David Cameron you forgot to shine light on 3 Britishers killed by LTTE in Sri Lanka
Posted on November 19th, 2013

Shenali D Waduge

‚ Those preparing the speeches of David Cameron and advising him what to say in Sri Lanka have made a big blunder -” they have forgotten to mention that 3 Britishers were killed on 3 May 1986 when the plane they were onboard was bombed by the LTTE killing the McPherson family and 21 others injuring over 40. Of the 13 foreigners who died there were Germans, French, Japanese, 1 Maldivian and 1 Pakistani. In darting off to Jaffna, Cameron missed out on what he should have done as a Britisher to place a wreath at least at the very airport he landed where his own people died not during the last phase but almost 3 decades ago.

UL Air Lanka Flight 512 arrived at the Bandaranaike International Airport from London, Gatwick Airport via Zurich and Dubai about to depart to Maldives before the plane was ripped apart in the centre into two pieces. It was no technical error. The bomb had been placed in crates of meat and vegetables being freighted to Maldives and the bomb had been placed by the LTTE and blew minutes before all 123 passengers had been seated for take off. archives.dailynews.lk/2009/06/06/fea30.pdf

Please find below the list of Foreign Passengers killed

1.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr R.BALAS
2.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr B.ROVEL
3.‚ ‚ ‚  Mrs M.C.ROVEL
4.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr FRANC
5.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr C. ITO
6.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr H.MITHSUWA
7.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr SIYAD HUSEN
8.‚ ‚ ‚  Master J.A RAHUMAN
9.‚ ‚ ‚  Mr. McPherson
10. Mrs. McPherson
11. Miss McPherson
12. Mr M.C CATAR

Sri Lankans killed


‚ http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/3/newsid_2481000/2481291.stm

  • Were not these 123 passengers not civilians?
  • Did they do any harm to the LTTE?
  • Why would the LTTE target them?
  • Are these crimes committed by LTTE not as important as the civilian deaths of Tamils during the last phase of the war to David Cameron?
  • Does the British show concern only for Tamil civilians and if so why,‚  what about scores of other civilians killed?
  • Had Cameron spent enough time in Colombo, plenty of families would have handed him photos of loved ones that LTTE killed and the British High Commission should have ideally introduced Cameron to the scores of civilians in the South who have been injured some even blind, limbless and traumatized still.
  • David Cameron if he was fair should accept letters and photographs of these civilians as well why only a selected number?
  • The entire North visit was pre-arranged -” otherwise how would these families have been gathered at one spot, with letters written in English, laminated photos enlarged and the wails and cries no sooner Cameron got down.
  • Perhaps if the British High Commission in Colombo had been a little more concerned they would have mentioned to the British Prime Minister that UL512 carried 25 Britons, 5 were injured while the Macpherson family were killed instaneously.

However, since the British authorities skipped mention of Mr. Macpherson we would like that David Cameron includes these details the next time he issues ultimatums upon a sovereign nation.

Mr. Tim Macpherson was the Managing Director of Associated British Maltsters Ltd. of Newark. He died along with his wife Dierdre and their youngest daughter Iona who was 20. In 1986 when the company announced his death they said that he died from a -Ëœterrorist bomb-â„¢ that wrecked a -Ëœholiday airline-â„¢.

Incidentally, Mr. Macpherson was a Scot but born in India. The MacPherson-â„¢s are survived by their 2 daughters Louise and Kate.

Letters of condolence and tributes poured in from around the world:

  • we lose a guide, enjoyed everyone’s esteem‚ …..‚ one of the great personalities’‚ (Belgium)
  • not only a business associate, but a great friend. …. Cannot stress how much he will be missed’‚ (France)
  • ‘a‚ distinguished business leader (whose) loss will be felt by the whole malt industry to which he selflessly devoted himself over many years’‚ (Japan)
  • a great ambassador’‚ , and, from a competitor:-‘good friend ….. powerful competitor….. unbelievable energy and drive…. brilliantly held the malting industry together in difficult times….always the greatest fun…..and lived life to the full‚ 

The Macphersons Memorial Trust has received over ‚£60,000 donations and provides scholarship for young people within the Malt industry. The two daughters relaunched the Trust in 2011.

If David Cameron missed out even placing a wreath in memory of the 3 Britishers killed by the LTTE way back in 1986, it should not surprise us that he has conveniently omitted the deaths of scores of other Sri Lankans who died over 30 years of terror by the LTTE.

Every terror act that took place throughout the 30 years was accompanied by a very bland diplomatic statements asking both parties to get back to the negotiating table and never was any of the terror incidents reported by foreign media ready to attribute these acts of terror to the LTTE -” every news item claimed that the Government of Sri Lanka -Ëœalleges-â„¢ that the LTTE had committed the crime. Never did a single foreign media comment that LTTE were brutal terrorists and should be stopped in the same manner they wrote against the Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden fully aware that Al Qaeda was a creation of the US.

Be that as it may it is becoming rather silly when a country like Britain aware of its own crimes thinks that delivering speeches in its Parliament speaking on human rights and accountability is not going to be laughed at by all listening.

Now, even the British are beginning to realize the lies the British Parliamentarians are feeding them.

13 Responses to “David Cameron you forgot to shine light on 3 Britishers killed by LTTE in Sri Lanka”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    Nationalist governing party ally holds British responsible for creating the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Nov 18, Colombo: An ally of Sri Lanka’s governing party, the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) has accused the British for creating an ethnic conflict in the country.

    Referring to the warning of an international inquiry against the country by British Prime Minister David Cameron, JHU General Secretary, Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka charged that the British Premier had no right to call for an international inquiry in violation of the sovereignty of a country.

    He noted that such a move would also be in violation of the Commonwealth Charter.

    The Minister observed that there was no Tamil or Eelam issue in the country when the British landed in Sri Lanka in 1796 and it was the British who created the ethnic conflict.

    According to Ranawaka, the British administration should pay compensation to Sri Lanka for creating a Tamil issue that has resulted in the loss of many lives.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Cum-Moron is the new face of LTTE terrorists.

    Govt. should check all baggage of Tamilians arriving in SL from UK.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    I had pointed put the DANGER of India’s National Oil Corporation involvement in Offshore Oil Exploration & Production in Sri Lankan waters, and the ONGC bidding for new oil blocks off Mannar. I suggested giving them to Vietnam or China, instead.

    A high-powered Vietnamese Trade Delegation is NOW visiting Sri Lanka …. CUT AN OIL Exploration & Production deal with Vietnam and KICK INDIA OUT!

    Vietnam trade delegation in Sri Lanka to hold B2B meetings today

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Nov 18, Colombo: A 17-member high powered business delegation from Vietnam is in Sri Lanka to participate in a Business Networking Event organized by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.

    The visit of the delegation is organized by the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Vietnam Embassy in Colombo.

    The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in association with the Sri Lanka-Greater Mekong Subregion Business Council has organized the B2B meetings on Monday, November 18. The meetings will take place at the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce on Nawam Mawatha in Colombo at 10 a.m.

    The delegates’ areas of business interests include Agricultural machinery, engines and parts, agricultural products, such as: coffee, pepper, rice, Batteries, Diesel engines, Handicrafts, Medicines, Chemicals, Vietnamese agricultural products, instant noodles Oil, gas, petroleum products, Power Cables, Sugar Vegetable processing and maintaining, Supply the Agri-solutions from farming to finish products, Seedling producers and Rubber foam insulation among other things.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    Carr backs govt on boats for Sri Lanka

    November 19, 2013

    Former foreign minister Bob Carr says a government plan to gift two patrol boats to the Sri Lanka navy to help combat people smuggling is “sound policy”.

    Former Labor foreign minister Bob Carr has backed the coalition government’s decision to give the Sri Lankan navy two patrol boats, saying his own government had considered doing the same thing.

    The vessels are being given to Sri Lanka to support its efforts to stop asylum seekers heading to Australia.

    “I think it’s sound policy … to gift patrol boats to a country to help enforce a treaty obligation against people-smuggling, irregular migration, human trafficking,” Mr Carr told The Australian in comments published on Tuesday.

    Mr Carr said building Sri Lanka’s capacity to combat people-smuggling was something the previous Labor government had “vigorously” committed itself to.

    “(Gifting patrol boats) was something being considered by the previous government,” he said.

    The $2 million gift has been condemned as “abhorrent” by Australian Greens leader Christine Milne, who says it represents collaboration in Sri Lankan human rights abuses.

    The opposition is concerned about the lack of detail surrounding the gift.

    Labor wants assurances the boats’ use will be limited to asylum-seeker operations and Labor immigration spokesman Richard Marles says a lack of protocols is “deeply concerning”.

    Mr Carr dismissed suggestions the boats could be used to perpetrate human rights abuses.

    “I can’t see how they could be,” Mr Carr told the newspaper.

    “There are human rights concerns with Sri Lanka, but you’ve got to be careful about adopting one narrative out of the civil war that lasted 35 years.”

  6. gdesilva Says:

    Talking about innocent countrymen who got killed by the LTTE does not increase Cameron’s (I love Lorenzo’s rendition – Cum-moron!) bank balance. Simple rule that these goons work on is ‘user pays’. No money – no talk.

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    Who is responsible for ltte horror acts such as this ? Who encouraged and nurtured terrorism via the ltte ?

    The Vaddukoddai Resolution (VR, 1976)) calling for Tamil Eelam through violence, is still not revoked. Who put the VR in
    place ? Was it not the VR that caused the plane to be blown up senselessly ten years later in 1986 by the ltte ?

    Tamil leaders must hold themselves responsible for the welfare of the Tamil people as well as the welfare of others.

    Tamil leaders must hold themselves responsible for misleading the Tamil people for over 30 yrs. At least now revoke the VR and get on with the business of the CHOGM core message : Development with Equity. We may add Development with Dignity & Safety for All.


  8. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    This was similar to an amusing Police motto;- LART OF WORK, LART OF TROBOLE. LITHLE WORK, LITHLE TROBOLE. NO WORK, NO TROBOLE.

  9. Sooriarachi Says:

    David Cameron shone the light on himself and the hypocrisy of like minded leaders in UK, Canada and India. He also let the cat out of the bag as to why Navi Pillai gave March 2014 as a deadline to Sri Lanka, the same time David Cameron gave. By the way are they morally or legally entitled to give such deadlines to sovereign nations. Have they even forgotten proper protocols and good manners, because they think might is right, like what NATO demonstrated in Iraq, Serbia, Libya etc?

  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    Rules of the Commonwealth demand that member countries be supportive and protect one another, not rough up and threaten one another. Hasn’t Mr Cameron has broken the Commonwealth Rules as well as embarrassed the British Royal Family ?.

  11. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    This AH can be compared to any of the famous underworld guys of Sri Lanka. He spoke like that, He behaved like that. How these buggers line their pockets. SHAME, SHAME.

  12. Lorenzo Says:

    Children DELIBERATELY killed by MRF Brishit soldiers in Northern Ireland in a year.

    Siobhan McCabe (4), shot near her house by British soldiers.

    Rosaleen Gavin (8), shot by British soldiers from an observation post.

    John Maguire (2), crushed by a car when its driver was shot dead by a British soldier.

    Kevin Heatley (12), shot by British soldier.

    Stephen McConomy (11), shot in head by plastic bullet fired from a nearby armored vehicle.

    Carol Ann Kelly (11), shot in head by British soldier’s rubber bullet as she brought milk home from a nearby shop.

    Annette McGavigan (14), shot by British soldiers.

    Stephen Geddes (10), shot in head at close range by British soldier with rubber bullet.

    Daniel Barrett (15), shot in his home from a nearby BA observation post.

    David McCafferty (14), shot while trying to drag to safety someone who the soldiers had just shot.

    Patrick Crawford (15), while walking with two others, shot by British soldiers.

    Manus Deery (15), shot by army sniper as he brought supper home from nearby shop.

    Now look who is throwing stones at us!!!

    Lets investigate these at the next UNHRC.

  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    Bravo! FINALLY some action to DEBUNK the 40,000 deaths figure in the last phase of Eelam war IV!

    But MORE THAN THAT, this census will identify ALL CASUALTIES of LTTE terror since 1982 ISLAND-WIDE!

    However, the GOSL should be careful to CROSS-VERIFY this Census Information provided by Eelamist Tamil households …. for Manipulating Records and Disseminating False Information in their Forte’!
    Island-wide household census will determine number affected by conflict

    By Franklin R. Satyapalan
    November 23, 2013

    The Secretary to the Ministry Public Administration and Home Affairs Bandara P. Abeyakoon said the government launched an internationally-recognized island-wide household census to ascertain first-hand persons affected by the conflict, gone missing and feared dead or disabled after 1982.

    He said that in the past, a similar household census was conducted ad hoc and as a result there were conflicting reports that some 40,000 to 60,000 persons went missing during the conflict.

    He said that the Director General of the Department of Census and Statistics D. C. A. Gunawardena has been tasked to implement this project.

    Gunawardena said that he was carrying out the instructions of the Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga who serves as Chairman of the Task Force to implement the Lessons Learnt Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) recommendations to set in motion a scientifically designed household census

    He said that the objective of this island-wide household census is to ascertain the number affected after 1982 and also gather first-hand information on the scale and circumstances of death and injury of civilians as well as all damage to property during the conflict.

    The census, funded by the government and the department, was tasked to conclude its work before the December 20, 2013 deadline.

    He said that his departmental officers at the district level were summoned to Colombo for workshops conducted at the Hector Kobbekaduwa HARTI auditorium so that the trainers could train Divisional Secretariats and Grama Niladhari officers to carry out the census scientifically.

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