Open Short Letter To Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. It Is An Extremely Dangerous Time For You To Speak On Public Platforms.
Posted on February 16th, 2015
Following are my Questions, Explanations and Answers:
- You have to start from the Election Commissioner. QUESTION 1. Why is no one talking about him or writing about him and publishing it except me? Who gave this Traitor Mahinda Dashapriya authority and funding to create a police force which he calls CERTIFIED SECURITY COMPANY”, to wear the same uniform as Sri Lanka Police? What is his brother’s name? What work is he doing for a living? What School did this disgraceful Traitor Mahinda Deshapriya go to? And where is he from? Mudukkuva in Maradana or outside Colombo?
- No one is talking about this Disgraceful Stinking Traitor Mahinda Deshapriya is because he was carefully choreographed in Australia, when he went there in 2012. He met all the funding people from TAMIL SANGHAM and received $250,000 dollars, which he deposited in an Australian Bank that was recommended by Raj Rajarathnam who is in a Prison Hospital in State of Georgia in USA. Two days before the election this money was transferred to another bank in a foreign country and now cannot be traced. Answers; unless someone comes forward questions (NOT MR) his background in public platform; issues of rigging the election will remain undetected.
- Question; where did this traitor go to School? Explanation; Ananda College. Answer; I got this from an e-mail need some feedback from the readers. Answers; Then there should be other students who were with him should come forward and disclose what he did at Ananda College.
- How was the ballot box stuffing was carried out? Question 1. No one is talking about what he did with Killinochchi ballot boxes and questions him on a public platform except me? Explanation; Professor Nalin De Silva touched the subject but did not state the ballot boxes were stuffed. Answers; this traitor starts his news conference by laughing HA, HA, HA, and then he answers the question. This is an old dis-information tactic where the questioner is ridiculed, and changers to a joke. Then immediately he brings another subject by himself and answers his own question. I have seen this on video clips.
- Ballot Box stuffing was not only doctored, but also his computer was stopped three times to 70% of Killinochchi votes. Question how was the computer stopped. President Obama called him three times to make sure that there is no re-run of the election. (I hope the US consulate in Colombo will answer this on the comments column). Explanation; this Traitor Deshapriya’s answer was the computer got overloaded and had to restart again. There was no journalist in the audience who will ask the traitor to explain what an overloaded computer is? If one did then that journalist job will be over for ever. Answer; how it was done is simple a high school student with a computer education at GCE (Ordinary Level) can answer the question. Computer is switched off by taking the power cord out and after few minutes it is restarted again. When the loading of system stops at place where it lost power. Then using the key board figures are changed to fit the 70%. (Start with 50%, 60% and last 70%). Now the figures are released to go on line.
- There MUST be a petition by all the supporters of SRI LANKA REPUBLIC AND HER CONSTITUTION. HONOR WHAT FORMER CJ. Sarath N. Silva stated and published. Every Ballot must be examined and the proper identity of the individual and his address MUST be checked by MR supporters. Once this is established then a recount has to be carried out Without Election Monitors from other countries and the UN. This is the only way to prove that President Srisena won the election.
This trick of altering a result of an computer output by stopping computer then manually change the result by inputting a result that was already hand calculated is not a new invention. I will go back about 15 years and give you a true story that the reader has to check it out. This appeared in the IEEE Communications (WWW.COMSOC.ORG) after the dismantling of AT&T (We called it Ma Bell) Lucent Technologies had to start a new R&D lab. If I can remember right Ameritech got the Original Bell Labs. A PhD student (of Indian origin) came to Lucent Technologies and showed the upper management that his dissertation can solve this massively time consuming calculation in few minute. They believed this man and advertised heavily about the Lucent labs. Every one believed him. But, for some Stanford University Professors. (All of them of Indian origin) Challenged him and cross examined him. Eventually under cross examination, he told the truth: I modified the results after stopping the computer at midnight where his log file will be deleted.
Now, what was this Traitor, Mahinda Deshapriya’s brother doing for a living? Since 2006 he was publishing anti-MR and his family web sites that last only for day or two and disappear before someone can report it to the FCC. So now we know who this PUNK family Deshapriya is.
I have given valid reasoning why Mahinda Rajapkse must not contest an election, until the Election Commissioner IS REMOVED. If does the result will be the same and he could be liable for supporting and illegal government that is outside of the country’s constitution.
February 16th, 2015 at 9:36 am
Lanka Puthra,
I agree 100% with you. I know this guy. He was in the Peradeniya science faculty when I was there. He was a jerk and because his stupidity he was know as BELEKKAYA. His brother was JVP big shot who let Sinhala youth demise. He does not have any dignity or any thing worthwhile. He must be investigated.
February 16th, 2015 at 10:24 am
Thank you helaya, I sure appreciate. I will collect info and document it. JVP connection is the best info I have received so far.
February 16th, 2015 at 4:09 pm
Cannot the number of votes in a Ballot Box/s of one voting centre, be compared with the register of Voters ? The names of those who have voted, would have been struck off or marked for having been given the voting paper. The number of votes in the ballot box should be equal to the names struck off the register. If there are extra votes in the ballot box, which exceeds the number of voters nullified on the register, the it is sure rigging. Please enlighten.
NB:-In USA the Voting is digital. Once you are identified with your Drivers License, identity card or any photo identity, you are allowed to go into the booth, and press the necessary buttons, then SUBMIT. The screen blanks out for the next person.
February 16th, 2015 at 5:03 pm
Very interesting,
The Website www DOT MahindaRajapaksa DOT lk listed on MR’s LETTER of REBUTTAL to the Allegations against him by the Yahapalanaya GOSL members CANNOT BE REACHED! It displays a BLANK PAGE!
MORE Dirty Tricks by the Yamapalanaya Democrats?
February 16th, 2015 at 9:28 pm
I believe you 100% Lankaputhra and thanks for the Info. From the day I saw this guy I do not like his face.He looks a Tamil to me and I don’t like much Tamils or Muslims because of some personal reasons.
The Opposition parties must investigate or educate people about this shit guy. He must be kicked out before the next elections otherwise the results will be the same. These traitors to the Motherland should be severely dealt with otherwise we do not have a country to call ours.
Deshadrohiya should be exposed MORE lANKAPUTHRA for the sake of our future. Find more about him and let’s destroy these venomous snakes before they bite or harm the country we love.
February 17th, 2015 at 7:51 am
I like to add a few observations regarding the last PE.
At the very beginning MS declared his total faith in the elections commissioner’s integrity about holding an impartial election. At the time it seemed as a very reasonable statement of a competitor. In the light of the information you are bringing up it looks more like a pre-emptive strike in favour of the verdict that was yet to be delivered.
It was widely reported at the time that he asked the police to shoot to kill (shoot on the head) if anybody interferes with polling. I wonder whether he has such authority.
You said, “No one is talking about what he did with Killinochchi ballot boxes and questions him on a public platform except me? Explanation; Professor Nalin De Silva touched the subject but did not state the ballot boxes were stuffed.”
This is a very difficult point and that may be why the Professor NDeS did not touch it. At the counting centres there are reps of all the contestants (or should I say reps from all the contestants are allowed to be present). Their role is to observe that no malpractice occurs during the counting process against the contestants they represent.
My understanding of what happens after counting is like this: The actual counts are listed and attested in triplicate by the contestants’ reps and the officials (using carbon paper- not photocopies- to avoid any possibility of alteration). One copy is posted at the counting centre for the public perusal, one is held as office copy at the counting centre and the third copy is sent to the Election Secretariat. It is these original documents that are considered as to hold the genuine counts.
If the contestants’ reps did a good job, any room for malpractices at the counting centres are almost impossible (I said ‘almost’ because there could be ways that I could not imagine).
If the contestants ran an efficient organisation of their own the counts coming from the various counting centres as conveyed by their reps would indicate the actual counts. That could challenge the figures published by the EC if the latter are at variance with the raw data they have.
The raw data cannot be disputed, unless malpractices occurred during the period from polling to counting of the ballot papers.
That leaves only the period prior to the start of counting as the possible time during which any illegal activity would have occured. That includes the period from the votes being cast to the opening of the ballot boxes at the counting centre.
Susantha Wijesinghe Says:
February 16th, 2015 at 4:09 pm
“Cannot the number of votes in a Ballot Box/s of one voting centre, be compared with the register of Voters ? The names of those who have voted, would have been struck off or marked for having been given the voting paper. The number of votes in the ballot box should be equal to the names struck off the register. If there are extra votes in the ballot box, which exceeds the number of voters nullified on the register, the it is sure rigging. Please enlighten.”
SW, this is possible indeed; but for that, one has to get a court (Supreme Court?) order.
If ghost voters have been registered to appear as genuine ones it would not be easy to get to the bottom of it because then the numbers would tally. The electoral register was computerised a long time ago as a single database and that enabled identification of multiple registrations by individuals. Subsequently large number of such multiple entries by individuals giving different addresses rather than different individuals with identical names at different addresses had been identified and removed.
February 17th, 2015 at 9:46 am
SenaD, I thank you for taking time to explain in detail what and how to prove that ballot boxes were stuffed. (I live in Florida, USA and I have to go by e-mails and Clandestine web sites) Lets say that the ballot boxes stuffing was proved beyond doubt. You mean to say OBAMA, British Prime Minister and the Tamil Sangham will allow a another presidential election, after removing the Election commissioner? Don’t even think about it. If you can log on to MSNBC News today his retired chief of staff AXELROD says Obama called him a MOTHER_F… Obama thinks he is now the RULER of SRI LANKA. Only way is to create a people’s petition nation wide, without MR involvement that the election was null and void. This is because Bun-Kie-Moon gave KAPPAN to the election commissioner. Obama thought after his take over of Sri Lanka, he could do the same thing with INDIA, there he found the mistake. If you read the MODI Speech he clearly stated that no country should tell INDIA what her energy policy should be. Obama had to put his tail between his back legs and come back.
February 17th, 2015 at 11:51 am
February 17th, 2015 at 9:46 am
“Only way is to create a people’s petition nation wide, without MR involvement that the election was null and void.”
What I mean is that an exercise to see whether the figures published by the EC and the figures that the UPFA’s election managers collated tally or not is a first step; if they don’t it can give a huge impetus to mobilise the masses.
If they do match, then some kind of ‘voting jilmart’ could have happened; the extremely high voter turn out in the suspected areas later in the day is a clue.
As for Obama’s presidency and the membership of the USA in the UNHRC, they end this year; that might have been another reason to get the regime change effected quickly. As long as there are Sri Lankans willing to sell the country because of their ignorance of global politics or downright treachery it is going to be very tough to retain independence as a country.
When MS announced that he was going to be the opposition PE candidate with the backing of RW and CBK, I thought he was clueless in statecraft; now he has proved that he is.
It is like the monkey that used the king’s sword to kill the wasp on the kings body; with his treachery he has set off a process that may break up Sri Lanka.
The Pope got it right when he said MS is the most simple president he has met; he is not only simple, he is a simpleton when it comes to statecraft; he has proved it by effecting RW’s and CBK’s wishes.
February 17th, 2015 at 12:32 pm
From where did you get the information : “President Obama called him three times to make sure that there is no re-run of the election” !!!
Pres. Obama does not call Election Commissioners anywhere in the world – we can guarantee you that. It is more like some West-minster MP or some Britosaurus Rex Foreign Minister’s office person who called thrice or may be even more times !
Is Britosaurus Rex a protected species in Lanka ?
I do believe that the last Pres. election was rigged. Thank you for your pointers.
Also, how about the 90% plus INCREASE in Jaffna voters and also unusual increases of Tamil voters all over the N&E ?
February 17th, 2015 at 9:00 pm
Ranjit, what I read from various sources this Traitor Mahinda Deshapriya is a MUSLIM. Could also be a half Tamil. At the time JVP up-rising Prabhraken wanted many Sinhala inside JVP but they are led at upper levels by Tamils or Muslims who has changed their names to Sinhala names.
February 19th, 2015 at 4:15 am
@lankaputhra you live in Florida, well then you must have been very close to the action in year 2000 when there was massive election fraud to get village idiot W son of former CIA chief George H Bush into the white house. I am sure must have been paying attention to that crap!
February 19th, 2015 at 4:25 am
@Fran Diaz no Lanka puthra maybe right regarding Obama calling three times, as Brits and Americans work together as one. Also its more likely Obama called because, Brits are well aware that majority Sri Lankans don’t trust them and despise them. Where as Sri Lankans have a more positive view of Americans thats despite the fact Americans have been just as imperialistic and warmongering as their British cousins since the birth of USA in 1776. Go do research on history the United States and its foreign adventures facts bare this out.
So the Brits must have cunningly stayed in the background with the Americans given the task of regime change in SL. So yes its more probable Obama called rather than some Britosaurus Rex foreign minister’s office person. Lankaputhra is correct.