වන්නි සටනේ මහ සෙන්පතියෙක් අද සමුගනී… සේවා දිගුව වැළැක්වූයේ ඇමරිකාවද?
Posted on December 29th, 2015

මම රටට ආදරේ කළේ මගේ අම්මට වගේ. මම යුතුකම ඉටු කළා. මම අද ආව මගේ අම්මා බලන්න. හෙටින් පස්සේ මම හමුදාවෙන් විශ්රාම යනවා. මම නිසා රටට දෙයක් ලැබුණනානම් මට තියෙන සතුට එච්චරයි. හැබැයි ගැමුණු කුමාරයා කිව්වා වගේ වකුටු වෙලා මට නිදා ගන්න බැහැ“.- මේජර් ජෙනරාල් ජගත් ඩයස්

(පුදුකුඩුඉරිප්පු අවසන් බිම් කඩ මුදාගන්නා විටත්, කොටි නායක ප්රභාකරන්ගේ මරා දමන විටත් අවසන් සටනේ ඒකාබද්ධ හමුදා අණ දෙන නිලධාරියකු ලෙස මේජර් ජෙනරාල් ජගත් ඩයස් කටයුතු කළේය.

යුද්ධය අවසන් වුවත් ජගත් ඩයස් සමග ඇති කොටි ඩයස්පොරාවේ වෛරය කෙළවර නොවීමට එය හේතුවක් විය. කලක් ජර්මනියේ ශ්රි ලංකා නියෝජ් තානාපති ලෙස කටයුතු කළ ජගත් ඩයස් බටහිර රටක සිට වුවද ක්රියාත්මක කළේ කොටි විරෝධී වැඩපිළිවෙලකි. ඔහුට රට ගැන තිබූ කැක්කුම අසීමාන්විත වූ නිසාය).


6 Responses to “වන්නි සටනේ මහ සෙන්පතියෙක් අද සමුගනී… සේවා දිගුව වැළැක්වූයේ ඇමරිකාවද?”

  1. Jag Says:

    Honourable Sir, the country is indebted to you for not conferring you with the position you rightly deserve, the Commander of the Army. The peace loving people of Sri Lanka will never forget the yeoman service you rendered in liberating the country from those ruthless terrorists. It is indeed saddening to see the country’s rulers are opposed to make full use of your outstanding skills and knowledge towards uplifting the quality of our military, just due to becoming slaves of the diaspora. They will never escape the adjudication of the people.

    Wishing you all the very best with everything you do.
    May the Blessing of the Triple Gem always be with you !

  2. dingiri bandara Says:

    It is so sad that all patriots who are loyal to our country, irrespective whether they served or serve in the armed service or civilians who serves or served the country with dedication and freed the country from the worst terrorists in the entire word are harassed or not given the proper recognition they deserve.
    Where are the so called patriotic political leaders? They sure are not in the parliament.

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    Our very best wishes to courageous and able leader Major General Jagath Dias.
    We hope you will continue to serve the Nation. The Nation needs people like Major Gen. Dias. The Nation cannot carry on without such people.


    Now that our heroic Armed Forces have liberated the country from terrorists, let us go the Root Causes on the troubles that beset the Nation.

    Right now, the sum up the situation, US Representative Mr Shannon has clarified by stating that Sri Lanka ports are very important for International Trade, and that internal peace of the country is important for that reason. We agree.

    To help maintain this required peace, isn’t it important that the SL Army be allowed to remain and their honor and dignity upheld, for they have done their duties very well in very trying and difficult situations in Lanka ? The US actually trained the SL Army during the MR times – so they ought to know the quality of the Army personnel. Even if the Army is to be down sized to fit into times of peace, it is imperative that the Yahap govt sees to it that Army Majors and others retire with due honors and credit, with their security arrangements and retirement benefits fully intact.

    Yahap has actually released hard core LTTE cadre from prison. Have the psychologists given release permits for these hard core prisoners ? There was a spate of gruesome killings after the first lot of prisoners were released, including the rape and killing of the little girl, Seyya.

    What sort of confused govt is Yahap ? Most of the things they do are quite shameful and disgusting to behold. CBK & Ranil (plus confused MS) are answerable to these acts.

  4. Cerberus Says:

    The Yahapalanaya Govt led by three traitors My3, RW and CBK are trying to frame charges against the Sri Lanka Armed forces and use a Kangaroo court with foreign judges, with evidence which cannot be cross examined since it has been collected by the UNHRC and locked away for 20 years. At one time, I remember where a UN rep had been caught with blank forms which they had been asking people in the North & East to sign. See http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2014/11/16/the-ohchr-complaints-submission-form-that-ltte-un-rehabilitated-cadre-had-on-him-when-arrested-on-25th-october-2014/

    It is a crime against all these good men in the Army and the nation. These brave men were willing to sacrifice their lives for the country unlike RW & CBK were only laughing at the Sinhalese. When a 1000 soldiers were cut off without water at Elephant Pass, CBK and her nephew Daluwatte did nothing to help those men who died of thirst. She could have done so many things to help these men. Instead as Chief Commander she did nothing !! This is unforgivable. RW kept trying to hand over the North and East to appease Prabahakaran. He even stopped a crucial military operation in 2001 where the army knew the exact location of Prabahakaran and were ready to take him out. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZWO5fWDikQ

    The country has a duty to protect these brave men in our Army and look after them instead of throwing them in the dung heap as soon as they come to retirement age. They are also in danger since now that they are no longer in the army they do not have the protection they would normally have. This is not the time to retire these Majors.The Yahapalanaya has in their “wisdom” decided to release some of the worst terrorists against the advice of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, while retiring these Majors at the same time. If anything happens to them as a result, I hope the govt will be held responsible by the country and the people.

    All the 24 Majors are leaders of men and at a time when we have a paucity of true leaders we need to use them for providing leadership where true leaders are needed. Right now the Govt comprises of mainly of weak people (gays and crooks) who are willing to sell the country for money. They are all hell bent on destroying the Sinhalese, Buddhism and dividing the country. The SLFP who are now supporting the UNP Govt for the National Govt were all MPs who were rejected by the people. My3 instead of taking the National list members whose names had been gazetted broke the rules and took in these dubious characters from outside. He also broke the rules and instead of appointing the Party Secretaries whose names had been gazetted before the election, decided to appoint his own. He is the most sly and dishonest politician I have seen in a long time. He speaks with such self righteousness while his inside is full of dirt.

    My3 has said he wants to protect the inherent culture of Sri Lanka. In that case he should implement the following.
    1. Reinstate the teaching of Sinhala history to school children which was stopped by the One Eyed bandit queen.
    2. Remove the order from CBK to stop teaching Buddhism and instead teach a mix of religions which will be prepared probably by the Catholic Church or the Evangelists.
    3. Remove the Catholic nun in charge of the lower school at Royal College Colombo. Once they get their paws on very young children they will be Catholic for the rest of their life. As Thomas Aquinas said “Give me a child under the age of 7 and he will be Catholic for the rest of his/her life”.
    4. Change the name of the country to Sinhale.
    5. Remove Tamil as a National and Official language.

  5. Jag Says:

    ”CBK & Ranil (plus confused MS) are answerable to these acts.”

    Absolutely. The day of reckoning wont be that far, and that’ll be very painful.

  6. Kumari Says:

    We are very proud of you. Thank you for your services to the motherland and to us. We are ashamed of our new government with a puppet at the helm.

    Theruwan Saranai.

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