සිරගත කරන්න මොහොතකට පෙර ඥාණසාර හිමි කල හෙළිදරවුව මෙන්න..Tense situation near Homagama Magistrate’s Court
Posted on January 26th, 2016

lanka C news

සිරගත කරන්න මොහොතකට පෙර ඥාණසාර හිමි කල හෙළිදරවුව මෙන්න..හෝමාගම මහේස්ත‍්‍රාත් අධිකරණය විසින් අද දිනයේ රක්‍ෂිත බන්ධනාගාරග කරන ලද බොදු බල සේනා සංවිධානයේ මහ ලේකම් පූජ්‍ය ගලගොඩඅත්තේ ඥාණසාර හිමියන් පොලීසියට බාර වන්නට පෙර මාධ්‍ය ඇමතීය.

පෙරදින සිදුවීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් උන් වහන්සේ අදහස් පල කලේ මෙසේය.

A tense situation has arisen in front of the Homagama Magistrate’s Court as a group of about 200 monks have gathered there in protest over the diction to remand Bodu Bala Sena General Secretary Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thera.
According to Ada Derana reporter, monks representing the BBS, Ravana Balaya, and Sinhala Ravaya have blocked the road near the court to prevent the prison bus from leaving the premises.
Several police teams and officers attached to the Police Anti Riot Squad have been summoned to the location. A vehicle equipped with water cannon has also arrived a short while ago, Ada Derana reporter added.
The Homagama Magistrate’s Court today remanded Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thera until 09 February. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thera was arrested after he surrendered to the Homagama police, on Tuesday (26) morning.
A warrant had been issued for the arrest of Gnanasara Thera, yesterday, on the charges of allegedly threatening Sandhya Eknaligoda, the wife of missing journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda, at the court premises.

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21 Responses to “සිරගත කරන්න මොහොතකට පෙර ඥාණසාර හිමි කල හෙළිදරවුව මෙන්න..Tense situation near Homagama Magistrate’s Court”

  1. Christie Says:

    I do not approve what Gnanasara did when he divided the Sinhalese. But what this Indian government is doing is questionable.

  2. stanley perera Says:

    I fully support christie’s view. Lets join Bala sena. Sirisena should have done a Hirunika. Where are those bloody politicos? However though is Gnasara doing a Madapola Haamuduruwo? or a publicity stunt? I am not sure. Whatever it is all buddhists must be united at this moment. Sira is biased against buddhists. He loves bloody corrupt politicos good looking women. This is the begining of the fall of Sira Rana company.

  3. stanley perera Says:

    Long live Sinha le Balasena.

  4. Kumari Says:

    Where’s our puppet? Why is he not talking? Can’t he own up to anything happening in the country?

  5. dingiri bandara Says:

    Whoever does wrong is wrong. The Buddhists are very eager to condemn when other Buddhists do wrong which I suppose is the right thing to do. The sad part is leaders of other religious faiths do wrong and in many cases sponsoring terrorism the people of those faiths are very silent

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    This is a difficult and delicate subject.

    Rapid Changes are happening to the Sinahla/Buddhist sector without proper explanations or discussions ? Is that why the chaos ?
    Is Chaos created purposely as distractions to do the ‘Main Menu’ I.e. Separation through Federalism.

    Chief Prelates may like more powers too.

    The group that is being downed are the Sinhala/Buddhists. It is ‘Sinha-Lae’ when the real troubles happen such as the LTTE killing sprees.

  7. stanley perera Says:

    Chief prelates are too old and old fashion. When Rayappu and Jaffna Boys racial uttering were made were they arrested? How come Hirunika got off scots free? Does the authority love good looking women. If Gnanasara came wearing a mal we tuna cheetta gown, the situation would have been totally different. Did Hirunika do the wrong thing in the right manner?

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    The Goal here is to create DISTRACTIONS via those important to the Sinhala/Buddhist community of Lanka. That the Sinhala/Buddhist rural folk govt together with Lanka VIPs and SAVED the Nation through the MR Govt and the Armed Forces seems to be quite forgotten !

    The Yahap govt seems to have lost its way and given into the damaged personalities of the guiding lights of the times, RW&CBK, who are the ‘waggable’ accepted leaders of the ex-Colonial powers ?

    *. First, the trumped up charges of War Crimes against the MR govt & the Armed Forces.
    *. Now the Buddhist Priests and Laws to control them, inspite of the stringent Vinaya Rules. The BBS Secretary has been jailed. Even the Perahara Elephants are not spared !
    *. What next : the division of Lanka & the Ranil Chunnel to Tamil Nadu ?

    All done mainly by the RW&CBK Failed Duo and Indo/west powers, with the Brit ‘Divide & Rule’ principle put into operation ? Dividing and Humiliating an entire Nation will NOT work. The Nation will bring balance to itself, sooner or later.

    It is by far kinder to control populations through FREE birth control for all adults. All Lankan leaders must think of SURVIVAL ISSUES now, and stop the Politcal Games that ruin the entire Nation.

  9. Nanda Says:

    Although I don’t like Ven.Gnanasara I believe him here. He doesn’t lie like our Presidents. He has that good quality, 1000 times better than most politicians.
    In this case, since he has said his opinion to Sandhaya, it is not a threat and he will have to be released fast. Where is so called freedom in Yahalapanaya ?
    Is it freedom to lie only ?

  10. Nanda Says:

    Danger lurks ! President to sacrifice FCID in order to fortify SLFP – Maithri’s conspiracy while P.M. has gone abroad.

    (Lanka-e-News -26.Jan.2016, 8.30PM) The FCID (Financial crimes investigation division) that was established to reinforce the police force following the victory of the rainbow revolution last year, which was in fact the outcome of the monumental efforts and the sacrifices made by the people for government of good governance, is to be closed down consequent upon a conspiracy hatched by president Maithripala while prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is out of the country, based on reports reaching Lanka e news, which Lanka e news reveals this news taking full responsibility

    This move of the president is driven by his objective to rescue Basil Rajapakse against whom there are heinous charges , and against whom already action has been filed by the FCID. By dismantling the FCID , the aim is to rescue Basil , and thereby halt the formation of another party that will split the SLFP , as well as to reinforce his own powers within the SLFP

    It is Basil who had been totally opposed to a reconciliation when efforts were made to unite with the Rajapakse’s group of the SLFP. Hence in order to pacify and placate Basil , it is the hope of Maithripala to disband the FCID , and establish unity with the Rajapakse’s ‘Alibaba’ group of ‘rogues on behalf of rogues’

    While P.M. was in Switzerland to attend the world economic forum which is full of promise and potential for the country’s progress and the new government’s vibrant economic policies ,the president has sent a letter secretly without the knowledge of any minister , to the Attorney General’s department inquiring whether the FCID is a valid legal entity. The worst part of these conspiratorial moves is , while an AG has still not been appointed officially , and after the former AG Yuvanjana had gone on retirement , the president has made this inquiry from Suhada Gamlath , the acting AG who is a notorious lickspittle and lackey of the Rajapakses , with a view to secure an answer that could favor president’s secretive obnoxious and villainous moves. The entire country knows Gamlath is a shameless stooge of Rajapakses created out of the spinal bone of Basil Rajapakse.

    The present conspiracy is designed to dismantle FCID when Gamlath decides that the FCID is illegal ,. But if there is a public outcry against that action , in order to quell such protests , the crime investigation division at Wellawatte police is to be ‘decorated and glorified’ to take the place of the present FCID, and give it a new ‘birth’

    It is a Maithripala Sirisena’s Polonnaruwa village mongoose style plot. In other words , in order to resurrect the moribund people rejected corrupt SLFP, what Maithripala is going to do is sacrifice the FCID that was created to fulfil nation’s hopes and aspirations of a clean and good governance, after putting all the racketerers and fraudsters behind bars.

    Following the overthrow of the Medamulana Mahinda Rajapakse regime that was opposed to Maithripala Sirisena ,the FCID was established to trap all the wheeler dealers , fraudsters and racketeers who flourished under the previous regime. However when the FCID was preparing to investigate the outrageous robbery of David Paynter’s paintings by Kili Maharaja , the scenario changed and turned antagonistic against the FCID .

    Maithripala Sirisena who intervened to save the culprit Kili Maharaja then , scolded DIG Ravi Waidyalankara in charge of the FCID in foul language .From that point of time , every priority was given and every effort was made to dismiss Waidyalankara from the FCID, and now , it is being conspired to completely close down the FCID.

    At this juncture ,the majority of the people who are pro government of good governance must be awake and alert , and be ready all the time to take the appropriate measures at the right time to combat effectively such dastardly moves . The time is also opportune for the Polonnaruwa village buffoons to clearly understand ,the masses for good governance did not appoint Maithripala Sirisena or the government to extricate the brutal Rajapakses from their corrupt , criminal , crooked and perfidious involvements and incriminations.

    by (2016-01-26 16:50:15)

  11. charithsls Says:

    I feel like this is the beginning of the end of this President & the government & the repercussions may not be far.
    Maha Sanga should be respected & venerated not withstanding their political interferences.

  12. stanley perera Says:

    Gnasara is now a hero. This is what the buddhists need at this juncture. Somebody to stand up to the rights of the majarity and buddhists population which is 76% of the total population of Sri Lanka. Racist TNA wants the new constitution not to use the word of majority population. Every mothers son in politics dance to the tune of minority Tamils and Muslims. If the muslim countries not allowing other religions and wesstern countries give prominance to christianity, why not Sri Lanka call it a buddhist country. These nivata politicians are the enemy number one to the buddhist Sinhalese. Time has come to say bye to RanaSiry company My Lanka is our Lanka. Our Lanka is for all Sri Lankans. There is no place for a Tamil state and a Muslim state. If Indians call India is for Indians. Racists Tamils cannot call Sri Lanka’s North is the home land for Tamils. For that bloody Tamils must go to Tamil Nadu. Bugger these rasist minorities.

  13. Lorenzo Says:

    The conduct of these Buddhist monks is WRONG. IF this is shown in other countries they will think Buddhist monks in SL are a bunch of goons and TAMILS are promoting this view.

    Problems need peaceful resolution. Not ROWDY behavior.

    I agree BBS is standing up for SL. But they have to act in a more civilized way.

  14. Lorenzo Says:

    Stanley Perera,

    Tamil Nadu? NO SL Tamil will want to go to that horrible place.

    Even Tamil Nadu people WISH they were born in SL!!!!

    When Run-nil signs the CEPA agreement all Tamil Nadu prostitutes will flock to SL and infect Singhala men with AIDS.

  15. Dham Says:

    I am afraid I have to agree with Lorenzo.
    Reading various reports, it appears that the main issue was not the “threatening of Sandhya” which his side and some people trying to get political advantage from him spread.
    The real reason was, he has stormed into the court room and gave a threatening lecture to the Magistrate, who did not say any word. We know what is his way of communication. What he may have said could be 100% TRUTH and every citizen should be informed , including the magistrate, but he should not be allowed to behave this way taking advantage of the Buddhist Robe. As Lorenzo said the rowdy behaviour of young monks has already destroyed the reputation of Sangha and hence Buddhism.

    Why didn’t he stormed the parliament or President’s office and gave this lecture ? It is more appropriate there.

    He should disrobe and organise a more effective nationalistic force rather than discrediting Buddhism.

  16. Dham Says:

    “These nivata politicians are the enemy number one to the buddhist Sinhalese.” – very true.

    But Ganasara is also a politician. At the moment he is fighting for very important rights and exposing many plans by Islamists and Elamists. Without BBS there is no publicity at all to all these atrocities by cowardly minorities. But tomorrow he might change course.
    First of all he must respect the Buddhism by disrobing together with other rowdy monks surrounding him. In fact one monks suggest that during that rioting, if you have listened carefully.

  17. Caesar Says:

    Assasination plot hatched !
    Ponil and Aappaya responsible.
    The onslught on Sinhela Buddhist commenced

  18. stanley perera Says:

    Aappa sira and ponna Rana never made a brave statement in public like our hero. I never liked his behavior first. As we are withought a strong personality reluctantly though I had to support Gnanasara. I call upon all lanka lovers to forget the differences and rally round Gnanasara. This fearless Ganasara is the only hope at the hour. Yellow robe is is our strength. Malcolm Ranjith won’t come forward to support 76% majority. 200 cheewara dareen is growing. Bugger the west and Indians. Support our Sinhala hero. F…… Hakeem and racist Sampanthan with the support of the Islamists and the Ellamist are now trembling in their boots. There are signs of blind astrologer’s predictions coming true. BR and GR must come forward. If MR is honest, 3BRRmust form a united front with Gnanasara. My favourite GR, my mentor GR please take the lead in the campaign started by Ganasara,

  19. stanley perera Says:

    MR says he will commit suicide if proven a single dollar in his name in US bank. We know MR is not foolish enough to have a US bank account. Nobody accused MR of having a US Bank account. What about Dubai, Seychells, China Singaporeand other countries secret bank accounts. I call upon MR to come clean. Untill such time I have no faith in MR. BR and MR are different. MR betrayed Sinhala buddhists. His second term was solely devoted to build Medamulana and his empire. MR is not clean. MR never wanted to listen to 13 A amendment. Please note Sira and Rana nobody asked for a new constitution or legislation to control Sanga. GLP is a hora. Piyadasa and Akarunanayake are big time horu. Mataraya is a big mouth only. Daddy long legs is a corrupt bum. Gammanpilaya is a no hoper. Good for nothing Vaasuwa. Vigneswaran the Shylock.

  20. NAK Says:

    Ven Gnanasara last time too did the right thng the wrong way and helped in the defeat of MR. BBS fight against Halal labling was right but Aluthgama was a disaster. Pa Cha Ranawaka who supported BBS action from the sidelines showed what he wanted at election time.
    This time too he is trying to mess up by these actions. The show it it seems intented to justify the new laws to control Buddhists monks of which the real intention is to craal the Buddhist monks who come forward on MR’s behalf.

    The sad part is until Ven. Gnanasara came forward no real forceful protest was made against the continued jailing of Military officers.

    Even the Magistrat questions how can you charge anybody of disappearance and murder without any evidence to either but he himself ramand the suspects. In another court,with all the evidence, the suspect is given bail on prodiction on a Saturday!

  21. Fran Diaz Says:

    Aren’t the stringent VINAYA RULES enough for the Buddhist monks. … ?
    Why add more Rules unless it is to ensure control by Politicos (the Fascist sector) ?

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