Regime Change Turned Sour – Sri Lanka Faces Nightmare.
Posted on February 12th, 2015

Prof. Hudson McLean

The two major Regime Changes, in Iraq & Libya, orchestrated by USA-EU have demonstrated catastrophic disasters. The world is turned into a global theatre of blood baths, by the changes.

Now on to the USA-EU band-wagon joins India to affect Regime Change in Sri Lanka. “Mission Accomplished” but at what cost?

Within the first thirty (30) days, the New Top Cats are already turning themselves into a bunch of lie-ing bunch of clowns, with their only objective was to bring-down Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family are Innocent until Proven Guilty by an Independent Judiciary!

Let avery Sinhela, Not Forget, that MR saved Sri Lanka from a thirty year blood bath, which RW-CBK-Premadasa could not achieve since 1970s….

No Kangaroo Courts or ISIS type barbaric Sharia Law, on any human, should be applied, as done in the Middle East.

As published in LankaWeb, which reflects the Independent and Varying Opinions of contributors, demonstrates clearly that, there are Three (3) Sides to every story-; Yours – Mine – and the Truth!

The opinions expressed to name but a few, by H. L. D. Mahindapala Shenali Waduge M D P DISSANAYAKE are Factual, Detailed, Informative, Good Journalism. Thank you!

 Religious Conflict

It is disturbing that the Religious Conflict bandwagon is rolling down-hill whilst allowing the Tamil dissidents to take-root.

As any Sinhela Patriot is aware that the USA-EU-India sees the only way to “conquer” Sri Lanka is by the old Colonial philosophy of “Dive & Rule”.  British perfected this art of Colonialism by bringing in the Tamils, into the equation. So far, RW + CBK with USA-EU-India together used the “Monkey’s Paw” (ie: AiO My3) to remove Mahinda Rajapaksa out of the Throne.

When most of their allegations were proven wrong, without any substance & credibility, then comes the Buddhist – Christian conflict into fill the  empty space. By alienating  the Sinhala Christians, the Sinhala race is further diluted by 5-9%.

True, Christians are not without guilt.  I know several “fake”Missionaries from Sweden-Norway-Finland (very sympathetic to Tamil) raking pennies from the poor Sinhala Buddhist, and building Tourist Hotels down South.  Many of them collected gifts from the West after Tsunami, claiming that the gifts will go to Sri Lanka, but were either taken for their personal use or sold at Flea Market, and pocketed the receivables.

 Name & Shame these Swiss Account Holders?

This is the Real Stuff. My3 should now activate this investigation immediately.


Largest deposit $ 10.7 million :

A total of 92 Lankans in Swiss Bank lists:

– See more at:

Hon. President Maithree Sirisena – Please put your Money where your Mouth is! And find the Real Crooks!

Express Your Opinion – Read What Others Say!

The Independent Interactive Voice of Sri Lanka on the Internet.

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15 Responses to “Regime Change Turned Sour – Sri Lanka Faces Nightmare.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Not just name and shame them. INVESTIGATE THEM.

    Surely the BIGGEST crooks have hidden their money elsewhere. $10 million is nothing for them.

  2. Independent Says:

    Agree with prof. that the President will surely loose his credibility 100% unless the figures are published and so called “thieves”, if any, are punished regardless of their previous position or current position in the government to the maximum possible under the law

    He has already lost 90 % credibility, I am waiting for his statement whether he (or whoever gave him the “Lanuwa”) was mistaken millions to “Kotiya” as some in this web did trying to attack him and hurt the fingers selfishly trying to uphold the pride or he purposely and manipulatively did paapakamma.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    I quote from the article

    “According to Swiss Leaks, 88 client accounts were opened between 1974 and 2006 and linked to 129 bank accounts.”

    That time period LARGELY PRECEDES the election of MR and the UPFA GOSL.

    Therefore, the Sri Lankan account holders among them are VERY LIKELY to be CBK and RW allied people!


  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko “Faceook” Lorenzo and his 2nd LAPDOG Ado Dependent!

    Are you STILL dancing your KOLAMS here, trying to convince PATRIOTS you care about Sri Lanka?

    Desperately TRYING to shed the EELAMIST sheepskin now that your have done your WORST t OUST the PATRIOTIC GOSL?


  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    India is just “wary”, but Sri Lanka is being SCREWED! BULLSHIT … I say!

    Indians are NOT WARY; they are ECSTATIC; this is their DREAM COME TRUE … in their MYOPIC short term view!

    This UNDERSCORES the URGENT NEED to REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVE all Provincial Councils. INSTITUTE a District System administered by GOSL APPOINTED Government Agents.

    1. Large Provinces governed by Sri Lanka’s enemies have the POWER to UNDERMINE the Central Government and ENABLE separation into independent Ethno-Religious fiefdoms.

    2. The Northern and Eastern Provinces have large coastlines. With Land & Police powers they will be able to engineer a large INFLUX of foreigners to settle in Sri Lanka …. in particular Tamils from Tamil Nadu, and Muslims from the Middle East, Maldives and elsewhere.

    3. The Provincial Council bureaucracies are an UNNECESSARY FINANCIAL BURDEN, and CREATE MORE RED TAPE BARRIERS to HARASS the citizenry of Sri Lanka, that is ALREADY OVERRUN with corrupt officials milking them. Local town, city and district administrations with an ELECTED central government to secure and develop the nation as a whole, IS ENOUGH GOVERNANCE, MORE THAN ENOUGH FRANCHISE!

    END THIS COMMUNAL Provincial Council FOOLISHNESS threatening to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into ETHNO-RELIGIOUS Bantustans NOW!

    Aiyoooo …. Srisenaaaaa …… What are you DOING to our Motherland!!

    Sri Lanka’s Northern Province resolution: Indian officials wary

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 11 (Hindu) The Indian government took note of the resolution by the Sri Lankan Northern Provincial Council internally, but officials said it was too early to gauge its importance to the reconciliation process already initiated by President Maithripala Sirisena’s new government.

    Officials are studying if the genocide resolution would affect the Geneva conference of the UNHRC, where the U.N. special rapporteur is due to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” that could also lead to a resolution against Sri Lanka being tabled. India would be keen to see any such resolution put off, it is understood, so as to allow the new Sri Lankan government time to implement its promises to the Northern provinces.

    India not for war crimes probe against Sri Lanka

    Any attempt to challenge the new government in Colombo with an international genocide investigation at this point could “complicate matters,” sources in New Delhi have said.

    The U.N. special rapporteur is expected to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” and a resolution on Sri Lanka’s ‘genocide against Tamils’ could also be tabled then. India has traditionally opposed any international investigation into war crimes in Sri Lanka, a position that led to India abstaining from the U.S.-backed resolution at the UNHRC in March 2014.

    Sources told The Hindu that the issue of reconciliation and rehabilitation for the Tamil-dominated areas will be a key issue when President Sirisena meets with Prime Minister Narendra Modi next week. “The government will be keen to discuss the new government’s plans as well as the just-started talks on repatriation of 1 lakh Sri Lankan refugees living in India.”

    In Delhi last month, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, who met with Mr. Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, said that the Sirisena government would implement a “credible domestic mechanism” for reconciliation, but wouldn’t allow any international inquiry into allegations of human rights violations during the war against the LTTE.

    President Sirisena will visit India from February 15 to 18, his first international engagement since he was sworn in.

    Sri Lanka’s Northern Province resolution: Indian officials wary

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 11 (Hindu) The Indian government took note of the resolution by the Sri Lankan Northern Provincial Council internally, but officials said it was too early to gauge its importance to the reconciliation process already initiated by President Maithripala Sirisena’s new government.

    Officials are studying if the genocide resolution would affect the Geneva conference of the UNHRC, where the U.N. special rapporteur is due to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” that could also lead to a resolution against Sri Lanka being tabled. India would be keen to see any such resolution put off, it is understood, so as to allow the new Sri Lankan government time to implement its promises to the Northern provinces.

    India not for war crimes probe against Sri Lanka

    Any attempt to challenge the new government in Colombo with an international genocide investigation at this point could “complicate matters,” sources in New Delhi have said.

    The U.N. special rapporteur is expected to submit a report on a U.S.-sponsored “war crimes investigations” and a resolution on Sri Lanka’s ‘genocide against Tamils’ could also be tabled then. India has traditionally opposed any international investigation into war crimes in Sri Lanka, a position that led to India abstaining from the U.S.-backed resolution at the UNHRC in March 2014.

    Sources told The Hindu that the issue of reconciliation and rehabilitation for the Tamil-dominated areas will be a key issue when President Sirisena meets with Prime Minister Narendra Modi next week. “The government will be keen to discuss the new government’s plans as well as the just-started talks on repatriation of 1 lakh Sri Lankan refugees living in India.”

    In Delhi last month, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, who met with Mr. Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, said that the Sirisena government would implement a “credible domestic mechanism” for reconciliation, but wouldn’t allow any international inquiry into allegations of human rights violations during the war against the LTTE.

    President Sirisena will visit India from February 15 to 18, his first international engagement since he was sworn in.

  6. lokubanda Says:

    Professor, thank you for saying “Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family are Innocent until Proven Guilty by an Independent Judiciary!”. (You might remember I too said so not so long ago, but someone objected). … And, so are other politicians. BUT, in this ‘Good Governance” camp, there are those who have been tried by courts of law and proven guilty, and paid the price of a punishment. By each day, we now seem to get closer and closer to reality, the truth behind regime change.

  7. Christie Says:

    Namaste:India always won so far except for the period 2005-2015. Jai Hind

  8. ranjit Says:

    Ananda let’s go together and smashed their stupid heads. Once Bush said ” Those who help and aid terrorists are guilty same as terrorists” so people like TNA and other groups and the UNPer’s who supported and given Aid to them were guilty as same as the terrorists. Those who talk good about them too should be put behind bars. Sri Lanka should be under one flag one rule of law.If any mother’s son talk about separation or division must be brought to justice and punish immediately. They are more poisonous than cobras and should be dealt severely.

    Ananda if you need help just call me I am one of ten Yodays from Dutugemunu era. My name is SRI NAGA. HA,HA,HA. Adios my friend.

  9. SA Kumar Says:

    My name is SRI NAGA. HA,HA,HA. Adios my friend-

    Yakko Why this kolaveri machang !!!

    Our NPC first minister will hold Indian flag soon .

    You Modayas please give us you support We will kick these Indian out from TE than We will pay you at Hambanthoddai as we need to settle your account what you have paid at Mulli vaikkal /Nanthi Kadal on 19th may 2009.

    Jai Eelam !!!

  10. Ananda-USA Says:

    RELEASING the CONFISCATED BOATS of the Tamil Nadu POACHERS back to them …. is this MORE “Yahapalanaya”???

    CONFISCATION of BOATS was the ONLY EFFECTIVE METHOD of DETERRING the businessmen and political agitators behind this SCHEME to ROB Sri Lanka of its FISH, and NOW that is being REVERSED!!

    How does Aiyoo Sirisenaa hope to DETER CRIME without ADEQUATE & EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT?? Everything else has been TRIED BEFORE! GIVING UP and PLAYING DEAD with ALL LEGS up in the AIR to PLACATE India wont protect our Motherland!!

    Aiyooooo Sirisenaaaaa …. What are YOU DOING to our Motherland?? NO GUTS to ENFORCE the LAW!! More “Yahapalanaya”? YIKES!!

    Boat Release: TN Fishermen Ecstatic But Seek Compensation for Damage

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Feb 12 (NIE) COLOMBO- Indian fishermen�s leaders and owners of the 87 fishing vessels detained by Sri Lanka, were ecstatic when they learnt that the boats were going to be released this week on the orders of Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.

    But they are concerned about the state of the boats, which might have suffered decay and damage due to months of neglect, and are seeking compensation from the Indian and Lankan governments.

    “I am extremely happy to hear about the release. From the bottom of my heart, I thank the Sri Lankan President for it. But I fear that 47 of the 87 boats may have suffered severe damage as they have been in water for months, some for eight months. Their owners need to be compensated by the authorities,” said U.Arulanandam, a veteran fishermen’s leader of Rameswaram.

    The Director General of Fisheries, Nimal Hettiarachchi, said on Thursday, that on the instructions of President Sirisena, the Attorney General had sent word to the courts dealing with the boats’ case, that he had no objection to their release. The courts at Kayts, Mannar, Point Pedro and Trincomalee were expected to order their release on Thursday.

    According to another fishermen’s leader, Devadas, 30 to 32 boats are unusable.

    “Returning these damaged boats will not bring much relief to the owners, who are already in a bad way economically. Many boat owners have been working as coolies or doing odd jobs in the fishing industry for the last several months,” Devadas told Express over the phone.

    He said that he had met Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in connection with this problem and she told him that compensation is possible. The Tamil Nadu government had also promised to pitch in, he added.

    Boat owner Ramesh said that since the loss of his boat, he had sunk deeper into debt with a cumulative debt of Indian Rupees 15 lakhs.

    ” I had pawned my wife’s gold jewelry and am unable to retrieve it,” he said.

    Ramesh has no idea about the condition of his boat. “If it is not in a usable condition, I will not take it,” he said.

    Boat owner Sekaram said that he was “very happy” to learn of the release but wondered in what condition his boat is in.

    ” We have asked for compensation from our government. Hope we will get it,” he said.

    Start Talks

    Jesuraja, a mechanized boat owner, said that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments should now take the next step and re-start talks between the fishermen of the two countries. Talks might be held in Chennai on March 5.

    “The fishermen of the two countries should be able to fish in the same area without harming each other’s livelihood,” Jesuraja said.

    He also suggested that the Indian and Sri Lankan governments should join together to compensate the fishermen who had lost their boats and were reduced to penury.

    “Each of the lost boats would have cost Indian Rs. 15 to 25 lakhs,” he pointed out.

    Timed for Sirisena’s Visit

    Colombo’s decision to release the vessels was dictated by President Sirisena’s desire to have friendly relations with India, and to retrieve bilateral ties from the abyss it had fallen into during the Presidency of his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Furthermore, Sirisena is to begin a three day trip to India on February 15, his first official visit to any country since he took over in January. The release of the 87 Indian boats should pave the way for smooth talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at New Delhi.

  11. Indrajith Says:

    ‘මහින්ද සමග රට දිනවීමට ඔබ සූදානම්ද රැලිය’ 18 දා

    “මහින්ද සමග රට දිනවීමට ඔබ සූදානම්ද?” යන මැයෙන් ලබන 18 වැනිදා පස්‌වරු 3.00 ට නුගේගොඩ ආනන්ද සමරකෝන් එළිමහන් රංග පීඨයේ දී ජාතික රැලියක්‌ පැවැත්වීමට කටයුතු සංවිධානය කර තිබේ.

    ජාතික නිදහස්‌ පෙරමුණ, මහජන එක්‌සත් පෙරමුණ, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී වාමාංශික පෙරමුණ හා පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමය යන පක්‍ෂ මෙම රැලිය සංවිධානය කර ඇත.

    මහජන එක්‌සත් පෙරමුණේ නායක දිනේෂ් ගුණවර්ධන, ජාතික නිදහස්‌ පෙරමුණේ නායක විමල් වීරවංශ, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී වාමාංශික පෙරමුණේ නායක වාසුදේව නානායක්‌කාර හා පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමයේ නායක උදය ගම්මන්පිල යන මහත්වරුන් ඇතුළු දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ නායකයන් රැසක්‌ මෙම ජාතික රැලිය ඇමතීමට නියමිතය.

    ඉකුත් ජනාධිපතිවරණයේ දී මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතාගේ ජයග්‍රහණය වෙනුවෙන් කැපවූ සියලු ජන කොටස්‌ වෙත මෙයට සහභාගි වන්නැයි එම පක්‍ෂ ආරාධනය කරයි.

  12. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Since Sirisena is in power and not Rajapakse



  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dear Charles, you said

    “Please do not bother with this idiots who do not know what they say and do. They have no idea that supporting this government is selling our country to the west. In thid government there are no patriots. They all have their personal agenda and that is it and what happens to the country and the innocent people ar not their concern.”

    I KNOW you mean well in your concern for me when you say this, but I DON’T AGREE that leaving these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka to comment UNCONTESTED without being held ACCOUNTABLE for all they did in the RECENT past to UNDERMINE & OUST the GOSL that Liberated, Reunified and was Rapidly Developing our Motherland is the RIGHT thing to do.

    They are NOT IDIOTS who know not what they say or do, but DEVIOUS CONNIVING CON-ARTISTES and AVOWED ENEMIES of our Motherland GEARING UP to REPEAT their PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE on the BACKS of the Sinhala MODAYAS!!!

    They INCESSANTLY MOCKED all the Patriots who blogged here, including YOU, in their STRATEGY to turn the VOTERS of Sri Lanka against the UPFA GOSL. After DOING THAT, they came here and CROWED about their SUCCESS in OUSTING that GOSL.

    That RAT “Facebook” Lorenzo who pretended to be a PATRIOT all these years, building up his “PATRIOT” credentials hiding under a TREACHEROUS SHEEPSKIN to strike at the CRITICAL MOMENT to HELP CREATE an EELAM for his TRUE SPONSORS, brought a LARGE TEAM of AGITATORS and AVATARS to LankaWeb to support his CAMPAIGN.

    In the Aftermath of the Election, in a MOMENT OF UNWISE BRAVADO & HUBRIS provoked by my CRITICISMS, “Facebook” Lorenzo disclosed many of his REGIME CHANGE ACTIVITIES …. websites and blogs hosted, Facebook and Twitter accounts maintained, teams of Propagandists fielded, and AVATAR accounts activated …. RIGHT HERE AT LankaWeb. That, you may RECALL, is what finally COMPELLED the LankaWeb Moderator to INTERVENE to RESTRICT his blogging ACTIVITIES. I had been WARNING LankaWeb readers to this danger of Lorenzo’s activities long before the LankaWeb Moderator came down hard on him!

    Nevertheless, he and his TEAM of AVATARS/AGITATORS are STILL COMMENTING at LankaWeb, and have even INVADED LankaWeb’s List of Article Contributors, as LISTED on LankaWeb’s Home page. I know this beyond reasonable doubt, having OBSERVED his antics for MANY YEARS on MANY FORA and through PERSONAL EXPERIENCE of his DISRUPTIVE ACTIVITIES at one of my own blogsites.

    Although his main blog-handle of “Facebook” Lorenzo at LankaWeb is NOW IRRETRIEVABLY EXPOSED & COMPROMISED, some of his AVATARS continue their campaign of creeping back to regain the confidence of the LankaWeb community by making seemingly Patriotic comments here and there, but CONTINUING to sow disaffection and doubt in the minds of unwary voters.

    LankaWeb Editor should know that at least TWO of the Authors on his List of Contributors listed on the LankaWeb Homepage are in fact AVATARS of “Facebook” Lorenzo himself planted at LankaWeb MANY YEARS AGO!

    Let me now address why we should CONFRONT and OUST this VIRAL INFESTATION from LankaWeb, or at least POST WARNINGS to the UNWARY as I am now doing by CONFRONTING them!

    As you well know, there is a General Election that will be held in Sri Lanka in April, 2015, which the Patriotic Forces of Sri Lanka MUST WIN CONVINCINGLY, to protect our Motherland from the CONSEQUENCES of the Electroral Coup-de-Etat Engineered by the Anti-National Forces with SPONSORHIP of Foreign REGIME CHANGE artistes in the recent Presidential Election.

    Sri Lanka’s ENEMIES are GEARING UP …. even as I write … to REPEAT the PERFORMANCE of January 8, 2015 … by sowing DISAFFECTION, DOUBT, CONFUSION and BUCKETS of MUD at the candidates of the UPFA within the SLFP.

    They fielded an INTERNET enabled CAMPAIGN, of UNPRECEDENTED PROPORTIONS and similar those DEPLOYED to OVERTURN established governments in the Arab Spring fiasco, to achieve their PURPOSE that day. Are we, the Patriotic SONS & DAUGHTERS of Lanka, to turn the other cheek now for them to SLAP in CONTEMPT and DRAG OUR MOTHERLAND into the SAME SLAVERY to Foreigners, Separatists and their Greedy Paid Puppets that we emerged from in 2005?

    We are seeing these ENEMIES of Sri Lanka GEARING UP HERE to AGAIN DO WHAT they did leading up to January 8, 2015, offering honeyed words f wrongdoing my the My3 GOSL to disarm us and let them screw us again. Don’t fall PREY to this SIREN SONG by SERIAL TRAITORS. Should we let them REPEAT THAT PERFORMANCE AGAIN, or are we GOING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. and YELL with all of our strength, HELL NO! WE WON’T LET YOU DO THAT AGAIN!

    There is an old Sinhala saying that warns the STUPIDLY UNWARY “Raa Watunu Waley Dawal Watenna Epa Puthey!”

    HELL YES! Let us not FALL into the SAME PIT in BROAD DAYLIGHT that we STUMBLED into in the PITCH DARKNESS of the NIGHT!

    Let us SLICE these EELAMIST HYPOCRITES off at their KNEES with the CUTTING EDGE of our VERBAL SWORDS. Let us IDENTIFY & EXPOSE them, TAR & FEATHER them, and CHASE them from PILLAR to POST, with the CLEAR MESSAGE that “NEVER AGAIN DARE TO CON US” planted firmly on their SMELLY BEHINDS!

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Pewwa Neda Borupalanaya Sudiyaaa?

    100 Day Program grinds to a halt

    By The Nation
    www DOT nation DOT lk/edition/latest-top-stories/item/38399-100-day-program-grinds-to-a-halt DOT html
    15 February 2015

    Key policy reform elements of the new government’s 100 Day program remain untouched after the presidential election. These include the Amendment of Standing Orders (Due January 20), introduction of a Code of Conduct for People’s Representatives (Due February 2) and Tabling in Parliament of the National Drugs Policy (Due February 6).

    Most importantly, there is complete silence on the appointment of an All-Party Committee on electoral reform.

    Although President Maithreepala Sirisena’s manifesto clearly stated that the existing proportional representation system will be changed before the next general election, Prime Minister and Leader of the United National Party (UNP) Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated that Parliament will be dissolved on April 23 or sooner with no mention of electoral reform.

    Sections of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) which is led by the President, have opined that reform is imperative even if it took more than 100 days to change the existing election laws. Meanwhile, Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya insists that there is still time to make all necessary changes before the 100 days expire.

  15. Ananda-USA Says:


    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya Sudiya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Pewwa Neda Borupalanaya Sudiyaaa?

    Sri Lanka’s revenue collection slows down impacting 100- day programme

    www DOT sundaytimes DOT lk/150215/business-times/sri-lankas-revenue-collection-slows-down-impacting-100-day-programme-135955 DOT html

    The Inland Revenue Department (IRD)’s continuing failure to collect taxes due to the lethargic attitude of officials and poor administration at the helm could hinder the 100 day relief programme of the new government and hurt economic growth, Treasury officials warned.

    According to the IRD’s monthly revenue performance report up to February 10, revenue collection was Rs.2, 928 million, falling short of the Rs. 5 billion target by Rs. 2, 803 million.

    The Department should double the revenue collection efforts to meet the target and the present Director General should implement pragmatic programme towards this end, they said.

    But the department officials are fighting for promotions after the change of the government and some of them have staged a protest demonstration recently against the top administration.

    This situation is aggravating day by day and this was brought to the attention of the new Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake as well, they disclosed.

    The government will have to find an additional sum of Rs. 17 billion to meet the salary hike of public sector employees and pensioners, they said, adding that the reduction of tariffs on essential items would compel the Government to further cut down state expenditure.

    This combination of reduced revenue and increased expenditure will inevitably result in an increase in the budget deficit and additional borrowing, they pointed out.

    A senior Treasury official said the failure to increase tax revenue will cause pressure to cut capital spending “with a possible adverse impact on growth”.

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