The UN Peace Keeping Hoax: Sri Lanka should not send our War Heroes to nations illegally invaded & occupied
Posted on September 10th, 2016

Shenali D Waduge

 There are 16 UN Missions currently operating with over 85,000 blue helmets. These men are serving in countries where conflicts have not arisen without a reason. Many of these conflicts have been planned and plotted by the very nations passing resolutions recommending UN Missions because these missions are only extensions of the goal to plunder and help weaken or reduce the powers of the locals over their own country. In such a scenario should we not be asking ourselves why we would want to send men to guard countries and territories where UN is stationed illegally to face death because the very countries that created the conflict end up arming both sides while sending parties to solve the problem or rather delay solving the problem. When a report by the U.S. GAO, dispatching UN peacekeepers to Haiti was eight times less expensive than fielding a comparable U.S. mission it goes to show that the nations that start trouble are happy to despatch soldiers from poorer third world countries than sending their men and highlights the hypocrisy and double standards that prevail.

The UN PeaceKeeping was created in 1948 and PeaceKeepers are led by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Its first mission was to maintain ceasefire during the 1948 Arab-Israel War.

There have been so far 69 Peacekeeping Operations, 56 of which have been since 1988 with peacekeepers from 120 countries contributing. Its annual budget is $8 billion

  • Over 85,000 soldiers
  • Over 11,000 police officers
  • Over 1700 military observers
  • Over 17,000 civilian personnel (majority international, some local)
  • Over 1700 UN volunteers
  • 30% of UN peacekeepers are women
  • Over 34,742 vehicles, 144 helicopters, 350 medical clinics, and 56 airplanes are used to support the work of the 16 UN peace operations around the world
  • Since 1948 more than 3,000 UN peacekeepers have lost their lives
  • Democratic republic of Congo which has the biggest deployment – 26,612 personnel
  • Total fatalities in current operations: 1,728
  • Total fatalities in all peace operations since 1948: 3,505
  • In 1988 UN Peacekeepers won the Nobel Peace Prize!
  • May 29th is the International Day of UN Peacekeepers

Currently 17 UN peace operations are deployed across 5 continents (16 peacekeeping operations and 1 special political mission)

  • 9 in Africa
  • 3 in the Middle East
  • 2 in Europe
  • 1 in the Americas and
  • 1 in Asia.

UN Peace Keeping Missions

Middles East (UNTSO)

established in 1948, it is the 1st peace keeping mission of the UN and the UNTSO military observers have remained in the Middle East to monitor ceasefires, supervise armistice agreements, prevent isolated incidents from escalating and assist other UN peacekeeping operations in the region.

Strength: 382 total, includes 148 military observers / 234 civilian personnel – international & local

Fatalities: 50

Appropriation (biennium 2014 – 2015): $74,291,900

India & Pakistan (UNMOGIP)

UN military observers arrived in mission area on January 1949 to supervise ceasefire between India and Pakistan in State of Jammu & Kashmir and was commanded by Military Advisor appointed by UNSG. Hostilities commenced in 1971 and Mission remained to observe ceasefire since December 1971

Strength: 116 total, includes 44 military observers / 72 civilian personnel – international & local /

Fatalities: 11

Appropriation (biennium 2016-2017): $21,134,800


The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) was established by Security Council resolution 690 of 29 April 1991. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General was to have sole and exclusive responsibility over matters relating to the referendum

Strength: 461 total includes (uniformed personnel – troops & military observers/ civilian personnel – international and local / UN volunteers)

Fatalities = 15

Approved budget for the 461 personnel = $56,582,500 (07/2016– 06/2017)

Cyprus (UNFICYP) –

originally set up by UNSC in 1964 to prevent fighting between Greek Cypriot & Turkish Cypriot communities. Hostilities recommenced in 1974 and the Peacekeepers have been given additional functions and remains on the island to supervise ceasefire, maintain buffer zone, undertake humanitarian activities.

Strength: 1,080 total, includes 929 uniformed personnel – troops & police / 151 civilian personnel – international & local

Fatalities: 183

Approved budget for 1080 personnel = $55,560,100 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Golan (UNDOF)

In 1974 on 31st May the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) was established by the UNSC 350 following the agreed disengagement between Israeli and Syrian forces in the Golan. Peacekeepers have remained in Golan (Syria) since 1974

Strength: 927 total, includes 787 troops/ over 140 civilian personnel-international & local

Fatalities: 46

Approved budget for 927 personnel = $47,714,100 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Lebanon (UNIFIL)

Created in 1978 to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon and restore peace and security and assist Lebanese Government to restore governance. After 2006 UNSC enhanced force giving keepers additional mandate to monitor cessation of hostilities, accompany and support Lebanese armed forces and assist humanitarian access to civilians, and help voluntary and safe return of displaced persons.

Strength: 11,345 total, includes 10497 troops / 848 civilian personnel – international & local

Fatalities: 312

Approved budget for 11345 personnel = $488,691,600 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Kosovo (UNMIK) –

Created by UNSC 122 in July 1999 the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kovoso was to enable people of Kosovo to enjoy substantial autonomy. The Mission was given authority over the territory and the people of Kosovo including all legislative and executive powers and administration of the judiciary. Following declaration of independence and new constitution on 15 June 2008 the Mission focuses on promoting security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo.

Strength: 362 total, includes 15 uniformed personnel – military observers and police / 328 civilian personnel / UN Volunteers

Fatalities: 55

Approved budget for 362 personnel = $36,486,900 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Liberia (UNMIL)

established by UNSC 1509 in 2003 to help implement ceasefire and peace process, protect UN staff, facilities and civilians, support humanitarian and human rights activities and assist in national security reform including national police training and forming a new and restructured military.

Strength: 3,100 total, includes 1803 uniformed personnel (troops & police) / 1159 civilian personnel – international & local /UN volunteers

Fatalities: 197

Approved budget for 3100 personnel = $187,192,400 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Haiti (MINUSTAH) –

established on 1 June 2004 by Security Council resolution 1542. MINUSTAH succeeded the Multinational Interim Force authorized by UNSC in February 2004 with Aristide’s exile. In 2010 an earthquake left over 220,000 dead. UNSC Resolution 1908 of 19 January 2010 with UNSG’s recommendation to increase peacekeepers to stabalize country and promote political process and rule of law structures and promote human rights. UN has admitted its role in the cholera outbreak!

Strength: 6,014 total, includes (4686 uniformed personnel – troops and police / civilian personnel – international and local / UN Volunteers)

Fatalities: 184

Approved budget for the 6014 personnel = $345,926,700 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Ivory Coast (UNOCI) –

UNSC 1528 in 2004 established UN Mission with mandate to implement peace agreement signed in 2003. After 2010 Presidential elections and political crisis the Mission remains to protect civilians, provide good offices, support Ivorian Government in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants, security sector reform, monitor & promote human rights.

Strength: 4,556 total, includes 3502 uniformed personnel – troops 2601, military observers, police / 961 civilian personnel-international & local / UN Volunteers

Fatalities: 143

Approved budget for 4556 personnel = $153,046,000 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Darfur (UNAMID)

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) established on 31 July 2007 by UNSC 1769 to protect civilians, contribute to security for humanitarian assistance, monitor and verify implementation of agreements, assist in political process, contribute to promoting human rights, rule of law and monitor/report on situation along borders with Chad and Central African Republic (CAR)

Strength: 20,616 total, includes over 17000 uniformed personnel (troops/military observers/police) / over 3000 civilian personnel – international/local / UN Volunteers

Fatalities: 234

Approved budget for 20,616 personnel = $1,039,573,200 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

Sudan – Abyei (UNISFA)

Created by UNSC 1990 in 2011 following violence and population displacement. Peacekeepers monitor border between north and south and facilitate delivery of humanitarian aid and has mandate to use force to protect civilians and humanitarian workers.

Strength: 4,778 total, includes 4546 uniformed personnel – over 4000 troops, military observers, police / 202 civilian personnel – international & local / UN Volunteers

Fatalities: 21

Approved budget for 4778 personnel = $268,624,600 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

South Sudan (UNMISS)

became the newest country. The UN site describes it as the birth of the Republic of South Sudan is the culmination of a six-year peace process which began with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 (does this mean that peace agreements pave way for independent states!) Following resolution 1966 of 2011 the UNSC determined that the situation faced in South Sudan constituted a threat to international peace and security in the region and established the UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) to consolidate peace & security and help establish conditions for development. Despite independence crisis broke out in 2013 and UNSC 2155 of 2014 reinforced UNMISS to protect civilians, human rights monitoring and support delivery of humanitarian assistance and implement cessation of hostilities agreement.

Strength: 16,147 total, includes 13741 uniformed personnel – over 12,000 troops, military observers and police / 1973 civilian personnel – international & local / UN Volunteers

Fatalities: 45

Approved budget for 16147 personnel = $1,081,788,400 (07/2016 – 06/2017)

DR Congo (MONUC)

MONUC was replaced with MONUSCO by UNSC 1925 on 1 July 2010. The new mission can use all necessary means to carry out its mandate relating to protecting civilians, humanitarian personnel, human rights defenders under threat of physical violence.

Strength: 22,498 total, includes (over 18000 uniformed personnel – over 16,000 troops, military observers, police / civilian personnel – international & local/ UN Volunteers)

Fatalities: 102

Approved budget for the 22,498 personnel = $1,235,723,100 (07/2016 – 06/2017)


established by Security Council resolution 2100 of 25 April 2013 to support political process in Mali and carry out security-related tasks as well as support transitional authorities of Mali to implement transitional roadmap. Resolution 2164 of 25 June 2014 gave the mission additional duties of ensuring security, stabilization and protection of civilians, supporting national political dialogue and reconciliation, assisting the reestablishment of State authority, rebuilding security sector, promoting and protecting human rights.

Strength: 13,083 total, includes (uniformed personnel – over 10,000 troops, military observers and over 1000 police/ over 1000 civilian personnel – international & local / UN volunteers)

Fatalities:  105

Approved budget for the 13,083 personnel = $933,411,000 (07/2016– 06/2017)

Central African Republic (MINUSCA) –

Security Council authorized on 10 April 2014 to protect civilians and assist in transition process, facilitating humanitarian assistance, promoting and protecting human rights, supporting justice and rule of law, disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation.

Strength: 13,327 total, includes (uniformed personnel – over 12,000 troops, military observers and over 2000 police / civilian personnel – international & local / UN volunteers

Fatalities:  25

Approved budget for the 13,327 personnel = $920,727,900 (07/2016– 06/2017)

In short, the UN missions have been increasing as well as expanding their mandate to subtly influence decision making of countries that they are stationed in. Notice how with each Mission they are expanding their roles – influencing law & order structures, restructuring military, drafting constitutions etc. These are all influencing the people subtly. None of the issues there were mandated to attend to have been solved except that the UN continues to add to its mandate and continue presence in countries. While UN adds to its reports and cries over its failures, instead of solving any failures it happily adds on Missions which is getting no country anywhere.

What needs to be also said is that when taking these countries where UN Missions are currently operating in, there is a geopolitical interest for Western imperialist agendas.  Many of the conflicts that have ‘necessitated’ UN involvement and fact finding missions and troops have served the imperial agendas of these western nations who have been either funding covertly and conniving the issues from behind the scenes. None of these covert and overt operations have ever been mentioned in any report or even investigated.

In the light of these realities we need to abstain from sending Sri Lanka’s war heroes to any of these Missions. Our war heroes fought fair and square and won despite plenty of covert foreign involvement too. The whole world should give special treatment to our soldiers for their achievement. They should not be induced by money more or less a bribe to be sent to these conflict zones where they are virtual guineapigs and their lives lost would be in vain for the cause is not genuine and they would be going to nations where conflicts have been illegally created to facilitate geopolitical goals of western imperial nations for whom the UN is now serving as a slave provider.

Our war heroes should never be sent to any UN Peace Keeping Mission even if the inducements are lucrative.

Shenali D Waduge

2 Responses to “The UN Peace Keeping Hoax: Sri Lanka should not send our War Heroes to nations illegally invaded & occupied”

  1. Fran Diaz Says:

    Thank you, Shenali.


    The UN has let Lanka down.

    – The UN did not come forward in 1976 when the Vadukoddai Resolution (Eelam through Violence) was announced by the then Tamil leaders.
    – The UN did not protest when INDIA imposed the 13-A under Duress on the JRJ govt in 1987.
    – The UN did not prevent INDIA training the LTTE in Tamil Nadu.

    * Will the UN now compensate partly at least, and remove the unjust and False War Crimes charge on Lanka, even at this late stage ?
    * Will the UN now state that the ILLEGAL 13-A must be removed from the Constitution of Sri Lanka ?

    Or else, of what use is the UN membership for Lanka ?

  2. Cerberus Says:

    Thank you Shenali,
    On 8th Dec 2009, the US State Dept. approached Sri Lanka regarding getting our War Heroes to participate in fighting in the Afghan war. Robert O’Blake came and met with Gota regarding this possibility. Thankfully Gota refused the US request and that was another thing that went against the Mahinda Rajapaksa Govt with the USA. Please see the details below:

    If it was Ranil W, CBK, and MY3 tagging along, they may have gladly sent the War Heroes to their death in Afghanistan or Syria or some other hell hole where the USA does not wish to send many of their own troops. It would be suicide for our heroes. It shows that the USA holds our troops in high esteem and wants them to join up. I think this whole exercise of toppling MR Govt was done by these powerful countries to get among other things manpower for fighting meaningless wars all over the world for them.

    Powerful countries have found it is cheaper to buy a few puppets in the countries they wish to invade and just empower those puppets to come to power and then take over countries that way. In Sri Lanka, we have two classic puppets in the President and Prime Minister who were so obsequious to Ban Ki-Moon when he was insulting Sri Lanka and our war heroes. Dr. D. Chandraratna has put the situation Sri Lanka very well in his article. See:

    Asoka Weerasinghe, a true patriot has also written an excellent letter to the President and Prime Minister drawing their attention to the shameful behaviour of the GoSL. See:

    When the SLFP came into power and CBK became President with Ranil W as Prime Minister, they bungled the entire military operations against the LTTE. She appointed her uncle Anuruddha Ratwatte as Secretary for Defence and her nephew Rohan Daluwatte as the Military commander. Rohan had no military experience and would run off to see Sai Baba in South India whenever there was trouble. She kept the war with LTTE dragging on and thousands of our Sinhala soldiers were brutally killed by LTTE. See article

    CBK used to run in the night to Mother Superior at St. Bridget’s when she had problems. Her nephew Rohan Daluwatte used to run to India to see Sai Baba when he had problems.
    When over 1000 soldiers were cut off without water at Elephant Pass by LTTE, CBK, and her nephew Daluwatte could do nothing to help those men who died of dehydration. She could have done so many things to help these men. Instead as Commander in Chief, she did nothing !! This is unforgivable and an act of treason. This is just one of her treasonable actions.
    She stopped the teaching of Sri Lanka history in schools when she was President and now she has proposed the stopping the teaching of Buddhism too. Instead, she wants to teach a Hodge podge mix of religions which will leave students completely confused.

    CBK also had a preset idea, same as Ranil W., that it was not possible to beat the LTTE, There was a Commission appointed to look into bribery by her uncle Ratwatte. When they started hearings, he had a heart attack and died so the case was cancelled. I think she did a deal with Ranil to shelve the Batalanda Commission report in turn for shelving the case for Gen. Ratwatte.

    Ranil W kept trying to hand over the North and East to appease Prabhakaran. He even stopped a crucial military operation in 2001 where the army knew the exact location of Prabhakaran and was ready to take him out. See

    When the Batalanda commission had recommended his civic rights be removed how is he now the Prime Minister? It is only because he is a puppet of powerful countries and is supported by them. He lost elections 29 times, then tried to come to power behind Sarath Fonseka and finally managed to come through My3 who appointed him illegally as the Prime Minister in Jan 8’15.

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