Ven. Ratana: Govt. has reneged on its promises Hambantoa deal has irked India
Posted on January 16th, 2017
By Harischandra Gunaratna Courtesy The Island
National list MP and Head of Pivithuru Hetak Organisation Ven. Athulraliye Ratana Thera yesterday admitted that the government had not fulfilled its pre-election promises and what the masses should do was not to topple the government, but to make it fulfil its pledges.
“Today, I am an independent MP striving to bring about a radical change in the country politically, economically and socially, which should have taken place many years ago,” the monk said.
Addressing journalists at the Sri Lanka Foundation, the former Jathika Hela Urumaya stalwart said: “I have formed a potent force, a broad national force, consisting of specialists in different fields, scholars, intellectuals etc., to bring the country on the right track and arrest the rot in politics.”
“I am just a people’s representative. I cannot bring about the changes alone and need the support of the masses.”
Ven. Ratana said former President Mahinda Rajapaksa would not be able to form another government and the powers enjoyed by the President should be reduced as promised before the election.
“We should bring in constitutional amendments to return to the first-past-the-post system,” he said.
The parliamentarian said both the Prime Minister and the President should listen to the voice of the people.
Ven. Ratana said he was opposed to handing over 15,000 acres of land at Hambantota to the Chinese as he felt there was no transparency in the deal.
The former JHU stalwart was of the view that the government by handing over the Hambantota Port to the Chinese had antagonised India and it should not have happened.
Both the previous government and the incumbent government should take the responsibility for this fatal mistake which would have severe repercussions on the country.
He said that former President J.R. Jayewardene too antagonised India and he had been brought to his knees.
Following JRs blunder India under Indira Gandhi allowed terrorist bases in Tamil Nadu and it could happen again albeit in a different manner, the monk warned.
January 16th, 2017 at 4:11 pm
The cat is out the bag, isn’t it Ven. Ratana?
You supported Sirisena in 2014 because India wanted him replace Mahinda and now you cross the floor because of India (is hurt by the Hambantota China deal). I have heard the appease India or we are doomed argument from you personally a few times from 2011 to 2013. But despite all this, you pretend to represent Sri Lankan nationalism and Sinhala Buddhist people! What a huge contradiction is that.
Why didn’t you cross the floor when the world’s biggest bank robbery took place in 2015? Then you opted to join the very people that did it. Now you cross the floor because India is offended by the Hambantota China deal.
If India wants to help Tamil terrorists, it can under any excuse. There is nothing we can do to stop India. What we should do is to protect and balance our interests. Even before JR Jayawardene antogonising India, it followed an anti-Sri Lanka stand. India didn’t honour the Sirima-Shastri Pact and the Kachchativu agreement.
If we are to appease India, Tamil Eelam should be allowed, not resisted and the country must be turned secular and federal. Otherwise we will always be in the bad books of India. Should we do it?
January 16th, 2017 at 4:16 pm
Thank you Dilrook.
He may be joining MR soon.
January 16th, 2017 at 7:14 pm
Even TNA has not complained about ENDIA disliking H’tota. Why is the JHU leader so worried?
He VICIOUSLY ATTACKED MR during the election campaign.
MOST people who initially support My3 is either DEAD or DEFECTED.
1. Sobitha
2. MKDS Gunawardana
3. Rajiwa
4. Ratana
Only Sira and Rajitha remains.
RAJITHA is the next president and the BRIDGE between UNP and SLFP.
MR should have a plan for RAJITHA.
January 17th, 2017 at 4:38 am
It was the monks’ party JHU that forced previous GOSL to fight to a finish with LTTE. They need to take a firm stand with this one as well, as such I support the move taken by Ven, Athureliye. As he says, there is no need to change the parties in power. Only change the leaders who do not deliver the promised change. From the very beginning it was clear that a scam is going to take place.
He and Ven. Alle Gunawansa should take the lead. There should be an unceasing push for the change and it should not be to bring another set of rogues.
January 17th, 2017 at 1:20 pm
Few people said there will be new front forming.
1. Basil’s front
2. Chandana Jayalath’s front
3. now, Rathana Theor’s front ( if not the same as Basil’s – I beleive it is the same)
4. Lorenzo’s front.
January 17th, 2017 at 1:21 pm
Problem is most those FRONTS open their backsides to INDIA.
January 17th, 2017 at 2:59 pm
Yes, Dallas that is exactly what is required. No need to be anti-governement, need to be against unpatriotic acts of UNP or SLFP or your party or any other party. We should not sabatage SriLanka to steal power !
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January 17th, 2017 at 3:28 pm
This Ratana “Hamuduruwo” is one of the TRAITORS TROIKA ( that included Champika Ranawaka of uncontrolled sexual urges and Rajitha Senaratne the dathbeheth dostara) of the JHU who helped the other PARAGATHI TROIKA of Aiyooo Sirisena, Ranil Wikunanasinghe, and CBK the Court Rajina, scuttle the ship of INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN Sri Lanka and bring it to the current precipice of DISINTEGRATION in a patchwork collection of racist apartheid Bantustans permanent at war with one another?
Do we want him MUCKING ABOUT contaminating Elley Gunawansa Nahimiyo’s drive to RESCUE our Motherland!
Ratana the TRAITOR should get lost if he has any decency left! I don’t trust this RAT!
January 17th, 2017 at 3:40 pm
That is a LIE Sira camp created in 2014 to defeat MR.
They got a few fools to spread this lie. I was there when this lie was created.
The MAVIL ARU army operation was planned MONTHS BEFORE anticipating LTTE action. Ratana had NO PART in it. Actually Ratana’s actions DISRUPTED our plans. Here is PROOF.
1. How did so many MBRLs appear within STRIKING RANGE of MAVIL ARU LTTE CAMPS at such “short notice”? Well, they were there for MONTHS waiting for LTTE to do something STUPID.
2. DILAN PERERA did have a protest AGAINST WAR then. But whose side is DILAN anyway? Sira-Ratana side. Isn’t it?
3. Army forced the LTTE to CLOSE the anicut to DRAG the LTTE to war at a time of OUR CHOOSING. After a HAMMERING LTTE cowards opened the sluice gates. We heli-dropped STF and CLOSED it again so that we had an excuse to CONTINUE. Remember there was a CFA agreement in force signed by that FOOL RUN-NIL. So we NEEDED an EXCUSE for action.
4. Ratana’s stupid hunger strike DISRUPTED our plans to CLEAR entire TRINCO of LTTE terrorists. We had to stop because army had to provide security to THOUSANDS who joined the hunger strike!!! IF they were attacked there would have been riots. This DISRUPTED our army plans.
5. GR didn’t need RATANA to tell him WHY army should saved people!! GR was in the army since 1970!!
6. ELAM WAR IV did NOT start with MAVIL ARU in AUGUST 2006. It started in DECEMBER 2005. We killed scores of LTTE leaders, intel operatives, etc. before August 2006. LTTE bombed SF in APRIL 2006 clearly proving war started before MAVIL ARU!
7. Ratana was in MAVIL ARU (close to TRINCO) to protect ENDIAN INVESTMENTS in Trinco. LTTE was actually after ENDIAN oil tanks too. Please look at a map with ROADS and waterways to understand this. Most people don’t know this.
8. In MAY 2006 LTTE attacked a Singhala people in a bus in KEBITIKOLLEWA killing SCORES. Where was RATANA? He was not there! How did he appear in MAVIL ARU a few months later?
Don’t believe his LIES. He got his luxury JEEP before becoming an INDEPENDENT MP!!! Why not before???
January 17th, 2017 at 3:46 pm
Ratana was also behind the GLYPHOSATE ban.
Glyphosate is imported to SL from CHINA, not from Monsanto directly. Chinese manufacturers make this cheap with licence from Monsanto. He wanted to STOP this MASSIVE business to China and give it to ENDIAN companies. Look at WORSE herbicides coming to SL today after the ban. They are all Endian made!!!
Without GLYPHOSATE SL farmers are suffering. SL farming has collapsed. Who gains? ENDIA!! Now rice is imported from ENDIA!!
NEVER believe Pacha-Ranawaka and Ratana. BOTH are Endian supporters driving EXPENSIVE JAPANESE SUVs!!
Ranawaka knows Ratana’s secrets and Ratana knows Ranawaka’s secrets. We know BOTH their secrets!!
January 17th, 2017 at 3:51 pm
“Problem is most those FRONTS open their backsides to INDIA.”
TRUE except our front.
Our front’s slogan is ANTI-ENDIAN in deed not just outside.
January 17th, 2017 at 4:04 pm
Dear Editor,
Can you please publish this comment as an article. As you know I was with the Sirisena camp in 2014. There were people INVOLVED in spreading these LIES in Sirisena camp. At least now the TRUTH must come out.
“It was the monks’ party JHU that forced previous GOSL to fight to a finish with LTTE.”
This is a LIE Sirisena camp created in 2014 to defeat MR.
The MAVIL ARU army operation was planned MONTHS BEFORE anticipating LTTE action. Ratana had NO PART in it. Actually Ratana’s actions DISRUPTED our plans. Here is PROOF.
1. How did so many MBRLs appear within STRIKING RANGE of MAVIL ARU LTTE CAMPS at such “short notice”? Well, they were there for MONTHS waiting for LTTE to do something STUPID. We baited them.
2. DILAN PERERA did have a protest AGAINST WAR then. But whose side is DILAN anyway? Sira-Ratana side. Isn’t it?
3. Army forced the LTTE to CLOSE the anicut to DRAG the LTTE to war at a time of OUR CHOOSING. After a HAMMERING LTTE cowards opened the sluice gates. We heli-dropped STF and CLOSED it again so that we had an excuse to CONTINUE. Remember there was a CFA agreement in force signed by that FOOL RUN-NIL. So we NEEDED an EXCUSE for action.
We believed in fixing the sickness not treating symptoms. When the sickness is CURED, symptoms automatically cure.
4. Ratana’s stupid hunger strike DISRUPTED our plans to CLEAR entire TRINCO of LTTE terrorists. We had to stop because army had to provide security to THOUSANDS who joined the hunger strike!!! IF they were attacked there would have been riots. This DISRUPTED our army plans.
5. GR didn’t need RATANA to tell him WHY army should saved people!! GR was in the army since 1970!!
6. ELAM WAR IV did NOT start with MAVIL ARU in AUGUST 2006. It started in DECEMBER 2005. We killed scores of LTTE leaders, intel operatives, etc. before August 2006. LTTE bombed SF in APRIL 2006 clearly proving war started before MAVIL ARU!
7. Ratana was in MAVIL ARU (close to TRINCO) to protect ENDIAN INVESTMENTS in Trinco. LTTE was actually after ENDIAN oil tanks too. Please look at a map with ROADS and waterways to understand this. Most people don’t know this.
8. In MAY 2006 LTTE attacked a Singhala people in a bus in KEBITIKOLLEWA killing SCORES. Where was RATANA? He was not there! How did he appear in MAVIL ARU a few months later?
Ratana was also behind the GLYPHOSATE ban.
Glyphosate is imported to SL from CHINA, not from Monsanto directly. Chinese manufacturers make this cheap with licence from Monsanto. He wanted to STOP this MASSIVE business to China and give it to ENDIAN companies. Look at WORSE herbicides coming to SL today after the ban. They are all Endian made!!!
Without GLYPHOSATE SL farmers are suffering. This is the truth. Round-up may be bad but the TRUTH is our farmers rely on it to produce rice. SL farming has collapsed. Who gains? ENDIA!! Now rice is imported from ENDIA!!
January 17th, 2017 at 4:32 pm
The Kalawedda (Gon Gonsal) is now tacking on a “Lorenzo’s front”??
The Katussa (Lorenzo) HAS NO “front”; he has only a BACKSIDE through which he speaks ….. too often at length!
I have often said that Katussa (Lorenzo -swamy)’s BACKSIDE is the Kalawedda (Gonsal-swamy)!
Don’t TRUST THESE TWO BUGGERS even as far as you can throw GRAND PIANO!
January 17th, 2017 at 6:04 pm
I remember the chronological order of events and still believe that SL’s army found their true strength by accident. Till then they also believed the war against LTTE was unvinable; armed forces and our leaders had been brainwashed against an all out war. MR too was trying to have it the easy way as others did with unending negotiations. Anyway let us close that chapter.
There is tremendous amount of development taking place in the capital city area. The investments are not from foreigners or the results of clever planning by MR’s government or RW’s. It is the people of SL who are investing their hard earned money that is being used in these. Couple of years ago I wrote in these columns that there were plans for the construction of about a hundred high rise building in Colombo. They are actually coming up now. In Kotte area alone around 20 of them are coming up. In Rajagiriya area an apartment in one of them costs around US $ 300,000 . It is mainly the expatriates who are investing in these ,either for them to spend their retirement or as an investment. Some of them may be the ones who left SL for greener pastures some 30 to 40 years ago. In fact I lived in one of these during the last couple of weeks.
Go to a spot between Gangaramya and Navaloka hospital and look around. You will see a large number of new high rise buildings that have come up or those that are under construction as far as the eye could see. The iconic Altare building ‘the leaning tower Asia’ of about 60 storied is also coming up. I have some picture taken in this area and will send to LW to publish. In Fort you can see the construction work of much talked about Krish buildngs which they say are going to be 80 storied also chugging along.
These are all private investments and are coming up as a result of confidence the investors have placed on Sri lankans. We should not disrupt these by changing governments or creating havoc in the country. We should also not allow the crooks in Yahapalanaya or the previous one to come back and skim off the proceeds of these investments through the Central Bank by various means.
This is the reason we should support the efforts of persons like Ven Athureliye.
January 17th, 2017 at 7:53 pm
“I remember the chronological order of events and still believe that SL’s army found their true strength by accident. Till then they also believed the war against LTTE was unvinable.”
There was NO accident.
The war STRATEGY was CHANGED in December 2005 by GR from a land-grab-hoist-flag to a TERRORIST-ELIMINATION strategy. The moment it happened, all in the army KNEW it was a matter of time. We were WINNING.
Otherwise 150,000 soldiers would NOT remain in the forces!! You cannot fool them. They KNOW what happens at the battlefront.
NO SL mainstream media reported it.
This chapter cannot be closed with BS and LIES hanging around.
January 17th, 2017 at 10:22 pm
I agree with you that many of the high-rises coming up in Colombo are bought by Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan expatriates wis Hong to RETIRE in the land of their birth. I am one of those who started to do that during MR’s time, and is continuing that now.
Why do I do that given the wholesale thefts going on by Athuraliye Ratana’s collaborators? Where else and to whom should I leave my assets if not my people and my motherland? Before I die, I want to invest ALL of my assets in Sri Lanka, much of it in a Charitable Foundation that will serve my people and motherland long after I have passed from the scene.
However, I STRONGLY DISAGREE with you about Athuraliye Ratana Thero, who in my mind is RESPONSIBLE for, and played a large part, in bringinb about the DISASTER Sri Lanka faces now, and that WE are struggling to PREVENT!
NO! Like our own resident EELAMIST Katussa (Lorenzo) who did the same backstabbing, Althuraliye Ratana will reap the RETRIBUTION he has sowed! Good RIDDANCE to BAD RUBBISH, I say!
January 18th, 2017 at 5:26 am
“He said that former President J.R. Jayewardene too antagonised India and he had been brought to his knees.
Following JRs blunder India under Indira Gandhi allowed terrorist bases in Tamil Nadu and it could happen again albeit in a different manner, the monk warned.”
What a liar are you Rev. Monk. Indian terrorist arm in Ceylon started long before 1977 when JR came to power. If you don’t know it is better to shut up.
Sir John Kotalawala said some monk’s bold head should be tarred. I say in todays terms they should be carpeted like the highways.
These monks sell the Sinhalese to the Indian imperialists and Indian colonial parasites.
Be aware most of the High rises and other developments are Indian and Indian colonial parasites money. Most of it earned from us and coming back as investments.
If you are buying one make sure it is not an Indian or Indian colonial parasite one.