Posted on December 22nd, 2016

 Dr Sarath Obeysekera 

I watched  various TV presentations ,read daily news items in national papers about accelerated plans with all three above ports as the nucleus of growth

I also note that agency with a CEO  with authoritarian powers under the New  super minister will spearhead planning and kicking off  under the Guidance of the Prime Minister .

Do we have an Executing Agency with Super Powers to follow up  the development plans with line agencies  such as Tourist Board ,SLPA Ministry of Fisheries .Provicial Councils and Development  boards as detailed in the draft gazette ?

Having experience in working in plethora of projects like LNG plants.Refineries ,Dockayrds and Sea Reclamation etc ,and knowing the difficulties to get things done by UDA ,CEA etc  I  guarantee you that there is no one in Sri Lanka who can act as the Executor” of the projects

I suggest that H E President leaves the planning and financing to the Super Minister and the agency and take over the execution upon himself .

HE The President shall appoint a string ruthless super secretary /executor under his command to order /instruct/advise and give deadlines to support agencies to execute the project .

Unless this exercise is implemented with a touch of authoritarianism”  with a democratic Face we will never achieve these ambitious plans as detailed by the Hon Minister of Strategic Development.

It will be like the tallest Christmas tree which need completion by X mas eve but a Vardah  Cyclone may shake the foundation if you do not execute it properly !

Dr Sarath Obeysekera

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