European Union must apologize for Human Zoos before preaching human rights!
Posted on February 27th, 2017

Shenali D Waduge

Anglo-American influenced UN is going after Japan on the issue of ‘comfort women’ which took place in World War 2 but the UN is not taking any action against the victims of the human zoos set up by Europeans well into the 1950s? Human zoos prevailed for over 100 years throughout Paris, Hamburg, Antwerp, Barcelona, London, Milan, and Warsaw. These humans were exhibits to some 300,000 Europeans! The World’s Fair, in 1889 had 28million Europeans come to watch 400 indigenous people! Some of these human zoos continue to the 21st century. How can Europe say racism is in the past! Why has there been no action against the primitiveness of putting the ‘primitive’ on display for entertainment? Is it because the perpetrators are white? Were these acts of racial superiority ever condemned and apologized? These same Europeans that kept humans in cages and have not apologized for their crimes accuse other nations of keeping people in ‘internment camps’ though they have never been given the treatment that the whites showed to the non-whites! This is what we would like to remind the European nations who have self-elevated themselves on a moral high-ground when clearly evidence of their crimes give them no reason to even use the words morals or ethics. All these gruesome acts are kept nicely hidden to project the notion of superiority. It is time the hypocrisies end.

Europeans paid to attend fairs where non-Europeans semi-naked or naked were put inside cages.

  • Columbus and Vespucci took back natives to Europe to parade their trophies.
  • In 1810 a 20 year old South African girl was transported to Europe and exhibited in cages – 4 years later she died. Her skeleton, sexual organs and brain were put on display at the Museum of Mankind in Paris. In 2002, President Nelson Mandela formally requested the repatriation of her remains.
  • An exhibition in Brussels in 1897 even included a sign reading, Do not feed the Congolese. They have been fed.” This exhibition saw more than a BILLION attend between 1870 and 1940
  • In 1883 at the International Colonial and Export Exhibition in Amsterdam even the Ceylonese were put on display.

  • The 1900 World’s Fair
  • In 1906 the Bronx Zoo in New York City put a Congolese pygmy on display and forced to carry apes. The board outside the cage read Age, 23 years. Height, 4 feet 11 inches. Weight, 103 pounds. Brought from the Kasai River, Congo Free State, South Central Africa, by Dr. Samuel P. Verner. Exhibited each afternoon during September.”
  • In 1906 the French built 6 different villages in Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale displaying villages with natives from Madagascar, Indochine, Sudan, Congo, Tunisia and Morocco. 1million Europeans had come to view them from May-Oct 1907.
  • Between 1877 and 1912, approximately thirty ethnological exhibitions were presented at the Jardin zoologique d’acclimatation – in , 1889 Paris celebrated 100 years of liberty, equality and fraternity.” !!!! (obviously none of these rights applied to non-whites)
  • Colonial Exhibitions in Marseilles (1906 and 1922)
  • The Paris exhibitions held in 1907 and 1931 saw 34million attend in 6 months. In 1896 Cincinnati Zoo had 100 Sioux Native Americans in a mock village at the zoo for three months.
  • The Brussels 1958 World’s Fair kept a Congolese village on display
  • In 1925, a display at Belle Vue Zoo in Manchester, England, was entitled “Cannibals” and featured black Africans depicted as savages
  • In 1994 – Nantes, France an Ivory Coast village was on display.
  • In 2005 – Germany’s Augsburg’s zoo too had humans on display
  • In August 2005, London Zoo also displayed humans wearing fig leaves,
  • In 2007, Adelaide Zoo housed people in a former ape enclosure

The white Europeans that laugh and ridicule others as ‘cannibals’ were themselves human eaters.

During the 1st Crusade in 1098 (Ma’arra is modern day Syria) an eyewitness had written In Ma’arra our troops boiled pagan adults in cooking-pots; they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled.” The chronicler Albert of Aix wrote Not only did our troops not shrink from eating dead Turks and Saracens; they also ate dogs!”

In 1492 doctors of Pope Innocent VIII used vampire-like techniques on 3 young boys to enable the Pope to drink their blood. The boys and the Pope however died. Europeans made candles out of human fat even upto 1880s. King Charles II sipped a mix of human skull with alcohol! A French Franciscan monk made marmalade out of human blood.

The People Show – Human treated as Zoo exhibits


What is tragic is that India still continues the human zoos. What is ironical is that the Western newspapers sneer at India for it while totally ignoring that the West started the practice!

Human zoos were even on display in Brussels where the European Unions’ defacto capital lies. Britain and America continue to display in museums human remains that are human trophies of their massacres and subjugation of indigenous populations. whose heads were decapitated by the colonial occupying force, were then dispatched to England, to signify British victory over, and subjugation of, the local population… surely, keeping decapitated heads as war trophies, in this day and age, in a national history museum, must rank among the highest forms of racist moral decadence, sadism and human insensitivity.” (Robert Mugabe)

What is shocking is that the human zoos were to make white people feel morally superior to blacks and justify their invasion and exploitation as well as showcase why the whites need to ‘civilize’ the victims. Sadism was such that the whites enjoyed viewing the bare-breasted women at low-priced tickets which gave viewers a respectable peep in a puritanical society that otherwise did not tolerate nudity.

The act of caging humans was calculated with intent to show that if let lose they are dangerous. This psychologically made people approve all types of extermination techniques used in the colonies. The millions of visitors that poured into watching these human zoos epitomized the psyche of the people themselves creating a demand-supply.

In turn the whites were made to feel that they were doing the blacks a service by employing them as slaves and allowing them to live on their land. These psychological impacts continues to exist whatever ‘equality’ is promoted. Racism never ended – it began and continues by the white race. Hard as it is to accept, this is the truth. Reactions by blacks though wrong, cannot come close to the treatment meted out to them by the white race over hundreds of years invading their lands, disturbing their way of life, their cultures, their traditions and forcibly instilling a culture that was foreign to them.

What is also interesting is that the ‘human rights activists’ are very selective in what they champion. While they can go back to Comfort Women and accuse the Japanese, they will not even think about demanding apology for the human zoos and the humiliation blacks/Asians were subject to, in front of an audience that went into millions of whites who probably are continuing to carry that racism.

So we again ask, what is this equality that the West is preaching about? Why are none of the White Crimes ever taken to the dock? These are no small or negligible crimes.

Colonial crimes that include taking over lands, murder of natives, destruction of livelihoods, genocide, rape, forced conversions, cultural genocide, artificial demarcation of lands & territories root of which present conflicts arise, divide and rule policies which again find roots to the present conflicts have never been allowed to be taken to the dock. Even when done the British govt has refused to accept court verdicts and UN puppet is silent.

Similarly, the current post World War incursions, illegal humanitarian interventions, covert acts of modern missionaries in the form of western government funded NGOs and the damage they do to countries are overlooked by the very governments that use the covert actions to bring other countries to task using the slogans – freedom, human rights, equality etc. The very slogans that the West flouts unabashedly for which none of their crimes are taken to any international court, the hypocrisy is that these very perpetrators claim themselves to be morally above all others.

The example of human zoos that continued even to the 21st century is a glaring example of that hypocrisy and showcases the puppet nature of the UN and its officials as well whose justice is selective and none of the Western crimes ever get taken to the dock while the criminals preach good governance to the rest of the world. Europe should feel ashamed.

Shenali D Waduge

Andaman Islands native women end up dancing and singing for tourists.–fuelled-Hitlers-twisted-beliefs.html

5 Responses to “European Union must apologize for Human Zoos before preaching human rights!”

  1. Nimal Says:

    I agree with the above article to a great extent. Countries of the colonial type did some very bad violations of human rights,cruelty to humans and animals. Yet these countries have the best human rights record at present, far above most of the third world countries.
    There was a time in history no one ever thought of democracy, ever thought of human rights, ever thought of even good health and hygine,etc,etc.
    Over the decades people who were wise and even humane decided the wrongs done to people when a sense of fairness was mainly rose up in their hearts and mind that set to new set of rules,leauge of nations that led to UN.
    Yet at present it is not perfect and countries like UK,Germany and Nordic nations seems far above the rest of the countries with respect to human rights,etc.Remeber the Norble peace prize,
    They have come a long way from their gruesome past, yet like of Mugabe and us in the third world do a lot to catch up.
    I could only relate to incidences that I my self experienced. See the TV series Taboo where human rights of Delaney was violated right under the king and in his name.
    In early 50s shiploads immigrants were settled in countries like Australia,NZ,US and Canada thus harming the indigenous people in those countries. They had a white Australia policy that was unfair where even the Asians that fought along side the Australians who subsequently settled were unjustly discriminated and was deported.
    During that time only persons with the British ancestry was allowed to settled with a strong white Australia policy which made many unhappy because we were by then learned that to discriminate on colour is wrong. This was purely due the new Western culture that was put in our minds, some mainly by the missionaries that preached the bible that preach things like love thy neighbour etc.
    Since we were armed with this new culture where it was based mainly on fairplay,justice and tolerance began to question their leaders at every opportunity they had to influence their warped thinking.
    No one ever questioned when thousands of immigrants were shipped to the those countries where the ships berthed at Colombo.
    But then we had honourable leaders who took over from the colonials made their displeasure of the wrongs that was prevailing in those countries. I remember Sir John,Sir Oliver and few other leaders expressing their displeasure with the racist immigration policies, especially so close to the Asian main land.
    Armed with the high moral standards acquired by the very colonials they diplomatically made their displeasure known to the colonial types when ever the gathered as equals in gatherings like the Colombo Plan(where we were very much benefited where their aid of Canadian Diesel engines are still running on our tracks since 1953).Sadly amude clad Gandhi and the lot never fought for the dignity of our countries except in SA where he just tried to impress.
    All these countries relaxed the rules to some extent where many of our Sinhalese were allowed to settled.
    Our dignity, our rights don’t come on a plate and we must earn that in a logical and a sensible way, after all the human man kind is still tribal and we are still not perfect yet and I could say that with courage that UK is the best country that is at the top of the countries tat is fair and decent.
    Today there is a big debate about young orphans that was shipped to Australia, Canada and other countries and were sexually abused.
    There fore the bench mark morality and what is right and wrong is being elevated. They all had without a doubt a very gloomy and a dark history and now we are free to bring this to the attention where like of Mugabe,Nort Koreans will not allow.
    With respect to animals,there is a new aware ness that people don’t accept people or animals being caged up for our pleasure. Soon Zoos will be a thing of the past and the people in the Western countries quite rightly have taken an interest of the animal specie’s welfare and are trying to save them from extinction, though hardly the likes of Chinese and the third world is doing much to wards our animal friends even the rain forests.
    I can’t go on but I haven’t got the time and to glorify our past leaders and history is wrong and only justify our continuous suffering of our people since our respective countries” independence.
    Likes of Trump might reverse the good achievements which is cause for concern.

  2. Christie Says:

    “In early 50s shiploads immigrants were settled in countries like Australia,NZ,US and Canada thus harming the indigenous people in those countries”

    Nimal forget about other countries. What about the millions of Indian Colonia Parasites who settled in British-Indian Colonies.
    That is our problem but let us look at only others problems.

  3. Christie Says:

    Thanks Shenali for the Video on Andaman and Nicobar Islands video. The locals have almost disappeared since British gave those Islands to the Indian Union.
    Soon the Sinhala dancers will be dancing for the Indian Imperialists like the few natives in Andaman and Nicobar Islands do .

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Past Colonisation was a de-humanising thing.

    The colonisers who came in the name of ‘Trade’ were not evolved enough to impart their knowledge of things in Sc&Tech and methods of Trade etc., without de-humanising the colonised countries.

    This must never happen again.
    Trade, yes, but not colonisation.

    PATRIOTISM the need of the hour.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    That ALL OF LANKA’S PORTS ARE FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES should be written into the existing Constitution.
    An Amendment is sufficient for this purpose.
    No need for a new Constitution.

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