GOSL Names and Bans LTTE Fronts: Canadian Tamil Congress
Posted on October 8th, 2014

Shenali D Waduge

The Canadian Tamil Congress joins a list of 16 organizations that have been declared proscribed by the GOSL under UNSC Resolution 1373. The scores of other organizations formed on foreign soil liaising with these banned entities are culpable for every crime that the LTTE committed throughout 30 years of terror. Included to the list of LTTE fronts should be members of the Tamil National Alliance who took oaths from the LTTE leader Prabakaran when it first entered the political scene as political proxy of the LTTE. The UN Investigating panel cannot afford to whitewash these LTTE fronts now that they are named and proscribed and overseas arrests by foreign governments nullifies any excuse from the UN investigation panel if they are attempting to do so. All LTTE fronts including CTC must be investigated, charged for every terror attack the LTTE committed including the killing of Rajiv Gandhi.

Under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, the Canadian Tamil Congress was designated a ‘terrorist entity’ on March 20, 2014. The Canadian Tamil Congress (EN/CA/2013/06) is among 14 terrorist front organizations designated under UNSCR 1373.

The Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) and the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT) were successors to the Federation of Canadian Tamils (FACT) and the World Tamil Movement (WTM) proscribed by the US and Canada for their roles in supporting terrorism.

David Poopalapillai (IN/CA/2013/370), the current national spokesman of the Canadian Tamil Congress, is also designated under UNSCR 1373

CTC’s antecedents have been traced to the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT), a DBA of the LTTE which mysteriously disappeared after Human Rights Watch publicized its extortion activities in the Tamil community.

A report by the National Post of Canada revealed that Canada’s Tamil community has been among the LTTE’s largest sources of funds, having contributed up to $10-to $12-million annually in past years,”

Allegations against CTC

  • Forming to function as a LTTE front
  • Fooling the Canadian public with lies
  • Lobbying Canadian parliamentarians and using undemocratic methods to rope them in
  • Procurement for LTTE terrorism
  • Terrorist propaganda
  • Terrorist fund raising
  • Aligned to LTTE and attempting to destabalize Sri Lanka pre & post-end of conflict

The Mackenzie Institute published a paper by Jeff Sole ‘Is Canada an unofficial State Sponsor of Terrorism’. The paper cited how LTTE were raising money from Canadians to fund suicide bombing.

Canadian journalist Stewart Bell contributor of many articles on terrorism and in particular the LTTE wrote it is easy enough to set up a charity dedicated to a worthy humanitarian cause and launder the money instead to terrorist causes’. Is this not what all the Tamil groups who registered as ‘humanitarian’ organizations have been doing and continue to do?

RCMP’s Sergeant John MacDonald the lead investigator said The World Tamil Movement acts as the de facto taxation arm of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and…utilizes collectors to collect funds from Canadian Tamils on an organized and systematic basis…”

  • After WTM was proscribed by the Canadian government, the LTTE created the Canadian Tamil Congress.

For over a decade, CTC engaged in terrorist propaganda fundraising and weapons procurement before it could be designated under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373”. CTC activists David Poopalapillai has been designated under UNSCR 1373 which demands that the Canadian Government keeps a security/intelligence eye on CTC in Canada.

The ruling vindicates the case filed against Prof. Rohan Gunaratne who claimed CTC as a terrorist front though an exparte judgement was given in favour of the CTC.

LTTE fronts fooling the masses

All banned LTTE fronts are regularly entities present at the UN Human Rights Sessions lobbying leaders and organizations.

CTC admits role in influencing the UN As an organization which worked fervently towards the passage of this resolution, and towards the passage of its predecessor resolutions for the last five years—including attending Council sessions in Geneva, testifying at the UNHRC, and working closely with many different member states — CTC is pleased to see the advancement of this crucial step in achieving justice and accountability in Sri Lanka.” (CTC Press release)

CTC – fullest support and cooperation” to the UN international investigation Team.

CTC – We urge any community members who wish to testify before the UN investigative team to provide their contact information to CTC. We will compile the list and confidentially provide it directly to the UN investigation team if and when they make this request.”. The CTC is also canvassing Tamils to make submissions to the UN Investigation panel. With CTC being banned and designated an LTTE front, the UN investigating panel needs to ensure that submissions sent via CTC or promoted by CTC are singled out and not taken as valid.

CTC – Immediately removed links to other LTTE fronts on its website following the May 2009 defeat of the LTTE. – The Anton Balasingham Memorial” has been removed. Anton Balasingham was the LTTE ideologist and his wife Adele Balasingham was the nurse who trained children to become child combatants and gave a cyanide capsule at the end of the training ordering that they commit suicide if caught.


CTC Associates

  • Danton Thurairajah – Executive Director/CTC – Key supporter of the US network and worked under LTTE US branch leader Karunakaran Kandasamy and head of finance Vijayshanthar Patpanathan (Chandru)
  • Gary Anandasangari alias Shakthi – Counsel to the CTC, received nomination from the Liberal Party to contest the Scarborough Rouge Park Riding in Toronto. He was among the leaders of a WTM organized demonstration that desecrated and burnt the Indian national flag in front of the Indian consulate in Toronto on July 29 1989.
  • Ranjan Sri Ranjan former President of CTC
  • Thanigasalam brother in law of arrested Sahil Sabaratnam who headed US cell
  • Sahil Sabaratnam – CTC Director of Communications
  • David Poopalapillai – Director of CTC Public Relations. He lobbied against Sri Lanka / even called for sanctions. After the arrest of Sahil Sabaratnam, Poopalapillai claimed that he did not know Sahil Sabaratnam, the CTC Director of Communications.  Poopalapillai is reported to have traveled to Malaysia in August 2009 to meet with Selvarasa Pathamanathan (KP) one-time LTTE arms procurer who at the time had succeeded supremo V. Prabhakaran as head of the Tiger outfit.
  • Suntharamoorthy Umasuthan – CTC President 2014
  • Raj Kumar one of the ten CTC nominees to run for the municipal elections of Toronto in 2006, established radio Geethavani in 1991
  • Neethan Shan – Raj Kumar’s wife
  • Ramani Balendra – Head Quebec chapter of CTC
  • Thampoo Thevarajah – CTC, Ottawa – Coordinator, Invitation Committee. In April 2006, she said .” In addition to TR0….CTC financed “Social and Economical Development Organization for Tamils”, an organization established by the then LTTE international Chief Weerakulasingham Manivannan alias Castro, to raise funds.
  • Vanita Nathan, former Vice President, CTC
  • Thiva Paramsothy – accompanied Satha Sarachandran to a terrorist training camp in Sri Lanka in 2003. Globe and Mail’s investigative reporter Anthony Reinhart, published a photo and wrote: Two Tiger fighters in striped camouflage, along with Mr. Paramsothy and his rifle-toting Toronto friend, Satha Sarachandran, are clearly visible in U.S. Government Exhibit F2, a photograph used by American prosecutors to send Mr. Sarachandran to prison for 26 years in early 2010. Mr. Sarachandran, a one-time national president of the Canadian Tamil Students Association, had travelled to New York with three other men in August of 2006 in a bid to buy about $1-million worth of anti-aircraft missiles and AK-47 assault rifles to be sent to the Tigers in Sri Lanka. The arms dealers he met turned out to be undercover FBI agents, who had conducted a joint investigation with the RCMP”
  • Logan Kanapathy of CTC for Scarborough West
  • Theodore Antony of CTC for Scarborough Central. – his brother, the late Father Anthony was a LTTE fundraiser in New Jersey. Father Anthony and the CTC Executive Director Danton Thurairajah collected funds for the LTTE in New Jersey
  • Vijay Sappani – Condemned the 2006 report by HRW’s Jo Becker on LTTE fundraising by Tamil Diaspora groups. This report is now blocked and there is no access to the report on the www. Sappani has set up another front Sri Lankans without Borders” which is aimed at tarnishing Sri Lanka and disuniting the communities.

Gary Anandasangari facebook confession:

https://www.facebook.com/gary.anandasangaree Gary Anandasangaree (3 July 2014)

After thinking about this for weeks, my wife wrote a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights – a letter that changed the course of my life. As a result of this, we went to Geneva in March of 2009. We invited several other Tamils from different parts of the world to attend this meeting.

We made our case to the UNHRC Chief, Navi Pillai. Over the course of the next five years, I went to Geneva regularly – sometimes, both Harini and our toddler and I would go. We went for one singular reason – we could do more in Geneva with our skill sets than anywhere else. Yes we could protest — and we had. We could write blogs. We could get on every stage with hundreds or even thousands of Tamils and convince ourselves that we are on the right track. We could organise conferences, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, we could do radio and TV shows, do call-ins, and just speak to and amongst the Tamil community. Maybe we should have done more of that. But we didn’t.

Instead, we focused on the issue of international accountability and were relentless. No one person can take credit for the resolutions in Geneva. Some have said that even if I hadn’t taken part, these resolutions would have gone through. And they are likely right. However the point is, over the course of 30 odd visits to the UNHRC, we were pursuing what we believe to be the right path—that is to seek accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide against Tamil peoples. I have been mischaracterized on the issue of genocide. It is true that I have not said the word genocide with every other breath — I have used the term strategically.

However, the fact that the current investigation includes an investigation into genocide speaks for itself — and this did not happen by accident. I have written and said that genocide took place against Tamils in Sri Lanka, and I have also explained the challenges in proving it from a legal standpoint, yet that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try. To all those who have singularly pointed out that I deny genocide took place, you have either been lied to, or are lying yourself and abusing an important issue for your own political ends.”

Anandasangaree and LTTE fronts may like to answer genocide questions

  • If SL and its troops were committing ‘genocide’ why would close to 300,000 wish to flee the LTTE and enter Government controlled areas?
  • If SL and its troops were committing ‘genocide’ how come Tamil civilians were killed by LTTE when they attempted to flee?
  • If SL and its troops were committing ‘genocide’ why did LTTE kill Tamils – Tamil mayors, Tamil police officers, Tamil principals, Tamil public servants, Tamil intellectuals, Tamil moderate politicians, Tamil civilians, including their own injured/disabled cadres as well as the Tamil Foreign Minister – Lakshman Kadiragamar?

CTC Arrested

  • Sathajhan Sarachandran (Satha) – procurement of weapons for LTTE.
  • Sahilal Sabaratnam – procurement of weapons for LTTE, arrested and serving a 25 year sentence in US. Sahil was arrested in New York in August 2006 buying 20 SA – 18 heat seeking missiles, 10 missile launchers, 500 AK 47 weapons and other military equipment. Sahil operated cell headed by brother in law Thani Thanigalasam, In an open letter to the Tamil community dated August 2011, Sabaratnam, after admitting that he was a one-time LTTE supporter, calls on his compatriots to eschew armed conflict. He also implicates CTC as a group that believed in a ‘violent solution.”
  • LTTE US Chief Karunakaran Kandasamy, currently serving in a US prison

CTC links to other LTTE fronts

  • Arrested Sathajhan Sarachandran is the former President of the Tamil Youth Organization’s Toronto Chapter (Stewart Bell, Canadian journalist). A statement through his lawyer while in prison indicates the links between Tamil Youth Organization-LTTE and the CTC.
  • Arrested Sahil Sabaratnam was the Communications Director of the CTC
  • Karunakaran Kandasamy (director US branch raised millions for LTTE through TRO) – charged for providing material support to LTTE
  • Vijayshanthar Patpanathan (Chandru) – charged for providing material support to LTTE
  • CTC liaised with the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (banned by several countries) and the Social Economical Development Organization for Tamils (SEDOT) both fronts of LTTE established to procure arms from overseas. CTC liaised with TRO Leader KP Reggie and SEDOT leader Castro. Both entities funded LTTE delegations to travel to Geneva as bogus human rights champions
  • Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) launched Balasingham’s book War and Peace on September 30, 2005 at Tabaret hall, University of Ottawa in Ottawa.(CTC avoided identifying Balasingham as the principal advisor to LTTE leader) CTC statement Dr Balasingham is the chief negotiator of the Norwegian mediated peace process in Sri Lanka, representing the Island’s Tamil community.”
  • Muraly Srinarayanathas, seeking Liberal Party nomination for the Scarborough Agincourt riding – Muraly’s father is Navaratnam Srinarayanathas, a former office bearer of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam
  • Muraly’s uncle Ranjan Sri Ranjan is the former President of CTC and the current President of the National Council of Canadian Tamils (NCCT) – both designated as terrorist fronts
  • Gary Anandasangaree’s uncle Ramalingam Abayaharan is associated with the World Tamil Movement.
  • Gary Anandasangaree was at the launch of the book on Prabhakaran at the Civic Centre in Scarborough on July 17, 2013. Photo available of Mathagal Kannan, the top LTTE fundraiser in Canada is in front of Anandasangaree, and Senthilkumaran, another LTTE fundraiser in Canada is next to Poopalapillai.

At the launch of Prabhakaran’s book, aspiring Canadian Liberal Party politician Gary Anandasangaree amidst LTTE supporters and terrorist fundraisers

CTC’s National Spokesperson David Poopalapillai receiving Prabhakaran’s biography.


  • Sufficient photographs are available to show links and connections of all LTTE fronts and members of the TNA who are regularly funded to attend overseas meetings and address members of these LTTE fronts

TNA leaders Sambanthan and Sumanthiran with Canadian Tamil Congress / British Tamil Forum and TGTE leaders in Canada.

CTC camouflages itself:

  • 46,000 dollars at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
  • planted hundreds of trees in Bob Hunter Memorial Park in 2012
  • If you cant give money – give awards! CTC awards Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair for his exceptionally good handling of the 2009 peaceful Tamil protest and his contribution to Toronto.
  • cheque for $65,000 presented to Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation 2013

Pro-LTTE media with FM long range

  • Television / Radio stations across Canada to grip the Tamil community
  • Canadian Tamil Broadcasting Corporation and Geethavaani (established by Raj Kumar  in 1991. His name features on WTM, Montreal and Canadian Tamil Congress, Toronto records Kandiah Sivasothy used CTBC to raise funds following LTTE overrunning Elephant Pass in April 2000 – Canadian $90,000 was collected while Nada R Raj Kumar, Director, Geethavaani radio collected CD 50,000 and money given to World Tamil Movement leaders who transferred money to purchase arms from North Korea)
  • CMR and Vanakkam – Tamil radio stations
  • Canadian Multicultural Radio
  • Tamil Vision International – funded by foreign LTTE wing leader Veerakathy Manivannan (castro) committed suicide and his deputy Perinpanayagam Sivaparan (Nediyawan) operates LTTE media from Oslo, Norway. , CTC placed an advertisement on TVI requesting its viewers and Tamil voters to vote for these ten candidates and elect them as representatives of their electoral divisions (violation of Canada’s Election Act)

Foreign connections

  • Amnesty International’s Jim McDonald, ‘Country Specialist on Sri Lanka’. His bias and credibility came into question in 2006 as using cluster bombs.
  • Amnesty International also accepted Canadian $50,000 from Canadian Tamil Congress an LTTE-front thus compromising its credibility. CTC Members even wore AI t-shirts at the Palo Alto event.
  • Amnesty International also attempts to project LTTE cadre Vany Kumar as an innocent British student as witness in the war zone during the last phase of the war when in fact she was attached to the TYO UK.
  • Amnesty International agreed with Channel 4 that Issipriya was a civilian inspite of evidence of her holding rank of Lt. Col in the LTTE, being married to an LTTE sea tiger and working for the LTTE’s channel ‘Voice of Tigers’.
  • Nevertheless the Canadian Tamil Congress was in for a shock when HRW’s Jo Becker released a 45 page report in March 2006 titled Funding the ‘Final War’: LTTE Intimidation and Extortion in the Tamil Diaspora. Incidentally, the report has been removed from the internet and therefore the UN panel would need to request HRW for a copy since the period covers the period mandated by the UN Investigation team

Canadians support pro-LTTE groups

  • Bob Rae Chair and President ofForum of Federations, met S.P. Thamilselvan in Kilinochchi in August 2004 – for 13 years the Liberal Party has watched LTTE blossom in Canada and Bob Rae was the Leader of the Liberal Party.
  • Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin / Ms. M. Minna and several MPs attended an LTTE fundraiser in 2000
  • MP Roxanne James attends Canadian Tamil Congress Gala Dinner January 2014
  • Deputy Mayor Jack Heath for City of Markham,
  • Dr. Helena Jackzek, MPP Oakridges-Markham for Government of Ontario
  • Mr. Chris Alexander, MP Ajax-Pickering for Government of Canada.
  • Ms. Olivia Chow, MP as she came to thank CTC for honouring her late husband Jack Layton with Service Excellence Award” in the 2012 Pongal dinner.
  • Justine Trudeau – Chief Guest at CTC Pongal Gala 2011
  • January 2014, Thai Pongal CTC event had the following invitees:

Federal Citizenship and Immigration Minister Hon. Chris Alexander, Ontario Premier Hon. Kathleen Wynne, , Parliamentary Assistant to the Prime Minister M.P. Paul Calandra, Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti, John Tory, York Region Police Chief Eric Jolliffe, as well as numerous other MPs and MPPs, Consul General for India in Toronto Mr. Akhilesh Mishra, U.S. Consulate General Vice Consul in Toronto Mr. David Swalley.

Keynote address delivered by Mr. C.V.K. Sivagnanam, Chairman of Northern Provincial Council in Sri Lanka.

Ontario PC and Official Opposition Leader Mr. Tim Hudak made the announcement on the initiative to reintroduce the bill in Ontario to declare January as Tamil Heritage Month.

Service Excellence Award” was awarded to the Sri Lanka based Uthayan” Newspaper. Photographs of event :


Inspite of the links and intelligence information available on the links of CTC to other LTTE fronts including those banned by the Canadian Government, CTC events draw many Canadians which warrants the Canadian authorities to ask themselves how far they are willing to accept white collared terrorism inside Canada.

It is also a good time for Sri Lanka to take action against the Tamil National Alliance for its continued links and association with the entities banned under UNSC Resolution 1373.





2 Responses to “GOSL Names and Bans LTTE Fronts: Canadian Tamil Congress”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    My friend Poop-Pillai is in the list. Nice guy as a person but a disgusting Tamil racist. Used to live close to me.

    Gary Anandasangari is the son of Anandasangari.

    They work TOGETHER to achieve Tamil Elam. Please understand this. They are NOT against each other. They are COMPLIMENTARY.

  2. jay-ran Says:


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