ගෙනාවෙ නයෙක්.. දැන් ගැරඬියෙක්.. ‘19’ට ඡන්දය දුන්නේ ඇයි – මෙන්න විමල්ගේ පැහැදිලි කිරීම..[Video]
Posted on April 29th, 2015

lanka C news

19 වන ආණ්ඩු ක‍්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථා සංශෝධනයට පක්‍ෂව ඡන්දය පල කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණේ නායක පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත‍්‍රී විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා අදහස් පල කරයි.

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6 Responses to “ගෙනාවෙ නයෙක්.. දැන් ගැරඬියෙක්.. ‘19’ට ඡන්දය දුන්නේ ඇයි – මෙන්න විමල්ගේ පැහැදිලි කිරීම..[Video]”

  1. Senevirath Says:

    ගැ රඩි යොත් මීයෝ කනවා ඒ හින්ද ඒවා පරි ස්සම් කර ගන්න වෙය් . ටිකක් කෑවත් මුස්ලිම්

  2. Samanthi Says:

    It looks like the progressive forces of this country led by Dinesh, Waasu, Wimal etc were able to defeat UNP conspiracy to transfer president’s powers to some sections of civilians like Nimalka. This is completely different from what the government side is trying to show to the world. Thank you Lnakweb for publishing WW’s speach in full!


    It is time to investigate the Election Department. It is controlled by OBAMA. Now it is up to the people to march on to the Election Department and make a peoples arrest. This Deshapriya Election Commissioner is a criminal. His private army has to dismantled. Next work item for the opposition party.

  4. Christie Says:

    Namaste: What is in all these garbage. Anything diluting Indian Empire and its affect on the Island Nation. Jai Hind

  5. janakic Says:

    It is great that Mr. Wimal Weerawansa was able to explain to the public as to what actually took place with the 19th amendment. I hope his speech would be adequately publicised in the media. So far I have not seen anything of the sort. This demonstrates that the country can still be saved if the opposition is united. The best thing is for the SLFP to win the elections and for that all factions within the SLFP should unite. Mr. Sirisena has the responsibility to unite the party despite his promises to Modi and the West. A national govt. as is now will only ruin the sovereignty and integrity of the country.

  6. ranjit Says:

    I watched the proceedings in Parliament channel in both days and we know and saw what the UNP liars wanted to do and how they behaved so on so no need to believe what those traitors said and planned.

    Wimal was great as usual and so Mr.Dinesh and others. I applause Bandula for his great speech on the floor and some of the other Opposition members. UNPer’s were like dead rats and nobody seemed to be interested in their speeches at all. They failed in 100 days and they failed in 19 too so now they must do is just resign and go home for God’s sake without telling more lies and harassing the Opposition.

    The best thing the Opposition S.L.F.P. must do now to sack MY3 and Opposition leader Siripala and appoint MR as head and Dinesh as Opposition leader of this country. That way will be good for the future of S.L.F.P. if not sorry for them.

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