Brexit – Ditta dhamma vedaniya karmaya at work
Posted on June 26th, 2016

Shenali D Waduge

Karmic retribution has come to Britain – it is called දිට්ට ධම්ම වේදනීය කර්මය, මේ ජීවිතේදීම පල දෙන කර්ම (Law of Cause & Effect Good deeds bring good results. Bad deeds bring bad results). Britain’s centuries of divide and rule has come home to roost. This time round it is Britain’s own who have risen against their own British rulers for the same policies they inflicted upon invaded nations which have been incorporated of late within Britain. This calls to mind histories injustices meted out by Britain through their divide and rule policies, plunder of lands, weakening and demonising the majority ethnic group, stripping the majority of their heritage and birth rights and forcibly flooding nations with immigrants with purposeful intent to change the demography of nations with proud civilizational heritage and get later arrivals to challenge the rights of the majority. Now the Brits themselves have said ‘enough is enough’, the Brits have said ‘we don’t want multiculturalism and bogus assimilation and reconciliation’ all of which the colonial mindset embedded local lackeys in former colonies wish to still continue. Let this be a lesson to all that we must return to fundamentals and put an end to the theatrics and nonsense that jobless liberal thinkers are promoting the world over.

Britain’s Crimes: 

By 1922, the British ruled more than 458 million people, and covered 13,012,000 square miles—almost a quarter of the Earth’s total land area.

The evil practices adopted by the Colonial British Administrations across all of the nation’s Britain illegally occupied continue to plague these nations.

  1. Forced removal from homelands
  2. Forced Colonization – global transportation of foreign labor with decolonized nations forced to be saddled with them
  3. Forced assimilation (religious/ethnic/cultural)
  4. Extermination Policies (genocide)
  5. Education a conduit to create European surrogates
  6. Compulsory (forced) Sterilizing
  7. Killing livelihoods
  8. Brute Policies – scorched earth policies
  9. Weakening the majority and strengthening the minorities
  • Scramble for Africa by the Anglo-Europeans following the Berlin Conference of 1844-5 artificial boundaries were drawn and Africa cut into pieces and divided amongst the whites with no care that tribes were divided, people were being divided, traditions were being divided, cultures were being divided, people were divided by language. All that the whites wanted to do was to loot Africa and take back home. They came to civilized lands and declared they arrived to ‘civilize’ them. In reality they came to Christianize and Plunder. War Lord ‘Kony’ was an Anglicized Christian by British colonialism.
  • The British settled 144 prisoners in North America to become the 1st white settlers. England cleaned out it’s prisons by sending criminals, drunks, prostitutes and diseased to settle in North America. Colonial North America became a penal colony through a system of indentured servitude. It is estimated that some 50,000 British convicts were sent to colonial America, representing perhaps one-quarter of all British emigrants during the 18th century Archaeological evidence proves that British settlers lived as cannibals –
  • Cultural assimilation resulted in creating policies that would make natives denounce their heritage and adopt cultures that were not theirs. It was also known as ‘civilizing process’. Education became the primary method of acculturation process. Assimilation of children is genocide per UN definition but to date no single white Britisher has been prosecuted for genocidal crimes.
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  • In 1788 Britain invaded ‘Australia’ to begin a 200 year campaign of genocide of the natives. British invaded the island of Tasmania in 1803 were around 6000 Aborigines lived. By 1818 there were 3000 white invaders, by 1824 the number had arisen to 13,000 by 1830 a total 23,500, 75% of whom were white convicts were settled in Tasmania. By 1818 the Aborigines were just 2000 and by 1830 there was hardly 400. The last 200 were transported to open prisons in 1840 and the last of them died in 1876. An example of British depopulation. For fun British ‘settlers’ decapitated Aboriginal babies by kicking their heads!


  • Boer Concentration Camps – tens of thousands of innocent people were put into camps so that Britain could control the South African populace. 10% of the entire Boer population died in these British camps. This figure included 22,000 children.
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  • April 1919 Amritsar Massacre – British troops under orders of Brig. Reginold Dyer opened fire at unarmed peaceful protestors killing close to 1000. The British labelled Brig. Dyer a hero and raised £26,000 for the ‘man who saved India’
  • 1920 Iraq punished for asking their country back – British had formed nation of Iraq and installed puppet leaders. The Iraqi people were fed up and began revolting. Royal Air Force conducted night bombing on civilian targets, used chemical weapons, gassed groups and after victory the British used collective punishment against the tribes. Any tribe not following line would have its entire village annihilated. British ordered to exterminate every living thing within its walls from animals to rebels to children. British conducted random searches, a single weapon found meant entire area burnt to the ground, destroy crops, poisoned wells and livestock killed.
  • Dividing to create future dissent – Cyril Radcliffe was notorious for killing more people with the pen than anyone else. He was tasked to draw the border between India and create a new nation Pakistan along religious lines. British knew it would create displacement and ethnic violence but that was the intent. 30million tried to escape one country to the other and led to unimaginable violence which continues to this day.
  • No sooner slavery ended indentured labor began. Some 3.5million people from India were transported to the 178 countries that the British Empire ruled over barring just 22 countries. These Indians were plucked from their homes and exported to all corners of the world in most inhuman and cruel conditions. It was these same Tamils that fought alongside the British Army against India and no sooner indentured labor ended in the 1920s the Tamils began to ask for a separate Tamil Nadu state.
  • An Act of Genocide, Colonialism and the Sterilization of Aboriginal Women was written by Karen Stote documenting 580 sterilizations of indigenous women in Canada that took place at federal hospitals between 1971 and 1974.
  • slaughtering of vulnerable women and children of Biafra (Nigeria) between 1967 and 1970
  • British detained almost the entire Kikuyu population in camps where thousands were beaten and abused (Mau Mau uprising)
  • Britain waged a biological warfare against the Red Indians by distributing small pox infected blankets to Red Indians.
  • In 1917 British ‘gifted’ Palestine to British Zionists creating the conditions for chaos and conflict that continues to plague the ME region.
  • In 19th century Britain forcibly hooked 100million Chinese on opium grown by British in colonial occupied India (Opium Wars)
  • British plunders ‘created’ India, Burma and Ceylon enslaving millions on tea crops and other labor

All post-independent colonies are carrying headaches manufactured by the British. European colonizers and their explorations resulted in occupied lands being declared unoccupied simply because no Christians/Catholics lived in them. That was the basis that these lands and territories were confiscated and a cruel and heartless set of policies inflicted with hatred and venom to virtually exterminate or bring these natives to their knees and idol worship the foreign rulers who landed. Britain together with all other colonial rulers showed no respect for sovereignty, cared too hoots for the history of those countries, and looked down with disdain at the cultures and traditions they practiced. Let all those gender activists today be reminded that these Eastern civilizations gave 1st place to women before men with guns and brawns without brains took the helms to reverse the place that the women held. Today, these liberalists are carrying out a propaganda for women’s rights with no mention of this historical fact.

Britain and European invaders robbed, plundered and stole and built their nations by theft. They are developed nations today because they stole and robbed and for these tears and pain to men, women and child moral retributive forces have finally come to play.

The Christian West that carried out 3 Crusade Wars against Islam have invited the enemy to their door and then cry foul when they claim to want to practice their faith. People have forgotten that the European invaders mastered the art of playing one party against the other and funding both sides for profit. Likewise the Wahhabi faith is a British created one. The new Islamic cultures are all British created ones and Muslims are too naïve to realize this because their religions have taught them not to question their faith.

The same Britain that took away the history and traditions of the majority races in all the nations they colonized are today saying they want ‘Britain back’ the Brits want to remain ‘British’ devoid of the forced multiculturalism that had been pushed down by immigration policies. Perhaps the fears and anxieties of the Sinhala Buddhists will now be better understood. The lesson is that one cannot bring in cultures and force assimilation. There are some cultures that can never assimilate. They are by practice self-segregating as can be seen by their attitudes and dress.

If Britain now says that the identity of the Brits cannot be negotiated and compromised than the majority races in other countries have every right to say the same. Bogus EU and others have no right to be inflicting false identities upon us. Britain has mixed populations against the will of the majority, they have used their imperial powers to weaken and dilute the majorities and have encouraged the minorities to come to every majority sacred site and demand equal status when the same will not be even discussed in nations where they are the majority.

All these problems are as a result of a new group of experimentalists who have nothing else but to create far-fetched liberal notions and use nations and people as guinea pigs to try them out. Can they be given some unoccupied lands to take all like-minded thinkers and practice all the liberalism they want to among themselves only.

David Cameron, Obama, Sarkozy and Harper have been responsible for waves of catastrophes taking place across the world. They stand on podiums and deliver prepared speeches puking peace when behind the scenes they plot to kill innocent people in order to expand their empires and profits. These cruel sins have karmic justice and now the karma is coming to pay retribution.

Britain exited from the EU and the likely outcomes of other nations also wanting to leave EU will soon be seen. The world will again fall into turmoil but this time round the nations responsible for much of the catastrophes are now facing the tune.

Dedicated to David Cameron by our own singers

Shenali D Waduge

British Crimes in Ceylon –

9 Responses to “Brexit – Ditta dhamma vedaniya karmaya at work”

  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    England is located in the proximity of many economically backward countries that British people legitimately thought that there is a high chance of people from these countries can be flooded into England causing great inconvenience to the locals in the fields of Education, Health Services and social benefits.

    I have been living in London from 1974 even before UK entered to the European Union. I could see clearly problems we have faced since 1975. Since there was no other option in the horizon, people of UK had taken a somewhat a bold decision to vote for Brexit even though they have anticipated some economic instability for some time knowing well that it is the risk that worthwhile to take.

    There are so many reasons that most of the English people were convinced to vote for Brexit. Among them the following are the most important.

    1. British judiciary is considered to be the most independent justice system in the world. Yet under EU, British judiciary can be over ridden by EU regulations. A British judge said recently: “We must beware. It would be a sad day if the home of the common law lost its standing as a common law authority. “Are we becoming so focused on Strasbourg and the Convention [European Convention on Human Rights] that instead of incorporating Convention principles within and developing the common law accordingly as a single coherent unit, we are allowing the Convention to assume an unspoken priority over the common law?” What I respectfully suggest is that statute ensures that the final word does not rest with Strasbourg, but with our Supreme Court,”

    2. Unhindered open Immigration from Eastern Europen EU countries causing loss of job opportunities and training facilities for the locals.

    3. Contribution of £350million weekly from the UK taxpayers to the EU budget is considered to be too much contribution to support the poor members of EU while local facilities like national health, public transport and education are suffering from lack of funds.

    4. With Unhindered open Immigration from Eastern European EU countries, criminals are free to move looking for easy targets. More than 13,000 foreign criminals are awaiting deportation from the UK, including thousands of European citizens, according to a report by MPs, which warns that the failure to remove a population “the size of a small town” could undermine public confidence in the UK’s EU membership. It was “deeply concerning” that 5,789 overseas criminals were free in the UK, more than any time since 2012, MPs said. The top three nationalities among the offenders were Polish, Irish and Romanian – all EU nations – they said. Petty thefts are so common these days, even your front garden flower pots are not safe in suburban houses in London.

  2. S.Gonsal Says:

    Neela Maha Yodha,
    England voted for Brexit, by 53.4% to 46.6%, called Karma by the writer.
    Sri Lanka voted similarly, 47.6% to keep Mahinda but 52% for Mrexit , not much difference there.
    Could Brexit be a conspiracy by USA to keep UK as it’s slave too ?

    What are the problems ahead for UK ?

    1. Tightening of labour market and escalation of wages followed by less competitiveness,
    2. Loss of huge European market for it’s products,

  3. Ratanapala Says:

    Cameron came to Sri Lanka to promote the dismemberment of the island nation and for promoting Eelam. At the last CHOGM he behaved badly not befitting the stature of a world leader and took issues with President Rajapakse for bringing an end to Tamil Racist Terrorism funded by the Christian West, Christian /Catholic Church and India. He even took time to lecture Sri Lanka on the same issue and also visited the Tamil Racist heartland – Jaffna.

    I remember President Rajapakse telling him that “People in glass houses should not be throwing stones”. Well as Shanali says the hand of Karma has played its part. Centuries of injustices perpetrated on the innocents the world over should return to the British ruling classes and their willing minions.

    We would like see Britain become England only in the coming days. Unfortunately Wales might still hang on to prolong the marriage and agony of unhappy partners!

    The Glass House – Britain, the American poodles and the Sand Castles they built around the world should soon crumble to dust!

  4. Hiranthe Says:

    Thank you Shenali for putting together all these crimes done by the British.

    from NMY comments it shows that getting free from EU has more benefits to Britain. Why only cunning politicians want Britain to be with EU??

    Cameron going home is a happy thing for us since he was a Separatist LieTTE supporter and an enemy of Mother lanka.

  5. ranjit Says:

    Shenali as always a great article. I told from the beginning that these evil empires who supported Prabakaran and his goons will suffer one day for harassing our poor nation. Atlast God punished these hypocrits and many poor nations around the world are happy about the outcome of Brexit. They should suffer more for what they did to the world for so many years.I wish Americans too will select Trump as their President instead of LTTE sympathizer and supporter of Tamil diaspora Clinton woman. We need good leaders who do not support insurgents, rebel groups or armed groups around the world. Instead of dictating on others they should learn to help small nations to build their own countries and mind their own business allowing them to rule and live in their own ways.

    Srilankan stooges of the west like Run-nil, Awamangalaya and others going round the country now telling lies and stories regarding Brixit which nobody could understand. The same wordings they used during election time can be heard again from these traitors to Motherlanka.We cannot allow them to think that all are fools in this fools paradise like them. We are a great nation and we should have great leaders who love and care to their Motherland not pretenders who takes advise from our enemies and try to destabilize our country.

  6. S.Gonsal Says:

    Regardless of the political power changes can we Sri Lankans expect change of policy ? Could it be even worse under a labour government ?

  7. Kumari Says:

    At last. I am so happy that Brexit happened. It may even lead to the break up of Great Britain and United Kingdom. So be it, these sweet talking, blue eyed, blond haired, white skinned spiecies are of the impression that they are the rulers of the world. They have solutions to any problem (if there is no problem, they will create one) any where in the world. Always the solution is to separate the country/countries and getting a puppet regime to do the bidding for them. Tony Blair destroyed Yugoslavia and Iraq, Cameron Libya and Sudan. If not for Putin, Syria is also gone by now. It is high time for these murderers to try their medicine on themselves.

    The Loka Paalake Deviyos and our Vishnu Deviyo are protecting us.

  8. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    Please read the article “Lessons from Brexit referendum” published by Janaki Chandraratna and you will find all the answers to your questions well elaborated.

    English people showed us one important point that country’s sovereignty should not be traded off for commercial benefits.

  9. Ratanapala Says:

    Every country must be able to protect their sovereignty and help other countries protect theirs. This is the way to bring peace to the world.

    Democracy and Human rights are just tools Neocolonialists use to destabilise the world for their economic and monetary gain. It is obvious from the recent elections held in USA and just a few days ago in Britain, that majority of votes did not know what they are voting for. It was only after Brexit Election, Britishers were trying to find out what EU is. This neocolonial idea of globalisation is the root cause of most evil in the world today.

    The idiotic Western Christian countries thought that toppling despotic regimes will see people flocking to install Democracy in their countries. They thought that the natural state of society is democracy, only to find out that it is instability and anarchy. Read, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt now reverted back to despotic, and Syria now in the process.

    Democracy can only exist in a more organised, informed and learned society controlled by rule of law. Looking for it elsewhere is self deception.

    Most people in the world lookout for well meaning leaders not democracy. They like to be led. Democracy brings corruption and provide safe havens for the corrupt. This is the recent story of our times.

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