ප‍්‍රභාකරන්ගේ පීඩනය ඉසිලූ මට නින්දා, අපහාස, පරිභව නොදැනේ.. ශ‍්‍රිලනිපය හැර යන්නේ නෑ.. – අපේ ගමේදී ඔල්වරසන් වැදුනු මහින්දගේ ලිපිය මෙන්න…
Posted on February 15th, 2015

හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාක්‍පෂ මහතා

” ඇතුලතින් සේම පිටතින් මා වෙත එල්ල වෙන නින්දා අපහාස පරිභව සේම කොන් කිරීම් ද දරා ගැනීමේ ශක්තිය ලොව දරුණුම ත්‍රස්තවාදීන්ගේ ද ජාත්‍යන්තර කුමන්ත්‍රණ කරුවන්ගේ ද පීඩනයන් උසුලා පුරුදු මට ඉවසා දරා ගත හැකිය.අප පාක්‍ෂිකයින් දරුණු භීෂනයට හා මර්දනයට ලක් කල එක්සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂ පාලන යුගයේ දී පාද යාත්‍රා, ජන ඝෝෂා වැනි මහජන විරෝධතා පවත්වා පක්‍ෂය නගා සිටුවීමට එදා මා හට හැකි විය. ඒ ශක්තිය අද  ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පාක්‍ෂිකයින් වටහා ගත යුතුය. බෙදුම් වාදය අත හැර අප පක්‍ෂය හා එක් වූ  උතුරු නැගෙනහිර සියළු දේශපාලන නායකයින් අප ආරක්‍ෂා කර ගත යුතුය. එසේම අප හා එක්ව සිටි සියළු දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ හා කණ්ඩායම් ආරක්‍ෂා කර ගැනීමේ වගකීම ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය සතුය. දේශපාලනය කිරීම නිසාම අප පක්‍ෂයට ද පාක්‍ෂිකයන්ට ද එල්ල වී ඇති තර්ජන හා මර්දන හමුවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය ඔවන්ගේ ආරක්‍ෂාව වෙනුවෙන් සිටිය යුතුය. “

හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාක්‍පෂ මහතා  මේ බව පවසන්නේ ඊයේ පැවති ශ‍්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂ විධායක සභාව වෙත සුභපැතුම් එක් කරමිනි

එම සම්පුර්ණ ලේඛණය මෙසේය.


ගරු අනුර ප්‍රියදර්ශන යාපා මැතිතුමා
ප්‍රධාන ලේකම්,
ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය,
301, ටී.බී. ජයා මාවත,
කොළඹ 10.

හිතවත් ප්‍රධාන ලේකම්තුමනි,

විධායක සභා රැස්වීම.

(2015 පෙබරවාරි මස 14 වැනි දින සවස 02.00 ට බත්තරමුල්ල අපේගම පරිශ්‍රයේ දී.)

උක්ත මැයෙන් ඔබ විසින් මා වෙත එවන ලද 2015.01.29 දිනැති ලිපිය හා සම්බන්ධයෙනි. 2015 පෙබරවාරි මස 14 වැනි දින සවස 02.00 ට බත්තරමුල්ල අපේගම පරිශ්‍රයේ දී පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත ශ්‍රි ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂයේ විධායක සභා රැස්වීමට සහභාගී වීමට මා හට ආරාධනා කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප්‍රථමයෙන්ම ස්තුතිවන්ත වෙමි. නමුත් එදින මා කලින් යොදාගෙන ඇති අවලංගු කල නොහැකි අත්‍යාවශ්‍ය කටයුතු කිහිපයක් සදහා හම්බන්තොට රැදී සිටිය යුතු බැවින් මේ සදහා සහභාගීවීමට නොහැකිවීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් අතිශයින් කනගාටුවෙමි. එබැවින් පහත දැක්වෙන මාගේ සුභපැතුම් පණිවිඩය මෙම අවස්ථාවට ඉදිරිපත් කරන මෙන් ඉතා කාරුණිකව ඉල්ලමි.

වසර 47 ක් මාගේ  මුළු දේශපාලන ජීවිතයම කැප කල ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂයේ විධායක සභා හා සමස්ථ ලංකා කාරක සභා අවස්ථාවට සුබ පතන්නේ ඉමහත් ආඩම්භරයෙනි. එස්.ඩබ්.ආර්.ඩී. බණ්ඩාරනායක මැතිතුමා සමග මා පියාණන්ද ඇතුළු එදා සිටි නායකයින් සමග එක්ව 1951 දී පිහිටු වූ ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය විශාල ජන බලයක් ද විවිධ ප්‍රගතිශීලී පක්‍ෂ හා කණ්ඩායම් වල සහායද ගෞරවයද දිනාගත් පක්‍ෂයකි. 1951 සිට මේ දක්වා ගත වූ දේශපාලන ඉතිහාසයේ අවස්ථා ගණනාවක දීම ඉතා තීරණාත්මක මෙහෙවරක් ඉටු කල ආණ්ඩු පිහිටුවාලීමට නායකත්වය දීමට අප පක්‍ෂයට හැකි විය. 30 වසරක් පැවති ලොව දරුණුම ත්‍රස්තවාදය නිසා හටගත් යුද්ධය සංසිදුවා ලංකාවට සාමය ගෙන ඒමට හැකි වීම ද 2/3 කට ආසන්න ජන බලයක් සහිත ආණ්ඩුවක් ගොඩනැගීමට අපට හැකි වීම ද මා සිහිපත් කරන්නේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය වෙනුවෙන් කැපවූ සියළු ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පාක්‍ෂිකයන්ගේ අභිමානය පිණිසය.

ඒ වැනි වු අප ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය දුර්වල වූයේ පක්‍ෂයේ සමගිය බිදී ගිය අවස්ථාවන්වලය. ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂයට තිබෙන ජන පදනම හා පොදු ජනතාවගේ දැවැන්ත විශ්වාසය ද බිදලිය නොහැකි වූ විට පක්‍ෂය තුල බේද වපුරුවා කුඩා කණ්ඩායම් හා කල්ලි මගින් පක්‍ෂය දුර්වල කර වු ආකාරය අතීත අත්දැකීම් තුලින් අප ඉගෙන ගත යුතුය. 1964 දී සිරිමාවෝ බණ්ඩාරණායක මැතිනියගේ රජය පෙරලීමට පිරිසක් පක්‍ෂය හැරයාම ද,  1975 දී  පිරිසක් පක්‍ෂය කඩාගෙන හැරයාම ද, 1984 දී පක්‍ෂය කැඩීමද ද, 2001 දී පිරිසක් ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය හැර හැරයාම ද අප ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය පරාජයට පත් කිරීමට හේතු විය. කෙසේ වුවද පක්‍ෂයෙන් තාවකාලිකව ඉවත් වූ බොහො පිරිස් යලිත් අප පක්‍ෂයට එක් වීම ද අපට අළුත් අත්දැකීමක් නොවේ. එය අප ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂයේ ශක්තිය වර්ධනය කර ගැනීම සදහා භාවිතා කිරීම අප වගකීමයි. ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස්  පක්‍ෂයට නායකත්වය දීමට මා බාරගත් පසු පාර්ලිමෙන්තු‍වේ අපෙගේ මන්ත්‍රීවරුන් සංඛ්‍යාව ඉහල නංවමින් මා හැමවිටම ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස්  පක්‍ෂයේ ප්‍රගතිය වෙනුවෙන් කැපවුයෙමි. ඉතා දුෂ්කර අපහසු අවස්ථාවන් හි දී ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස්  පක්‍ෂය ශක්තිමත් කිරීමට හැකි වීමේ පාඩම් බොහොමයක් පක්‍ෂ ඉතිහාසය තුල සටහන්ව ඇත.

අප පාක්‍ෂිකයින් දරුණු භීෂනයට හා මර්දනයට ලක් කල එක්සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂ පාලන යුගයේ දී පාද යාත්‍රා, ජන ඝෝෂා වැනි මහජන විරෝධතා පවත්වා පක්‍ෂය නගා සිටුවීමට එදා මා හට හැකි විය. ඒ ශක්තිය අද  ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පාක්‍ෂිකයින් වටහා ගත යුතුය. බෙදුම් වාදය අත හැර අප පක්‍ෂය හා එක් වූ  උතුරු නැගෙනහිර සියළු දේශපාලන නායකයින් අප ආරක්‍ෂා කර ගත යුතුය. එසේම අප හා එක්ව සිටි සියළු දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ හා කණ්ඩායම් ආරක්‍ෂා කර ගැනීමේ වගකීම ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය සතුය. දේශපාලනය කිරීම නිසාම අප පක්‍ෂයට ද පාක්‍ෂිකයන්ට ද එල්ල වී ඇති තර්ජන හා මර්දන හමුවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය ඔවන්ගේ ආරක්‍ෂාව වෙනුවෙන් සිටිය යුතුය.

වර්ථමානයේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂයේ නායකත්වයට පත් වූ මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මැතිතුමා සේම එයට නායකත්වය දෙන සියළු දෙනා පක්‍ෂය ද පාක්‍ෂිකයන් ද ආරක්‍ෂා කර ගැනීමේ වගකීම භාරගනු ඇතැයි මම තරයේ විශ්වාස කරමි. ඇතුලතින් සේම පිටතින් මා වෙත එල්ල වෙන නින්දා අපහාස පරිභව සේම කොන් කිරීම් ද දරා ගැනීමේ ශක්තිය ලොව දරුණුම ත්‍රස්තවාදීන්ගේ ද ජාත්‍යන්තර කුමන්ත්‍රණ කරුවන්ගේ ද පීඩනයන් උසුලා පුරුදු මට ඉවසා දරා ගත හැකිය.

කවර තත්වයක් යටතේ වත් ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය ද පාක්‍ෂිකයන් ද හැර නොයන බවද, පක්‍ෂය ද පාක්‍ෂිකයන් ද වෙනුවෙන් මේ මොහොතේ පොරොන්දු වෙමි. පක්‍ෂයෙන් මා හට ලැබෙන දෙය නොව පක්‍ෂයට මාගෙන් ඉටු විය යුතු යුතුකම් පිළිබදව තවමත් මා කැප වන බවත් වැඩි දුරටත් සදහන් කරමි.

ඉදිරියේදී ද නැවත අප ජය ගත යුතුය. එය පක්‍ෂය වෙනුවෙන් මෙන්ම රට වෙනුවෙන් ද ඉටු කළ යුතුය. ඒ සදහා මගෙන් ඉටුවිය යුතු යුතුකම් ඉටු කිරීමට මා සුදානමින් සිටින බව ඔබ සැම වෙත සතුටින්  දන්වනු කැමැත්තෙමි.

නව පක්‍ෂ නායකත්වයට මාගේ සුභ පැතුම් පිරිනැමීමට ද මෙය අවස්ථාවක් කොට ගනිමි.

ඔබ සැමට සුබ අනාගතයක්
තෙරුවන් සරණයි !

මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ

ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්‍ෂය.

33 Responses to “ප‍්‍රභාකරන්ගේ පීඩනය ඉසිලූ මට නින්දා, අපහාස, පරිභව නොදැනේ.. ශ‍්‍රිලනිපය හැර යන්නේ නෑ.. – අපේ ගමේදී ඔල්වරසන් වැදුනු මහින්දගේ ලිපිය මෙන්න…”

  1. ranjit Says:

    My dear President we are always with you although some ungrateful people are there who do not appreciate what you have done to Mother Lanka after you took over the country in 2005. Killing the most ruthless terrorist and his group of bloody murderers is enough for me and millions of Sri Lankans to support you and your vision for Sri Lanka.

    No leader can do what you have accomplished in ten years never.Let the hypocrits and traitors blame you for million things, the truth will prevail someday and the liars will be exposed and punished sooner or later.

    You have still time and energy to serve my country and millions are waiting for your to lead again with dignity and respect to usher a new peaceful life to all citizens of Mother Lanka. Please say “YES” MR. President for us to have hope in the future.

  2. Geeth Says:

    Going little away from your subject matter, let me suggest following proposals that we must bring onto the bargaining table. Mahinda needs us, we need Mahinda, so we must come to a deal. However if he declares that he will abolish 13th and will adhere to national development policy based on the consensus of a national task force for a production oriented economy, then the UNP and the My3 faction will end up in the political wilderness. May the triple Gem bless Mahinda to be enlightened with this simple political wisdom.

    අපි මේ වෙලාවේ 13 අහෝසි කිරීමේ කොන්දේසිය අනුලන්ගනීය කොන්දේසියක් විදියට දේසපාලන සාකච්චා මේසයට ගෙන්න ඕන. මහින්දට එක කරන්නද පුළුවන් බව මට විශ්වාසයි. එතුමාට සිද්ධ වෙච්ච සියලු දේවල් ගැන හිතනකොට එය ඉටු කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය සියලු සාධක ඉටුවෙලා තියෙන්නේ. මෛත්‍රීට එක කරන්න කොන්දක් නැහැ කියන එක අපි දන්නවා. රනිල් කරන්නෙත් නැහැ. සිරිපාල ගොයියා කරන්නෙත් නැහැ. මේක කරයි කියල හිතන්න පුළුවන් එකම කෙනා තමයි මහින්ද. ඒ හින්ද මහින්දව තමයි ඉස්සරහට ගෙන්න ඕන. හැබැයි, 13 ගැන පැහැදිලි ප්‍රකාශයක් ප්‍රතිපත්ති ප්‍රකාශනයට ඇතුල් කිරීමේ කොන්දේසියට යටත්ව.

    මෙවර මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා දේශපාලනයට ආයුත්තේ selfless ජන නායකයෙකු මිස තවත් එක කුට දේශපාලකයෙකු ලෙස නොවේ. ඔහු ආයුත්තේ ඉතිහාසය වෙනස් කිරීමේ අභිලාෂයෙනි. එනම් ජනතා ශක්තිය හා ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඔහුට ලැබෙන ආරක්ෂාව පිලිබඳ විශ්වාසයෙනි. ඔහු 13 වෙනස් කරන බවට ප්‍රතිඥා දී, ජාතික ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් අනුගමනය කරන බවට සහතිකයක් ජනතාවට ලභා දෙන්නේ නම්, ලක්ෂ ගණන් ජනතාව ඔහුගේ නිවස අසල කඳවුරු බැඳගෙන ඔහු ආරක්ෂා කරනු ඇත. එවිට යුධ අපරාධ බිල්ලන්ට ඔහු රැගෙන යාමට සිදුවන්නේ මහා ජන ඝාතනයක් සිදු කිරීමෙන් අනතුරුවය. ඔහු ජන නායකයෙකි. අහක ඉන්න පෙන්දන්ගෙන් ආරක්ෂාව ඉල්ලා බැගපත් වීම ඔහුට තරම් නොවේ. ඔහු සැබෑ ජන නායකයෙකු ලෙස කැප්පෙටිපොළ කෙනෙකු මෙන් මරණය පිළිබඳව තුට්ටුවකට වත් මායිම් කල යුතු නොවේ. හැකිනම් තමාව යුධ අපරාධ වලට අල්ලා දෙනලෙස වත්මන් රජයට අභියෝග කිරීමේ හැකියාවක් ඔහුට තිබිය යුතුය. මංගලලා මෛත්‍රී ලා ඉන්දියාව සහ බටහිර සමග දැන් තමාව කොටු කිරීමේ කුමන්ත්‍රණයක නියලී සිටිනී නම් ඒ බව ජනතාවට ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ කීමට ඔහුට හැකි විය යුතුය.

    ඉන්දියාවත්, බටහිරත් ඔහුට පිටුපසින් පිහියෙන් අනින ලද බව ඔහු දැන් දන්නෙහිය. එය දන්නා නිසා ඔවුන් සතුටු කිරීමේ වගකීමෙන් ඔහු නිදහස්ය. උතුරු නැගෙනහිර ද්‍රවිඩ චන්ද දායකයා ඔහුව කරපොත්තෙකු මෙන් පාගා දමා තිබේ. ඔහු අනවශ්‍ය තරමට ඇත පත ගෑ කොළඹ ආත්මයක් නැති තුප්පහියන් රැල ඔහුට වස දී ඇති බව ඔහු මැනවින් දනී. දැන් ඔහු නිදහස් මිනිසෙකි. මේ පරාජය ජාතියේ අනාගත මාවත වෙනස් කරන ආශිර්වාදයක් වියහැකි සිදුවීමක් බවට පෙරලීමට ඔහුට හැකි විය යුතුය. පරාජය ඔහු අත තිබෙන දෙවියන් විසින් ඔහුවෙත ලභා දෙන ලද වරයක් සේ සලකන්න.

    අපේ මුළු පරපුරම ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්ෂය නිසා සියලු දේවල් නැති කරගත්ත මිනිස්සු. අපි පක්ෂයෙන් ගත්තු දෙයක් නැහැ. අපි පක්ෂයට දීල තියෙනවා මිසක්.අඩු තරමින් රක්ශාවක්වත් අපි අරන් නැහැ. එනිසා, ඔය දේශපාලකයින්ට වඩා පක්ෂයෙන් යමක් ඉල්ලා හිටින්ඩ අපිට සදාචාරාත්මක අයිතියක් තියෙනවා. මම පෞද්ගලිකව දෙසපාලකයෝ පස්සෙන් යන බූරු පැටියෙක් නෙවෙය්. නමුත් මහින්ද වගේම දෙවෙනි පරම්පරාවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාක්ෂිකයෝ හැටියට අපි ඉල්ලා හිටින්නේ එක දෙයයි. 13 අහෝසි කරන්න, ගංගා නිම්න පදනම් කරගත් කලාප අනුව හෝ දිස්ත්‍රික්ක සභා මත පදනම්ම්ව බලය විමද්‍ය ගත කරන්න, ජාතික ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් ගෙන්න. මේක මහින්දට පුළුවන්, සිරිපාලට බැරි දෙයක්.

    මේ ඓතිහාසික කර්තව්‍යය ඉටුකරලා, රටට සදාකාලික සාමයක් සෞභාග්‍යයක් ලබාදීල ඉතිහාස ගත වෙන්න මහින්ද ලැහැස්තිද????????

    මා මේ කී දෑ ඔහු සැලකිල්ලට ගන්නේ නම්, ප්‍රථමයෙන්ම ඔහු ඔවුන්ගේ නිවසේ නම වෙනස් කරනු ඇත. කාල්ටන් Carlton වෙනුවට සිංහල නමක් නිවසට යෙදුවොත්, ඔහු selfless ජන නායකයෙකු ලෙස දේශපාලනයට අවතීර්ණ වීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන බවට අපට දෙන ලද සංඥාවක් සේ එය පිළිගැනීමට අප බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු.

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    Dear Mr President, Mahinda Rajapakse,

    Our heartfelt gratitude goes to you for the help you have given to the country and the People of Lanka these many years.

    We cannot thank you enough for relieving the country of the worst terrorist group in the world. I recall that, even to enjoy a film at a Colombo theatre during the week end after a week of work, was an uncertain event, wondering if terrorists may set off a bomb in the theatre. Market places, shops, roads, were not free of terror either. The suffering of Lankans had gone on too long and we had given up hope before you came along to the rescue.

    Thank you for the development work you and your team did so well. We understand why you had to go with the regional help during the war and afterwards, rather than go with other countries.

    You gave a place to the masses of suffering people in Lanka and brought up their hopes and spirits. Others who oppose you do not seem to understand the Human spirit, whichever quarter they come from, thrive only on SINCERE caring from their leaders. Re whatever falsehoods are thrown around by those who oppose you : These people are doing so out of some self created FEAR and IGNORANCE on how solve socio-economic problems, and NOT a reflection on you or your family. Do please ignore them. Actually, people laugh at them for their excesses ! They do not understand that the SYSTEMS in place do not work, and this is not the fault of leaders, you or even themselves.

    We are very glad that the SLFP has re-organised itself to serve the country and the People in a better way, and that you are already a part of that team.

    The People of Lanka will always need you. Right now, parts of the world, even parts of the developed world, are suffering greatly, mainly due to IGNORANCE. Please stay with us.

    Live long and prosper, great President !

  4. Geeth Says:

    The advantage of the declaration of repealing 13 is far reaching. Many UNP supporters and other party supporters will vote for the candidate (hopefully Rajapaksa) who pledges to repeal 13 is a definite result. That will even happen among the JHU supporters. By this way, president Mahinda Rajapaksa can make his defeat a boomerang to the conspirators, especially for India and the west. The entire conspiracy will be backfired. Let us make them eat their entire shit load.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    We all who love Lanka certainly want the 13-A repealed. That’s the only way to let people feel Secure. We have been writing to the Lankaweb about that for many years now.

    Also activate the long dormant 6-A.

    India’s Tamil Caste issue rode on the back of the Cold War. Lanka paid the price.

  6. Lorenzo Says:


    I have a VALID bet. IF MR scraps 13 amendment I will cut my little finger. It will NEVER happen. Please don’t have FALSE hope.

    I saw you mention CALTON.

    Who lived in HORAKOLLA walawwa?
    Who lived in BOTHALE walawwa?
    Who lived in MEDAMULANE walawwa?
    Who lived in SUCHARITA walawwa?

    Now who lives in CALTON HOUSE?

    Do you get it? Did I CHANGE or did someone else change?

  7. Geeth Says:

    We all are human. In Buddhist terminology we call it pruthahjanyo පෘතඃජනයෝ. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, clevernesses and stupidities. The good thing about mahinda is, if he put his heart and mind to do something, he will jump the cliff. He has that courage. The only person who has courage to repeal 13th is Mahinda not my3 or Siripala goiya.

    Lorenzo, please use all your strengths including your Facebook army to bring Mahinda back. But before doing so, make sure that he includes the repeal of 13th into his manifesto.

    I am not going to talk about Carlton. I hope he will change it.

  8. Geeth Says:

    Com-on, return to the fold man!!

  9. Raj Says:

    Lorence should bet to chop his tiger tip off and MR will do away with 13.

  10. Lorenzo Says:


    OK. I will work DOUBLE HARD to bring back MR or GR and get rid of this govt. IF MR promises on JAYA SRI MAHA BODHIYA or SHRI DALADA MALIGAWA to SCRAP 13 amendment. A FIRM commitment is needed BEFORE the election.

    We have no time to lose. As a first step we MUST STOP the UNP govt. from fooling the voters.

    All patriots,

    1. Create email (preferably gmail) accounts under Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim names.

    2. Also create an account with a psuedo HUMAN RIGHTS group name.

    e.g. SL human rights protection group, Thamil Makkal human rights group, etc.

    3. WRITE to UNHRC and US, UK, Endia, etc. embassies PLEADING to release the report on SL in MARCH. NOT later. Give some reasons you can think that is APPEALING to the READER (not to you).

    e.g. “We are waiting for justice.” “Justice delayed is justice denied”. “We waited for 6 years and nothing.” Some BS that is appealing to UNHRC clowns.

    IF we can get this report out BEFORE the election, UNP is DEAD meat. IT has to take a stand. PRO-REPORT, lose Sinhala votes. ANTI-REPORT lose Tamil and Muslim votes. UNP will CRACK right from the middle.

    There are 260,000 army, navy, etc. forces personnel. NO ONE KNOWS who will end up in jail or hung for war crimes. So ALL of them will panic. They have 260,000 WIVES and (260,000 + 260,000) X 4 = 2,080,000 parents and/or siblings. We are talking about 2.6 MILLION votes here.

    IF we can get many to write to them, they will be influenced to DO THE RIGHT THING – release the report in MARCH within the 100 day program.

  11. Wickrama Says:


    Little finger of which hand are you talking about?
    Is it the same finger that Prabha chopped off for voting Ranil in Kilinochchi in 2005 ?

  12. Geeth Says:

    Dear Lorenzo,
    Thanks, and I whole heartedly appreciate your decision. Let us start the work. Now first of all it is up to all our patriots to contact MR to get his consent.

  13. Lorenzo Says:


    Thank you for the LEADERSHIP role you played.

    CHEST PUMPING+THUMPING “patriots” here have NO CLUE or WORKING CONTACT with GR or MR but I have. Even Ananda-USA knows it!!

    But I have some BAD NEWS for you. MR has NO intention to come back to politics. He is DISGUSTED but as usual NEVER blames anyone else. The ONLY instance he will come to politics is IF the people who stood by him are affected badly. He will NOT contest outside the SLFP. Don’t be fooled by the NFF-PJHU-MEP-LSSP rally on Wednesday. They are trying to ensure their seats USING MR.

    So the first thing to do is to GET HIM INTO ACTIVE POLITICS once again by showing him that people who stood by him are SUFFERING. Otherwise we have to get GR (less convincing to do as he ALREADY wants to scrap 13).

    So my suggestion is to get GR into active politics from the NFF-PJHU-MEP-LSSP group as SLFP will NEVER give him nominations. IF GR gets PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGES he can be saved from CID questioning and other BS harassments too.

  14. Independent Says:


    Actually this morning I decided to retire from LW until the end of the election.
    But I have a second thought of helping you.
    If you want to speak to MR directly (SKype) I can arrange it. ( not sure whether he will speak direct, but I can try and get someone “extra close to him” in the USA to contact (probably by email, twitter etc) you first to arrange this. You may have speak to him first, or I may give his email, if he is willing to give).

    People underestimate others.
    So let us see. Are you willing ?

    Normally he does not care about us who are residing in foreign countries, he will laugh it off. It is better someone in Sir Lanka with close contacts talk to him.

  15. Fran Diaz Says:

    Lankaputhra says it is dangerous for MR to even campaign at this point in time. I agree.

    The 13-A will have to be done away with by the present govt. and all their Kerungkarayas. Let us see how loyal and sincere they are to the Nation !
    They will also have to implement the 6 A.
    You see there are no short cuts to good governance.
    I do not think that MR should ever be put on the chopping block to bail out the misdeeds of those who despise Sinhala
    Buddhists, and want to grab power.

  16. Geeth Says:

    This is like a drama, are we acting or real? Well of course, Lorenzo is a legend, like a pirate who appears and disappears; make noises and keep silence; shoots cannons at times and flying kites in the next.

    Well of course I like your idea of consulting GR, but MR is the one with charisma who will get votes. This duo must be together. However, meeting MR in person or speaking to him personally is not what I really need. That doesn’t make any sense either. If I am an active political figure, then of course it is a different story. What we really need is to get their public deceleration. Once they make their public statement, we will be in the boat and work day and night until he wins. If he repeal 13th then I don’t even care whether we have direct contacts or not, but honestly can deliver the service in the max.

    Lorenzo, not to offend, I have this feeling that Lorenzo is a pseudonym and you are not even Tamil either. Please convince me.

  17. Ananda-USA Says:

    Yamapalana Sudiya!

    Lankawata Harima Deyak Siduwuna,
    Seemawak Nathuwa Pathuruna.
    Raja Wennata Sithapu Landa,
    Sudiya Nisa Moda Wuna,
    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?

    Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?
    Gilla Neda Yahapalanaya?
    Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
    Kiyannako Attha Aney,
    Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanaya?
    Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanayaaa ….?

  18. Independent Says:

    You are ignoring me, even before the maniac opens mouth.
    Since you are the leader here you will have to talk to this person ( he is a professional working in the USA). As I said I have no hope on MR, but can help you as you all are so hopeful that he is the man.
    If not, if Lorenzo has closer contacts ( it could be political, mine family) let him do it.
    I am a real person, Sinhala Buddhsit , I have already proven you. Ananda is yet to write a single Sinhala short essay ( say 10 lines) yet.
    Anyway these are not competitions, people here can talk a lot, but when it comes to reality they shy away.

    FYI, I have NEVR asked for any personal favour through this contact throughout MR’s power time.

  19. Ananda-USA Says:


    I will GLADLY join you in REQUESTING MR to come forward to LEAD the SLFP & CONTEST the General Elections on a PLATFORM of REPEALING the 13th Amendment TOTALLY, DISSOLVING the Provincial Councils, and replacing them with a DISTRICT SYSTEM of Governance administered by GOSL APPOINTED Government Agents.

    But, I have CAUTION YOU in joining hands with Ado Yakko “FFacebook” Lorenzo and his SERVILE LAPDOG Ado Yakko Dependent, or accepting Any help THEY OFFER! They are FAR WORSE than GREEKS BEARING GIFTS to the TROJANS …. you will end up WITH MUD ON YOUR FACE … BETRAYED and DRIVEN OVER THE CLIFF!

    Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo FALSELY CLAIMS that I, Ananda-USA, KNOW he has CONNECTIONS to GR. He, the man of UNLIMITED EGO & CHUTZPAH that he is, CLAIMS he KNOWS GR, but I have NO PROOF or EVIDENCE OF IT!

    Please Don’t Buy Into his Siren Songs … his DEVIOUS MACJIVELLIAN STRATEGIES to DRIVE the PATRIOTS over ANOTHER CLIFF in the upcoming General Election!

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo!

    You have DONE your very best to CAUSE ENOUGH DAMAGE as it is! You WILL NOT BE GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE to REPEAT the PERFORMANCE in the Upcoming General Election!

    PATRIOTS … DO NOT TRUST this DROHIYA and become HIS TOOL! REJECT all of his LAMENTATIONS & his OFFERS of HELP … He PURPOSE is TO DECEIVE and DRIVE the PATRIOTS off the CLIFF into the Ocean below in the UPCOMING ELECTION!




    ONCE a Drohiya; ALWAYS a Drohiya!

    Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo …. BEGONE … BUGGER OFF …. DEVIOUS EELAMIST SNAKE!

  21. Independent Says:

    Because of this mistrust, it is best that our moderator do it, then.
    I remember my good friend Sunil V here said MR took them to Colombo in his car for night outs doing various naughty things and this web site is run by his friend. So the moderator ( if he is the person Sunil mentioned) should also have close contacts with the old friend.)
    Moderator – NO, Sunil V is talking about previous moderator. Even Sunil V knew him when they were working together, not in the university.

  22. Lorenzo Says:


    It is up to you. I suggest you make your own contacts with the people that matter and you will realize what I say.

    MR or GR has a SMALL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY to survive politically or GO EXTINCT POLITICALLY. It CLOSES in JUNE 2015.

    After winning the parliamentary election, UNP will ENSURE that NO Rajapaksha will EVER raise his head.

    IF you want to change it, you have to ACT. GR is the best to get rid of 13 amendment. NOT MR. MR is not willing to come back to politics. Ask whoever you TRUST with contacts with them you will get the same answer.

  23. Lorenzo Says:


    IF the aim is to SCRAP 13 amendment, I’m in it NO MATTER WHO does it. NOT otherwise.

    I see some people are INSANE. Very unfortunate. I have seen similar cases who have gone insane after failing A/L or losing their girlfriend.

  24. Ananda-USA Says:

    Maintaining UNSUSTAINABLE short-term CONSUMPTION SPENDING while GUTTING long-tern INVESTMENTS in National INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT will HALT Sri Lanka’s ECONOMIC GROWTH. It will transform our Motherland into a Nation of Do-Nothing, Make-Nothing, Eat-Everything Lotus Eaters!

    Aiyooooo Sirisenaaaa …. What are YOU DOING to our Motherland?

    Budget reflects ideological clashes within government

    By Chandeepa Wettasinghe

    Top economists in the country slammed the new regime’s interim budget for political indecisiveness and failing to rectify past economic missteps, during a post-budget seminar organized by the Sri Lanka Economic Association (SLEA) and the University of Colombo recently.

    “Does this reveal the political agenda of the new government? No,” University of Peradeniya Senior Lecturer Dr. Sumanasiri Liyanage said curtly.The interim budget is widely considered a welfare-oriented fulfillment of election promises, despite the traditionally open market oriented United National Party, comprising majority of the coalition government.

    However, some may come up with an argument saying that the UNP has matured politically, attempting to create a political economy suitable for Sri Lanka.

    Recently, Policy Planning and Economic Affairs Deputy Minister Dr. Harsha de Silva said that the new regime is following the German social market economy model, combining markets with minimum government regulation while enhancing social insurance.However, Former Central Bank Director and academic Prof. S. S. Colombage and University of Colombo Senior Lecturer Prof. Sirimal Abeyratne agreed with Dr. Liyanage.

    However, cracks were shown within the UNP itself, as Dr. de Silva had subtly expressed certain reservations to certain policies enacted by Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake through the budget.Meanwhile, the economists were also highly critical of the new policies threatening the country’s macroeconomic factors.

    “The government is mixing up multiple objectives. They shouldn’t endanger the long term budget for short term gain,” Prof. Abeyratne said.
    While SLEA President Prof. A.D.V. de S. Indraratne held to the belief that the interim budget was better than the November 2014 budget, all other panelists said that both of them were extremely bad; sacrificing long term growth for short term political capital.Karunanayake had previously stated that the interim budget would have far reaching ramifications, to be felt for years to come. However, it is doubtful whether he was referring to such negative impacts.

    Dr. Liyanage stressed that the policies were unsustainable, and that the country would face austerity following the 100-day programme.Prof. Colombage quoted Singapore’s Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.“Sri Lankan budgets are an auction of non-existing resources.”

    They were especially displeased with the selective intervention tactics of the regime in providing relief to the lower spectrum while taxing the super rich.
    “Targeting to bring down commodities is selective. And the super gain tax is bad too; we have a legal framework which should have been used,” Prof. Abeyratne noted.He added that this severely harms investments and business, specially from foreign sources, and further added that actions which seem politically correct today may not be so when their ramifications are felt.

    Meanwhile Prof. Indraratne expressed worry over the spending reduction on public investment.“I was perturbed. We have to take this into serious consideration, because public investment is one of the determinants of growth,” he said.Karunanayake had previously stated that the reduction in investment monetarily does not reflect a reduction in infrastructure development physically, as the spending reduction is offset by eliminating corruption.

    The economists expressed worry over the recurrent expenditure overwhelming government revenue, and that this budget had managed to reduce the budget deficit only through the reduction of public spending and the one off-taxes which the regime promised would not be repeated.

    This would mean that such expenditure would have to be financed by further borrowings once the one-off revenues are exhausted.Prof. Indraratne said he had hoped for a fall in public debt during the interim budget, but hoped it would happen during the next one.As a solution, Dr. Liyanage said that tax reforms should have been enacted, increasing income tax.“Over 80 percent of our taxes are indirect. It is necessary to increase direct taxes. And there is no correlation between increasing direct taxes and the reduction of growth,” he said.

    This conforms to the views previously expressed by Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran, who said that reducing the over 20 different tax schemes, most of which are waived through subsidies, to a simple few could increase transparency and increase tax collection by two to threefold.

  25. Independent Says:

    Anyway, my offer is still valid ( another 24 hrs after that I will not comment here until after election when the danger of us branded as “drohiyas” by brainless fools will cease) and FYI I never call my friend unless or close family encounters and I have agreed because of Geeth’s pure intentions. I don’t support UNP government ( as it is now), but I may support them if the come clean to betterment of the country later. I don’t reject personalities forever, everything including Runil Chandrika personalities are subjected to anichcha ( impermanence) because I am a Buddhist.

    There are fools here, who think they are smart – thus end up being maniacs.

    යෝ බාලෝ මඤ්ඤති බාල්‍යං
    පණ්ඩිතෝ වාපි තේන සෝ,
    බාලෝ ච පණ්ඩිතමානී
    ස වේ බාලෝති වුච්චති.

    The fool who knows that he is a fool can, for that reason, be a wise man; but the fool who thinks that he is wise is, indeed, called a fool.

  26. Geeth Says:

    I am not ignoring you. I am thinking of a better strategy. Give me another hour, let me read everything and I’ll come back.

  27. Ananda-USA Says:

    Very interesting,

    The Website www DOT MahindaRajapaksaDOT lk listed on MR’s LETTER of REBUTTAL to the Allegations against him by the Yahapalanaya GOSL members CANNOT BE REACHED! It displays a BLANK PAGE!

    MORE Dirty Tricks by the Yamapalanaya Democrats?

  28. Ananda-USA Says:


    Ado Yakko Depedent CLAIMS to be a Sinhala Buddhist, and his PROOF is that he submits comments in Sinhala and I usually don’t?

    You should be aware that there are EELAMIST Tamils who SPEAK & WRITE Sinhala VERY WEL, and some Sinhala people are also poosed to MR and the Patritic agenda. Writing in Sinhala does does not establish their agenda; the comments they have made OVER A LONG PERIOD, including the present, is a better gauge of their AFFILIATIONS & AGENDAS.

    I don’t write in Sinhala script because I don’t have a Sinhala Keyboard, and using a Software translator with a look up table is as difficult as writing Math Equations with Greek symbols. Everytime I have my Sinhala font capability perfected on my computer, it fails and I have to do it all over again on the replacement computer. So, I have given up!

    BE CAREFUL who you jump into bed with!

  29. Geeth Says:

    Dear Independent, Lorenzo and Ananda USA,
    First of all I must make it clear that what I suggested in regard to 13th is not a bedtime story or some misplaced idea coming out of the political wonderland. It is not at all a brain fart either. Please don’t reduce it to a level in which I personally can bring a magical result where all of a sudden I can enlighten MR of something that MR doesn’t know. MR knows this, but however he may not know that there is a huge force to support him if he can take the leadership of it.

    Let me explain it. There is a huge political aspiration of the nation but politicians go around it pretending there is nothing existing like that. The nation’s main political demand has been put into the bottom of the “Pettagama.” What I suggest is to bring it to the surface and fight for it. For which there is no need to have a dialogue between me and MR. Instead, what MR has to do is to begin the process. Once he breaks the ice, everyone will rally around him including me and all the others in this forum and the country.

    Under this condition my personal meeting him doesn’t make any sense either. I actually kind of stunned to see your suggestion. Because this is not a personal thing, this is a national thing and a serious political affair. Having said that, let me suggest something else.

    I think you can do something for the entire nation including me.

    If you have direct contact with him, send a very personal message saying that there is a big force of professionals and highly educated people, some are useful strategists ready and dedicated to work for him if, and only if, he is ready to give leadership to a political force that which have a clear political vision and a mission for the nation. These people are honest unspoiled people who have only one intention, just to serve the nation. If he agrees, make arrangements to have a conference of all parties, I mean all individuals, not only me, but all who like to join hands to work under one single political aim.

    This political contract will never ends until we achieve all our political goals. That means it never ends just at the victory of MR. Actually winning the election will be only the initial condition or the hurdle. The real part begins afterwards. It will be a national force; I will definitely be a part of it and work hard to save our country. Can we come to a deal Ananda, Lorenzo and Independent???

  30. Lorenzo Says:


    Of course this is NOT a bedtime story or a time wasting FRAUD.

    “If you have direct contact with him, send a very personal message saying that there is a big force of professionals and highly educated people, some are useful strategists ready and dedicated to work for him if, and only if, he is ready to give leadership to a political force that which have a clear political vision and a mission for the nation.”

    DONE ALREADY a few weeks ago (small change – removing 13 amendment instead of the last part “a clear political vision and a mission for the nation”). If you say the vision part he will NEVER respond!

    NO response so far!!!

    I think we have to form a GROUP – Expatriate Patriotic Sri Lankans from Lankaweb – with REAL NAMES and COUNTRY. Write to MR.

    Lankaweb moderator or editor should take the lead. Each person who wants to be part of it should write to the EDITOR or MODERATOR and lodge personal details – ONLY REAL NAME and country is enough.

    We should write a letter, edit it and tell Lankaweb editor to use it.

    Lankaweb editor sends it to MR, etc. from its official position. Then it has MORE weight and substance.

    Otherwise we will be fighting each other, misusing each others’ details (as someone does) and deleting the names of people they don’t like. An INDEPENDENT person should send the letter.

    Other patriotic groups line SLUNA, etc. should also write in their capacity.

    It has to be done CONCURENTLY with the NUGEGODA MEETING.

  31. Lorenzo Says:

    I have been HONEST. I ONLY support SCRAPPING 13 amendment. That’s ALL.

    I will NOT support anything else from MR or NR. As you know I lost faith in them. (I’m 100% honest here.)

    If you want to make MR the PM without a promise to scrap 13 amendment, I’m OUT.

  32. Geeth Says:

    Loranzo and Ananda,
    Isn’t this is a good idea? Hope Lanka Web editor monitors all these developments. Why don’t you (Ananda or Lorenzo) write a public statement and send it to the editor so he can publish it on LW, and we can bring suggestions or edit it if needed. Then the final draft can be published and request from all people who want to support this political objective to join under LW. let’s go from there guys.

    Lorenzo, why don’t you cut and past this post in other articles on LW as well like Charles’s article?

  33. Geeth Says:

    Typo, why don’t you cut and paste (not past)

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