Posted on May 30th, 2017


Those who are interested in the secrets of the hidden world of the intelligence agencies might have read this famous quotation, ‘a spy sitting in the right place saves the life of at least 20,000 soldiers of his nation’. But the Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav simply turned this quotation upside down. Instead of saving 20000 soldiers he put the whole Indian nation into trouble. How pathetic is that from Mr. Modi to every man in the streets of India has been compelled to raise his protesting-voice in favour of a criminal who was earlier not accepted even as an Indian citizen. At the cost of the whole of the Indian nation, the International Court of Justice had to be dragged into a matter which brought nothing but shame and insult for the whole of the ‘Shinning India’. But this all makes no difference to Pakistan. Jadhav is going to be hanged very soon as his activities are directly linked with the security affairs of Pakistan and such affairs are beyond the jurisdiction of the ICJ. In some issues, Pakistan does recognize the jurisdiction of the ICJ,” said Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria in a recent statement after his meetings with Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua, Attorney General Ashtar Ausaf Ali and Pakistan’s representative at the International Court of Justice Khawar Qureshi, Jhadav’s case is related to Pakistan’s security. Commander Jadhav continues to provide vital intelligence with regard to recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan. India is just twisting the facts and trying to give this case a humanitarian angle.”A senior official at the foreign ministry said talking to media, It was decided in the meetings that every effort will be made to expose India before the international community and to ensure punishment for Kulbhushan Jadhav as Pakistan has a very solid case against him.” Mr. Khawar Qureshi said, ‘The staying of Kulbhushan execution by the ICJ is not on our mind. This is a normal practice as the case could not move forward if Jadhav is executed.’ All these meetings were arranged to discuss the future line of action with reference to Kulbhushan’s case.

Certainly the case of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav is not a simple matter of a spy, it is the matter of Pakistan’s defence and security; it is the matter of killings of so many innocent people; it is the matter of pushing Pakistani society into the inferno of sectarian-divide and linguistic-hatred; it is a matter of keeping the foreign investors away from Pakistan and all these matters lead to social insecurity and no doubt to destruction of the whole economic structure. Jadhav is not just a spy, he is a terrorist and a terrorist never deserves any soft corner. R&AW’s futile efforts of spreading anarchy in Pakistan and its useless struggle of destabilizing Pakistani society are nothing new; since after the creation of Pakistan, it has ever been an ‘official dream’ of India to keep Pakistan in trouble, sometimes with the help of its ‘media-soldiers’ and sometimes with the help of the R&AW and sometimes with the support of the so-called Militant Organizations.

Spies do work in hostile lands; it is a ‘part of game’ but forgiving spies is nowhere a part of game. Spies are treated everywhere with all possible strictness rather rudeness and rigidity but in Pakistan, the natural and national temperamental peacefulness and kindheartedness with the neighbors has ever been a hurdle in a way to deal with the spies, particularly the spies belonging to India. The security agencies of Pakistan have so many times caught the Indian spies red-handed and after giving them all possible opportunities of proving their innocence and after following complete legal procedure sent them behind the bars but during all this process such criminals are never treated brutally. The reason behind this soft-behaviour might be that the spies are considered ‘illegal-diplomats’ of the countries they belong to. Kulbhushan Jadhav was also treated with the same kindness. People might have noticed the appearance of Jadhav during his confession-statement; freshly and nicely shaven face, neatly dressed with very peaceful expressions on his face; he was looking like a high-ranked army officer. He seemed neither under influence of some violence nor under some mental torture. It seemed that he had got tired of the dirty game of which he had been a part since long and he wanted to get rid of all that rubbish. If you look back at the record-files of the Indian spies arrested in Pakistan you would be astonished to know that they are hundreds in number. It is the high-time for Pakistan to put a full-stop to India’s dirty game of sending her spies here. Pakistan will have to make sure that Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav is punished for killing innocent people and it is the most suitable way of exposing India’s dirty face before the international community.

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