Surrender LTTE! STOP Mincing Words!
Posted on May 17th, 2009

Prof. Hudson McLean

Bunch of criminal murderers now playing humanitarian gestures!

“Silencing Guns” by LTTE means…….Accepting Defeat. Surrender. The White Flag!

Immediately after His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa declared that the War is Over, the Tamil Tiger Terrorists LTTE trying to white wash their bloody past.

The dignity of the Tamil people were stolen, raped and annihilated by Velupillai Prabhakaran and his dirty dozen during thirty years of bloody terror, supported by Erik Solheim, a government Minister of the Kingdom of Norway.

The SLDF should not, at this final stages, stop the forward march untill all the terrorist King-pins are taken out.

Why glorify them and treat them in government hospitals and prisons creating more expenditure, millions of dollars of Sri Lankan tax-payer money?

Take a leaf out of the Chinese model. Charge the criminal terrorists for the cost of the execution bullet.

What happened to the famous Velupillai Prabhakaran (VP), Kiss of Death prior to the Suicide Bombers blowing up innocent civilians? Why surrender? Why not commit a mass suicide as claimed? Bloody cowards these terrorists.

Most likiely, Velupillai Prabhakaran has no cyanide pill round his neck! Its either Nitro pill against heart failure or pills to secure his Diabetes.

There should be no Trials in the Hague for this vermin, except a bullet to his head.

There are more important Agenda for the Sri Lanka government. To get the country on her feet than to take care of a bunch of criminals in prisons and hospitals.

The President Rajapaksa has not minced his words so far. Hopefully he will carry this philosophy to the end.

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