Did ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa turn Temple Trees into a Dog House?
Posted on January 30th, 2015

Prof. Hudson McLean

After an election, specially when the Party-in-Power gets booted-out, mud-raking is a global pastime. Every new incoming Leader and his followers first priority is to ram-in the negatives before any thing else.

In the case of the ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa, MR deserves a better “Goodbye” handshake, for saving Sri Lanka from blood-shed of 30 years.

Neither CBK nor Ranil Wickremasinghe could do bugger-all to bring an end to LTTE Tamil Terrorism which, MR with the support of GR & General (?) Sarath Fonseka concluded in style. The Island is at Peace, but for how long?

All that ends well, did not end well with the hastily launched Presidential election, possibly based on the incorrect temperature of the electorate.

Whilst the dust is settling with the new President Maithri Sirisena, lots of garbage is being emptied on to the Internet about surprising goings-on with MR defunct leadership.

It was indeed bad news that MR’s brother Basil vamoosed in a flash to USA via Maldives. We all knew about the flash-Harry Namal Rajapaksa with his Lamborghini and other expensive toys behaving like “Robin” of BatMan fame.

Actually, it is most disappointing to hear about MR acting like a real-life BatMan with his car collection exceeding 1000 vehicles, and above all, 45 dogs being looked-after at Temple Trees by Naval personnel.

I am a lover of dogs. I have always had a dog or two since I was about 5 years old. My dog collection of one or two were Alsation, Golden Retriever, Boxer, Bulldog, Bullmastiff and Pugs. I fed them, took care of them until my companion passed away. But having 40+ dogs is not considered having a pet. It is almost like having a dog breeding programme or a Cruft’s Show in Colombo, at the official residence Temple Trees.

The the pets of his brother Gothabhaya were not for love but for show.

Was MR planning to open a second-hand car showroom and act as a car salesman? Actually, I would buy a car from MR. He has that honest face.

Next predicament for MR comes soon when the Parliamentary Elections gets into full swing. Will the current President as the Leader of the SLFP allow MR to enter the ring?

Will GR and Namal participate in fighting for a seat?

At this point, I leave the answers to my dear fellow scribes in LankaWeb to participate in this exciting forum.

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31 Responses to “Did ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa turn Temple Trees into a Dog House?”

  1. mario_perera Says:

    In the case of the ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa, MR deserves a better “Goodbye” handshake, for saving Sri Lanka from blood-shed of 30 years.

    Neither CBK nor Ranil Wickremasinghe could do bugger-all to bring an end to LTTE Tamil Terrorism which, MR with the support of GR & General (?) Sarath Fonseka concluded in style. – Prof.McLean

    This idea the MR saved Sri Lanka from the 3–year bloodshed is being rolled over Sri Lanka like a heavy roller being rolled over a cricket pitch.

    The truth is that every previous president would have done so if only his or her hands were not tied by international interferences. There were umpteen occasions when the war could have been ended, but India, mainly, stood in the way. The severest Indian foot stamping came under Rajiv Gandhi with the infamous parippu drop, the violation of our air spaces and the imperial order that our armed forces should not retaliate under the threat of dire consequences.

    Everything went Prabha’s way. The Indian .and the Western block provided him with an impenetrable shield.

    as General Sarath Fonseka’s name is mentioned in the article, the writer should know what the General said. He stated that it was CBK who got down all the military hardware for the forces, NOT MR. It was the massive wall of protection erected between the military .thrust and the LTTE that prevented an LTTE rout.This was shy every preceding government tried to COMPROMISE with Prabha offering him carrots of every conceivable dimension. It was not that they were less patriotic than MR. Even MR was thinking in the same patttenrs. Dire situations need equivalent thinking processes. Then things changed.

    when did things change? Things changed when unexpected windfalls came Sri Lanka’s way. They came by way of the 9/11 debacle in the USA, and the murderous TAJ attack in India by Pakistani terrorists. We know the debacle that occurred in India. A handful of armed terrorists poured scorn, shame and derision on the entire armed might of India. the Indian military might was revealed to the world in total nakedness without even a fig leaf to cover the essentials.

    Such was also the case in the USA. their glory and pride, the twin towers were blown away to smithereens in the bloink of an eyelid. It was all an INSIDE job. It was not a repeat of Pearl Harbour, this time by air. the planes, the pilots and the know off were all American. Amerca too was exposed in the same manner as India, exposed even sans ‘ambudey’.

    It was these unparalleled disasters that turned the western-Indian opinion around. That was gave the green light to Sri Lanka. In the meantime Bush declared the LTTE as a proscribed terror organizations. the West followed suit, as did India. Prabha’s protective shield had crumpled.

    as for Sri Lanka, the armed forces were ready.They had the equipment and the skills. their generals knew what to do. They knew the Jaffna peninsula like the palms of their hands. MR had only to go with the tide. Now time and tide was totally in his favour. He just followed the trend. Her had suddenly become an ally of the West and of India. that is elementary politics.

    So the hysterics of political scribes presenting an inflated MR as the SOLE force behind the war victory is not only false but has even assumed the dimensions of the immoral.

    Mario Perera

  2. Nanda Says:

    Fully agree with Mario. Why a lot of people not aware of this is sheer fear that “all others will give ealam”. But the truth is no leader gave Ealam to Tamils.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Mario is PARTLY right. That is what PIERCED the Rajapaksa bubble. I posed the question IF MR-GR won the war, what the hell was Denzel Kobbekaduwa, Hasalaka Gamini, Fazley Laphir, Janaka Perera, etc. were doing? Scraping coconuts? This was immediately picked by the My3 camp and MANY MANY others and went to town with it. No one gave me creidt but OK!

    Had he SHARED the credit for winning the war with those who participated in it without getting all credit to himself, then he would have enjoyed some of it.

    But the greedy man kicked out everyone else and claimed credit all to himself.

    Where Mario is wrong is favorable external factors. For ALL those PLUSES there were at least TWO MINUSES.

    e.g. USA didn’t help SL in anyway to fight terror even after 9/11. The LIMITED help we got from USA was for us to SAVE their interests like sea lanes from pirates (who can team up with sea tigers).

    HYPOCRICY is the name of the game of them. SL realized it soon, thank god. Had we realized it late, we would have been in deep trouble. MR did this perfectly. He should get credit for it. Otherwise we would have had another PARIPPU DROP or worse.

    TRUTH to be told the war victory was a WIN for Sinhalese and a DEFEAT for Tamils.

    This is the BITTER TRUTH. But after 2010 Tamils started living like WINNERS but Sinhalese are living like LOSERS!! When Sinhalese pointed this out MR said look at the war victory. After sometime later they had ENOUGH OF IT.

    What’s the use of winning the war AND continuing to WASTE $1.8 BILLION on defence every year even after winning if NO SPECIAL economic benefit to them, thought the Sinhalese.

  4. Nanda Says:

    I rate 9/11 as No.2 important factor. After 9/11 it was much easier to fight terrorism all over the world, not only in Sri Lanka. This is not a help from USA but it is a main factor, because so called “humans” understood terrorism.

  5. Lorenzo Says:


    NO. It was NOT a main factor. How many countries defeated terrorism after 9/11? Only 1. SL. MR, GR, etc. should take some credit. NOT all.

    SF did a lot that MR didn’t approve like TIT FOR TAT killings which TURNED BACK terrorism on its REVERSE. LTTE never thought we would attack them TIT FOR TAT as we did in 1993 for the last time. WHOEVER killed TNA MPs also helped to reverse terrorism through its backside.

    For the first time we were BOLD to MAKE ATTEMPTS on the lives of TOP LTTE leaders. We NEVER tried since 1982 for fear of retaliation. But since 2007 we went hell for leather KILLING.

    Other tactics were also used to COLLAPSE THE MORALE of LTTE cadres. SF led by example if you know what I mean!!

    Wars are NEVER pretty but what matter is WINNING ONLY.

  6. Christie Says:

    India won again in the democratic process in the island. SWRD was the first Indian imperialists nomination since 1951 when he formed SLFP advised by Indian imperialists. He and his supports most of them mislead by Indian imperialists destroyed the non-Indians of the island. Then India backed Mahinda in 2005 and he did not follow the Indian agenda, then Indian imperialists lost with Sarath Fonseka. Now it won with the daughter of SWRD and a new coolie Sirisena.

  7. Nanda Says:

    ” How many countries defeated terrorism after 9/11? ”

    It is not a matter of defeating. Defeating depends on attack. But when own army of a country goes on attack, there was objection world wide. That objection was subdued after 9/11. Killing of terrorists outside USA was accepted only after 9/11. This is an accepted fact.

  8. NAK Says:

    There is another side to what Mario said.
    Just after 9/11 when US declaired war on terror, the US ambassador in colombo was asked if the the LTTE also would be in the terrorists list he promptly said no and they consider LTTE as freedom fighters.
    Later when it became evident that the war terror had double standards they reluctantly added LTTE. But they never lifted the arms embargo on SL.

    After RW’s betrayal of forces and intelligence agencies the forces were in no mood or battle readiness when chanrika desolved RW’s government .When she tried to revive the forces not even 10 persons showed up to join the army. chandrika’s war efforts ended then and there.

    Then the LTTE had the upper hand and even were cocky enough to Defeat RW at presidential elections. They had their time to rearm and recruite carders while army was demoralized and badly short of soldiers.
    I don’t know when Sarath Fonseka said that it was Chandrika who supplies the weaponry to the army,but we do know that India refused to provide arms to Sri Lanka,Narayan Swamy openly said no offensive weapons will be supllied to Sri Lanka but if they want we will supply only defensive weapons.
    USA, through out, continued their weapons embargo on Sri Lanka,they even refused spare parts for Bell 212 helicopters.It was China,pakistan,Ukrain and Israel mainly suppied weapons to Sri Lanka.
    If I remember correct Czech republic and UK provided some arms too.
    Yes, it is true that pressure was brought to bear on political leader when it mattered to save Prabhakaran and it so was for MR as well. India was screaming at Sri Lanka. I remember Basil and Gota were in and out of India.MR even had to lie to pacify India, all the western ambassodors were conststantly applying pressure on the government to stop the offensive including the NGO’s and the UN.
    Ultimately in a final attempt Milliband and Koushner came and Carl Bildt was not allowed to come,The UN SG sent his chief of staff (satis?)Nambiar to weigh in on MR to stop the offensive.

    So,you see,it was a battle on many fronts and SF handled just one.
    Had MR caved in to pressure like the previous rulers, Sarath fonseka will have nothing to write home about and we will still be dealing with human bombs and or Eelam.

    MR had some faillings,he has paid for and he may be repenting them. But, we must not allow history to be rewritten by those gained power via a coup and form a government through the back door.

    My3 will enter history for his betrayal if lets this country to be thrown again to the wolves.

  9. douglas Says:

    We, in Sri Lanka too had an immediate cause to commence the war against “Terror” outfit of LTTE. That was “Mavilaaru Blockade”. Please do not forget that. That was the turning point that “forced” MR to start the war. Till that incident, MR was sitting with the LTTE in negotiations in terms of the “infamous” “CFA” spearheaded by Norway. Mr. Nimal Siripala de Silva will perhaps remember “how and when” he was sent to Norway to conduct those negotiations on behalf of the Government. That “Mavilaaru Blockade” was like the 9/11 to us. Also do not forget those who participated in that “Protest” – “The Peoples Uprising” forcing the Government to fight the terror.

    Next please do not forget the, then man who recaptured Jaffna and chased away Prbakaran, i.e. Col. Ratwatte.

    Next and most important “THE PEOPLE” of Sri Lanka who tightened their belts amidst unbearable, social, economic hardships and gave every ounce of their support by enlisting their husbands, children, uncles and nephews. They were the life blood of this nation, unlike some “Royal Sons” who got through the back door to Armed Forces and went on a “One Way” street to study at war colleges. Those “Royal Sons” did not get involved in the “FIGHT” even for a few hours. So please STAND AT ATTENTION and SALUTE IN HONOUR for those valiant men and women at all times.

    Next comes the “Political Leadership” that was virtually “Forced” to take action abandoning the “Negotiations” under a still in force “CFA”. Along with that “Political Leadership”, the “TEAM” of “War Management” that directed the fight must also be hounoured and saluted. That included all the Heads of Armed Forces along with the then Secretary of Defence, GR.

    So do not SINGLE out anyone of the above mentioned TEAM and glorify the “war winning” to only “ONE PERSON”. Of course, on behalf of ALL THOSE, we handsomely rewarded MR by putting him in the driving seat of the Government in 2010. Today we are still debating the “State OF Affairs” brought about from that 2010 to 2015 and most notably continue to “SELL” the war winning to capture power to continue to live in supper luxury.

  10. SA Kumar Says:

    the truth is no leader gave a Ealam to Tamils- but We-Tamils have three Eelam now only one problem instead of koddiyas flag but Indian flag is flaying in TE , all thanks goes to MR.

    Velu where are you???

  11. SA Kumar Says:

    TRUTH to be told the war victory was a WIN for Bhidhist Sinhalese and a DEFEAT for Saiva Tamils at Nanthi Kattal on 19th May 2009 !!!

    live & lets live until Eelam war v !!!

  12. Nanda Says:

    Most foreigners don’t see suffering of ordinary people, their sacrifices towards the war, taxes they paid ( some specially for war) and most of all their beloved sons, daughters, husbands, wives , fathers, mothers paid with their lives.
    For the mosquitos buzzing around our ears, it is all about ONE Maa-Hindaa Raja, who stole the nation for a extra comfortable life to him, his sons and other family members without sacrificing anything

  13. SA Kumar Says:

    Sri Lanka’s new external affairs minister Mangala Samaraweera said “there are already lots of proposals made to achieve national reconciliation, such as the Thimpu Proposals, the Mangala Moonesinghe Proposals, the CBK (Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga) Proposals, to name but a few. Why go for a new Parliament Select Committee? There’s no need to reinvent the wheel”.

    “All these years we failed to achieve national reconciliation because there was no political will. Now there is a political will. We are optimistic about pulling it off this time,” the minister asserted.

    Jeyaweva !!! Naalai pirakkum TE, Velu where are you ?

  14. SenaD Says:

    Prof. Hudson McLean said,

    “Next predicament for MR comes soon when the Parliamentary Elections gets into full swing. Will the current President as the Leader of the SLFP allow MR to enter the ring?”

    The president started his campaign reciting:

    Na hi verani
    sammantidha kudacanam
    Averena ca sammanti
    esa dhammo sanantano,

    from the Dhamma Pada.

    So, if he were to let MR contest from the SLFP, that would truly be a case of putting your money where the mouth is.

    But my guess is that such talks are limited to electioneering only and the president will not go that far.

    On the other hand he could surprise us all!

  15. Nimal Says:

    Well said.

  16. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    I have to say Prof. Hudson McLean that this article is superficial at best and completely irrelevant to the pressing issue of Sri Lanka at worst. Please do a better job next time. I am more concerned about the legality of the ouster of Rajapakse and the new party of the coalition of Sirisena who is put in place to

    -appease to India
    -appease to the Tamil Separatists
    =Appease to America and Obama
    -distance Sri Lanka from China
    -break the Sinhalese nationalist movement and the growing power of the Buddhist Sanga.

    Could you please address the above issues if you find them pertinent?

  17. Lorenzo Says:

    Should the war start AGAIN, we will see who the REAL winners and losers are!

    There is a HIGH chance of the war restarting.

  18. Ananda-USA Says:


    Well Said!

    This article just DETRACTS from the familiar persona of Prof. Hudson McLean!

    He seems to have his own AXE TO GRIND against MR, or has become a disciple of “Facebook” Lorenzo!

  19. jay-ran Says:

    NAK is 1000% correct.!!!.Many in Sri Lanka,Like,Nanda HATE M<R FOR HIS BEING TOUGH & STRAIGHT FORWARD.During the latter part of the war,when UK's then Minister with French henchaiya came to threaten MR to stop the war,WHAT WAS THE REPLY GIVEN BY MR??? WE ARE NOT ONE OF YR COLONIES!!!

  20. jay-ran Says:

    NAK is 1000% correct.!!!.Many in Sri Lanka,Like,Nanda HATE M<R FOR HIS BEING TOUGH & STRAIGHT FORWARD.During the latter part of the war,when UK's then Minister with French henchaiya came to threaten MR to stop the war,WHAT WAS THE REPLY GIVEN BY MR??? WE ARE NOT ONE OF YR COLONIES!!!

  21. Ananda-USA Says:

    NAK said, “My3 will enter history for his betrayal if lets this country to be thrown again to the wolves.”

    Yes, Indeed!

    Already Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa has earned the DROHIYA TITLE for his BACK STABBING of MR.

    If he CONTINUES to throw Sri Lanka to the wolves, as he is NOW DOING, he name will our history for his betrayal as its GREATEST TRAITOR!

  22. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    JAY-RAN !!


  23. Lorenzo Says:


    “My3 will enter history for his betrayal if lets this country to be thrown again to the wolves.”


    That is a big IF.

    It was NOT My3 who saved KP, Karuna, Daya Master, George Master, etc.
    It was NOT My3 who swore in LTTE TNA Viggie as the chief minister of NPC.
    It was NOT My3 who did the LLRC commission.
    It was NOT My3 who promised 13 PLUS+
    It was NOT My3 who released 90% of LTTE terrorists from custody.

    It was someone else.

    So don’t have a UNDUE FEAR. Even if war returns (there is a likelihood) we have the men to do the job. The wolves and foxes cannot ruin this country again. My3 will ensure that.

  24. Lorenzo Says:

    “But having 40+ dogs is not considered having a pet. It is almost like having a dog breeding programme or a Cruft’s Show in Colombo, at the official residence Temple Trees.

    The the pets of his brother Gothabhaya were not for love but for show.”

    Dog, SHARK, elephant, macau, horse breeding are not considered good hobbies in SL for public figures!!

    MR, GR, NR, WW, etc. should form a NEW PARTY – PEOPLE & NATION PROTECTING PARTY – and contest. Can win 2 seats from Hambantota, 1 from Matara, 1 from Galle, 2 from Colombo, 1 from Gampaha, 1 from Anuradhapura and 1 national list seat.

  25. Dilrook Says:

    For some reason Lankaweb has not published my latest article. Hope to see it soon.

    The UNP government is working to a plan based on Singapore Principles of 2013 which was published here in Lankaweb sourced from Tamilnet and also via an article by Shenali Waduge. I encourage everyone to read the context of Singapore Principles of 2013 and the 10 principles therein. These are already shaping Sri Lanka. These create new problems for the nation and its Sinhala population. Some of these problems will be irreversible and end up in bloodshed. They range from political, social, economical, cultural and involves nestling Sri Lanka in a network of Indians and Tamils around the world. It is as obnoxious as it sounds and reverses everything Sri Lanka achieved in the post-1948 era.

    People must also be aware of the application of Article 122(1) of the Constitution to turn Sri Lanka into a complete dictatorship where vital law changes and consitutional changes are done by hoodwinking the public and the parliament. A taste of this is already there in the manner Chief Justice Mohan Pieris was removed. It is totally illegal and contrary to procedure.

    Whether we feel it or not, Sri Lanka today is a dictatorship working to an external agenda to weaken the Sinhalese and sever ties with the nation’s best supporters.

  26. SA Kumar Says:

    The the pets of his brother Gothabhaya were not for love but for show.”- Why this Tamil Sakkiliyan become so anti GR
    once upon a time GR was his god father in this LW froum.

    So many Karunas ( VP’S kaddala Thalapathy- VP’S First in command) now

  27. NAK Says:

    What do you suggest do with KP,Karuna and the rest?open another Batalanda? hang them? or take them to bush and get vass to shoot them?
    If they ae subjected to a legal process so should Somawansa the left overs of the JVP.Why open aold wound they have publicly repented what they have done now they denounce violence persecuting them now will amount to down right revange.
    What is wrong in that. He buy doing that has shown the whole world that the TNA is not interested in devolution but infact seperation.
    LLRC hailed by all as reasonable and the then government made it clear that all its recommendations will not be accepted.

    13+ yes he lied,so what he lied for our country.

    What do you suggest? incacerate them and throw the key?

    Also don’t forget my3 was very much part of every thing that took place. He can not claim ignorance or innocence.

  28. SA Kumar Says:

    What do you suggest do with KP,Karuna and the rest ( all VP’S TNA jokers) ? – take them to bush and get vass to shoot them- fully agreed

    TNA is not interested in devolution but infact separation – but Modi is believing TNA !

    Modi will visit Sinha Lanka , Saiva TE , Muslim TE also Indian TE (Malayaham) in April 2015.

  29. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:


    I was a bit surprised by the about turn by Hudson McLean. the geopolitical implications of removing Rajpakse just 5 years after the war is unnerving.

    The US has troops in South Korea from a war that began and ended in the 1950’s or the Korean war.
    The US has troops in Japan and Gemany from a war that began and ended in the 1940’s
    India has massive troop deployment both in Kashmir and in the North Eastern states.

    Just addressing that issue which India, the Tamil expats, the UNHRC and the US has hammered Rajapakse of keeping troops in these former war zones just within 5 years and not implementing the defunct amendment 13 as some kind of Human rights violation is too disturbing for he was ousted on these trumped up charges. Hudson should be more aware of that.

  30. Ananda-USA Says:



    The WW II & Korean War Allies station troops in the former war zones, without (Germany) or with (South Korea) the approval of the local population …. PERMANENTLY; YET they oppose stationing of SLDF forces in the former war zone over 30 years of conflict, in THEIR OWN COUNTRY!

    Did any other nation PROTEST the stationing of the victorious UNION troops in the DEFEATED SOUTH after the US Civil war? NO .. it was not even DREAMT of by ANYONE …. it was understood that to the VICTOR BELONGS THE SPOILS!

    But, look at these BUGGERS interfering in our Motherland PREACHING TO US how to maintain security and peace that they NEVER HELPED US ACHIEVE during 30 years of murderous terrorist war!! Kill a few of their citizens, and they will launch a GLOBARD WAR with extreme prejudice …as we see now. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENCE is the SOLE PREROGATIVE of Westerners, it seems.

    In fact, it was partly their INTERFERENCE in prosecuting the war, that extended it for 30 years at the cost of over 150,000 lives. Nothing like a stalemated war grinding on forever to extiinguish the maximum number of lives; that is the OBJECTIVE of these Western nations ….. as we saw in the Iran-Iraq war they egged on, and now the MULTIPLE CONFLICTS they initiated in the “Arab Spring” that will continue INDEFINITELY! Who wins as the developing world is brought to its KNEES?? I think you know the answer!

  31. Lorenzo Says:


    KP, KA, etc. should be punished for their crimes including ARANTHALAWA, DALADA MALIGAWA, etc.

    MR didn’t lie FOR the country about 13. It was NOT needed. Had he removed 13, he should be in power now! Devolution = Separation.

    My3 was NOT part of it except the 5 isolated instances where he was the acting defence minister. He made NO decision or statement on 13 and KP, KA, etc.

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