Justice for all Animals – need of the hour
Posted on June 20th, 2016

Senaka Weeraratna Dharma Voices for Animals

If a lawyer is unable to extend justice to animals who are eternally seeking freedom and liberty from the inhumanity and injustice of humans then the legal training of such a lawyer in a holistic sense is not worth a tuppence.

If we cannot see the injustice committed on animals day after day almost everywhere man inhabits then it begins to raise questions about our own sense of justice.

The most noble form of advocacy is when you plead on behalf of those who cannot articulate their pain and suffering, and cannot even dream of paying you back.

To the extent that our law schools fail to instill this ethic in our law students they remain morally diminished notwithstanding the facade and hyperbole of providing a splendid legal education.

Lawyers must begin their careers with the fundamental thought to provide advocacy services whenever and wherever required to non – human animals upon the conviction that animals too like humans have a moral entitlement to both compassion and justice from humanity.

Senaka Weeraratna

Dharma Voices for Animals

(Colombo, Sri Lanka Chapter)

One Response to “Justice for all Animals – need of the hour”

  1. samurai Says:

    Demand Justice for Animals campaign spreads to 20 cities


    “Recognise all animals as sentient beings”. This was the demand put forth by animal activists on July 17, which is celebrated as the International Day of Justice.

    “Animals of all species are left outside the ambit of the justice system,” said campaign co-ordinator of the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO).
    The Demand Justice for Animals campaign began on July 3 and has spread to 20 cities in India with thousands of people standing up in support and popularising the hashtag #JusticeforAnimals on Instagram and Facebook.

    “Each day, hens are made to live in cramped and confined conditions, cows survive in industrialised systems with painful udder infections, while animals are made to perform unnatural tricks in circuses that taught through methods which are nothing short of barbaric. A minimum sensitivity towards all animals is long overdue,” added Priyanka.
    Dr. R.M. Kharb, chairman of the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), noted that the faces of injustice against animals are multifarious.

    “Not only is the Kerala dog culling order in violation of the Supreme Court’s view, it also marks a regressive step for animal justice. In the light of such orders, demanding inclusion of animal justice into our laws and government has become the need of the hour,” he said.

    Today, it is widely recognised that animals experience happiness, fear, anger and physical pain just like humans.

    More and more countries are now recognising animals as sentient beings – New Zealand being the latest addition.

    The movement notes that all animals deserve the right to live without fear, to express free will and to live in a natural environment without the threat of captivity, exploitation or cruelty by human beings.

    FIAPO’s Arpan Sharma explains: “We’ve recently launched a campaign to end the suffering of animals in circuses. So far we have rescued 76 animals, including seven elephants from seven circuses in India.”

    “With International Justice Day, the idea has been to invite the public to participate in a dialogue about animal rights, demanding sentience for all living beings, with over 34 events in 20 cities. We have been successful,” Arpan added.

    Courtesy: The Hindu

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