Wigneswaram holds President’s hands respectfully and stabs him in the back
Posted on February 18th, 2015

H. L. D. Mahindapala

 The Northern Provincial Council (NPC) Resolution passed a resolution on February 10, 2015 accusing successive governments (from 1948) of committing ‘genocide’ against Tamils and called for an international commission of inquiry. This resolution has dealt the first deadly blow to the reconciliation plans of the Chandrika Bandaranaike-Ranil Wickremesinghe-Maithripala Sirisena regime brought into power by the bloc votes of the Tamils. The absurdity of this Resolution  is revealed in its contradictions. On January 8, 2015 the TNA which runs the NPC votes President Maithripala Sirisena into power and on February 10, 2015 accuses him of heading  the Defence Ministry in May 2009, during the peak of the government’s attacks against Tamils.” Pin-pointing the  role played by President Sirisena the Resolution states:  This Council notes that President Maithripala Sirisena was acting defense minister in May 2009, during the peak of the government’s attacks against Tamils. This conclusively demonstrates the need for justice and accountability for the Tamil genocide to be driven and carried out by the international community…..”

 The drama that followed the passing  of the Resolution makes the absurdity into an immoral farce. When President Sirisena asked for clarification from  the NPC the Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran came down to Colombo, held the President’s hands and assured him that it was not  against him  or his government but it was against  the Rajapakse regime. This contemptible act makes it clear that  there is something lacking in Wigneswaran. What is missing, however, is debatable. Is it intelligence or shame? He knew he was lying through his teeth because President Sirisena is identified by name and accused of being acting defense minister at the height of the last stage of the Vadukoddai War. By  naming him Wigneswaran had listed President Sirisena along with the  others (example: Gen. Sarath Fonseka) who are identified as war criminals. Citing President Sirisena’s role in the war the NPC Resolution concludes : This conclusively demonstrates the need for justice and accountability for the Tamil genocide to be driven and carried out by the international community…..”

 There is only one way of Wigneswaran regaining his reputation as a man of integrity : he should at the next meeting  of  the NPC report faithfully and truly what he told the President because one of the objectives of NPC was to brand every post-independent head of state, from D. S. Senanayake to Maithripala Sirisena, as criminals who committed genocide” against the Tamils. Of course, the word genocide” is used very loosely. Its elasticity is stretched to cover all and everything, from the Citizenship Act in 1949 to the liberation of the helpless Tamils used as a human shield to protect the Tamil Pol Pot.

 There is also the other indefensible  act of voting for President Sirisena and then charging  him  with war crimes in the Resolution. He is charged with being the acting defence minister at the height of the election. Since the TNA knew his role as the acting defence minister during the peak of  the government’s offensive against Prabhakaran’s fascist regime and since the TNA was also out to get even with Sri Lanka for defeating their Pol Pot + Boko Haram why did the TNA decide to vote for him on  January 8, 2015? Does  this  mean that the Tamil leadership was ignorant and stupid on January 8, 2015 when they voted for him and suddenly saw the light on February 10, 2015 to name President Sirisena as a war criminal? Or is this a continuation  of the intransigent and unrelenting Tamil politics that led the innocent civilians, under their moronic leadership, from Vadukoddai to Nandikadal? As usual the NPC resolution confirms that Jaffna Tamil thinking has not been so bright: they always tend to take the wrong turn at the most critical times when opportunities came their way for peaceful co-existence.

 Wigneswaran‘s  role  has  also been exposed by the NPC’s Leader of the Opposition, S. Thavarajah. Commenting on the canine  morality of unprincipled Wigneswaran’s stand he said that the Chief Minister shows one face in Jaffna and another in Colombo. Thavarajah hits him hard with  the other  side  of the story. He says: During the course of his speech, before presenting the resolution in the council, he read out a statement vehemently attacking the Government and the Prime Minister, in a harsh oratorically worded Tamil language…..

 The somersault by the Chief Minister, contradicting his own statement in the council, is a disgrace and shame. This has been the political tactics of TNA throughout. They arouse the feeling of the Tamils through their emotional appeals in order to get their votes and behave differently in Colombo for their personal gains.” (Ceylon Telegraph – 15/2/2015). The last sentence is a telling point. Whipping  up the feelings of the  Tamils through emotional appeals to get their votes has been the perennial tactic of the Jaffna Tamil leadership and coming from another Jaffna Tamil nobody can accuse Thavarajah  of being a Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinist reacting with a guilty conscience.

 The NPC resolution reveals that there is an inherent demonic factor that bedevils Northern political culture. This has been the bane of peninsular  political culture. It has been a  destructive force, leading the Jaffna Tamils to tragic ends. Furthermore, their historical record leads  to the inescapable conclusion that the Tamil leaders have been the first and the last to commit genocidal acts against their own people. The mass massacre of Tamil Catholics by Sankili is well-known. But take, for instance, the public record of the Chief Minister of NPC, Retd. Judge of the Supreme Court, C. V. Wigneswaran, who tried to capture the moral high ground by declaring in one of his speeches that he will attend the Independence Day celebrations only after the country’s Tamils got freedom.” What he means is that the laws of the land have not given freedom to the Tamils. If he knew this to be true, what was he doing in the Supreme Court during his  tenure as a judge? Did he once ever dare to declare from the Supreme Court bench that the laws were denying freedom to the Tamils?

 On the contrary, was he not upholding the laws of the land which, according to him, constituted an instrument of oppression of the Tamils? Attending Independence Day celebrations is nothing more than a symbolic act at best. But  upholding the law as a judge has far more  serious  political consequences. So why did this moral purist and defender of the Tamils impose on the Tamils the oppressive laws of the Sinhalese from the  highest court of the Sinhala State”, as the Tamils are wont  to say? Why didn’t he resign on the pious principle that he propounds now saying that he would not be a part of Independence Day celebrations until Tamils got freedom”? And why did he wait till he became a politician dependent on Tamil extremist votes to take this stand? According to the litany of complaints in NPC resolution every law that affected the Tamils (language, citizenship etc) was a genocidal act against the Tamils. Going by his own logic isn’t Wigneswaram one of the criminals who committed genocide against the Tamils by administering the oppressive Sinhala laws? Doesn’t this confirm Thavarajah’s accusation that Wigneswaran is exploiting emotions of mono-ethnic politics to advance his career, irrespective  of the consequences to the Tamil people? Is there no limit to his legal, political and moral hypocrisy?

 The NPC resolution is teeming with political inaccuracies, statistical distortions, moral perversions, historical concoctions and damned lies. It is a tendentious document fabricated to denigrate what they call the Sinhala State”, sweeping under the carpet the historical realities that gave the Tamils of Jaffna, during the post-independent era, their dignity, self-respect, freedoms that were denied to them throughout their  history. Leaving aside the Tamil settlers who established their first feudatories circa 1300s, it was the Vellahlas who penetrated every nook and corner of the peninsula to impose a fascist casteist regime in Jaffna. Vellahla fascism denied  the low-castes even drop of water from the high-caste wells. When in 1976 they passed their power to the children of the Vadukoddai Resolution – the Tamil instrument that legitimized ingrained Vellahla violence – they transformed the north into a veritable hell-hole.

 Vellahla casteist fascism was replaced by the one-man rule of Velupillai Prabhakaran. His political fascism based on the personality cult of a low-caste turned out to be the darkest chapter in the history of  Jaffna. The Jaffna political culture began with Sankilli’s genocidal culture and ended with his true successor Prabhakaran.  The oppressed Tamils had no space to breathe and live freely under all the Tamil regimes that  dominated peninsular politics. The Vellahla oppression of the Tamils reduced them to subhuman slaves. The subsequent fascist oppression of Tamils by Velupillai Prabhakaran confirms that the Tamil leaders were the habitual criminals who ruthlessly committed genocidal acts against their own people. No leaders of any other community in Sri Lanka has committed such genocidal crimes against their own people as the Vellahlas and their anointed successor Prabhakaran. So when the  NPC points one finger at the Sinhala south they must remember that the other four are pointing at them. 

 Apart from this, one of the basic fallacies of the NPC resolution is the attempt to paint a political scenario in which there is only one guilty party – namely, the Sinhala south. Every one of the accusations leveled against the successive states since independence can be challenged and torn to shreds. But there is no space in this single article to deal with all the issues comprehensively. To cut a long story, no one can deny that successive states blundered in several areas like any other post-colonial state facing challenges of nation-building. That is not in dispute. The dispute is in  the validity of blaming only one side when two parties are locked in a do-or-die battle forced on the nation by outrageous demands of one party demanding two-thirds of its coastline and its hinterland for the exclusive use of 12% of the population, shutting  out the rest. Irredentism of this kind is bound to be dead on water at birth.

 Besides, separatism  of this outrageous  type is inseparable from violence. The violence of separatism provoked the counter-violence of the state. The unacceptable flaw in the NPC resolution is that it  blames only one side for the violence that led to violations of human rights. The NPC resolution paints the unrealistic picture of one side using guns and bullets and the other shielding itself with silk saris and vertis. No moral judgment can be made credible by blaming only one side in a complex issue like the North-South conflict. Furthermore, if wars are considered evil then any judgment can be considered valid only by measuring the lesser evil that produces the greater benefit at the end of the day. So which side constituted the lesser evil? The short answer to this was given by two Tamil leaders. S. C. Chandrahasan, the son of S.J.V. Chelvanayakam, and V. Anandasangaree, the veteran Tamil leader of the TULF from the old brigade of Chelvanayakam. 

 The first to say that Prabhakaran has killed more Tamils than the others was Chandrahasan. Second was Anandasangaree.  Both agreed that Prabhakaran had killed more Tamils than all the other forces put together. So if the Tamil Pol Pot has killed more  Tamils than any other force who is it who has committed the genocidal attacks against the Tamils? Since the NPC resolution is  obsessed with genocidal attacks on the Tamils why were the mass massacres committed by Prabhakaran not included in the Resolution? Why has the NPC failed to include in their Resolution the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocidal attacks” committed by the Tamils against the Tamils? Why the cover-up?

 Besides, if the NPC is all about violations  of human rights why is the NPC resolution aimed at seeking justice only for the Tamils? What about the Muslims and the Sinhalese who were the victims of Tamil terrorism documented in detail by the University Teachers’ for Human Rights (Jaffna)? Don’t they deserve justice? Or is it, in the words of Thavarajah, a move to exploit Tamil emotions for the leaders to collect Tamil votes? Overall, the NPC resolution should be read as a vindictive move to  demonize the post-1948 states on a manufactured narrative that would give a shine to the Tamils as victims of majority oppression of a minority.

 Not surprisingly, the NPC Resolution lists the alleged genocidal acts” committed against the Tamils since 1948 and finds only the acts committed by the elected states guilty of committing genocide”. It has studiously avoided the genocidal acts of the only Tamil state” established by Tamil Pol Pot + Boko Haram in the Vanni. The elected state fought, quite legitimately, not only the fascists terrorists of the north but also of the south. The offensives of the elected states against the north and south fascist terrorist were in defence of protecting and preserving the democratic way of life. And the democratic states won in  defeating the fascists terrorists in both regions.

 The NPC Resolution, however, attempts  to portray the post-1948 states as targeting only the Tamils of the north. But the fact is that the states fought just wars in defence of democracy and its traditional values. The democratically elected states had a right to defend and protect the civilians facing threats to their lives and  properties from unelected fascist terrorists. But the NPC distorts the political realities to project the post-independent states as anti-Tamil military machines fighting wars on ethnic lines. The refusal of the Tamil leadership to accept the hard historical realities facing  them – mainly due to their exaggerated fixations about a history and a culture which can be written on the back of stamp – has been the primary cause that misled them all the way to Nandikadal. They provoke, initiate and organize violence to achieve their elusive political goals and when the elected states respond they cry foul. They declared war in Vadukoddai knowing  that it would lead to untold violations of human rights. Issues of human rights did not bother them one whit in 1976. It is only when they lost in 2009 that they pause to take refuge in human rights.

 The main objective of the NPC Resolution  is to divert attention away from  the genocidal crimes of Tamils against Tamils and, of course, the other communities. Those seeking justice based on human rights cannot argue by diverting attention away from their own crimes against  humanity. But that is precisely what the NPC resolution has done. Besides, the arbitrary cut off point of 1948 too is introduced to point out that the  violence of the democratically elected states were only to target the Tamils. To be fair and just to all, the NPC resolution should have started not from 1948 but from the time of Sankili who laid the political foundation for the Tamils to be slaughtered, oppressed, persecuted, and enslaved relentlessly down the ages by a barbaric Tamil leadership in the three main phases of Jaffna-centric history – 1). the feudatories of the early settlers established around 1325, 2). the Vellahla fascist  rule under colonial masters and 3). the political fascism of Prabhakaran from 1976 to 2009,

 The NPC resolution is aimed at, inter alia, taking the Sinhala  leaders before the ICC. It is only comparable to dragging Churchill, Gen. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Montgomery before the Nuremberg Courts for liberating Europe from Nazi fascism and saving the lives of Jews and civilians trapped in a holocaust. The accusations leveled against all elected states since 1948 is as valid as saying  that Gandhi is a violent man who violated human rights by endorsing Nehru act of marching into Hydrabad and integrating that state into the Indian union. Above all, it proves Thavarajah’s damnation of the Tamil leadership once again rousing Tamil emotion  for gaining some  political mileage.

 The NPC Resolution has been a counter-productive act to impress the  UNHRC to take stand firm  on its proposed action against Sri Lanka. The Tamil Diaspora also lobbied with all their might, using the NPC Resolution, to put maximum pressure  on UNHRC not to postpone the  presentation of its report on Sri Lanka. But the TNA dug their own grave by helping to elect the pro-West, pro-Indian presidency  The victory they scored on January 8 boosted  the image of the Sri Lankan state and blocked all moves to black list Sri Lanka. The victory of the  anti-Rajapaksa forces has boomeranged on the Tamil lobbies. In the main, it has weakened the anti-Sri Lankan force in the Tamil Diaspora. With anti-West Mahinda Rajapaksa the  Tamil Diaspora was able to crank up a hate in the receptive pitches of the West. Now with the pro-West Sirisena the Tamil Diaspora has to grin and bear both in Washington and Delhi.

 Wigneswaran, Sampanthan and Sumanthiran must be regretting their act of rushing into defeat Mahinda Rajapaksa. He was, after all, the best bet they had in two ways.  First he liberated Jaffna from the grip of Tamil Pol Potism and gave the TNA the democratic space needed for  them to  play their games of politics the way the like. Second, he was the best available bogeyman available to the Tamils to demonize Sri Lanka abroad. The TNA dug  their own grave by removing anti-West Mahinda Rajapakse and replacing him pro-West, pro-Indian Sirisena.

 The result makes this clear : UNHRC has postponed the presentation  of its report to its March session. The Tamil Diaspora  and the TNA has lost again. The West and India protecting their man in power  is more important than the human rights accusations of the TNA. Once again the West and India have given the Tamils the karapincha treatment.

 The responses the Tamils are getting from abroad and at home must be compelling them to agree with Mahinda Rajapaksa who told the Tamils quite bluntly : The known devil is better than  the unknown.”

 (To be continued)

67 Responses to “Wigneswaram holds President’s hands respectfully and stabs him in the back”

  1. Lorenzo Says:


    “Untruthfulness comes as naturally to a Tamil as mother’s milk “. – William Sabonadiere, 1866

  2. Geeth Says:

    The media has reviled that President Rajapaksha and Gotabhaya Rajapaksha will participate the Nugegoda rally tomorrow the 18th. We have successfully passed one hurdle. Dear readers, pardon me for going away from the main theme of the article to say few words.

    Since currently we all are experiencing a political turmoil (backstabbing, cutthroat and wholesale betrayal of the nation by the traitorous trio) in Sri Lanka, let me suggest the following proposal as a solution that we must bring onto the bargaining table for the winning of ex president Mahinda Rajapaksha back into reigns.

    Dear folks, ex pres. Mahinda needs us, we need Mahinda, so we must come to a deal with him. A political contract between us. We must ask MR/GR to come back to politics solely for the abolition of 13th. If he declares that he will abolish 13th and will adhere to national development policy based on the consensus of a national task force for a production oriented economy, then the UNP and the My3 faction will end up in the political wilderness. May the triple Gem bless Mahinda to be enlightened with this simple political wisdom.

    අපි මේ වෙලාවේ 13 අහෝසි කිරීමේ කොන්දේසිය අනුලන්ගනීය කොන්දේසියක් විදියට දේසපාලන සාකච්චා මේසයට ගෙන්න ඕන. මහින්දට එක කරන්නද පුළුවන් බව මට විශ්වාසයි. එතුමාට සිද්ධ වෙච්ච සියලු දේවල් ගැන හිතනකොට එය ඉටු කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය සියලු සාධක ඉටුවෙලා තියෙන්නේ. මෛත්‍රීට එක කරන්න කොන්දක් නැහැ කියන එක අපි දන්නවා. රනිල් කරන්නෙත් නැහැ. සිරිපාල ගොයියා කරන්නෙත් නැහැ. මේක කරයි කියල හිතන්න පුළුවන් එකම කෙනා තමයි මහින්ද. ඒ හින්ද මහින්දව තමයි ඉස්සරහට ගෙන්න ඕන. හැබැයි, 13 ගැන පැහැදිලි ප්‍රකාශයක් ප්‍රතිපත්ති ප්‍රකාශනයට ඇතුල් කිරීමේ කොන්දේසියට යටත්ව.

    මෙවර මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා දේශපාලනයට ආයුත්තේ selfless ජන නායකයෙකු මිස තවත් එක කුට දේශපාලකයෙකු ලෙස නොවේ. ඔහු ආයුත්තේ ඉතිහාසය වෙනස් කිරීමේ අභිලාෂයෙනි. එනම් ජනතා ශක්තිය හා ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඔහුට ලැබෙන ආරක්ෂාව පිලිබඳ විශ්වාසයෙනි. ඔහු 13 වෙනස් කරන බවට ප්‍රතිඥා දී, ජාතික ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් අනුගමනය කරන බවට සහතිකයක් ජනතාවට ලභා දෙන්නේ නම්, ලක්ෂ ගණන් ජනතාව ඔහුගේ නිවස අසල කඳවුරු බැඳගෙන ඔහු ආරක්ෂා කරනු ඇත. එවිට යුධ අපරාධ බිල්ලන්ට ඔහු රැගෙන යාමට සිදුවන්නේ මහා ජන ඝාතනයක් සිදු කිරීමෙන් අනතුරුවය. ඔහු ජන නායකයෙකි. අහක ඉන්න පෙන්දන්ගෙන් ආරක්ෂාව ඉල්ලා බැගපත් වීම ඔහුට තරම් නොවේ. ඔහු සැබෑ ජන නායකයෙකු ලෙස කැප්පෙටිපොළ කෙනෙකු මෙන් මරණය පිළිබඳව තුට්ටුවකට වත් මායිම් කල යුතු නොවේ. හැකිනම් තමාව යුධ අපරාධ වලට අල්ලා දෙනලෙස වත්මන් රජයට අභියෝග කිරීමේ හැකියාවක් ඔහුට තිබිය යුතුය. මංගලලා මෛත්‍රී ලා ඉන්දියාව සහ බටහිර සමග දැන් තමාව කොටු කිරීමේ කුමන්ත්‍රණයක නියලී සිටිනී නම් ඒ බව ජනතාවට ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ කීමට ඔහුට හැකි විය යුතුය.

    ඉන්දියාවත්, බටහිරත් ඔහුට පිටුපසින් පිහියෙන් අනින ලද බව ඔහු දැන් දන්නෙහිය. එය දන්නා නිසා ඔවුන් සතුටු කිරීමේ වගකීමෙන් ඔහු නිදහස්ය. උතුරු නැගෙනහිර ද්‍රවිඩ චන්ද දායකයා ඔහුව කරපොත්තෙකු මෙන් පාගා දමා තිබේ. ඔහු අනවශ්‍ය තරමට ඇත පත ගෑ කොළඹ ආත්මයක් නැති තුප්පහියන් රැල ඔහුට වස දී ඇති බව ඔහු මැනවින් දනී. දැන් ඔහු නිදහස් මිනිසෙකි. මේ පරාජය ජාතියේ අනාගත මාවත වෙනස් කරන ආශිර්වාදයක් වියහැකි සිදුවීමක් බවට පෙරලීමට ඔහුට හැකි විය යුතුය. පරාජය ඔහු අත තිබෙන දෙවියන් විසින් ඔහුවෙත ලභා දෙන ලද වරයක් සේ සලකන්න.

    අපේ මුළු පරපුරම ශ්‍රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්ෂය නිසා සියලු දේවල් නැති කරගත්ත මිනිස්සු. අපි පක්ෂයෙන් ගත්තු දෙයක් නැහැ. අපි පක්ෂයට දීල තියෙනවා මිසක්.අඩු තරමින් රක්ශාවක්වත් අපි අරන් නැහැ. එනිසා, ඔය දේශපාලකයින්ට වඩා පක්ෂයෙන් යමක් ඉල්ලා හිටින්ඩ අපිට සදාචාරාත්මක අයිතියක් තියෙනවා. මම පෞද්ගලිකව දෙසපාලකයෝ පස්සෙන් යන බූරු පැටියෙක් නෙවෙය්. නමුත් මහින්ද වගේම දෙවෙනි පරම්පරාවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාක්ෂිකයෝ හැටියට අපි ඉල්ලා හිටින්නේ එක දෙයයි. 13 අහෝසි කරන්න, ගංගා නිම්න පදනම් කරගත් කලාප අනුව හෝ දිස්ත්‍රික්ක සභා මත පදනම්ම්ව බලය විමද්‍ය ගත කරන්න, ජාතික ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තියක් ගෙන්න. මේක මහින්දට පුළුවන්, සිරිපාලට බැරි දෙයක්.

    මේ ඓතිහාසික කර්තව්‍යය ඉටුකරලා, රටට සදාකාලික සාමයක් සෞභාග්‍යයක් ලබාදීල ඉතිහාස ගත වෙන්න මහින්ද ලැහැස්තිද????????

    මා මේ කී දෑ ඔහු සැලකිල්ලට ගන්නේ නම්, ප්‍රථමයෙන්ම ඔහු ඔවුන්ගේ නිවසේ නම වෙනස් කරනු ඇත. කාල්ටන් Carlton වෙනුවට සිංහල නමක් නිවසට යෙදුවොත්, ඔහු selfless ජන නායකයෙකු ලෙස දේශපාලනයට අවතීර්ණ වීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන බවට අපට දෙන ලද සංඥාවක් සේ එය පිළිගැනීමට අප බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු.

    The advantage of a declaration of repealing 13 is far reaching. It can create many ripples no doubt. Many UNP supporters and other party supporters will vote for the candidate (hopefully Rajapaksa) who pledges to repeal 13 is a definite result. That will even happen among JHU and JVP supporters. As an effect of MR/GR’s coming back to politics, MR and GR can shun away war crime allegations as well. As one of forum members, Lorenzo pointed out, they will get parliamentary privileges that will protect parliamentarians.
    On the other hand, the most interesting part is president Mahinda Rajapaksa can make his defeat in the presidential election a boomerang to the conspirators, especially for India and the west. The entire conspiracy will be backfired by this decision. Let us make them eat their own s..t!

  3. Jayantha Says:

    Geeth, You sound like a runaway from Angoda. These are Sri Lankan politicians you are talking about.

    Gota is genuine and he is not a politician. He walks the talk. He promises and keeps the promises. Such people cannot play politics. Mahinda waits for things to happen and gets the credits when they go right. Mahinda was lucky that the teamwork of forces got the war executed. Gota was the pipeline for the funds that were needed to execute the war. Mahinda got the credit in the end. But a politician cannot live on past glories indefinitely. One got to work hard with the people and for the people who elected you. Otherwise when you forget the people who voted you in they too forget you.

    In my 60 years of following events in Sri Lanka, only SWRD and JR had the right attitude to handle Western – especially BBC interviewers, who are known to be aggressive and arrogant in addition to looking down at non Caucasians. Gota got riled easily and his lack of class and experience came out during the interview in “Hard Talk” with BBC in 2010.

    Gota’s hard assed attitude worried the world Sri Lanka had to interact with and we should never forget that being a tiny country we need others, especially the economic big boys. Mahinda was a smiler and a smoothy. He was a simple village boy with no sophistication. He let the country run. As long as the majority were voting for him he was OK to stay in power and to enjoy it. The key people around him made him ” slowly and surely ” distance himself from the poor and the commoners who voted him to office.

    The likes of Wimal Weerawansa, Namal Rajapaksa, Basil Rajapaksa, D M Jayaratna, Mervin Silva, Duminda Silva caused the downfall of Mahinda. In the end Mahinda ran riot and was a lost kid.

    A lesson he learnt too late.

    It is better that he retires gracefully and lead the rest of his trying find inner peace.


  4. helaya Says:

    It is amazing how Tamil diaspora handling the TNA. Reason I am saying this is recently I attended C4 No fire Zone” Killing field of Sri Lanka. This guy Mcllum has re-hatched the movie and added fabricated scenes and at the end the comment was on SL election. The same thing what NPC said in the resolution. MY3 being the assistant defense secretary, removing restriction on Sarath Fonseka etc. Bottom line was they wants to initiate international investigation and bring GR and MR to ICC. C4 is sponsored by diaspora and same as TNA bastards.

  5. Ratanapala Says:

    Fully agree with Geeth. It is necessary that Mahinda Rajapakse comes to Nugegoda and vouch for a differently styled administration as enunciated above starting with the abolition of the 13th Amendment. It is important that he leave behind his Catholic wife’s baggage as well those that can come from his baptised offspring. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist nation and their welfare and political futures don’t bode well for Sri Lanka.

    As I always say the problem in Sri Lanka is not those of the minorities, but the weakness of the majority not being properly empowered as in Malaysia and Indonesia – just to site a few examples. When a disempowered majority exists the minorities use all their vile accusations to victimise the majority. This is what has happened throughout recent history of Sri Lanka.

    This is why it was possible for uncouth Vigneshwaram who was raised in Colombo, educated at the Royal College and later became a Supreme Court judge to accuse all post independence Sri Lanakan governments with genocide.

    Let all patriotic Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka give their blessings to the New Rajapakse at Nugegoda!

    Dear Mahindapala: What is of the essence is not so much analysis, but strategies for the future. The Anti Rajapakse forces were successful by unfair means. Together with the Christian West they clearly analysed the psyche of the Sri Lankans including Rajapakses and took just the right measures to bring about the downfall of MR. They used all the novelties of technology as well – Facebook and Twitter as used by western forces to bring about Arab Springs and Colour Revolutions.

    If they are fighting with missiles we too have to use them.

  6. Ratanapala Says:


    Is your alternative to let Ranil, Chandrika, Mangala, Sirisena assuddhi sandhanaya remain in power. There is a dearth of leadership in Sri Lanka. This is why a third grade politician – Ranil, who is pandering to the lowest and meanest sentiments of human nature is now the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.

    Mahinda Rajapakse may be a village lad, but he has the guts to stand up when necessary and led the nation to many firsts – winning the war, developing the country which is unprecedented in post independent Sri Lanka.

    This is not there in the recently elected former Grama Sevaka – Gama Rala who signs everything that is put in front of him!

    Gota has improved tremendously during the last few years. He is not the same man who gave an interview to Hard Talk in 2010. It is time he entered politics. Of course he should listen to wise counsel and get only and only patriotic personnel around him. Getting snakes and foxes as his learned counsel was Mahinda’s undoing. Gota has a great future as an able leader.

    Promoting Namal is another dead end. He has to do it himself – not ride on the shoulders of his father! He must take responsibility for his father’s downfall from power.

  7. Geeth Says:

    Wrong guy! I am not your roommate you met in Angoda. I am a different person. Sorry for the initial disappointment. That’s fine though: I know once ‘pissa’ is ‘pissa’ forever. It even confirms by your absurd perceptions of many things you have written.

    Jayantha, I know these are Sri Lankan politicians. That is the reason why I would like to see MR declaring his intention to repeal the 13th. I actually like to see MR becoming a selfless statesman than a politician when he comes back to the arena. However, it is interesting to see how much you have got panicked after reading my call addressing LW readers. It certainly encouraging and tells me the amount of impact that has caused among people like you. Your anger and anxiety is my energizer Jayantha. Cheers!!!!

    Look at what you have said… “Gota is genuine and he is not a politician. He walks the talk. He promises and keeps the promises. Such people cannot play politics.”

    That revels that you have fixated opinion about the ‘normal’ model that qualifies to be a politician. Ranil must be one of your ‘normal’ models. Gota doesn’t qualify, therefore abnormal, and doesn’t fit into your model. In your world, politician must be an ugly bastard. Are you qualifying to be a politician in your own model Jayantha? Just tell me, I won’t tell anyone.

    Then to prove the reasons why MR and GR never qualify to rule our country you say… “In my 60 years of following events in Sri Lanka, only SWRD and JR had the right attitude to handle Western – especially BBC interviewers”

    To your standard, Junius Richard Jayewardene, a Royalist and S W R D Bandaranayake, another Royalist and Oxford graduate are the only people had right attitude to face BBC. Because they could dance like trained monkeys behaving exactly the same way like their master, the British.

    Jayantha, you may have high regards on BBC, its cultural imperialism and its fake media standards, but we don’t. So keep all those hubris tightly closer to your chest. And to my opinion, although Gota lost his cool a couple of times due to his inexperience, in overall he performed very well. But I exactly know why your subservient mind cannot fathom or accept Gota’s performance. Because Gota doesn’t have the “right” accent or in your words, so called “sophistication”, another euphemism you guys use to hide the true meaning of been subservient, that is the imitating characteristics of Colombian dogs.

    It is sad to note that you have wasted 60 long years of your life without learning a thing about this world other than behaving exactly the same way you have been trained to think and behave. You know Jayantha, a trained dog knows only what it was trained. When the dog gets old, eventually its learning capacities also die. That is the reason why we have a saying, “you can’t teach old dog new tricks.” You are sicker than I thought Jayantha.

    Jayantha, you had started your comment insulting me. So you qualified to receive my wrath. If you want more, write another comment.

  8. mario_perera Says:

    Mahinda was a smiler and a smoothy. He was a simple village boy with no sophistication. He let the country run. As long as the majority were voting for him he was OK to stay in power and to enjoy it. The key people around him made him ” slowly and surely ” distance himself from the poor and the commoners who voted him to office…..
    In the end Mahinda ran riot and was a lost kid. – Jayantha

    Mahinda was to the political arena what Lallith Kotelawela was to the business world. They both had the supreme titles, the former was ‘President’ of the country while the latter was ‘chairman’ of a business empire. The others, the ones under them, ruled the roost, while they sat on their laurels and benignly lavished smiles and the folded hands greetings like offering drinks all around.

    Let me put it bluntly, both were ‘incompetent and incapable’. Both had money garnished by their sucklings and flowing into their purses like rivers flowing into the oceans. Both had similar enigmatic smiling faces. Both liked bathing in the crowds. Ultimately their subordinates went haywire and put them completely out of action: the former went to Medamulana and the latter went even farther…to jail.

    Very strange destinies indeed. Now henchmen never to be undone are trying to prop up the medamulana humpty dumpty fallen from his wall by assembling the parts. One such attempt is the meeting this evening at Nugegoda organized by Thunmulle Wimaley and Udeth nethi Raath nethi Gammanpila. The medamulana monarch is peeping through all the key holes trying to figure out his appropriate moment for re-entry by clutching at any straw. As for Lilith Kotelawela he is now posing as a store house of business acumen and eying the post of business adviser to the president!

    I can only address to the them the words of a well known song: When will they ever learn, when will they e….ver learn.

    Mario Perera

  9. L Perera Says:

    Now that MR is not in power, wannabees like idiot VAIcO ( instead of cleansing TN of the shit, rape and poverty of his people is trying to dictate terms on behalf of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. When is MY3 going to tell this pest off.?

  10. Charles Says:

    Mario and Jayantha: both of you are pathetic example of ungrateful Sri Lankans -like those who see a God when there is none. Reality escapes them.

  11. mario_perera Says:


    I have always respected you and your opinions. Calling me a ‘pathetic example of (an) ungrateful Sri Lankan’ is really not becoming of you. Address your dissent to what I have written. Throw your punches at them…not at me.

    In any case you are streaks ahead of those on this forum who have resort to abusive language.

    As or ‘seeing a God when there is none’,may I say that you are missing your punching bag by miles! May I remind you that this is not a religious forum.

    Mario Perera

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    We should NOT abuse commentators just because they hold a different view to ours.

    5.7 million people think like you.
    6.2 million people think like Jayantha and Mario.

  13. Independent Says:

    We know how hard who tried to educate the ‘incompetent and incapable’ with tough love.

    But both you and Jayantha, get ready for the Maniac-USA – today on leave.

  14. SA Kumar Says:

    L Perera

    You Sinhalese are always more concern about VAIcO, Kalaighar ,Jeya, Seema etc.. comments (these Kollywood cinema ) jokers than We Tamils in NEP.

    Please take concern about CM Vikki NPC , CM Hafiz EPC, Sampanthan, at least our Wimal W Joker Sivajilingam comments .

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    Hope MR will SCRAP 13 amendment, punish TNA racist terrorists, settle Sinhala people in the north and do other good things AT LEAST now.

    Otherwise it will fizzle out.

  16. Davis Says:

    Now I feel little bit of democrazey in this forum. But still lot to improve. must learn not to attack people. quite welcome to comment on different opinions.

  17. Lorenzo Says:

    Where is MR?

    Why can’t he come to the rally?

  18. Lorenzo Says:


    Please publish the FRONTLINE article on SL.


    An Endian telling the truth how Endia created the war in SL in great detail!!

  19. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  20. Geeth Says:

    Majority of 6.2 million won’t visit Lanka Web, they visit Tamil Net, Lanka Truth or Sri Lanka Guardian.
    So we need to understand majority of this forum members/visitors are coming from that 5.8 million and only a minority of people visit this website from that 6.2 million. In other words, this forum members’ political aspirations are in the opposite of Tamil net or Lanka Truth.

    However I agree we need to tolerate different views. But how do you draw that fine line between abuse and tolerance? This is a valid question to ask because when the argument continues, the word use also might change to the scale of the heat.

  21. Geeth Says:

    without quarreling among each other, please visit YouTube and see the magnitude of the support this smiler and smoothy MR has received. We have experienced what has brought to our lives by this glorified James Bond like colonial ‘sophistication,’ the Ranil model. Whatever Colombian nincompoops have said and done to despise the native, this so-called ‘Gorakaya’ is still the hero of people. No doubt, MR made many wrong turns and must have learned equal share of lessons. So it’s worth to hope something anew from him.

  22. SA Kumar Says:

    Geeth here we go……
    අදරනිය නායකත්වය. Our hero… our king… our god… මෙය videos එක සිංහලයට බලන්න,ඇත්ත දෙන ගන්න කොහොබද කියල
    any one can translated for me


  23. Fran Diaz Says:

    We agree with Geeth. However, the 13-A must be removed through JOINT EFFORTS by ALL the people of Lanka who want to see a Unitary State, existing with honor and dignity, as we richly deserve.

    Sri Lanka needs courageous leaders both politically & economically. MR stuck his neck out for us in our hour of need. Must we ask him to do so again, or show him our considered and respectfully affectionate best by requesting him to advice us all in our quest for more Peaceful & Prosperous union of people ?

    Re economic leaders, it is pertinent to state that Mr Kotalawela of Golden Key, Ceylinco fame suffered terrible injuries due to the LTTE bomb blast of the Central Bank. His office was opposite the Central Bank and the glass windows blew into bits in the Ceylinco Bldg as well, and that his how he got seriously injured. His thinking went awry after that and we can see the results of the Golden Key scam. We understand that today he has followed his wife into the Catholic religion. Another good and able Buddhist down the drain.

    Learn from the past history of Lanka. Guard and Land and the People. Those who do not like Lanka can migrate to other pleasanter pastures for them, abroad.

  24. Fran Diaz Says:

    We think that Tamils of or from Lanka who were really fighting their Caste wars in Jaffna area earlier, especially after Independence in 1948, found themselves needed by some foreign vested interests. Tamils are doing in Lanka what they CANNOT do in Tamil Nadu i.e. Creating a separate state for Tamils only. At the same time they are trying to bring together their broken Tamil community through Eelam creation and Tamil language. The Plan is to use Dumb & Dumber Sri Lankans to achieve this end. Mind you, they are trying to unify Tamils All Over the World using D&D Lankans !

    Vested interests galore to help Tamil aspirations. India especially would like to foist Tamil Caste based problems disguised into something else on D&D Lankans !

    Make sure the next Elections are not fixed like the last one !

  25. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



    Jayantha, you sign off as JP/USA obviously you live in USA as me. I live in State of Florida where there are not many Sri Lankans. Next time you up-date please give the readers what State you live in. Now a good comment you wrote, you made it bad by throwing MUD at A MUD SLINGER form ANGODA. Leaving this a side for minute, your comments about the past leaders of Sri Lanka is missing a little. late SWARD, YES, JRJ, YES, Mrs. B, YES, MR Yes. I don’t think you have an Answer to my question but I will write it any way.
    How did this illegal entity grab hold of the government of a republic with a rock solid constitution?
    1. The article writers and comment writers like Mahindapala, Charles Perera, D.P. Dissanayake, Professor Nalin De Silva do not want to know this Traitor, Mahinda Deshapriya, a former JVP killer and a MUSLIM. (I have the proof).
    2. When did he join the Election Department.
    3. At what level was he hired?
    4. Now What about this man VASS GUNAWARDENA? What did he do? He went to the Sri Lanka consulate in Washington D.C. without MR been notified. He went to the White House and met OBAMA. Next day Washington Post published an article stating that he is an up coming politician. Rani. W called the White House and told OBAMA that this man was my campaign manager, who has only had a high school certification, who left the campaign and joined MR and that was the reason he lost to MR. Obama immediately dropped him.
    5. After the fight at British High Commission, why couldn’t MR fire him? Too little too late.
    6. At last Fran Diaz, recognizes the election was RIGGED.
    7. Ratanapala don’t give-up they won’t last long! Ranil. W has DEMENTIA and any day he will fall dead speaking in the Parliament.

  27. Geeth Says:

    Susantha W,
    No Susantha, I am not. Although I am from Colombo, I am not suffering from that Colombian disease you referred as inferiority complex. It is like rabies, a viral disease originated in Britain but purposefully spread all over their colonial empire. including Sri Lanka. There are so many sick people out there in Colombo and many now living in the west. And sometime they visit this website too. You can see some of these rabies infected pissu pusas hiding behind fake usernames beating around the bush without having nerve to directly address the person they desire to attack.

    The reason why I apologized was just to show a sign of primary courtesy to the writer and the reader; because digressing from the main theme is not always a good thing I suppose. But however, given the seriousness and gravity of the issue I was suggesting, I wanted to get the maximum attention from the readership. So I apologized the readers for doing it. It is solely to show respect, nothing else.

  28. Lorenzo Says:


    I was DISAPPOINTED by the rally yesterday. The crowd was FANTASTIC but 2 persons raise worries. GRAVE WORRIES.

    Two BIGGEST 13 amendment supporters were at the rally – DAYAN JAYATILAKA and VASUTHEVA NANAYAKKARA. That means MR team will NOT SCRAP 13 amendment!!

    MR must choose between REAL PATRIOTS and DJ+VN (BIGGEST supporters of 13 amendment).

    The practical definition of TRUE PATRIOT = SOME WHO WANTS TO SCRAP 13 AMENDMENT.

    You cannot run with the rabbits and hunt with the hounds. We told this to MR BEFORE the election too. He NEVER listened and PAID for it. I can’t understand why he is doing the same thing.

    You might ask why I’m NOT demanding this from My3. My3 has NO parliamentary majority.

    Why I’m not asking from the UNP. UNP has NO parliamentary majority.

  29. Ananda-USA Says:


    You could be my valued friend who penned exquisite Sinhala poems at both Defencewire and SriLankaDefenceForum.

    Unfortunately, “Fukumar Thutmoses” now dubbed “Ado Yakko Facebook Lorenzo” by me, also knows everything I know about you and your beautiful Kaviyas. Even though he is a relative NOVICE in Internet hacking, he does not have to be the “War-Games Expert” without “portfolios” that he has declared himself to be, to easily extract your poems from the Archives of SriLankaDefenceForum and present them here under a new LankaWeb handle as “Piyadigama”.

    Both of us are very aware of the DIRTY TRICKS played by the Eelamists in the past. Therefore, before I accept you as my old friend, let me ask you to verify your identity by sending me an email on this subject, mentioning the Piyadigama LankaWeb blog handle and your old blog handle at SriLankaDefenceForum, from the SAME email address that you used under your old blogging handle. OK?

    As you well know, even in those days, Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo was characterized by his EXTREME VIEWS which if adopted, would have brought Sri Lanka and its Patriotic Government into INTERNATIONAL DISREPUTE. As you know, these proposals were resisted by me and several others. As you aware, those views included white-vanning of opponents without prosecution in the courts, ethnic-cleansing, using EXTREME weaponry without regard to civilian casualties, and many other DEVIOUS methods … all in the name of Patriotism. He has CONTINUED to ADVOCATE those strategies, adding to it the engineering of a coup-de-etat by the military against the MR/UPFA GOSL, altough recently in his support of Yahapalanaya he has become the quintessential CHAMPION “Human Rights”, “Democracy” and “Anti-Corruption”, which is why I call him a DIABOLICAL EELAMIST HYPOCRITE! I have resisted HIS EXTREME PROPOSALS before he started on his Yahapalanaya drive at LankaWeb as well, for in my view NO END JUSTIFIES CRIMINAL MEANS.

    After having DONE HIS VERY BEST to UNDERMINE & OUST the MR/UPFA GOSL from power, Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo is NOW continuing to execute a complex KOLAM dance here with an entire TEAM of AVATARS in tow, to MISLEAD & DIRECT Patriots over a CLIFF that would DESTROY Sri Lanka and ENABLE the CREATION of an EELAM. His favorite ploy to drag Patriots into the net is that he would support MR again if he REPEALS the 13A! Should we TRUST this SNAKE AGAIN, I ask, and fall into the same deep pit in mid-day that we fell into in the pitch darkness of mid-night?

    Judging ALL of his POST-WAR ACTIVITIES I have CONCLUDED that he was an EELAMIST all along, a MOLE who BURROWED DEEP INTO THE FABRIC OF THE PATRIOTIC COMMUNITY, to EMERGE at the CRITICAL MOMENT to STAB THEM IN THE BACK. OAOAsithri, whom you know well, has also come to the same conclusion.

    The OUSTER of MR was a SEVERE SETBACK for Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Economic Growth that now threatens to CREATE an EELAM in Sri Lanka and RESTORE the Sri Lankan Anti-National and Foreign Neo-Colonial Forces attempting to DIVIDE & ENSLAVE Sri Lanka. “Facebook” Lorenzo has been helping that effort to the BEST of his ability, and is now trying hard to ensure that an MR-led UPFA does not emerge VICTORIOUS in the upcoming General Elections to rescue our Motherland from the grip of its ENEMIES …. AGAIN.

    When Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo’s AVATARS are found out and banished with their SHEEPSKIN cloaks trailing in the dust, NEW AVATARS are inserted into LankaWeb trying various ALTERNATIVE TACTICS to CONTINUE the program to mislead and misdirect patriots ahead of the CRITICAL upcoming General Election. As in the past, he uses his BAND of AVATARS to shore up his arguments and carry on debates with them in a MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY consisting solely of he, himself, his creations, and his lapdog followers. This is a strategy we have seen him REPEATEDLY deploy in the past as well.

    In a moment of MISGUIDED EGOTISTICAL BOASTFUL BRAVADO, that is characteristic of him, Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo has COMPLETELY DISCREDITED himself by ADMITTING and TAKING CREDIT at LankaWeb for the BAG OF DIRTY TRICKS he used to DISCREDIT & UNDERMINE MR in the Presidential Election.

    If you are trying to “Rehabilitate” Lorenzo in my eyes … please be aware that it is an ABSOLUTELY WASTED effort. I do not make such DECISIONS LIGHTLY and WITHOUT CAUSE; but when I do, it is VERY UNLIKELY that I will change my mind. ONCE BITTEN; TWICE SHY!

  30. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo” Piously Proclaims ….


    “Untruthfulness comes as naturally to a Tamil as mother’s milk “. – William Sabonadiere, 1866”

    BULLSHIT! This is a Racist Comment against Tamils with which Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo hopes to REVIVE his TATTERED credentials as a PATRIOT! Tamils are NO LESS or NO MORE untruthful than other people! This is plainly ANOTHER EXAMPLE of his DEVIOUS EXTREMIST STRATEGIES … to curry favor with LankaWeb readers thinking they are as RACIST and AS DEVIOUS as HE IS!



  31. Ananda-USA Says:

    BACK STABBERS must EXPECT to be STABBED in the BACK …. POETIC JUSTICE …. me thinks!>

    Aiyoooo Sirisenaaaa …. This is JUST the BEGINNING … EXPECT more BACK STABBINGS!

  32. Ananda-USA Says:

    “Mario and Jayantha: both of you are pathetic example of ungrateful Sri Lankans -like those who see a God when there is none. Reality escapes them.”

    Bravo, Charles …. You say it like it is; TOO BAD TOUGH LOVE hurts these INGRATES!

  33. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo Piously Proclaims …

    “We should NOT abuse commentators just because they hold a different view to ours. ”

    But yet, this DEVIOUS EELAMIST HYPOCRITE said elsewhere on LankaWeb he Authoritatively Intoned ….


    “Untruthfulness comes as naturally to a Tamil as mother’s milk “. – William Sabonadiere, 1866”

    to which I responded …….

    BULLSHIT! This is a Racist Comment against Tamils with which Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo hopes to REVIVE his TATTERED credentials as a PATRIOT! Tamils are NO LESS or NO MORE untruthful than other people! This is plainly ANOTHER EXAMPLE of his DEVIOUS EXTREMIST STRATEGIES … to curry favor with LankaWeb readers thinking they are as RACIST and AS DEVIOUS as HE IS!



    I hope LankaWeb readers are getting some PROOF of the DISHONESTY & HYPOCRISY of this AWFUL being without an IOTA of HONOR!

    You can FOOL SOME people ALL the time, and
    You can FOOL ALL people SOME of the time, but
    You CANNOT FOOL ALL people ALL of the time!

    Please don’t LED BY THE NOSE by this AWFUL REPROBATE! STAND up say HELL NO! GO AWAY!

  34. Piyadigama Says:

    Ananda Wijesinghe,

    I will send you an email from that same account.

    Best regards,

  35. mario_perera Says:


    You have undergone an unbelievable transformation from normal decency to being abnormally uncouth and vulgar.

    You have shown yourself to even have poetic traits. A poet is a sensitive individual. How come a man who should demonstrate sensitive qualities has suddenly become uncouth and vulgar? Your language has become that of the street hooligan.

    A return to respectability will do you much good. You owe it to yourself to write a decent language instead of continuing your descent into vulgarity. What we do, be it writing or whatever else, reflects the state of our mind. Man is a mind made entity. what your mind has made you into does not do justice to you.

    Mario Perera

  36. Fran Diaz Says:


    This part of your note “VASS GUNAWARDENA? What did he do? He went to the Sri Lanka consulate in Washington D.C. without MR been notified. He went to the White House and met OBAMA. Next day Washington Post published an article stating that he is an up coming politician ” – does not sound at all true.

    Proof of Washington Post article re Vaas G. plus proof of Vaas G’s visit to Obama ought to be provided.

  37. Fran Diaz Says:

    Also, please provide proof you have re “Traitor, Mahinda Deshapriya, a former JVP killer and a MUSLIM. (I have the proof)”.

  38. mario_perera Says:

    My comment was addressed to Ananda-USA

    Mario Perera

  39. Geeth Says:

    I am just a dreamer Lorenzo. You know, some dreams come true but some are not.
    I am a fervent fighter though; when it comes to fight, some have said that I am a passionate soldier and I can be a worthy opponent to anyone in the opposition.

    Do you think I fight only to win Lorenzo? No, I fight for what I believe. Lot a times I lose. Only some time I win. Nevertheless, I do not get disappointed because I lose. It makes me to fight with even more vigor and valor. Therefore, I know as a matter of fact, none can stop the abolition of the 13th. My guess is that it would be MR who will do it.

    I determined to support MR once again Lorenzo. And many millions will do the same. As we have envisioned, he cannot be a typical politician next time. Rather, he only can be a statesman. After Sirimavo Bandaranayake, Sri Lanka has never been ruled by statesmen, but only politicians. So he must become the statesman as many anticipate to have after a long time. There is no alternative for him.

    13th will be abolished by the politician turned statesman MR, because it will be a historical necessity. Any statesman will realize that 13th brings only disaster to the nation. Only politicians who are greedy of power wouldn’t see it.

    Dayan and Vasu are only two individuals. In addition, Dr. Nalin de Silva and Gunadasa Amarasekara also were there. It’s like yin/yang. Dayan is good to fight in the international arena but on clear centralized command in Colombo. Nalin and Gunadasa are capable ideologists.

    However, “all those devolutionists of the 13th,” including Dayan and Vasu, will end up in an ideological cul-de-sac pretty soon without having any more arguments to support 13th due to the impatient Elam project running havoc in overdrive these days. Dayan’s LankaWeb article “The Writing Is On The Wall: How Sri Lanka Is To Be Dismantled” is a very good example to prove this challenge they face to defend 13th.

    In a nutshell, MR is not coming to politics this time; people are bringing him to get done what people want him to do. In that sense, his absence in the meeting better illustrates the situation than coming into it and screaming on the stage.

    What he had said in his statement was even more appealing and the message was clear. He did not thank people for coming to the meeting to support him; instead he had said he wouldn’t decline the request of the people for him to come back and save the nation. So far, that is a positive sign. Lorenzo, don’t be a cynic all the time. There are times you need to be positive. Don’t forget, our world has been changed only by optimistic individuals, but not by bunch of pessimists.

  40. Lorenzo Says:


    You are right. It has to start at some point.


    We should not forget it will be SCRAPPING 13 AMENDMENT that will determine WIN or LOSS for MR. And that is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for him.

  41. Lorenzo Says:

    Well said Mario.

    In ADVERSITY the REAL MAN comes out for all to see. Thank god SL people have REJECTED that type of HOOLIGANS for good.

  42. Ananda-USA Says:

    Mario_Perera said

    “You have undergone an unbelievable transformation from normal decency to being abnormally uncouth and vulgar.”

    There is NOTHING “UNCOUTH” and “VULGAR” in what I have written. I use DECENT but HARSH words under APPROPRIATE CIRCUMSTANCES to hold ACCOUNTABLE the ENEMIES of our Motherland who waged a DECEITFUL propaganda battle to UNDERMINE & OUST the President and Government of Sri Lanka who LIBERATED, REUNIFIED and was DEVELOPING FASTER than EVER before since Independence, and are NOW TRYING to REPEAT the PERFORMANCE in the upcoming General Election! Should we LET THEM DO THAT without fighting FIRE with FIRE? NEVER! We don’t want to go the pain and suffering of the last 30 years …. ALL OVER AGAIN!

    What is “uncouth” and “vulgar” in “Ado” (Hey you!), “Yakko” (Devil), “Bloody” (blood thirsty), “Eelamist” (separatist), “Hypocrite” (says one thing and does the opposite), “Reprobate” (disgusting)?? The only questionable word I used is “bugger off”, but that is a COMMONLY used word in Sri Lanka (and in the Britommonwealth as a whole) that is NEVER taken to mean what it really means.

    So, Mario, where is the “uncouthness” and “vulgarity” in STRONG HARSH words used appropriately, against those who ARE STILL PERSISTING in the behaviour that PRECIPITATED it?

    If you want TO ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD while your Motherland is SMOULDERING on the EDGE of another Holocaust … Go right ahead, but don’t expect me to join you in PASSIVE ACQUIESCENCE to REGIME CHANGE by SUBTERFUGE!!

    Those who LIVE BY THE SWORD, must be prepared to DIE BY THE SWORD!

  43. Independent Says:

    Thank you Mario for pointing out the indecency. My comments ( with absolutely no vulgarity, abusive language etc) are not published. My hands tied, same as Lorenzo and few more decent people.

    A lot of so called self proclaimed “patriots” are using terms like “drohiya”, “back stabber” . What is the term that can be used for those who ties hand and legs of the opponent and kicks them ?

    Sinhaya ? Weeraya ? Deshpremiya ?

    Please, let us speak- at least.

  44. Ananda-USA Says:

    Geeth, you said

    “I determined to support MR once again Lorenzo.”!!

    This means that YOU, in your LACK OF WISDOM & GOOD JUDGMENT, SWALLOWED the PROPAGANDA of the REGIME CHANGE artistes HOOK, LINE & SINKER has the CHUTZPAH to pontificate here as if THAT ERROR IN JUDGMENT is a SIGNAL VIRTUE that we the UNERRING PAT should HONOR, so that you, a GULLIBLE man, can return to the “Fold”.

    What about the GREAT MAJORITY of bloggers at LankaWeb (like Charles and ME) who KNEW & WARNED about the CONSEQUENCES of OUSTING MR to our Motherland and STUCK by him WITHOUT STABBING MR in the BACK? Now, presumably, you have STABBED YOURSELF in the FRONT and is bleeding in front of us begging for SYMPATHY!

    If you have ERRED BADLY … AT LEAST you should SHUT UP & STOP PREACHING TO THE CHOIR …. don’t you think??

    Or, are you going to FURTHER RATIONALIZE your ERROR …. AGAIN … with more INCREDIBLE expostulations??

    Of these TWO groups, the FAINT-HEARTED GULLIBLE BACK-STABBERS singing “Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa! Mea Maxima Culpa!”, and the WISE STEADFAST PATRIOTS, who should have GREATER CREDIBILITY & ACCEPTANCE? Who, I ask?

    This of course ASSUMES that those who CLAIM to HAVE ERRED, and are now offering RENEWED support for MR/UPFA, are in fact TELLING THE TRUTH and are not themselves HIDDENUNREPENTANT Anti_Nationalists rebuilding their TATTERED Patriotic credentials for executing a SECOND BACK-STABBING OPERATION!

    So, Geeth, my man … why should BELIEVE you ….. a Johhny-Come-Lately without credentials at LankWeb??

  45. Ananda-USA Says:


    Geeth, you said

    “I determined to support MR once again Lorenzo.”!!

    This means that YOU who, in your LACK OF WISDOM & GOOD JUDGMENT, SWALLOWED the PROPAGANDA of the REGIME CHANGE artistes HOOK, LINE & SINKER,RIOTS has the CHUTZPAH to pontificate here as if THAT ERROR IN JUDGMENT is a SIGNAL VIRTUE that we the UNWAVERING PATRIOTS should HONOR, so that you, the GULLIBLE man, can return to the “Fold”.

    What about the GREAT MAJORITY of bloggers at LankaWeb (like Charles and ME) who KNEW & WARNED about the CONSEQUENCES of OUSTING MR to our Motherland, and STUCK by him WITHOUT STABBING MR in the BACK? Now, presumably, you have STABBED YOURSELF in the FRONT and is bleeding in front of us begging for SYMPATHY! Do your comments, so vociferously delivered, deserve a hearing?

    If you have ERRED BADLY … AT LEAST you should the decency to SHUT UP & STOP PREACHING TO THE CHOIR …. don’t you think??

    Or, are you going to FURTHER RATIONALIZE your ERROR ….. with more INCREDIBLE expostulations??

    Of these TWO groups, the FAINT-HEARTED GULLIBLE BACK-STABBERS singing “Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa! Mea Maxima Culpa!” on the one hand, and the WISE STEADFAST PATRIOTS on the other, who should have GREATER CREDIBILITY & ACCEPTANCE? Who, I ask?

    This of course ASSUMES that those who CLAIM to HAVE ERRED, and are now offering RENEWED support for MR/UPFA, are in fact TELLING THE TRUTH and are not themselves HIDDEN UNREPENTANT Anti_Nationalists rebuilding their TATTERED Patriotic credentials to execute a SECOND BACK-STABBING OPERATION!

    So, Geeth, my man … why should BELIEVE you ….. a Johhny-Come-Lately without credentials at LankWeb??

  46. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Yakko Dependent

    Chiming-in RIGHT ON CUE waling “indecency” in defense of Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo, your LORD & MASTER, and his the REGIME CHANGE crew attempting to BAMBOOZLE the Sri Lankan Voters at the General Election! Eh?

    There is NOTHING INDECENT in my comments; only STRONG WORDS PILLORYING the DEVIOUSLY Anti_National REGIME CHANGE artistes! Holding you REPROBATES ACCOUNTABLE for your KOLAM Dance, Nothing MORE!


  47. Geeth Says:

    What’s wrong with you? Are you writing your comments in sober condition or after taking couple of shots? Or did you forget to take your medication? Why do you want to attack everyone in this forum? Now you have selected me; is that because I said that “I determined to support MR once again?” Or for not following your diktat regarding Lorenzo?

    Yes I support MR ‘once again’; it is a fact. Because as a SLFP member I was disturbed when I realized that MR had distanced our political aspirations and had embraced all political charlatans. Some even from UNP (Now he has acknowledged that mistake.) And due to his distancing us, we also went away from him. I have that right to distance myself from the political leadership that I worked hard to bring into power, when the political contract we had was broken. Is that a problem to you?

    Ananda, my politics and your politics are completely two different things. So at lest try not to enforce your own political clout upon others. We are two different people; let it be that way.

    You have said…”This means that YOU who, in your LACK OF WISDOM & GOOD JUDGMENT, SWALLOWED the PROPAGANDA of the REGIME CHANGE artistes HOOK, LINE & SINKER,RIOTS has the CHUTZPAH to pontificate here as if THAT ERROR IN JUDGMENT is a SIGNAL VIRTUE that we the UNWAVERING PATRIOTS should HONOR, so that you, the GULLIBLE man, can return to the “Fold”.

    What a load of bollocks.

    Ananda I don’t know what you are talking about. However PLEASE don’t misunderstand what I meant by fold means not your fold. That’s why I think you must be drunk. So keep away from me.

    How did you come to that conclusion that I swallowed the propaganda of regime change?

    Even though MR administration went out of track, I never wanted to change the regime. I never would do that not because I love individuals, but I love my country. That is also a fact. I was against regime change from the day one; because for my political wisdom and judgment I knew such change brings disaster to the country. I know my politics ananda, and don’t come to teach me your gibberish politics.

    That actually tells the reason why you support MR is not the reasons why I support.

  48. Geeth Says:

    And you say… “What about the GREAT MAJORITY of bloggers at LankaWeb (like Charles and ME) who KNEW & WARNED about the CONSEQUENCES of OUSTING MR to our Motherland, and STUCK by him WITHOUT STABBING MR in the BACK? Now, presumably, you have STABBED YOURSELF in the FRONT and is bleeding in front of us begging for SYMPATHY! Do your comments, so vociferously delivered, deserve a hearing?”

    Another vulgar load of rubbish!

    Ananda, please keep Charles away from your boorish and uncouth club. You are writing so irresponsibly based on your assumptions. It is exactly LACK OF your WISDOM & GOOD JUDGMENT, that you think that all are bad guys accept you. And the biggest joke of the year is you declare that you are a patriot! Ha ha!! ha!!! if you are a patriot Ananda, Ranil becomes a Jesus Christ. Do you know the right English word suitable to identify you? “Bath-gotta.”

    Who stabbed MR in the back? I didn’t. And I haven’t stabbed myself in the front either. BUT ACTUALLY NOW AT THIS MOMENT YOU ARE DOING IT VERY CLEVERLY AND WELL.


    Your love to MR is thousand times TREACHEROUS to MR than CIA RAW MOSAD MI6 altogether. And you behave like a dog at the entrance of Lanka web. I know you are attacking me because I did not follow your diktat regarding Lorenzo. Get lost Ananda get lost.

  49. Geeth Says:

    Ananda, read the following article when you are sober enough to read and understand.
    An election supplement to “Rajapakse, regional politics, “Eurocentric Developmentalism” and the western hegemony. Part 4


  50. Independent Says:

    This “patriot” from USA can certainly read Sinhala but cannot write. HE is not Buddhist for sure or may belong to Bodu Bala Sena club.

  51. Ananda-USA Says:

    Geeth, old fellow,

    Did my comments strike home? Yes they did … didn’t they?

    A Johhny-Come-Lately to LankaWeb, who “once supported MR”, and then jumped to the “Yahapalanaya” ship heeding the REGIME CHANGE artistes, is now BACK AGAIN … PRESUMABLY supporting MR! Do we HAVE TO BELIEVE you?

    Why does this SOUND SO SIMILAR to Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo’s recent STRATEGY on the eve of the General Election?

    BEGONE GEEK! … another AVATAR of that Ado Yakko “War-Games Expert” Lorenzo! BEGONE!

  52. Geeth Says:

    Are you a patriot or a bathgotta paid by RAW? Answer my question.

  53. Ananda-USA Says:


    Oh, by the way, I don’t attack EVERYONE at the forum; just Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo and his RECENTLY PLANTED AVATARS trying to HIJACK LankaWeb for their SLY REGIME CHANGE Propaganda!

    And you GEEK are in the THICK of it! Get LOST ….yourself!

  54. Independent Says:

    Mr. USA,

    Just let others comment here. This is not owned by you. All others, including Tamils, Catholics have a right to say something. No need to attack like uncivilized dog. SHow your Sinhala Buddhistness by behaving like a MAN.

  55. Geeth Says:


    Why suddenly your Kalala කලාල size comments have become smaller like Lensu ලේන්සු? Is that because someone trapped this Kottoruwa කොට්ටෝරුව? Do you feel like unexpectedly your political sabotage work has been exposed? Why don’t you write another one thousand Kalala කලාල long comments? Nobody read your rubbish anyway. Bombardment of unending කලාල comments without giving a chance for others to take a breath is also a part of the clever execution of your sabotage work, because people find increasingly difficult to find a informative serious comment in LankaWeb, because you have successfully buried them in your Kalaala long trash.

    Mr. USA, do you understand Sinhala? Do you know what’s the meaning of බත්ගොට්ට? ” Bathgotta is a brainless hooligan usually used only for the political sabotaging work like hooting, spitting, throwing shit like jobs usually unable to get done using decent people. Now in your case, you have become a bathgotta of the RAW. The difference between you bathgotta and other bathgottas is that you work for Dollars and scotch that you receive from RAW, whereas other Bathgottas work for kasippu and bath.

    Look at your username old man. You proudly use Ananda-USA as if you think that you can get currency to your “kalaala” long rubbish written on LankaWeb under the name Ananda-USA thinking that readership might respect you considering ‘USA’ is equivalent to a title like ‘PHD’ at the end of your name. What an empty boorish fellow are you trying to teach me bloody politics?

    Ananda, you sound like you own MR and LankaWeb. You are trying to claim the ownership of MR. So you think people have to get your permission first before they express their ideas feelings about MR and politics in Sri Lanka.
    Please behave like an adult. Get grown old man.

  56. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Geeth,

    If you don’t have GREY CELLS in your CRANIUM necessary to read what I have written after you arrived recently at LankaWeb, and DECIDE for YOURSELF whether I am a PATRIOT or a BATHGOTTA …. you are not worth educating on ANY subject, is that not so, Geek!

    Therefore, pay attention Geek, to the following REPOST and see whether it CLEARS your mind:

    Geeth, you said

    “I determined to support MR once again Lorenzo.”!!

    This means that YOU who, in your LACK OF WISDOM & GOOD JUDGMENT, SWALLOWED the PROPAGANDA of the REGIME CHANGE artistes HOOK, LINE & SINKER,RIOTS has the CHUTZPAH to pontificate here as if THAT ERROR IN JUDGMENT is a SIGNAL VIRTUE that we the UNWAVERING PATRIOTS should HONOR, so that you, the GULLIBLE man, can return to the “Fold”.

    What about the GREAT MAJORITY of bloggers at LankaWeb (like Charles and ME) who KNEW & WARNED about the CONSEQUENCES of OUSTING MR to our Motherland, and STUCK by him WITHOUT STABBING MR in the BACK? Now, presumably, you have STABBED YOURSELF in the FRONT and is bleeding in front of us begging for SYMPATHY! Do your comments, so vociferously delivered, deserve a hearing?

    If you have ERRED BADLY … AT LEAST you should the decency to SHUT UP & STOP PREACHING TO THE CHOIR …. don’t you think??

    Or, are you going to FURTHER RATIONALIZE your ERROR ….. with more INCREDIBLE expostulations??

    Of these TWO groups, the FAINT-HEARTED GULLIBLE BACK-STABBERS singing “Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa! Mea Maxima Culpa!” on the one hand, and the WISE STEADFAST PATRIOTS on the other, who should have GREATER CREDIBILITY & ACCEPTANCE? Who, I ask?

    This of course ASSUMES that those who CLAIM to HAVE ERRED, and are now offering RENEWED support for MR/UPFA, are in fact TELLING THE TRUTH and are not themselves HIDDEN UNREPENTANT Anti_Nationalists rebuilding their TATTERED Patriotic credentials to execute a SECOND BACK-STABBING OPERATION!

    So, Geeth, my man … why should BELIEVE you ….. a Johhny-Come-Lately without credentials at LankWeb??

  57. Independent Says:

    Ananda, you sound like you own MR and LankaWeb. This is what I feel too.

  58. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado GEEK,

    You are the ORIGINAL BATHGOTTA, the term you introduced, it fits you to a T, does it not GEEK?

    You are one of your LORD & MASTER “Facebook” Lorenzo’s PROPAGANDA crew trying to prevent a MR/UPFA VICTORY in the coming Election, are you not GEEK?

    And GEEK, the MORE you write, the MORE you vent in frustration, the MORE that BECOMES CLEAR!

    Quite a DILEMMA … is it not GEEK? Oh, my …. what to do now? I suggest FLEEING the KITCHEN … it is GETTING too HOT for you GEEK!

  59. Geeth Says:

    Are you a Bathgotta apid by RAW? yes or no!

  60. Geeth Says:

    Mr. USA,
    Do you understand sinhala? Do you know the meaning of කොට්ටෝරුව හැම ගහටම කොට කොට යනවා, කෙහෙල් ගහට කොටපු දාට හොට පැටලෙනවා. By the way, who gave your name Ananda-USA? Wonderful name for a bathgotta.

  61. Geeth Says:

    Hay Mr, Bathgotta-USA,
    Are you shivering? The job you have undertaken is too dangerous for your age man. Ask RAW to send a sweater because you have confronted with a wrong fella at last.

  62. Geeth Says:

    Mr. Bathgotta-RAW,
    Why are you cutting and pasting your old comments? Can’t you type anymore? Shivering your fingers?

  63. Geeth Says:

    Mr Bathgotta-RAW,
    Why are you silent?

  64. Geeth Says:

    Mr. Bathgotta-RAW,
    Ok, I’ll catch you later.

  65. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ado Geek,

    Have you not learned yet that I don’t answer ANYONE’s questions on DEMAND?

    That applies particularly to the UNDERCOVER REGIME CHANGE EELAMIST RAW agents like you, Geek!

    GEEK, dear reprobate, my old hands are in PERFECT shape and well versed in touch typing, thank asking!

    Oh, by the way Geek, did you get a chance your brush on your ABC’s and read my comment, reproduced below for your convenience?

    Be sure get permission from your LORD & MASTER Ado Yakko “Facebook” Lorenzo, OK? Don’t want you to get into trouble with hm, do we Geek?

    Geeth, you said

    “I determined to support MR once again Lorenzo.”!!

    This means that YOU who, in your LACK OF WISDOM & GOOD JUDGMENT, SWALLOWED the PROPAGANDA of the REGIME CHANGE artistes HOOK, LINE & SINKER,RIOTS has the CHUTZPAH to pontificate here as if THAT ERROR IN JUDGMENT is a SIGNAL VIRTUE that we the UNWAVERING PATRIOTS should HONOR, so that you, the GULLIBLE man, can return to the “Fold”.

    What about the GREAT MAJORITY of bloggers at LankaWeb (like Charles and ME) who KNEW & WARNED about the CONSEQUENCES of OUSTING MR to our Motherland, and STUCK by him WITHOUT STABBING MR in the BACK? Now, presumably, you have STABBED YOURSELF in the FRONT and is bleeding in front of us begging for SYMPATHY! Do your comments, so vociferously delivered, deserve a hearing?

    If you have ERRED BADLY … AT LEAST you should the decency to SHUT UP & STOP PREACHING TO THE CHOIR …. don’t you think??

    Or, are you going to FURTHER RATIONALIZE your ERROR ….. with more INCREDIBLE expostulations??

    Of these TWO groups, the FAINT-HEARTED GULLIBLE BACK-STABBERS singing “Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa! Mea Maxima Culpa!” on the one hand, and the WISE STEADFAST PATRIOTS on the other, who should have GREATER CREDIBILITY & ACCEPTANCE? Who, I ask?

    This of course ASSUMES that those who CLAIM to HAVE ERRED, and are now offering RENEWED support for MR/UPFA, are in fact TELLING THE TRUTH and are not themselves HIDDEN UNREPENTANT Anti_Nationalists rebuilding their TATTERED Patriotic credentials to execute a SECOND BACK-STABBING OPERATION!

    So, Geeth, my man … why should BELIEVE you ….. a Johhny-Come-Lately without credentials at LankWeb??

  66. Geeth Says:

    Old Kottoruwa-RAW, නාකි කොට්ටෝරුව හෙවත් බත්ගොට්ට,
    The reason you not answering my questions is not that you don’t answer my questions by choice. You old bathgotta have nothing to say. That’s why. I have pin pointed your agenda in this forum that’s why. You are trembling now.
    Lorenzo is another Lanka Web contributor like you bullheaded- old kottoruwa. There is no difference. I don’t know both of you except your familiar noisy moo and bray. I answered your stupid Kalala comment you have re-pasted due to your being ending up speechless for my questions.

    Now what do you have to say about my finding that you are fulfilling a contract from RAW? Now just get lost without sleeping at the doorway of Lankaweb. පැදුරයි කොට්ටෙයි අකුලාගෙන ගෙදර ගිහින් නිදා ගනින් නාකි ගොනා!

  67. Geeth Says:

    Ananda-USA, නාකි කොට්ටෝරුව හෙවත් බත්ගොට්ට RAW,
    Old kottoruwa, The glittering shine of my ABC is more than enough to tame a wild ox like you. Don’t you already feel the heat of it for the first time old bathgotta? But the difference is I don’t have ‘USA,’ at the end of my name like you have. It is understandable that you have learned your ABC from the white uncle visited your house every night when you were very young, and you were learning from him thinking that he was coming only to teach you your ABC. Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! Poor kottoruwa has gotten confused his ABC now and thinks that “Patriot is a synonym to “bastard.”

    Being the only devil, still you were dancing a ‘thovill’ in Lankaweb. Now I will be here until you Bathgotta kicked off from the doorway of LankaWeb for the decent people to post their comments without being harassed by you mala-perethaya. You මල පෙරේතය entirely sabotaged the meaningful discussion that we expected to have for this HLD’s article. Preventing that meaningful debate is the objective of your entire RAW agenda.

    This website was a forum for intellectual discussions and debates before you started sleeping across the door of it. People had robust arguments and meaningful discussions there. Now we can hear only your loud moo and bray

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