Wrong to prevent elephants taking part in Perahera – Mahinda
Posted on September 16th, 2016
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September 17th, 2016 at 3:41 am
It is not the animal rights behind this sinister movement by the catholic-run UNPatritoic party. It is to dismantle
Buddhist culture bit by bit. Traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist pol pot ponil wickramaSinhalakiller stopped
teaching history in schools when he was the education minister. Anybody who speaks for Buddhists or Sinhalese
race is quickly silenced. It could be an honorary doctorate or something, depending on the person and quietly
he/she will be sent 6 feet under. Sinhala being famous for modayas don’t even notice it.
Kandy pageant is a Buddhist cultural thing going on for centuries. No elephants,
no pageant. That’s the plan. Obviously you can’t destroy all these in one go. Getting rid of Buddhism as the state
religion under catholic-run UNPatriotic party’s new constitution; federal coming everyone knows except the
Buddhism destroyer tibbotte pin bath gilinna. While getting fat thanks to Buddhism, he is helping to destroy
Buddhism in the country. Jaathi dhrohiya. This sinister move get the blessing of all the traitors tamils, mussies and catholics of course. With a bit of Sinhala traitors’ support, it is going to succeed.
September 17th, 2016 at 1:04 pm
Perahera elephants are privileged animals. They are protected, lovingly looked after, and do very little work.
This valued role is closely associated with the Sinhala culture and history gives Sri Lankan elephants a better chance at survival in Sri Lanka in the long term than in many other countries.
As pressure mounts from humans to utilise the land that elephants live on increases with increasing human population, elephants will need every emotional tie they have with humans to survive without being killed off in Sri Lanka.
The close association of Perahera elephants with humans contributes mightily to preserving those bonds. Those links are established with every Sri Lankan child in their formative years and that love affair never ends as that child grows into an adult. What better way is there to endure their survival in Sri Lanka?
Only those who want to destroy that cultural and humanitarian link between the Sinhala nation and its elephants seeks to ban the use of elephants in Peraheras.
It will NEVER HAPPEN IN Sri Lanka … as long as the Sinhala people and Buddhism survives in Sri Lanka.
September 17th, 2016 at 1:19 pm
What Ananda says is true.
Perahera Elephants are well cared for.
No Elephants in the Perahera means Nothing Special to lend a living and majestic presence to the Buddha Teachings and the Buddha relics usually carried in Peraheras.
Now, who would want to remove such fine feelings ?
Where O where are the Sinhala/Buddhists of Lanka ?
Have they been banished from their own Country ?
Speak up, Sinhala Buddhists ! Be assertive with your Rights !
The way the UNP led Yahap carries on re Elephants, one would think that there is more concern for Elephants than for the Human population of Lanka ….
September 17th, 2016 at 4:52 pm
රත්නපුර පෙරහැරේ අලි කළබලයක්.
2016 සැප්තැම්බර් මස 17 08:44:30 | රේඛා තරංගනී පොන්සේකා
රත්නපුර සමන් දේවාල පෙරහැරේ අලියෙකු කුලප්පු වීම නිසා කාන්තාවක් මියගොස් පුද්ගලයින් දොලොස්දෙනෙක් තුවාල ලබා ඇතැයි පොලිසිය කියයි.
There is no need for ANY government to interfere in this affair. Personally , I am against exploiting animals, specially in the name of Buddhism. However these tradition shall go on, with guidance to do minimum harm.
Problem is not that. During MR era , some hooligans started killing mother elephants to snatch babies and sell to wealthy and connected people.
Should Sinhala Buddhist speak up against stopping such cruel and very un-Buddhist action ?
This is the very problem we are facing now. While there are NUMEROUS IMPORTANT MAJOT PROBLEMS Sinhala Buddhist are facing, power greedy politicians riding on that, hijacking it to personal benefits. This is why Sihalaya should wake up against the REAL THREATS under this HORA government, without getting distracted.
September 18th, 2016 at 7:58 am
We wonder WHY the Elephant at the recent perahera went amok ….
A Tame Elephant running amok is a RARE occurrence, considering the large number of tamed Elephants in Lanka.
September 19th, 2016 at 1:20 am
Ex – President Mahinda Rajapakse’s comment is correct.
The opposition to elephants in the Perahera is not based on genuine love for elephants but merely a pre-text to demonise and denigrate ancient Sinhala Buddhist culture.
This campaign is led by foreign funded NGOs and non – Buddhists who see no evil in large scale animal sacrifice (where animals are brutally killed), holocausts of animals for feasts associated with religious festivals e.g. Christmas, Hadj etc.
There is no one in Sri Lanka brave enough to point out that the best way to celebrate religion is through non- violence and peace, without any bloodshed.
The Best example is Vesak – where slaughter houses are closed, and sale of flesh food is banned.
Non – Buddhists who pontificate to Buddhists through the controlled media ( full of Buddhism bashing editorial staff and journalists) ignore this precedent as a sound moral example to follow in Sri Lanka.
Our Buddhist Kings in the pre-colonial era protected animals to a far greater extent than we see today in the so – called ‘ multi –c ultural and pluralistic’ Sri Lanka.
Mahinda Rajapakse has a lot to answer for his failure to enact the Animal Welfare Bill which was handed over to him by the Law Commission in 2006.
It is said that opposition to the enactment of the Animal Welfare Bill came not only from a particular community but also from high profile Ministers in Mahinda Rajapakse’s Cabinet who were making huge profits from their personal involvement in the lucrative meat trade.
In the pre-colonial era those who engaged in wrong livelihoods e.g. slaughter of animals or rearing animals for slaughter, were treated as outcastes by the then prevailing Buddhist Social Order.
Today it has a become a huge qualification to enter even the Cabinet of Ministers.
Our Sporting (Cricket) heroes are no better. Throwing live crabs into boiling hot water receives no strictures from the media whose only interest in saving animals from cruelty is when they can ostracize Buddhist cultural practices.
To this day the Animal Welfare Bill remains in limbo.
Next year, the Govt. of Sri Lanka aims to celebrate Vesak by hosting the United Nations Day of Vesak in Sri Lanka by way of convening an International Buddhist Conference.
The Govt. commitment to protect and foster Buddhism under Article 9 of the Constitution would ring hollow if it fails to enact the Animal Welfare Bill in time for this International Buddhist Conference.
The prevailing governing legislation for protection of animals from cruelty enacted by the British Raj i.e. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance, No. 13 of 1907 is obsolete. Its maximum penalty is Rs. 100 for a heinous crime committed on an animal.
Its presence on the Statute Book is a national disgrace.
With hardly any voices raising the cry for better legislative protection for animals, in Sri Lanka’s Parliament, the chances of establishing a Compassionate society in this country are indeed bleak.