Posted on February 1st, 2015
කන්තර් බාලනාතන්, ඔස්ට්රේලියා
It has been a pleasure to read the 100 days implementation program by the new regime, 2015, in a country (SriLanka) that practices, bribery, corruption, thuggery, gang warfare, religious conflicts, racial and regional ethnicity conflicts.
It be that citizens of SriLanka should appreciate and welcome the changes. The change has been change of governance, may be, in agreement with some western influence and manipulation, because of their falcon formation, defence/offence strategy. It is expected that the current regime will not genuflect down, and implement whatever is thrown onto them from the west and India.
The President and the Prime Minister should remember that LTTE was originally formed, and declared by the Tamils with the blessings and support of ITAK, on the 22nd day of May 1972, on which day, the country became a republic to govern by itself with a Head of State (late Srimavo).
Today US has allowed an illegal Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) to operate, and brain wash some ignorant Tamil Diaspora, who have no interest in the development of the N&E, but sprint for absolute power. Does it mean that US is threatening SL to agree to their terms by allowing TGTE to operate freely in the US soil?
The ITAK secretary Mavai Senathirajah is a known separatist who has been campaigning for absolute power and secession in the past. In the early 2000, TNA was a part of LTTE, who were commanded to heed to the instruction of Vellupillai Prabakaran, leader of LTTE.
To date Tamils in the N&E carry that approach to secession, and their own governance. They have forgotten the past how they survived, financially, economically, technically with limited or nil resources in the North.
Without import, and coupon mode foodstuff, most lower and middle class Tamils could not have survived, educated their children and got employment. It could be clearly understood that we Tamils still have not got the perception that a region can become autonomous only if has natural resources and generates adequate income.
On receiving independence, Tamils should have joined the governance and developed the N&E. e.g. Water is a resource required for agriculture. All Tamils ran out of Jaffna and Batticaloa to find employment in the South. SJV Chelvanayaka(m), a Malaysian born, lived and completed his education in Colombo and became a fanatic politician to fight for Federalism. Did he perform an economical, technical, and political analysis prior to the formation and declaration of the FP? His relative Ponnambalam Ramanathan wanted lower caste Tamils not to have voting and educational rights. How is it possible for such an arrogant racial, caste oriented group of Tamils to be empowered governing rights?
The 100 days’ work programme is not a new action plan in the world. Hon Tony Abbot, PM of Australia put forward a plan in 2013. Readers could view.
SriLankan 100 days’ work programme strongly focus on authoritarianism and retribution of their opponents. Could we assume that SriLankans have a time lag in understanding politics and governance? JRJ was elected in 1977 and in 1978 changed the constitution and became an executive president. It has taken 37 years for politicians and people to understand about the presidential system.
If people voted for change of the system, what did the Tamils vote for?
On the 21st January: The process will begin of abolishing the authoritarian executive presidential system …….. a Public Service Commission, an Elections Commission, a Commission against Bribery and Corruption and a Human Rights Commission. This will be through a 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which will be presented to Parliament and passed as swiftly as possible.
This is most welcome and the forum who prepared the programme should be congratulated. The Human Rights Commission (HRC); The commission should be empowered to address and punish those who ill-treat child labour, caste discrimination, regional and religious discrimination etc. Well, the 19th amendment shall detail out clearly, the HR violations that can be addressed and punished by the HRC Commission.
On the 22nd January: A Code of Conduct will be introduced for observation by all representatives of the People.
On the 2nd February: An ethical Code of Conduct will be introduced legally for all representatives of the People.
The word Observation” does not mean anything. If found guilty by the appropriate commission, the representative, irrespective of their position, should be removed from politics. Any citizen should have the rights to report such corrupt practice of representatives to the appropriate commission(s).
The 2nd February action plan of legally” is assumed that an act will be passed. Then why should the 22nd January state the word, observation”. The 2nd February should suffice for the code of ethics”.
The 100 days’ programme does not address removing Thesavalamai Law” (Ref:, which was introduced by Dutch as manoeuvred by the Elite Tamils in 1707. Do Tamils want a separate law for them? Are we not SriLankan? All SriLankan should be governed by one law. There shall be no separate law for Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese (Kandyan & Others), which clearly advocates ethnic tic supremacy. All males shall have only one legal or illegal wife (not four).
On the 29th January; – A Vote on Account will be introduced in Parliament to implement special measures to provide relief to the people by reducing the rising Cost of Living.
On the 30th January; – Salaries will be raised and direct and indirect taxes on necessary goods and services will be reduced.
Is the item focussed on relief for lower and middle income earners? If this is the case, has the regime addressed the mode of revenue accrual to cover these costs? Where is the Opportunity Cost” accrued from?
If this governance is free, fair and honest to people, then they should declare and make all income and costs transparent to public.
On the 5th February; – Special Commissions will be appointed to investigate allegations of massive corruption in the preceding period.
This is a case of retribution and avenging opponents. Yes devastating corruptions have to be investigated. However, the investigation shall not be limited to, from 2005 to 2015, but shouldn’t the investigations be from 1970 to 2015 or even before those periods? Is it not true that previous ministers and politicians were corrupt in the UNP and SLFP regime prior to 2005?
It is of the view that the Special Commission” should investigate, current and past politicians and ministers, to crusade the country to a corrupt free country. SriLanka was once known to be an unpretentious and ethical encompassed country in the late 40s and early 50s. However, did travel to India make our politicians to copycat Indian political behavioural model?
Risk No1-Cost
SriLankans are aware that the 13th amendment and the nine Provincial Councils are a burden to them because of the huge cost of managing the PCs. Dr. Laksiri Fernando in his article analyses the costs as follows:
The recurrent expenditure for 2009 was Rs 111.366 billion. Do we know the cost for the 2009-2014 periods?
How do we fund governing the PCs? How does GOSL plan to generate funds for this additional liability?
Risk No.2-Corruption Proliferation
- We talk of bribery and corruption. With the nine PCs, bribery and corruption will increase to nine times.
- How could the government fund travel and other expenses of PC Councilors?
- The political differences, ideological differences, personal conflicts, power avidity, may unfold and spread-out to the parliament.
- Already we know about the physical fights in the NPC house.
GOSL, do you think you could control the nine PCs from Colombo, either yourself or through a Governor?
Risk No.3- Racial Supremacy
Mr. Rishad Bathiudeen (RB) – Minister of Industry and Commerce has made an announcement in Seithy, a media that people who are not from the Northern Province will not be allowed to settle in the North. Isn’t this a demoralizing racial statement?
Approximately 49% of Tamils are domiciled in the South. By Mr. RB proliferating such a statement, it may clearly force people belief that either Mr. RB is racial, or the N&E (TNA) have a strategic racial ethnic program. How will the forthcoming HRC of SL address RB’s statement? Could RB be subject to political reprimand or atonement?
(Any SriLankan should have the rights to live anywhere in SriLanka!)
Risk No.4- Threat to National Security
If the government is not prepared to abolish the 13h amendment and do away with the PCs, because of fear of lack of democratic votes, and if the government consider granting Police” and Land” powers, the strategic threat to NATIONAL SECURITY may emerge as follows:
- Tamils are waiting until powers are granted, for them to build their own political make-up under their strategic plan.
- No Sinhalese may be allowed to; settle/resettle in the N&E, build Buddhist temples, have Sinhala medium in schools, and make N&E a pure Tamil settler region.
- Over a period it could happen and subsequently Tamils may resurrect the secession program with the UN; claiming Tamil areas and the Tamil Eelam concept.
GOSL should understand and accept the fact, undoubtedly, and comprehensively that there is no Tamil area separately in the island. All are equal and should be able to live, study, and sermonise their religion in SriLanka anywhere.
If such a threat to national security surfaces over a horizon of 5-15 years, what would the government do? The 100 days’ programme does not address and stress on 6th amendment.
I wish to refer to a letter written to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Ref:
- It could be stressed that the only position that does not require a job specification is to become a Politician”. Anyone can become a politician in a third world country. Could it be possible to formulate a plan for job specification, either directly or through a commission?
- Could the credentials of current and past politicians be verified and confirmed for criminal activities, and those be removed from politics?
- What are the credentials of Mervyn Silva and Sajin de Vass Gunawardena?
- Does SriLanka need people like the above?
- The only organisation in SriLanka free of bribery and corruption is presumed to be the University and the University academics. Why not GOSL draw academics from each of the University, and form a non-executive, Consultative Council to provide advice on matters concerning governance, democracy, freedom, constitutional reforms, and Human Rights etc. Although University should not get involved in politics, we are discussing on Consultation, and not executive committees. Why not use the resources available in SriLanka rather paying large sum to foreign
- Why not all politicians read and understand the Constitution of the DSROSL?
- Current regime shall give serious consideration of removing/limiting powers to the Provincial Councils.
- Provincial Councils should be advised to manage with whatever they have been granted.
- India should mind her own political business, as they are the largest Human Rights violator in the world. SL is a republic and can manage her own activities and does not need any advice from Indians. India should advise her politicians not to make statements against SL, as it is construed violation against international norms of discrediting and invading into a sovereign republic, and causing a national security threat.
- 6th amendment shall be observed and applied to all violators.
February 1st, 2015 at 11:30 am
The 13 th amendment was forced on us. Because JR did antagonized India so much, he had no choice.
Successive postponed implementing it not without a reason. Now this regime is trying to implement it . “FOOLS ROAM WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD”. If these people are as smart and intelligent they will not implement it for the sake of the country.Implementing it will not bring peace. This what the Tamil diaspora and other Tamil terrorists along with the countries who want to destabilize Sri Lanka. The diaspora consists of those who ran away and sacrificed the life of the poor Tamils. The weapons manufacturers would like another war.
As regards to granting dual citizenship, all applicants should be thoroughly scrutinized. Now that there is peace, those who ran away from LTTE, will want come back saying that they ran away from the government. The terrorists also will want come back and buy property all over the country, financed by diaspora terrorists.
The new regime should look carefully before they jump.
February 1st, 2015 at 12:59 pm
Now, the 13th amendment is operating for decades. IT looks govt are keepng it.
So, the diyawanna Oya parliament should be restructured accordingly and cut the number of seats there to a maximum of 45 MPs.
Everybody should ask to cut the number of federal politicians and every provincial minister should communicate with the corresponding federal minister.
February 1st, 2015 at 1:27 pm
should read “successive governments postponedl
February 1st, 2015 at 4:11 pm
Good one! Glad to see this type of articles on the wasteful PC’s. The biggest wastage is not other corruptions, it is the maintaining of PC’s. If anyone talks about abolishing 13A, they are the true patriots and true sons of Mother Lanka. Thank you Bala.
Mother Lanka needs 1000’s of true sons like you to save her.
February 2nd, 2015 at 5:45 am
The biggest bane Sri lanka faces is it’s so called Academia and the Professionals.
It is their corrupt practices and their extream selfish attitude that corrupts the rest of the society.
It is they who should come forward first, selflessly, to contend with when corrupt practices occur because they are the first rung of our society.
People look up to them for guidence and (used to) listned to their advice.
Sadly today they are no better than port labourers who goes on strike on their whims and fancies and usually it is for their own personal gain and that’s it.
They behave as if they do not care what happened to this country because they have the money,education and the ability to flyaway to safer climes at the whiff of any trouble.
We need 1000’s more Kanthars and Nalins to save and amke our motherland better place and I also know that they are there and it is time for them step forward and be counted before it becomes another hell hole like Yeman
February 2nd, 2015 at 7:05 am
Everybody should ask to cut the number of federal politicians and every provincial minister should communicate with the corresponding federal minister
AnuD Please tell me when other Sinhala brothers are going realise , 13A is already fully implemented & United Mother Lanka is Federal country now & for ever until Eelam war V .
Saiva TE (NP) , Muslim TE (EP) & Sinha Lanka (other 7 pcs) .