Posted on August 10th, 2015


On 8 Aug during a massive rally at the Kottawa Junction, the President Mahinda Rajapakse  for the first time warned his supporters to exercise restrain in giving preferential vote to those candidates who are likely to change sides after winning their seats.

The voter education is therefore is a responsibility of the organisers at the grass root level .

The average voter has  to concentrate on several issues relating to his family, rather than getting  involved in political cocktails.  The average voter is likely to identify anyone with the logo of betel leaf as a   Pro MR candidate.     Therefore  media campaign should be undertaken by the UPFA organisers, to publish a list of Pro MR candidates, excluding the   names of those candidates whose names have been included at the instigation of President Sirisena.

We have seen candidates such as Wijethamuni Soyza, Nandimithra Ekanayake, Janaka Bandra Tennakoon already publicly apologising to the President Mahinda Rajapakse.  But how about others, such as Mohanlal Grero, Thilanga Sumathipala, Duminda Dissanayake, Upeksha Swarnamali, Pavithra Wanniarrachchi, Mahinda Samrasinghe?

How many more others?


  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  2. Samanthi Says:

    Vote for Mahinda, Wimal, Udhaya, Sarath Weerasekera., Dinesh, Welgama, T.B., Dulus, Lokuge, Bandula, Manusha Nanayakkara, Roshan Ranasinghe, Jayantha Wijesekera, Prasanna Ranatunge and other patriots!

    Don’t vote for Chumpaka, Mangala, Rajitha, Arjuna, Hirunika, Solanga, Nandhimitha, S.B.
    Ravi, Senasinghe, Aura Kumara, Sarath F., Rosy, S.B.s son, Rajitha’s son, Warnasinghe, Paranavithana and other traitors!

  3. ranjit Says:

    Samanthi I agree with you 100%. Sira’s pets should be rejected in wholesale. Pray for Mahinda’s safety. He is the only answer to Tamil & Muslim terrorism.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Every patriot must read this. This is what ENDIA and USA now plans to do (and blame Russia for “inventing” it).

    When Russia invaded Crimea (RIGHT OR WRONG) I was against it because ENDIA can say the same thing and invade SL. What matters is NOT who is RIGHT but who has the MIGHT.

    IF everyone accepts CURRENT boundaries, there is no problem.

    Look how they plan a “future” war in SL and how they BELIEVE Tamil non-state actors are STILL active in SL.


    “What Crimea Tells Us About Asia’s Future Wars
    By Van Jackson
    August 11, 2015

    Crimea and the complex military occupation that now exists in Ukraine is an all too reasonable and underexplored model for future conflict in Asia.

    When we think about conflict in Asia, a handful of flashpoints come to mind: ……………..

    But modern conflicts don’t really look like that, and futurists who concern themselves with war and strategy suggest a different model for what future conflicts and conflict processes might resemble: Crimea.

    At least four features of the Crimea conflict apply to the Asia context: ethnic divides clashing with spheres of influence; non-state groups with geopolitical demands; the potential for unlikely partnerships between states and social groups; and gray zone conflict. Each of these characteristics was central to the Crimea conflict, but each constitutes a largely overlooked factor germane to Asia and the prospect of future conflict.

    Ethnic Divides and Spheres of Influence

    The Crimea conflict was only possible because a large ethnically Russian population existed in Ukraine, combined with Russian ambitions to secure a European sphere of influence and prioritizing those lands with large Russian ethnic populations. While ethnic divides abound in Asia, they frequently fall along nationalist lines between states, fueling conflict in a very traditional manner. This is why most Asia hands still focus on states and national militaries as the primary security challenges, even in an era of globalization, integration, and individual empowerment.

    But China, India, and Japan are beginning to seek spheres of influence in the region. Sometimes this may bring these countries into conflict as they contest one another’s spheres. In other instances though, it brings outside powers into the affairs of smaller states. In these instances, ethnic rivalries are as much a motivation as securing strategic resources or transit routes for trade.

    Key flashpoints often overlooked in this regard are the ethnically Chinese population in Myanmar (parts of which are fighting an insurgency against the central government), the Tamil population in Sri Lanka (which has a complex relationship with neighboring India, and Nepal (which intermingles ethnic Indian and Chinese populations). Each of these locations fall in the overlapping spheres of influence for multiple countries, but also includes a considerable ethnic population that favors one outside power over another.

    Geopolitical Demands from Non-State Groups

    This is becoming more of a problem over time, though depending on your perspective, it may be seen as an indicator of democratization and individual empowerment. In Ukraine, a large ethnically Russian population initially sought to align Ukraine more closely with Russia, but as political events transpired, eventually sought outright secession of Crimea from Ukraine. Russia obliged these demands and possibly instigated them.

    In Asia, we still think of geopolitics as primarily (or even solely) the domain of states, yet there are numerous social groups with geopolitical demands and the ability to occasionally mobilize collectively to pursue their demands. Myanmar, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka are homes to three of the most demanding sets of non-state groups—all fighting outright insurgencies that challenge the legitimacy of those governments.

    Potential for Unlikely Alliances

    Nobody predicted that Russia would form a quasi-alliance with the ethnically Russian population of another country, funneling paramilitary forces, weapons, and logistics support to help the cause of secession. In hindsight that prospect seems all too obvious. Similar potential exists across Asia today and in the future.

    Any non-state group with geopolitical ambitions that align with those of another government is a possible latent alliance that would disrupt traditional national boundaries. Ethnically Chinese populations in Myanmar or the Philippines may have the same interests as mainland China. North Korean diasporas across Asia, especially in China, are key to illicit trafficking networks into and out of North Korea, which is reliant on these networks for foreign currency. And Sri Lanka’s ethnic minority Hindu Tamils have occasionally found common cause with Hindus occupying southern India, which far outnumber the Sinhalese ruling government in Sri Lanka.

    The point is that when non-state groups have geopolitical interests, they become interested in aligning themselves with states that may be able to help them. States, in turn, may be willing to partner with non-state groups in various ways if it gives them some advantage in securing their geopolitical goals.”


  5. NAK Says:

    No.Don’t create divisions now.They all have signed a pledge of loyality to MR. All those votes are needed for the UPFA.
    Let the individual voter decide who the deseters will be. No need to discourage any one at this moment.

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    Lanka’s Election Laws are flawed. They allow cross over – this should NOT be allowed. The voter is made to look like an ass … we vote acceptable leaders into power and they are bought by the other side after the win – what kind of fair play is that by the voter ?

    Also, why are so many political parties allowed in Lanka ? It only confuses the voter further with no clear mandates given for future action to benefit all in Lanka. I think, at present Lanka has over 70 political parties !

    “The Law is an ass” many times in Lanka, more so than in other places. The existing Laws are also broken many times in Lanka by those in high public places. This is a recipe for disaster as instability follows.

    Out with Ranil Rule of UNP Fascist govt ! Bring in sanity and peace & prosperity for all.

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