February 4th observed as a “Black Day” in the North and East.
Posted on February 7th, 2016

By A.A.M.Nizam – Matara

 Although the government boasted celebrating the 68th Independence Day on Februiary 4th on a grand scale unitedly with the participation of all communities in the country including with the participation of the so-called leader of the opposition R.Sambandan, the TNA lrader for the first time in the history of this country and singing the National Anthem in Tamil for the first time despite it being unconstitutional reports from the Northern and the Eastern provinces claim that the Tamil community in the North and East completely ignored the Independence Day and observed this day as a Black Day” hoisting black flags throughout the area on a district wise basis.

The tiger terrorist website TamilNet” quoting from Youth Wing leaders of the Ilangkai Thamizh Arasuk Kadchi (ITAK) said that the day of February 04 marked the number of years that have elapsed in the enslavement of Tamils at the hands of the Sinhala majoritarian State, which has been refusing to respect Tamils’ distinct right to their traditional homeland, their self-determination and nationhood.  It said that Tamils joined the district wise protests marking the so-called Independence Day of Ceylon, which has later become genocidal ‘Sri Lanka’, as a Black Day.

The aforementioned demands are what the Tamils demanded at the Thimpu talks in the 1980s and this shows that they are adamant on these demands for over 4 decades now.

The website also stated that the kith and kin of forcibly disappeared Tamils voluntarily and on organized basismobilised in large numbers in all the districts marking the day as a Black Day of Tamils.

Meanwhile, the Tiger terrorist website publiched from London The Tamil Guardian” said that Sri Lanka’s Independence Day was marked by acts of Tamil protest across the North-East and families of the disappeared held marches and demonstrations demanding for the whereabouts of their loved ones. The website also stated that the Tamil message of ignoring the Sri Lanka Independence Day was clearly visible everywhere in the Tamil dominated areas of the North and East.

At the same time the terrorist outfit the Global Tamil Forum, the proscription of which was relaxed by the government along with several other tiger terrorist outfits,going further has urged India to urgently engage with Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora groups.

In an interview with the Indian daily, The New Indian Express, spokesperson of the London-based Global Tamil Forum, Suren Surendiran has said that India should urgently open a formal dialogue with Lankan Tamil diaspora groups to strengthen moderate voices at this critical juncture in the reconciliation process.

He has said that Indian foreign policy has course corrected from being subdued and reactionary to being proactively taking the regional leadership role. He has pointed out that the Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has made two separate visits to Sri Lanka within the past 12 months and Prime Minister Modi has visited once, which was the first bilateral visit to the country by an Indian premier in over 25 years and these facts show that the diplomatic engagement with Sri Lanka is now at a different scale than before.

Surendran has said that he believes Prime Minister Modi had been firm with the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in emphasising the need for a negotiated political settlement for the Tamil national question and since President Sirisena has taken over with a mandate to resolve the Tamil issue, India has been encouraging Sri Lanka to progress.

He has also stated that India is the regional super power and the closest neighbor and India has a Tamil constituency of over seventy million people. In addition to this India still houses tens of thousands of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees and therefore, India has legitimate reasons why she should encourage progress with all those issues.

12 Responses to “February 4th observed as a “Black Day” in the North and East.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Thank you Hon Nizam for telling the TRUTH.

    “February 4th observed as a “Black Day” in the North and East.”


    Bloody foolish of the govt. to sing the national anthem in TAMIL NADU LANGUAGE.

    They asked for it.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  3. Lorenzo Says:


    Forgive me for saying this because a Singhalese saying this is harmless but when a Tamil says it, then it is offensive. But I cannot help but say it after looking at what ALL SL politicians since SWORD-B (JR may be an exception too) do to appease Tamils hoping THIS TIME they can get SOMETHING POSITIVE from Tamils.

    “Chingalaya modaya kavung kanna yothaya.”

    But Tamils will not spare even a kavung for the modayas!!!

    Cows are brainer. A cow would invite a BIRD to pick and eat parasites on its body. IF SL were a cow it will SHOO away the bird when it comes to feast on parasites eating the cow away!!

    Instead some are picking a fight with a Singhala woman for singing a song differently when HINDU terrorists are openly trying to wipe out BUDDHISTS and claim (reclaim according to them) the ENTIRE ISLAND for themselves.

  4. Nimal Says:

    It’s a black day for all the citizens, unless one is a politician.

  5. Raj Says:

    ඔය lorenzo කියන පුද්ගලයා මහින්ද පරද්දන්න ගජ රාමෙට හැම තැනම කොමෙන්ට් දදා හිටපු දෙමල කෙනෙක්. එයාත් ඔය සම්බන්දන්ලෙග ජාතියෙම කෙනෙක්.

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    Tamil folk of Dalit origin are the ones who come to Sri Lanka from Tamil Nadu. They obey the high caste Tamll leaders here who probably told them to hang black flags on the 4th of Feb. Left to their own devices, the N&E Tamils would not have done such an act.

    Of course, the Tamil leaders had it best under the British Colonial ‘divide & rule’ where Tamil lead folk were favored and bulk of the Sinhala people left behind to languish, murdered and their lands taken over ! Of course, Tamil leaders would not celebrate the 4th of Feb. would they ? Some Tamils in the Diaspora especially are wishing to be ‘under’ the British again. To such Tamil people we say, please go live in Britain. We do not mind at all – in fact, we do heartily wish you all would. That would be best thing to do by the rest of Lanka.

    Meantime, moves are under way to ‘bring back’ Tamil folk supposedly from Lanka in Tamil Nadu refugee camps – some 100,000 so called Refugees. Earlier the number was some 60,000, now escalated to 100,000 in a few months ! Why LEAVE the Tamil Homeland of Tamil Nadu …. ?? Mr Chandrahassan (SVJ Chelvanayagam’s son) has stated that some 10,000 have already come back to Lanka after the war with the LTTE ended. What does the rest of Lanka have to say to all this ? Does the rest of the country want so many Tamil folk back ? What proof is there that these are Lankan Tamils ?

    All this is happening while the Vadukoddai Resolution (1976) is still not revoked officially. It is all TAKE and no GIVE, as usual by Tamil Leaders !

    What have Tamils done for Lanka ? Other than the tea estate workers (now machines available to pluck tea) and some other labor work, what have Tamil leaders and Tamils as a community group done for Lanka ? Are more Tamil folk needed in Lanka ?

    It is the sadistic lies, cheat (at exams especially) & deceit that we are protesting. The few Tamil folk who are decent are kept at bay by others who are not.

  7. Dilrook Says:

    A cruel reminder that the appeasement approach doesn’t work with Tamils (or any extortionist minority). If Sambandan “joins” the Sri Lanka camp, he will be rejected by Tamils.

    Unlike Sinhalese, Tamils don’t fall for personalities. They follow ideological supremacy in what they believe. Tamil politicians must fall in line or get rejected.

    Sinhalese must learn from Sri Lankan Tamils their mature political approach. It is driven by a political ideology than by personalities. Tamils have not followed the dynasty rule Sinhalese are used to for this reason. They have also not gone with popular personalities including actors, singers, sportsmen or artistes. Politicians who most viciously promote Tamils’ preferred ideology wins elections and party leadership irrespective of looks, clan or popularity. ACTC is in a sad plight due to its dynasty driven leadership.

  8. mario_perera Says:

    You say: Unlike Sinhalese, Tamils don’t fall for personalities. They follow ideological supremacy in what they believe…Sinhalese must learn from Sri Lankan Tamils their mature political approach

    The all due respect I disagree.

    The closest comparison of the Tamils and their leaders is Nazi Germany: the Nazi Germans and their Fuhrers.Quite paradoxically they also don the mantle of the Jews wandering towards their promised land. This is a very explosive combination.

    The Tamils have the ‘Mein Kampf’ of Hitler and the ‘Exodus’ of the bible inbuilt in their SUBCONSCIOUS PSYCHE.

    The Tamils are not mature, they are primitive. Their subconscious psyche is comparable to ‘frogs in the well’ living within strict confines and only seeing their part of the sky. They see nothing else: nothing left,right or center or even above beyond what the well offers them.

    The nature of the WELL the Tamils live in was revealed before the eyes of all (of those who have eyes to see) by the infamous S.J.Emmanuel when he stated: I am a Tamil before I became a Christian. Their Tamil-ness comes before all, even religion.

    The war defeat means nothing to them…it was just another battle. The war for them is ON.

    The Sinhalese are GOOD FOOLS. They are stretching the hand of reconciliation and friendship to a people whose minds and eyes and hearts are inflamed only with one vision: Tamil EELAM.

    Every concession the governments make to the Tamils are just another nail in the coffin of the UNITARY STATE.

    Make no mistake about this. this is the stark and incontestable truth.

    Mario Perera

  9. Dilrook Says:

    Dear Mario

    I’m in complete agreement with you in most part.

    Political maturity is no reflection of the right or wrong choices they make as regards Sri Lanka. From Sri Lanka’s point of view they have made all the wrong choices. Their action makes them irreconcilable. Still, they have the ability to rise above politicians’ charisma, dynasty and billboards to make decisions that optimise Tamils’ economic and political prosperity.

    Tamils could set aside their personal dislikes and vote for Fonseka and Sirisena (acting defence minister on 5 occassions during the war) to advance their interests.

    Your comparison with the Nazis combined with the best of Jews is spot on. This ability to use whatever, whoever and whenever to achieve selfish communal goals is what I call political maturity.

    Sinhalese on the other hand are tied to personalities. They are willing to follow the leader no matter where he/she is taking them. Sinhala politics can be hijacked very easily by winning over their politicians through fear or favour. Tamil politicians cannot be bought over that easily as by then Tamil people would have rejected them.

    When the leaders are no more, Sinhalas stick with the family members of those leaders preventing the emergence of another. They shuttle between various persons’ “chinthanaya” than formulate a “chinthanaya” of their own and then getting politicians to agree to them.

    At the moment a group of nationalists are pushing for an ideology driven political movement based on real good governance with accountability, separation of powers, national security, protection of Buddhism and the unique Sinhala values and sound economic policy. Everyone sees its benefits but most are unwilling to be part of it in the absence of big names. But when we take it to politicians, they want changes to accomodate Tamil concerns, corruption, henchmen and policy manipulation!

    This fixation with personalities give Sinhalese a much less bargaining power when faced with politically astute Tamils. Tamils’ specific problems like the ethnic problem only affects 11% of the population but take time of all politicians. However, problems affecting mainly Sinhalese (75%) don’t take centre stage.

  10. Dham Says:

    I don’t think “fixation to personalities” syndrome applies to even 40% Sinhalese. That was probably so in the past but not anymore. I think precentage is the same with Tamils, if not more. Most Tamils fixed to Prabhakaran , not to his modus operandi.
    If you are correct MS couldn’t have won the prez election.
    UNP won because some 40% Sinhala people were fed up with MR not because they liked MS or Ranil. Who likes Ranil ? 10 % Sinhalese ? may be. MS was a relatively unknown figure.

  11. Fran Diaz Says:

    Tamils do not, generally speaking, think independently. It is their Caste bound training to follow diktats of higher Caste Tamils. In Prabhakaran they found the person who defied Caste and appeared to do his own line of thinking in putting the Vadukoddai Resolution (1976) into ACTION. P’ karan broke with the 3,000 yr Caste System by probably changing to a Chrisitan/Catholic – so he remains the hero.

    For the Sinhale, Kings of the past who unified and developed the Sasana and the country are their heroes e.g. Dutugamunu, Parakrambahu etc. Generally speaking, those at present who emulate those qualities are their heroes. Also, they tend to think for themselves, more than Tamil folk. They want the truth of situations and persons.

    Do Ranil/CBK/ms fit the description …. ? !!

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    read as ‘….. Unified the Country and developed the Sasana and the Country are their heroes ….”

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