Will not allow foreign judges or courts to interfere: President දිවයින හෙලිදරවුවෙන් ජනපති කිපේ.. මහ සභාවක පත්තරේද පෙන්වා දෙහි කපයි.. [Video]
Posted on July 10th, 2016
President Maithripala Sirisena today vowed that he would not allow any foreign court, judge or organization to interfere with the internal administration and judiciary in the country.
Though various views are being expressed in various places regarding the bringing of foreign judges and establishing of foreign military courts to take action against the so called human rights violations during the period of war, I will not allow any national or international activity which challenges the freedom, independence and territorial integrity of the country” he said.
The President was speaking at the 70th National Upasampada Vinayakarma (Higher Ordination) ceremony of the Sri Lanka Ramanna Maha Nikaya, today at the Town Hall Playground in Panadura.
He pledged the Maha Sangha that he would not hesitate to act with regard to issues of the freedom and the independence of the motherland. It is the policy of the current government to act according to the advice and guidance of the venerable Maha Sangha in every activity related to the national security and other matters”, he said.
The President said he would be committed to protect the Sri Lankan society by respecting the proud history of the country as a Buddhist as well as the Head of State. He ensured the Maha Sangha that he would be dedicated to strengthen and nurture the esteemed place for Buddhism in the Constitution.
The Maha Nayake of the Sri Lanka Ramanna Maha Nikaya, Aggamaha Panditha, Most Ven. Napane Premasiri Thera, Most Ven. Doranagoda Vijithasena Anu Nayaka Thera, Most Ven. Varagoda Premarathana Thera, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya and foreign diplomats participated in this occasion.
අද ඉරිදා දිනයේ දිවයින පුවත්පතේ පල කර ඇති ප්රධාන ශීර්ෂ පාඨය සම්බන්ධයෙන් ජනාධිපති මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතා ඊයේ දිනයේ පේරාදෙණියේ පැවති උත්සවයකදී පුවත්පතද පෙන්වා සිය අදහස් ඉදිරිපත් කලේය.
දිවයින පුවපත්පත මුල් පුවත ලෙස වාර්ත කර තිබුනේ ‘යුධ අධිකරණය මාස නවමකින්’ කියාය.
ජනාධිපතිවරයා දැඩිව එම පුවත ප්රතික්ෂෙප කරමින් කියා සිටියේ තමන් ජනාධිපති ධුරයේ සිටිනා තාක් විදේශීය අධිකරණ හෝ විනිසුරුවරැන්ට මෙරට පරිපාලනයට අත පොවන්නට ඉඩ නොදෙන බවයි.
ජනාධිපතිවරයා දැඩිව එම පුවත ප්රතික්ෂෙප කරමින් කියා සිටියේ තමන් ජනාධිපති ධුරයේ සිටිනා තාක් විදේශීය අධිකරණ හෝ විනිසුරුවරැන්ට මෙරට පරිපාලනයට අත පොවන්නට ඉඩ නොදෙන බවයි.
July 11th, 2016 at 2:31 am
Not only this, the treacherous Ranil, Sirisena, CBK, Mangala, idiotic UNPers, those INGOs working for thousands of dollars and even the JVP are trying to dismember the country via constitutional changes. We patriotic Sri Lankans should demand a strong central government, no more powers to provincial councils, no merger between provinces, ideally abolition of the 13th amendment to the constitution and absolute safeguarding of the sovereignty of the country.
The army did not commit any war crimes. it is the LTTE who committed war crimes. However, it is high time that Sri Lanka rejected the US imperialists UNHRC resolution and state at the UNHRC to leave Sri Lanka alone to get on with reconciliation as Sri Lanka sees fit.
Actually Sri Lanka today being accused of committing war crimes by the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden, Canada, India etc. is very similar to the way Saddam Hussein and Iraq was accused of possessing non existent WMDs. Although Iraq did everything possible to show the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden, Canada etc. that it did not possess WMD it was bombed anyway, regime change brought about since Iraq has massive amounts of oil which the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden, Canada companies wanted to extract at cheap rates by bringing on a puppet regime. A similar scenario is unfolding in Sri Lanka since Sri Lanka is located at a strategic location, the US wanting to establish a naval/air base at Trincomalee, the US wanting to establish further US army, navy, air force bases in the island, mineral resources, marine resources, control of the Indian ocean sea routes etc. For this, the separatist, terroristic Tamils who are subservient to the US are who the US is favouring to help them with this task. This is why the US favours eelam. All patriotic Sri Lankans should therefore tell the government to withdraw from carrying out the US resolution and to tell the US to leave Sri Lanka alone.
July 11th, 2016 at 3:52 am
Mr. Sirisena,
In case you are too naïve to admit or understand, your PM, Ranil and FM, Samaraweera, are deceiving you. Those two traitors have already agreed to foreign judges behind your back, including your girl friend Chandrika, who are doing things without your approval.
For them, you are just a Gamaya without any knowledge of English and western culture, which they are slave to. So, you can say whatever you like, but they are the ones running the country. As far as they are concerned you are just a puppet, nothing else..!
It is about time that you understand that your UNP buddies are using you and ruining the country, while you are preaching bullshit to the people.
Wake up and smell the tea, before you and your traitors -Ranil, Mangala, Chandrika – ruin the country and its future..
July 11th, 2016 at 4:49 am
Vairapala sorrysena is a mere puppet. It is traitor chief die hard catholic, token Buddhist pol pot ponil
wickramaSinhalakiller the one running YAMA PAALANAYA show.
Maru sira with his nivata hinawa is just
nothing to PM (pathala man). People, including maru sira, know how murderous (rememberBatalanda torture camp)
he is and scared to cross
his path. Only way he will be your friend is to become a catholic. Then he will be your friend, like john mara,
arjun maha horandran, karupaiya karunkaya, reginald cooray, austin fernando, hitler pira(mala)paharan, gonga ram, xxxx harin, etc.
etc. Maru sira should find it no problem since he doesn’t have any principles or conscience. Go for it vairapala!
You can do it. We know you don’t like temples. C’mon, maru sira!
July 12th, 2016 at 3:55 am
Sri Lanka needs a strong central government in the form of the executive presidency. It is the executive presidency which is keeping the unitary state together since provincial councils have now been provided powers. Therefore if the executive presidency is abolished, the provincial councils will become more powerful and the separatist terroristic TNA will try to break away using threats the North and the East. the PR system is the fairest system which means each vote counts. It is a very democratic system. We do not need any changes to the constitution. These changes to the constitution are only suggested to bring on stealthily a federal or a separate state by falsely labelling it as ‘unitary’ to hoodwink the idiotic Sinhala Buddhists. We do not need any changes to the constitution which is what the separatist terrorists of the TNA, US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden and Canada wants to dismember this country. Also it is the executive presidential system which can easily carry out programmes to develop the country since otherwise there will be endless wranglings within the cabinet and in parliament about what path to follow for development to happen. A well meaning executive president can easily implement a reasonable and suitable programme to take the country forward. Another main reason to keep the executive presidency as it is to counter the separatist threat since a strong executive president can stop any treacherous activities which goes against the independence, freedom, sovereignty, unitary status etc. of the country since the executive president is elected directly by the people’s vote and is answerable to all the people of the country as a result. So for all these reasons, there is no need whatsoever to change the constitution. However the provincial councils should not be given any more powers, there should not be any merger between provinces, ideally the 13th amendment to the constitution should be abolished and there should be a strong central government if Sri Lanka is to move forward as a country and since it is a small country.
July 14th, 2016 at 2:59 am
Sri Lanka should tell the US that Sri Lanka cannot abide by the UNHRC resolution. The Sri Lankan Army did not commit any war crimes. It is the LTTE terrorists who committed war crimes throughout 26 years of war. No country with an ounce of self respect will place their army in harms way to be tried by a court domestic or hybrid of war crimes the army did not commit in anyway. If individual soldiers committed any crimes, a complaint can be placed in a court of law in Sri Lanka. Why is there a need for special judicial procedures? This government is a puppet of the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India and is so subservient to US interests that it is ready to try its own armed forces for crimes that the armed forces did not commit. All the while, the LTTE terrorists who committed war crimes are being shown as totally innocent. Using the ploy of wanting a new constitution which almost all Sri Lankans don’t want, this treacherous government is trying to create a separate state in the guise of a federal state as the TNA separatist terrorists and the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India wants. Sri Lanka should tell the US that Sri Lanka cannot abide by the UNHRC resolution. The worst that the US, UK, EU, Sweden, Norway and India can do is impose sanctions on Sri Lanka. So what? Sri Lanka can trade with all the countries of Asia and the rest of the world even if the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden and India imposes sanctions. Sri Lanka can grow rice, we have jack fruit, bananas, bread fruit and plenty of water too. So we will not starve just because the US, UK, EU, Sweden, Norway and India imposes sanctions. Also since we can trade with the powerful economies of Asia which includes the Middle East, South East Asia, South Asia, the Far East and Central Asia as well as the rest of the world, actually, we may be OK economically too despite any sanctions imposed by the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India. However by avoiding implementing the unjust UNHRC resolution, Sri Lanka will safeguard its independence and freedom which is the most important thing for the next thousands of years as we have safeguarded our independence and freedom for at least the last 2600 years and avoid the creation of a separate state or eelam in the guise of a federal state. So Sri Lanka must very urgently tell the US that we will not abide by the unjust UNHRC resolution but carry out our own domestic process of reconciliation as we see fit. Let the imperialist US impose sanctions. Nothing much will happen to our economy since we can trade with the powerful economies of Asia and the rest of the world instead but Sri Lanka would have preserved its independence and freedom for the next thousands of years and avoid the partition of the country and the creation of a separate state which will be Sri Lanka’s end.