the defunct Tamil Tiger terrorists and their supportives for very apparent reasons from the very outset, she has played out her role accordingly and not surprisingly although there has been a touch of Machiavellian subterfuge enacted by her in so doing.

What has revealed this almost precisely is the statement she made that the LTTE were murderous criminals while condemning them heinously yet seeking to pay respects to Velupillai Prabhakaran their slain terrorist leader which was somewhat naive on her part as it has revealed her tainted mindset and duplicity which has been slated by many Government sources including the President where realistically she should have been very politely asked to leave the country immediately.

Talk about burning the candle at both ends with the veiled sympathies for the terrorist leader shortly after condemning them as murderers and heinous villains!

It also seemed somewhat superfluous and bordering on the ludicrous that she was sent to Sri Lanka by the UN when her main mission in all probabilities should have been to Syria and other parts of the world where rights violations take place almost on a 24 hours basis and are horrendous as well as in total disrespect for humanity particularly in Syria where a greater part of the world observes almost on a daily basis the brutalities involved.

She did not have a smidgen of any of these in the accusations she has pointed towards the Government where the cries of the oppressed should have realistically incorporated those from both sides of the conflict in Sri Lanka where the Sinhalese and other etnicities suffered tremendously at the hands of the terrorists and it was the Armed Forces that saved the day which of course was not part of her observations as it would have then pre- empted the true objectives of her visit.

In many respects it has therefore been a failure, a wasted effort and a worthless pitch into the Sri Lankan coffers as such a visit entails heavy finances which could have been better spent in providing for the poor and needy as a 7 day visit by a dignitary of her status certainly runs up humungous bills and it is not as though the UN despite its responsibilities carried the entire tab which of course is secondary!

However, she has truly left behind a trail of doubt and circumspect pondering about her visit in the minds of many in a capacity to adjudicate although the reason for it was fairly obvious.

The Sri Lankan Government which under tremendous pressure over the issue of human rights acccusations, granted the UN an opportunity to see for itself first hand through Madam Pillai the state of Sri Lanka today in the aftermath of the terrorist campaign probably did not realise what her true agenda was nor did it pay attention to possible ramifications which in retrospect need to be deemed null an void if they crop up as Ambassador Pillai went to town literally enjoying her tropical paradise getaway while making hay( or so she thought!) for the LTTE supportives and wreaking havoc in the minds of some of the international community where she has certainly overstepped her metes and bounds and the real objective of her visit clinically revealed.

Understandably The Government of Sri Lanka has said that U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay had acted beyond her mandate in saying “the country was heading in an authoritarian direction.” as the official objective of her visit was far removed from adjudicating the direction the country was headed where if it was ever needed would have been simply to observe its beneficial and progresssive nature through the policies of the present regime.

As her seven-day mission to assess Sri Lanka’s progress after the 26-year war between the government and separatist Tamils concluded she has said that ” the country was showing signs of heading in an increasingly authoritarian direction” where the authoritarian nature of her statement with little beyond conjecture, created artifacts and the lobbying of disenfrachised Tamils through their own creation some of which were partisan albeit organized by the adversaries of the nation to support it, by far exceeded what she has termed authoritarian on the part of the Government without a single reference to the incredible progress the country has shown and the mood of the people in the aftermath of the mendacities of the Tamil tigers which includes many contented Tamils with a very positive and grateful outlook to be liberated from their ravages..

The evaluation of her visit in a nutshell was perfectly done by the Government response that “The High Commissioner’s observation is a political statement on her part, which clearly transgresses her mandate and the basic norms which should be observed by a discerning international civil servant.

The judgment on the leadership of the country is better left for the people of Sri Lanka to decide than being caricatured by external entities influenced by vested interests.” This was posted by the Information Department and carried on the internet website www.news.lanka.

Perhaps what she should have done realistically in order to maintain her credibility and not demean a Sovereign Nation that conducted a precedent setting, succesful anti-terrorist campaign, as she has chosen to do, would have been to highlight the attrocities of the Tamil Tigers and the devastations their internal armed insurrection resulted in entailing murder, mayhem and inconceivable horrors amongst many Sri Lankans for which regardless of whatever is done towards recussitation can never be sufficiently compensated.

While failing almost in a pre-meditated manner to point out the progress and development the country has been subjected to by the policies of the Government The UN Ambassador Pillai has played her hand in a manner that has revealed the transparencies towards her true intent and is now joined by another comrade in arms Haq for the lack of better things to do it appears!.

Perhaps it will not be long before the head honcho Moon joins them on stage to complete a song and dance trio who should really focus their priorities on areas of the world that needs desperate restitution!


One Response to “UN Secretary General’s Spokesperson Haq Attempts To Justify The Trail Of Derision Left Behind By Naveen Pillai Who Seems To Have Overstepped Her Mandate.”

  1. aloy Says:

    This morning in a BBC report, they showed Moon addressing some UN thing where he gave a hint without knowing that he was being shown live on the system that chemical weapons have in fact been used against civilians as if this the biggest discovery. This I think is western media manipulation, perhaps a prelude to an attack on Syria. These people are masters in manipulations and creating various images in viewers minds
    For example I have observed the following about BBC:
    When Navi Pillai was visiting SL, they interviewed a Sinhalese whom I thought was picked from a London street and was giving his views about charges of HR violations and the current situation. Although he gave his balanced views quite eloquently, he was ill clad, with messy hair and in fact was looking like a vedda. I thought they were giving a bad impression of SL people in general.
    Today I was watching the News Night program where another Srl Lankan by the name Rohan Silva was presenting his own program about technology and preparing their work force and then having a discussion in which he explained where UK had gone wrong in comparison to Singapore which according to him has taken the lead among all nations of the world. He must have been born and educated in the UK and articulated his arguments better than the UK counterpart, but he too was poorly dressed and with messy hair.

    I came to realize that this is their game when they analysed the court room scene when BoXiLai was being tried in China. According to them the Chinese put two very tall policemen on either side of the man being tried just to ridicule the medium height man.

    I do not know how many Indians have noticed that BBC always start a programme called India Business Report each morning with an Indian lady talking about the progress in front of a dirty looking pond with floating debris and blackened building at the back ground. They give a poor image of Indian quality.

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