Weight of Chains – This is what Yugoslavia experienced. This is what awaits Sri Lanka
Posted on May 11th, 2016


12 May 2016

Please watch the movie – Weight of Chains – The story of what happened to former Yugoslavia.

This has many parallels to what is currently happening in Sri Lanka. These include the US / Britain involvement; the role of NGOs, INGOs and the Church; Use of local oligarchs and rich; Use of ethnic divisions; etc etc. This drama is awaiting Sri Lanka to repeat in the same way it happened in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Chile, so many Latin American Countries and now in Syria.

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. We have to show before / after pictures of countries that were devastated by the intervention of the Western Christian forces and recently by the Jihadist Muslim nations.

This has now got multiplied many times over by the involvement of Middle East money now increasingly coming into Sri Lanka to buy off land from the Sinhalese. In Colombo alone several acres of land are disappearing into Muslim hands legally every day.

What will be the fate of the  Sinhala Buddhists? In the North and East the Tamils. In the rest of the country Muslims, Tamils and now Maldivians. Sinhalese  are no better than lambs to slaughter at Eid Ul Adha!

31 Responses to “Weight of Chains – This is what Yugoslavia experienced. This is what awaits Sri Lanka”

  1. Dham Says:

    Well, Ratnapala, you suspect outside forces alone. You will find out later who is the worst enemy – enemy within.

  2. mario_perera Says:

    The greatest enemy of the Sinhala nation IS ITSELF.

    The Sinhala personality is a multi-Split personality: an inherently divisive force. It revels in division. It gloats in division. No one need divide the Sinhalese. They are the perpetrators of their own disunity. All others did was to EXPLOIT it, and nothing is easier than to exploit this ingrained quality of the Sinhalese to cut and chop itself into parts.

    When the first white colonizers cane the country was divided into nothing less than FOUR kingdoms: Kotte, Kandy, Sitawaka and Raigama. Their rulers were ready to align themselves even with the DEVIL to cut each others throats. The colonizers did not put knives into the hands of the Sinhalese to achieve their own self-destruction: they only sharpened those knives.

    The present scenario has not changed an IOTA. Any alien visiting this country on May Day and watching the Sinhala rallies would have called the day MAY-HEM day. He would have seen the Sinhala nation continuing with its foursome division: the division into four kingdoms and its four rulers: Maithri-Ranil-MaRa-Anura.

    Yes, the worst enemy of the Sinhala is the “ENEMY WITHIN” – ITSELF.

    By looking at others we are continuing to deceive ourselves. We look at others, focus the spotlight on others, because we are ashamed to look at ourselves – at our nudity which is our division.

    We have wrapped ourselves with our own chains, the shackles of our divisions. Throwing the blame on others is just looking up and spitting.

    Our country was never the land of the ‘dharma’. It was always the land of ‘Mara’. Mara was a threesome divisive force with his three daughters. The Sinhalese have done better and made the threesome a foursome.

    Mario Perera

  3. Dilrook Says:

    As it is now our fate seems much worse than former Yugoslavia. Sinhalese have been driven away from the entire north and Batticaloa district. Trincomalee Sinhalese are struggling.

    However, the biggest danger is elsewhere – western province and the central province. At the very least provinces outside the north and east must be protected for the Sinhalese.

    But who is there to do that? UNP, SLFP, JVP and JO are only self serving. UNP and SLFP are trying to divide the country to appease their minority voters. JVP and JO are waiting till the country is divided to pin the blame on the UNP and SLFP to grab power.

    All of them support 13A which made Sri Lanka a federal country. 13A goes beyond federal. While it creates a full federal framework for the north and east, it also converts the rest into an extension of Tamil Nadu by making Tamil (Nadu) language an official language.

    The enemies of Sinhalese are the UNP, SLFP, JO and JVP until they denounce 13A for a start.

  4. aloy Says:

    I agree with the above comments 100%. Just wait and see MS/RW/MR will join to sell SL to Indians in the near future to save themselves. The report of crimes committed by previous bosses are already with AG, but no signal yet as the deals have not been finalized yet. Various report come out in the news to confuse everybody saying large amounts of funds withdrawn from bank by MR just before the election. Why no action all this time?. Because they are waiting for the deal and greatest betrayal of motherland.

    The biggest mysterious crime solved and prosecuted so far: the adoption of an elephant in a temple by a Buddhist monk. This has been in the news unceasingly in the past. When the monk is jailed it will appear in the international media as well.
    No other crime worthy of immediate action to AG.
    Ultimately Sinhalaya will be the loser.

  5. Dham Says:

    “Our country was never the land of the ‘dharma’. It was always the land of ‘Mara’. Mara was a threesome divisive force with his three daughters.” – MaRio.

    Thanha , Rathi , Raga are the 3 daughters of Mara.
    MaRa has no daughters but 3 sons.

  6. aloy Says:

    Whatever said and done the British left our country after 150 years of rule the same way they found it and I believe they kept the promise of leaving Buddhism as the main force uniting the Sinhalas.
    After getting independence our leaders bungled by not repatriating the Indians and making political deals with them thereby depriving the lands that belonged to Sinhalease. Now it has come to the point of Indians going to own not only those lands but the whole province as well and call it Malayandu. And I know our Sinhala leaders mentioned above will agree. It was RW’s uncle who kept the MPs of the day in virtual prisons and signed the agreement with Indians when the country was burning. I witnessed some of those fires burning. This time all the MPs will vote for it as they are all seemingly involved in corruption. We will have to depend on people like Rohana de Silva in the forces to save the thrice blessed land of ours.

  7. Dham Says:

    Rohana De Silva ? No. Rohana Wijemuni – he is an astrologer now. He too fed up of MR.

    I am very worried. Will the get his support to sell the country ?

    BTW why is RW doing this ? What’s wrong with Batalandaya ?

  8. Ananda-USA Says:


    Let us JOIN TOGETHER to form a Patriotic Real Estate Company to buy, hold in trust, and lease out land in Sri Lanka.

    The OBJECTIVE is to preserve ownership of land in Sri Lanka by the Bhoomiputrayas.

    The land can be leased to Bhoomiputrayas or used for Patriotic Commercial Ventures.

    Just floating an off-the-cuff idea!

  9. aloy Says:

    Once bitten twice shy. I do not want another attempt on me. Ananada, all I can say is be on the look out; there are forces out there to which we are no match.

  10. aravinda Says:

    Ananda – USA, its a great idea. In affluent parts of Colombo, still a perch of land cost only 50,000 to 75,000 US dollars. I have seen houses in Nugegoda still selling under Million dollars. Lets buy the island lock, stock and barrel. We got to do it before prices go up.

  11. Dham Says:

    I am holding on to my property at the moment with great difficulty ( not financial but to look after).
    But it is a good idea, will consider joining.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:


    Thank you for POSTING this very powerful video. It is INDEED what is in store for Sri Lanka under the Yamapalanaya Govt, with its STUPID GREEDY MYOPIC puppets SELLING our BIRTHRIGHT to the West and to India.

    Like Yugoslavia was disintegrated into a patchwork of bantustans by pitting its ethnic groups against each other, Sri Lanka’s communities are being pitted against each other, while US and India fund INGOs to initiate and accelerate the process in the name of good governance and democracy building.

    Like EU swallowed up Yugoslavia, India will swallow up Sri Lanka, using its embasies, reconstruction and housing programs, its banks, its ambulance services, its hospitals, its car companies, its electricity producing power plants, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, until there will not be anything that Sri Lanka produces indigenously. We will only be renters, consumers and kandyan and bharat natyam dancers for the tourists!

    Like the Yugoslav industries and financial institutions were broken up, privatized and sold to foreigners, Sri Lanka’s national institutions will be sold. Sri Lankan Airlines is on the chopping block even as we speak. See the newspaper report below. The ETCA is the tip of this vast iceberg hidden below the surface that will SINK the Sri Lankan ship, and ELIMINATE Sri Lanka as a Sovereign Unitary Nation. Work Bank and the IMF will EAT Sri Lanka alive DICTATING TO US how to run our country. All public welfare programs that have HITHERTO transformed Sri Lanka into a HIGHLY LITERATE nation delivering SIGNIFICANT EQUITY to its proud sovereign people will vanish without trace and we will be reduced again to a COLONIZED & ENSLAVED PEOPLE dependent on foreign nations for everything!

    If we protest, we will be called XENOPHOBIC Anti-Indian and Anti-West troublemakers! The Yamapalanaya ELITE will be handsomely compensated for SELLING OUT OUR MOTHERLAND, as will all the BATHGOTTAS of the SLFP who joined to FEAST on her body.


    Government plans to re-privatize SriLankan Airlines
    Tue, May 10, 2016, 09:04 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    May 10, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government is planning to re-privatize the debt-ridden national carrier, SriLankan Airlines, six years after buying back the stake held by Emirates.

    The request for proposals will soon be called to seek a suitable shareholder to assign the airline’s operations, according to an airline industry business publication, Air Transport World.

    However, the exact stake that will be up for sale is unclear, although it has been suggested that it could be around 40%.

    As part of the process, the Sri Lankan government is expected to take over the airline’s debts.

    According to evaluations of the Finance Ministry the national carrier’s overall liabilities by the end of 2015 stood at Rs. 461 billion (US$ 3.2 billion) and the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has proposed assuming the debt in order to prevent a collapse in the airline.

    The government has also decided to cancel the order for four Airbus A350s, due for delivery in 2020 and according to Reuters, the government is seeking a buyer to sell four new Airbus A350s. The airline ordered eight A350s from Airbus in 2014.

    The carrier last made a profit in 2009, a year before its operations were acquired by the government from Emirates. Emirates acquired a 40% stake in SriLankan for $70 million in 1998 and increased its shareholding to 43.6%, with the government holding a 51% majority. But the partners hit troubles in 2008, triggering the government buy-back in 2010.


    Why India’s Big Push for Economic Cooperation in Lanka May Backfire
    Wed, May 11, 2016, 09:53 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    May 11 (Wire) New Delhi’s policy of hustling its smaller neighbour comes at a time when the Wickremesinghe government’s mismanagement of the economy is apparent and will end up helping the xenophobic political forces in the country.

    New Delhi’s relations with Colombo may appear to be at a high point but ironically, anti-India sentiments are on the rise in Sri Lanka. This divergence in sentiments between the Sri Lankan government and its population is largely a consequence of moves to liberalise trade in services and investment between the two countries.

    It is no secret that there was a major sigh of relief in India and the United States following the regime change in Colombo in January 2015. China’s inroads into the country with the Rajapaksa regime had polarised the region and raised the geopolitical stakes. However, Sri Lanka’s relationship China was built on an economic foundation of large investments in infrastructure. It also has a historical basis from the rubber rice deal during the Korean War to the massive Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall in Colombo, gifted by the Chinese in the early 1970s. Nevertheless, in India’s efforts to ensure its regional dominance and counter China’s influence, there has been a singular focus on trying to lock Sri Lanka into the Indian economic orbit.

    Expanding trade and financial agreements

    The India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement of 1998 was followed by efforts towards a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to liberalise trade in services and investment starting in the mid-2000s.

    However, the CEPA negotiations dragged on for nearly a decade in the face of increasing opposition within Sri Lanka, particularly by the business community and certain interest groups such as the medical lobby. With the new momentum in closer bilateral ties last year, India is pushing for a new trade pact called the Economic and Technological Cooperation Agreement (ETCA). The pro-liberalisation government of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has been actively championing the proposed trade pact.

    Meanwhile, the deterioration of the Sri Lankan economy in recent months – including a major balance of payments problem – has forced Colombo to seek support from external actors. India has boosted Sri Lanka’s foreign reserves by US$ 1.1 billion with a Reserve Bank of India credit swap for six months drawn last September, followed by a further emergency credit swap in March to wade over the tough financial tide.

    The credit swap is a temporary measure to increase Sri Lanka’s forex reserves, until the country receives an IMF loan. The IMF’s extended fund facility of US$ 1.5 billion coupled with US$ 650 million in multilateral and bilateral loans are to take effect in June this year. The government believes these loans will create momentum for further global financial flows into the country.

    The ETCA, widely perceived by the Sri Lankan public to be advantageous to India, is likely to become a trade-off for economic and political support from India to the Wickremesinghe government. However, Wickremesinghe’s visit to Beijing last month has strengthened relations with China – a shift from the soured relations which followed the defeat of the Rajapaksa regime last year. The possibility of equity swaps, where Sri Lankan debt to China is traded for financial stakes in Sri Lankan enterprises, is now being considered. Sri Lanka has also initiated negotiations with China and the US on new free trade agreements. Seizing this opportunity, the IMF and the World Bank are also pushing to liberalise trade as part of a larger strategy of liberalising the Sri Lankan economy – from encouraging the privatisation of state owned enterprises to labour reforms.

    Reactions to ETCA

    Many of the Colombo-based neoliberal think tanks see the Wickremesinghe government in power and the crisis facing the economy as an opportunity to accelerate liberalisation, including in trade. However, the ETCA is coming under considerable fire from a range of interest groups and political parties – from the chauvinistic remnants of the Rajapaksa regime to the ‘left’ opposition Janatha Vimukthi Perumana.

    So what fuels this tremendous reaction to the ETCA? After all, the agreement is only one part of this liberalisation push. To start with, the trade picture is not pretty. According to the Central Bank, Indian exports to Sri Lanka were US$ 4,268 million while Lankan exports to India stood at just US$ 643 million in 2015 – reflecting a massive trade deficit between the countries.

    There have been various explanations put forward by Indian officials and pro-liberalisation advocates in Colombo on what has been gained with the previous free trade agreement, including claims that the high Indian exports to Sri Lanka are mostly independent of the free trade agreement. However, India’s eagerness for the trade pact and the stark trade deficit is difficult to miss.

    In this context, the current economic crisis and the neoliberal economic policy trajectory have become the political ground for the mobilisation of forces opposed to the government. And this campaign has zeroes in on the ETCA as the catch-all word to describe any and all impending economic woes. Political forces and middle class interest groups such as doctors and IT professionals are opposing the agreement and mobilising broader sections of society. Furthermore, these forces have assumed a xenophobic character, propagating anti-Indian sentiments.

    Recent economic crisis

    Much of the current economic woes in Sri Lanka have been inherited from the Rajapaksa government’s economic development policies of construction-led growth on high interest debt. In addition, the deterioration in global economic conditions over the past year have created difficult financial conditions for Sri Lanka to roll over such debt. However, the Wickremesinghe government needs to take part of the blame for mismanagement and certainly for its flawed economic vision.

    Having come to power over a year ago, and having crossed the milestone of the parliamentary election in August 2015, it nevertheless chose to continue on the path of further exposing the economy to international debt in its November 2015 budget. It ignored the warning bells about the increasing import bill and falling revenues, which have made the country far more susceptible to the current crisis conditions of capital flight from the emerging markets and increasing cost of capital in the global financial markets.

    At the core of the Wickremesinghe government’s economic programme is the liberalisation of trade and capital flows; the trade agreements and the IMF facility reflect this economic vision. In other words, it is counting on enticing inward capital flows despite the winds of global capital blowing in the opposite direction. Worryingly, even trade agreements in services and investment are known to lead to further speculative investment flows into finance, insurance and real estate, rather than traditional forms of foreign direct investment leading to the building of factories for production and exports. However, the Sri Lankan establishment has been satisfied with such fickle policies that also lead to considerable rent-seeking by the financial elite.

    Opposing xenophobia and liberalisation

    Trade liberalisation is always contentious for its impact on society, but it is all the more so now in the context of the global downturn and a national economic crisis. It is likely to aggravate the rising inequalities and jobless growth in Sri Lanka – by pushing for lower wages to compete in international markets – and the inflow of cheaper commodities, wiping out local production.

    With the ETCA debate polarised between the free trade elite and the anti-Indian forces, there has been little informed debate including critical analysis of trade liberalisation, broader neoliberal reforms and the deteriorating global economic situation. For those bothered by xenophobia and economic marginalisation, the challenge is to oppose both the reflexive anti-Indian campaign of the nationalists and the neoliberal policies of the liberalisers.

    In this context, New Delhi’s policy of hustling its smaller neighbour cannot be more ill-timed and is likely to generate a political backlash. The hubris of the Indian and Sri Lankan establishments in pushing through this trade pact may well result in losing the great opportunity that emerged last year of rebuilding Indo-Lanka relations on a broader footing.

    Ahilan Kadirgamar is a political economist and a member of the Collective for Economic Democratisation in Sri Lanka (

    Read More:: Wire (Source)

  13. aloy Says:

    Whatever the political lineage of the Buddhists monks why arrest and prosecute only them on trivial maters when large number of other serious cases involving financial crimes are already in their hands. At least do they know who is actually directing them?. I have a feeling that an unseen hand behind the scene is directing and insulting Sinhalas.
    Arresting and releasing of BR seems to be an arranged afffair perhaps to give some credibility MS who is mingling with world leaders today in London.

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    About the Patriotic Real Estate Company proposal, Thank all of you who responded.

    Aloy, I hear you …. lots of fly-by-night scammers out there ready to dupe the unwary. But, appropriate LEGAL safeguards and transparency can be built in to protect the investors.

    Aravindra … 50,000 to 75,000 USD/perch is a very steep price for land everywhere except downtown Colombo. So is a Million USD for a house in Nugegoda. As I had mentioned in relation to the MP’s Car buying bonanza …. a luxury house in Colombo suburbs can be bought for 45 million SLR, which is about 300,000 USD. I was thinking of buying lots of reasonably priced properties, often yet undeveloped
    to capture and hold the limited resource: land and buildings. I was not thinking of, for example, New Colombo Port City properties. What do you think? Keep the basic purpose in mind and our limited funds.

    Dham, thank you … stay tuned. There are many like you among us who would like to do something patriotic while deriving a good income from property that has become a burden to maintain, but have some sentimental value to us. Perhaps, an option to retrieve the property for personal use at some point in the future can be built into the scheme.

    This would be a closed company with private shares that can be redeemed ftom the company but not sold to others without management approval to PROTECT AND PRESERVE the overarching purpose to preserve ownership of land and property in Sri Lanka, in PERPETUITY, in the hands of the Bhoomiputrayas.

    Sri Lanka already has some laws to do this, like the laws that restrict ownership of homes in high rise buildings by foreigners to above the sixth residential floor. But we will choose our potential owners in a much more restricted way.

  15. Ratanapala Says:

    Every community has its critical mass before it fragments into smaller parts. Likewise in Sri Lanka as in so many other countries the majority community is fragmented. It takes the personality and wisdom of national leaders to galvanise the populace on just causes and lead them in the correct direction. Sri Lanka is lacking in such leadership. Mahinda Rajapakse has the personality but he is showing that he is lacking the wisdom and a sense of history. All are going after the votes no matter where it comes from. Great leaders of yore did not go after votes, they lead them from the front and got their votes as a result. Minorities fish in troubled waters and reap benefits and lasting gains for their communities.

    In Sri Lanka the majority Sinhalese and especially Sinhala Buddhists are leaderless as a group and a community. They have much to loose and are loosing everyday – the land, the Buddhist culture, positions in the leadership etc. The minorities are less vociferous, but more active. They are proactive where as Buddhists are only reactive.

    What we discuss in these forums is mainly nitty gritty and surface details and then only in posterity – post-mortems of what happened! If not careful Sri Lanka can easily become the next Yugoslavia!

  16. Fran Diaz Says:

    In Democracies, the majority group does get fragmented, one way or another. Large countries can probably accommodate this fact better, but small countries may keel under the weight of such fragmentation.

    To avoid such an event, Socialism is the key, both for the State & Private sectors.
    Some type of Capitalism/Socialism for the Business Sector is possible. I have seen in the west, small successful businesses proudly advertising on their properties that they support this or that charity. This is the new way to go.

    The public must throw out new ideas on survival of Democracies with the Socialism/Capitalism mix.

  17. dingiri bandara Says:

    It is the Sinhalese who sell their property to the Muslims and Tamils. Muslims and Tamils will not sell theirs to Sinhalese.
    I fully agree with Ananda-USA. We have so many smart, capable and and loyal Sinhalese with so much knowledge about real estate business, we can start a real estate company and buy up the properties and lease them to the Sinhalese. Muslim organizations financed by Middle Eastern countries and Tamils supported by Tamil business and most probably by terrorist organizations buy up all the properties. They support each other.
    Can anyone explain how so many Muslim enclaves are coming up all over the country? Where do the Sinhalese move to after selling their properties?
    I personally do not hate either Muslims or Tamils but do not like their agenda.
    Last year, I sold a property in Nawala road Rajagirya, to a Siinhalese although I could have sold it to a Muslim at a higher price. It took me three whole months to get clearance from one Govt Dept because the buyer had to get a bank loan. The bank wanted all kind of documents despite the fact the had passed all sort of approvals earlier before the first house was built and approval from Tax dept after the house was built.

  18. dingiri bandara Says:

    I am willing to join such a real estate company.

  19. Fran Diaz Says:

    Security & Wellbeing for masses begins and ends with the Land. It was always so. This factor was safe with the Sinhala/Buddhist Monarchy but with Colonisation of nearly 500 yrs., the Land Factor went off at a tangent with colonisers acquiring massive tracts of Land for growing of tea, rubber, spices and other crops that were needed by the various Empires. It was the start of the marginalisation of the Sinhala/Buddhists of Lanka.
    The acqusition of tea plantations and other lands by the Mrs B govt (Land Reform) has not really helped.

    With modernisation, the aspect of Socialism has replaced the Security through the Land factor.

    In a small country like Sri Lanka, it may not work to have mostly Capitalism with Taxation as apparently envisaged by UNP led Yahap govt.

  20. mario_perera Says:

    Dingiri Banda,

    It is obvious that the generality of Sinhalese are much poorer than their Muslim and Tamil counterparts.

    It is therefore pretty obvious that “It is the Sinhalese who sell their property to the Muslims and Tamils. Muslims and Tamils will not sell theirs to Sinhalese.”

    You go on to say: “Last year, I sold a property in Nawala road Rajagirya, to a Sinhalese although I could have sold it to a Muslim at a higher price”. Putting ethnicity over money means that the ‘money factor’ comes second to you. Most readers on reading your statement will come to the logical conclusion that you are well off and that money matters less for you than for the “the Sinhalese who sell their property to the Muslims and Tamils.”

    It could well be argued that the “the Sinhalese who sell their property to the Muslims and Tamils” are not less ethnic minded than you but who do so because they are financially in unenviable positions or even in dire straits and are compelled to put money over ethnicity because of their financial situation.

    Coming back to the initial argument that the generality of Sinhalese are poorer than the Muslims and Tamils (for whatever be the reason), it would be ridiculous to expect that they sacrifice themselves on the altar of ethnicity, just for a tap on the back with a ‘well-done brother’ and nothing more to take home.

    Mario Perera

  21. Dham Says:

    Without a proper ‘Sinaha palanaya’ established it is dangerous to invest too much. If people start leaving prices can drop. If your bro can come back and chase the Gonibillas out somehow Sinhalayas can buy those lands.
    Ban the morning howls
    Ban the Gonibilla suit
    Ban the Halaal or impose a heavy government tax on shops selling hallal.
    Ban all killing

  22. Dham Says:

    Agree with you 100%. One who bought the property from DB will sell it to a Muslim at a higher price.

    That is not a solution. Solution is to help Sinhalese to be rich.

    Asking Sinhalese to disregard corruption and vote for Sinhalese nationalism is also a similar thing. Even if a proper nationalist government is formed, corruption will still make the Sinhalaya poorer and others richer. Why ? It is only them who can afford to pay the corrupt.
    It is essential for the nationalist to be clean too !

  23. dingiri bandara Says:

    Dear Mario,
    I am not rich by any means. I live out side SL and struggled for ten years without a proper job. Lived in a small
    flat with the family. Did several odd jobs. Left SL because I lost my job. Never could build a decent house. The one bed room house went under water every year and had to live with friends.
    It took ten years to get a decent job in this country, was laid off twice and had to go back to doing two part time jobs in restaurants and department stores. Life was so hard but never gave up. It took me 15 years to get a job with a decent pay but at the end of 20 years was again laid off. Never could save enough money to build house on my property in SL. Last year came to Sl to try and sell half of the property and build a house on the the other half. But the Sinhalese buyer wanted the whole land as he told me he wanted have his and his wife’s business and live in the same place. They appeared to me as young and upcoming couple who had to go for bank loan to buy the property.Hope that they have not sold it to a Muslim.
    It is not only the Sinhalese poor who sell to the Muslims but people with means do that too. I know several who did that. One more thing I need to mention,many people I worked with were not play out the companies the worked and some of them I see are very rich. When I meet them now they tell me what fool for not making money I am but I am happy with myself

  24. Ananda-USA Says:


    Yes, Real Estate Prices have already dropped significantly in Sri Lanka since your bros helped to OUST the MR/UPFA GoSL.

    Let me tell you a SECRET; the way to PROFIT through any INVESTMENT is to BUY LOW & SELL HIGH!

    While we are not PLANNING to SELL at all the properties we buy, but to HOLD them in PERPETUITY in pursuit of our stated GOAL, we CERTAINLY do want to BUY LOW to make it a profitable venture for the Patriotic Investors. As Mario correctly pointed out, VERY FEW can AFFORD to be interested in a money losing deals, however patriotic.

    Therefore, it must be made CLEAR: this should NOT BE a money losing, UNPROFITABLE business, just because it is motivated by Patriotism, because such a venture WILL NOT BE VIABLE!

    I STRONGLY believe that businesses can be built that are both PATRIOTIC & PROFITABLE. In fact, if our business develops a REPUTATION for FAIR DEALING, TRUSTWORTHINESS & PATRIOTISM, that would be a sure fire recipe for PERMANENT SUCCESS and LONGEVITY!

  25. Dham Says:

    dingiri bandara ,
    I built a decent house. Did have a decent job in SL but resigned and left because did not have a car and any more money.
    Those who have cars will also leave because they cannot buy a 4WD.
    Those who have everything want more wives.
    This “Thanha” for ” Sukha” never ends.
    What is important is “you are happy with yourself”.
    You will be happy if you did not do steal from poor people, did not harm anyone. It is called “anavajja sukha” (blamelessness) , a happiness greater than “atthi Sukha” (earning wealth ), Bogha Suka ( using wealth) or anana sukha ( free from debts)”

  26. Dham Says:

    Agree with you including ” your bro’s heedlessness helped to OUST himself”. I don’t think dropped appreciably but will drop further in my view.

  27. Dilrook Says:

    A very good initiative by Ananda. Count me in.

    Sinhalese must be capitalist minded. Socialists including LSSP, VLSSP, MEP, JVP and other jokers did so much damage to Sinhalese in addition to causing deaths (1953, 1971, 1989). Sinhalese must totally divorce themselves from socialist nonsense and adopt capitalism. That is the only way to survive.

    Capitalism doesn’t mean mindless destruction. As with everything (including food) sense must prevail.

    Tamils and Muslims totally rejected socialism and that is why they are the richest.

    If Sinhalese are more capitalist, 800,000 Sinhala women can remain in Sri Lanka, look after their families and engage in either their businesses or work in other (Sinhalese employers’) businesses. Tamils and Muslims mostly engage their own kind in their businesses.

    BJP, Japan’s Abe and China’s current leaders are very good examples of capitalism (economic) and nationalism going together. Poor nationalists in Sri Lanka are easily out-powered by rich traitors.

  28. mario_perera Says:

    Dear DB,

    Thank you for your reply.

    You are a very good man, and I am privileged to be on this forum with you and others like you.

    With every kind wish to you and your family.

    Mario Perera

  29. Ananda-USA Says:

    MORE about the Patriotic Real Estate Company proposal….

    dingiri bandara and Dilrook, thank you both for expressing your interest in joining this effort.

    It is time that this proposal is given a home of its own to avoid burdening LankaWeb with comments on this commercial subject that are not of interest to all of its readers.

    Therefore, as an interim measure, I have created a new blogsite to pursue this effort …. wherever it heads in the future.

    The blog LOCATION is: PatrioticSriLankanInvestors.Blogspot.com

    I have set it up as a PASSWORD protected blog for obvious reasons.

    Email me to get access at: PatrioticSriLankanInvestors@gmail.com

    If you want to get access, please send me an email message at the blog email address, giving your LankaWeb blogger ID, and I will send you a password with which you can login and join in the discussions on how we should proceed.

    If this effort survives the initial formative period, I will periodically inform the readers at LankaWeb with brief comments, and tell them how they can join, if interested.

    Thank you all.

    The plan is to set up Patriotic Sri Lankan Investors as a holding company under which various business ventures, like the Real Estate Company, can be undertaken as subsidiaries.

  30. Ananda-USA Says:

    MORE about the Patriotic Real Estate Company proposal….

    dingiri bandara and Dilrook, thank you both for expressing your interest in joining this effort.

    It is time that this proposal is given a home of its own to avoid burdening LankaWeb with comments on this commercial subject that are not of interest to all of its readers.

    Therefore, as an interim measure, I have created a new blogsite to pursue this effort …. wherever it heads in the future.

    The blog LOCATION is: PatrioticSriLankanInvestors.Blogspot.com

    I have set it up as a PASSWORD protected blog for obvious reasons.

    Email me to get access at: PatrioticSriLankanInvestors ‘at’ gmail.com

    If you want to get access, please send me an email message at the blog email address, giving your LankaWeb blogger ID, and I will send you a password with which you can login and join in the discussions on how we should proceed.

    If this effort survives the initial formative period, I will periodically inform the readers at LankaWeb with brief comments, and tell them how they can join, if interested.

    The plan is to set up Patriotic Sri Lankan Investors as a holding company under which various business ventures, like the Real Estate Company, can be undertaken as subsidiaries.

    Thank you all.

  31. Ananda-USA Says:

    dingiri bandara,

    Thank you for being the FIRST to join the PatrioticSriLankanInvestors.blogspot.com BLOG. I have sent you an invitation by email. You will see the material I have posted in the first post and subsequent comments.

    Please be aware that it seems unlikely that more Patriots will join as the response has been quite poor.

    If we do not get more members joining by the end of this month to make it worth continuing, I will terminate the effort, as I have stated above.

    Thank you again.

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