Posted on October 16th, 2016
Dr Sarath Obeysekera
I despised trade unions such as GMOA.CEB,Teacher’s Union ,Farmers Union, Custom officers Union ,Estate worker Union , Nurses Union,mPrivate Bus owners ,Three wheeler Union ( people suffering due Garbage problem) etc demonstrating in public places and along main roads and blocking traffic and inconveniencing the public .
I have to now change my mind and support the actions by the trade unions .If the government fails listento written complains in the national papers ,and ignore to solve the problem .I am sure the Union have the right to take such actions to attract the attention of the public .
When people get inconvenienced , affected people blame the government, for either not listening to the Unions or for not suppressing them .
My opinion is that the Ministers in charge of each subject should hold regular meetings and try to find solutions rather than being driven in their luxury cars with baton wielding police escort passing such demonstrations .
How can the leaders of the country know what is happening when they are flying above all of the demonstrations to Brussels and Goa etc .
It is high time the President or the Prime Minister stop travelling and stay in the country like Premadasa did who hardly travelled abroad
Dr Sarath Obeysekera
October 16th, 2016 at 7:16 pm
Thanks Sarath. It is mostly Sinhalese who protest. Indian colonial parasites get what ever they want.
October 16th, 2016 at 10:29 pm
The President and the PM Are COMPELLED go abroad to REPORT to their Foreign Masters on a pre-arranged schedule.
If they don’t do that, who is going to bail them out when the people rise up in anger and DEPOSE them? Safe havens for puppets don’t come cheap, lot of grovelling on knees and lip service is required!