‘අලිමංකඩ-පාංමකඩ’ කතා කියා නෑ.. ඩයස්පෝරා සැණකෙලියක් තියන බවක් කිවුවේ නෑ.. – අගමැති දෙරණේදී කියූ කතා.. [Video]
Posted on August 12th, 2015

lanka C news

එජාප නායක අගමැති රනිල් වික‍්‍රමසිංහ මහතා සහභාගී වූ ‘දෙරණ 360’ වැඩසටහනේදී කරන ලද ප‍්‍රකාශයක් සම්පූර්ණ අසත්‍ය බව සාක්‍ෂි සහිතව ඔප්පු වී තිබේ.

වැඩසටහන මෙහෙයවූ දිල්කා සමන්මලී විසින් අගමැතිවරයාගෙන් වරෙක ප‍්‍රශ්න කර සිටියේ මේ වසර අවසානයේ ඩයස්පෝරා සැණකෙලියක් පැවැත්වෙන්නේද කියායි.

අගමැතිවරයා ගත් කටකම කියා සිටියේ එවැන්ක් පැවැත්වෙනේ නැති බවයි. කෙසේ වෙතත් විදේශ ඇමති මංගල සමරවීරගේ ප‍්‍රකාශයක් රජයේ නිල පුවත් වෙබ් අඩවියේ දැක්වෙන්නේ මෙසේය. link

Mangala refutes allegation of receiving UNHRC funds for Diaspora Festival
(The official Government News portal http://www.news.lk/news/sri-lanka/item/8370-mangala-refutes-allegation-of-receiving-unhrc-funds-for-diaspora-festival)  The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mangala Samaraweera strongly rejected allegations that a diaspora festival suggested by him has received funds from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to reintroduce the separatist Eelam agenda.The Minister rejected the media reports and explained that the diaspora festival is solely his suggestion and not by any other organization or UNHRC.He made this statement while addressing a Media Conference held at the Government Information Department today (24).Minister Mangala Samaraweera said that there are many talented and skillful Lankans living in other countries and a diaspora festival was being organized with the intention of securing their services for the benefit of the country.The Minister said when the word diaspora is heard some people think they are terrorists but the diaspora is the Sri Lankans who are living and working in foreign countries whether they are Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim or Burgher.Minister said he believes that the diaspora can immensely help the future developments in the country and the government would like to invite them to share their skills and experiences with the youth in the country.He asked whether it is wrong to invite the diaspora Sri Lankans to contribute to the development of the country.The Minister emphasized that since the Independence a few Sinhala and Tamil extremists obstructed the country’s development but with the election of President Maithripala Sirisena on January 8 the moderates prevailed.

ත‍්‍රස්තවාදයට එරෙහි සටන පවතිද්දී ‘අලිමංකඩ පාමංකඩ’ කතා කියමින් රණවිරුවන් අධෛර්යට පත් කර ලේ මන්දැයි තවත් අවස්ථාවක දිල්කා ප‍්‍රශ්න කල අතර අගමැතිවරයා කියා සිටියේ මාධ්‍ය ඔස්සේ විකාශ්‍ය කලේ අදාල ප‍්‍රකාශය නොවන බවයි.

මෙම වීඩියෝව සුප‍්‍රකට අලිමංකඩ පාමංකඩ කතාවයි..

4 Responses to “‘අලිමංකඩ-පාංමකඩ’ කතා කියා නෑ.. ඩයස්පෝරා සැණකෙලියක් තියන බවක් කිවුවේ නෑ.. – අගමැති දෙරණේදී කියූ කතා.. [Video]”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    As Mahinda said in the Derana 360 TV interview, 1.5 million people lost employment and the income they earned as a result of the Yamapalanaya Govt stopping ALL National Infrastructure Development initiated by the previous GoSL out of JEALOUSY & RANK DEMAGOGUERY!

    When the UPFA govt comes to power on August 17, 2015 those 1.5 million jobs will be regained by those who lost them because the infrastructure development projects now stopped and languishing will be REVIVED immediately!

    Those who said it does not matter which Govt is in power, have NOW LEARNED the CONSEQUENCES of their STUPIDITY!

    Let these people WHO HAVE WOKEN up DO THEIR DUTY to RESTORE the Patriotic UPFA Government of Sri Lanka.

    VISION, PATRIOTISM & ABILITY are the PILLARS of PROGRESS of the MR/UPFA program of National Revival!

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    Wigneswaran is WORSE than the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA, and supports “radical” Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF) … demanding EELAM now!

    They SMELL the BLOOD of Mother Lanka in the ELECTORAL WATERS leading up to the General Election on August 17, 2015 and are INCREASING their DEMANDS!

    WHO ENCOURAGED, AIDED and ABETTED the SEPARATISTS to bring about this state of INCEASED THREAT now to our Motherland in a SHORT 7-months after that DAY OF INFAMY Jan 8, 2015?

    WHO but the Anti-national TRAITORS of the UNPatriotic Party, and its Power Hungry collaborators Somarama Sirisena, Champika Ranawaka, Ratana Hamuduruwo, and Rajitha Senatatne??

    DAMN them ALL to HELL!!


    ‘Neutral’ Wigneswaran’s Statement Shows Tilt Towards TNPF

    Aug 12 (NIE) COLOMBO- Northern Province Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran’s statement on Wednesday telling Sri Lankan Tamils who they should vote for in the August 17 parliamentary elections, seems to be an endorsement of the radical Tamil National Peoples’ Front (TNPF) rather than his own party, the moderate Tamil National Alliance (TNA).

    Justifying his “neutrality” in the elections, Wigneswaran said that politicians who had got elected earlier had flouted their promises in regard to the Tamils’ rights such as the right to self-determination. They had done precious little to set right the wrongs done to the Tamils during and after Eelam War IV.

    The elected leaders had been stressing the need to “get along” with the leaders of South Sri Lanka, thereby “selling out” to the latter. If they had any intention to make such compromises, they should have said so in their manifestoes, Wigneswaran argued!

    That the accusing finger was pointed at the TNA is clear because most Sri Lankan Tamils elected to representative bodies are from that party. The TNPF had boycotted the Northern Provincial Council and Presidential elections. It is contesting the August parliamentary elections, though.

    The TNA’s stand has been that cooperation of the South Lankan Sinhalese parties is necessary to secure Tamils’ rights. That was why it backed Maithripala Sirisena in the January 8 Presidential election. The TNPF, on the other hand, spurns cooperation with the Sinhalese parties and believes that support of the Tamil Diaspora and the West is enough.

    The TNA believes that India’s support is necessary, but the TNPF differs. Significantly, Wigneswaran’s statement mentions the need to secure the West’s support, but ignores India.

    Observers suspect that the pro-LTTE section of the Tamil Diaspora is propping up TNPF and Wigneswaran. The moderate Diaspora, represented by the Global Tamil Forum, is supporting TNA.

    Criticising Wigneswaran’s stand, V.Thanabalasingham, editor of Thinakkural said: “Having won with TNA’s support, Wigneswaran has a moral obligation to support it now. He says he is neutral, but it is clear that he is backing a particular party. His stand has caused confusion in voters’ minds.”

    Informed sources told Express that the TNA is contemplating action against Wigneswaran after the elections.

  3. Kumari Says:

    I only watched the two captions given above. Did Ranil look or sound Prime Ministerial material? He talked out of point, did not answer anything direct, all answers were irrelevant to the question. He looks like a lost cause and a no hoper.

  4. Samanthi Says:

    I agree with Kumari!

    This Ranil burger is a real hypocrite! He spent thousands of rupees for advertisements showing that UNP is strongly against any form of violence against women.

    However, he publicly intimidated and harassed Dilki during the interview. It clearly showed that Ranil couldn’t face the questions Dilki asked him. He was nervous, angry and had no self-confidence. What a pathetic performance. It looks like that his past treacherous deeds are still haunting him.

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