Since 1987 what we have in Sri Lanka is a federal system, what is now being proposed is  form of a confederal system
Posted on August 31st, 2017

Chanaka Bandarage

Reports by the Parliament’s six sub committees

Undoubtedly the reports published in 2016 by the Parliament’s six sub committees on constitutional reform are most damaging and frightening. They threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation. Among  the  proposals are giving land and police powers to the provinces.  This means the Chief Minister of the Northern Province will be able to decide not only who can  own land in that province, but, who can enter those lands as well. Basically, if he so wishes (with concurrence of his Northern Provincial Council Parliament), the Chief Minister can prevent Sinhalese from entering northern lands (ie beyond  Vavuniya towards Jaffna); the Chief Minister can offer northern land to Thamilnadu people. Basically, he would be able to do anything with this most important, vast, prosperous land (where Nagadipa, Dambakola Patuna, Thambapanni are located. Jaffna was formally named, Yapa Patuna). The Sinhalese who were ethnically cleansed from this province by Prabhakaran in late 1970s and early 1980s can be totally restricted from re-entering the province (the writer’s group works with Northern Sinhalese who are keen to return to the North).  Sinhalese who wish to establish farms, businesses or want to live in the north with families  are already prohibited from doing so (freedom of movement is implied in our Constitution!). On the contrary, Tamils are able to freely move in the country and live wherever they like. Those who preach ‘Sanhindiyawa’ fail to acknowledge and address this grave injustice to the Sinhalese.

The same scenario can apply in the Eastern Province.

The North and East consist of 1/3 of Sri Lanka’s land mass and about 2/3 of the coast. These are the best parts of Sri Lanka and where empty land is available in plenty.  The South is chock a blocked, and people build houses even on 2 perches of land.

There is hardly any new land available in the South for citizens of Sri Lanka to live except in the North and East. The situation will become very grave in the future.

Again, the proposed constitutional reforms are so damaging and dangerous, they have the potential to create  nine separate states within one Sri Lanka.  Yet there is lukewarm response to them from the  majority Sinhalese.  It seems the general populous is not concerned about the danger that the current proposals will bringforth to the country. The reason for this will be discussed later in this paper (that, we patriots are also partly to be blamed for creating this public apathy).

13th Amendment

The 13th Amendment enacted in 1987 under the JR Jayawardane government led the way to create nine Provincial Councils (governments) in the country. This was a massive watershed in Sri Lanka’s political landscape. With so many layers of governments in place, we became one of the highly governed states of the world.

The enactment was done amid huge public protest and discontentment. The public outcry was so outraged and huge that the government declared an island wide curfew in order to sign the infamous Indo-Lanka accord.  Hundreds of protesters were shot dead by the government’s security forces.  It is believed closer to 500 buses belonging to the Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) were set on fire by ‘unruly’ mobs. Further, large scale destructions were caused to public property in major cities. A navy soldier who detested the new system, went on assaulting the then Indian Prime Minister who had come to sign the Indo-Lanka accord.

The creation of the provincial council governments is one of the worst things that has happened to Sri Lanka since the independence. It has caused enormous economic and social damage to the country.  It has confused our way of living, and the country has become a beehive of corruption.

Furthermore, the provincial government system has made Sri Lanka poorer.

Unlike India (1.2 billion people), Sri Lanka (21 million people) is too small to be governed by nine separate provincial governments. What Sri Lanka needs is a strong central government with a decentralised administration system (emphasis on strong local government – Pradeshiya Sabhas, Municipal Councils etc). In this regard, the Saulbury Constitution served the country very well. It is believed when we gained independence Sri Lanka had the 2nd strongest economy in Asia, after Japan. Today we are considered a basket case in Asia (to understand how we have come to this situation, read the writer’s two books, හොඳ උවදෙස් 1 & 2 – KKN publications 2016; Sarasawi- Nugegoda/arwdc@bigpond,com).

Provincial Governments are White Elephants

The provincial governments are heavily dependent on the central government; the central government spends billions of rupees to manage and maintain the provincial governments every year. For this, it borrows heavily from the international money markets leaving, scores of our future generations debt ridden.

Up keeping the provincial government machinery and staff  has been a nightmarish exercise to central governments.  Maintenance of the newly created provincial governments are so expensive, they are often referred to as white elephants. The provincial government memebers  are required to be  provided with wages, luxury vehicles, plush offices, comfortable residences, body guards,  security, other staff, foreign trips and many other perks and facilities – all at the public’s expense. Not even wealthy governments can sustain such a huge scale expenditure. But, Sri Lanka has done so for the last 30 years; again, at the expense of the innocent public, some of whom do not know where the next meal will come from.

Maladministration, bribery and corruption of the Governments

To raise funds for the increased expenditure, the central governments in the past 25 years have borrowed heavily internationally. They have also increased taxes by tenfold. Though they do not have taxation  power, the provincial governments too have gradually introduced various levies, duties, fines etc within their systems. These measures have resulted in Sri Lanka becoming one of the most heavily debt ridden and taxed nations in the world.  The country’s people have realised it has become impossible for them to ‘tighten their belts’ any more. Many educated people left the country in the 1980s and 1990s to escape the war, maladministration, bribery and corruption etc.

The country’s cost of living has sky rocketed. A loaf of bread that was 35 cents about three decades ago now costs about Rs 80 (an increase by 228 times). True the middle class has expanded (largely due to remittances from the migrant labour; the vast economic growth of India and China have benefitted the country tremendously), they have money to build houses and buy expensive vehicles.  But, the condition of the poor has transformed from bad to worse. Though the governments do not want to acknowledge, people have died of starvation and this will continue to be the case. In some hospitals people sleep on the floor and classes in rural schools, owing to lack of buildings, are conducted under trees.  People travel in rickety old buses and trains, jammed as sardines. There is hardly any public transport available in the country after 8 pm (private bus owners have the say in deciding  routes and timetables). There is no effective social security system in the country where the unemployed, the sick and the socially disadvantaged can be well assisted and cared for.

To make things worse, recent governments have concentrated on mega projects to develop the country rather than focusing on small scale projects like incentives to small business, micro credit, assisting poor women who want to be self-reliant  and improving rural infrastructure like repairing remote roads, bridges, irrigation tanks and providing an effective public transport system (buses and trains). It is lucrative for the politicians to engage in mega projects as commissions they receive would make them mega rich.

Why the populous is so lethargic and complacent about the proposed Constitutional changes?:  

One of the main faults we patriots have committed was that we have not been able to convince the populace that the proposed changes has the potential to create nine separate countries within one country (please refer to the writer’s article ‘යෝජිත නව ආණ්‌ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවට අප තරයේ  විරුද්ධ වෙමු, යෝජිත නව ආණ්‌ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවෙන් අවසානයේදී බිහි වෙන්නේ ඊලාම් රාජ්‍යයකි’ dated 12 December 2016, published in Lankaweb). Patriots continue to say that the new constitutional proposals will create a federal state in the country. This is a misnomer. This is a major error on their part.

It is believed that through the Constitutional proposals each province will have its own head of the Police (similar to the present IGP), a separate Attorney- General and with the introduction of a Constitutional Court, the powers of the current Supreme Court (the highest court of the land) will be significantly curtailed. The Central government will no longer be able to carry out ‘national policies’ (like ‘Mahinda Chinthana’, ‘Yahapalanaya’) and the State Governors will  be appointed with concurrence of the Chief Ministers of the province (currently, the President holds this exclusive power). Even Gramasevakas who are currently federal government employees, who represent the federal government at grassroots level will become provincial government employees.

Many Sri Lankans openly say if the new proposals lead to a federal state, then, they will not oppose them. They falsely believe that as far as the country remains one nation, the  army is in the north; power should be devolved from the centre to the periphery to the maximum so that the minorities will be happy and will not rebel again. As the war has ended and bombs are not blasting on roadsides and the politicians cannot be trusted, many people do not care about Constitutional reforms. For them, their day to day issues are more important.

There is some justification in the populous thinking in this manner. Countries that have federal governments such as Canada, Australia, India, France, Mexico, Brazil, Germany have remained one nation and Sri Lankan people  know this.

But, this is a misconception on their part. And, we have thus far been unable to convince Sri Lankans that it is unlikely that  Sri Lanka will remain as one nation if the constitutional reforms in its current form are carried out. One of the main reasons for this is that the new proposals will create a federation, when what it will actually create would be a form of confederation (we have a federal system already!).

Furthermore, unlike other federal countries, there is a strong group in Sri Lanka who wants to divide Sri Lanka and create a separate nation.

We patriots have failed to articulate to the masses that a  strong federal state was already created in 1987 under JR Jayewardene’s 13th Amendment (‘federal’, ‘federalism’ were not cunningly mentioned in that document).

As it is already there, nothing more is required to be done to create a federal state in Sri Lanka.

This federal structure significantly and considerably eroded the supremacy and sovereignty of the Sri Lanka’s Parliament.

Sri Lanka’s federal system is far more elaborate and substantive than that of India’s and Australia’s.  For example, Article 154 G(3) of the Constitution that was introduced by the 13th Amendment requires a majority of 2/3 of the members of Parliament to repeal or amend any statute passed by a Provincial Council; in India the federal parliament is able to repeal such a law only with a simple majority.  In Australia, any state law that is inconsistent with a federal law is deemed illegal to the extent of the inconsistency. We have 73 subjects included in the concurrent list; it is far less than that of India’s and Australia’s.

Article 154A (3) of the current Constitution (as a result of the 13th Amendment) allows the merger of provinces.  Such provisions are not included in the Indian and Australian Constitutions.

It is true that per Article 154J, on the ground that maintenance of essential supplies and services are threatened or that security of the country is  threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion, the President may be able to dissolve  a  provincial government after issuing a Proclamation under the  ‘Public Security Ordinance’ (note: not under the 13th Amendment). The then President Ranasinghe Premadasa used this provision in 1991 to dissolve Vardharaja Perumal’s provincial government because Perumal used the police force like an ‘Army’ and unilaterally declared the ‘Tamil Eelam’ in northern Sri Lanka. It is highly likely that even under the current federal system, such a scenario can re-occur. Under a TNA led Northern Provincial government, they can merge with the East (with the latter’s consent), and create the new  country ‘North-Eastern Sri Lanka’ (or Tamil Eelam) – encompassing 1/3 of Sri Lanka’s land mass and 2/3 of the coast. There is no requirement for an islandwide plebiscite for this process to happen.

The irony is that in the proposed new Constitution, Article 154J may be removed; we are unsure about this at this stage.

It is in this framework that the government is anticipating to amend the Constitution yet again to give more powers to the provincial governments. A country’s Constitution is not a Dog’s Act – to amend so many times during a short period of time.  Within 30 years, we are about to amend it for the 20th time. Developed countries amend their Constitutions very rarely.  Lee Kwan Yu (Singapore) and John Howard (Australia) both leaders stated that their countries should learn from Sri Lanka, and not change their Constitution.

Federalism and confederalism

The main difference between federalism and confederalism is that in federalism the devolution of power happens within a unitary state and it creates regional (provincial level of governments) that are subordinate to the central, main government. It represents a central form in the pathway of regional integration.

A confederate system sits at the other extreme in terms of centralisation. In a confederacy the central government is subordinate to the provincial governments.  We definitely do not want such a system in Sri Lanka.  As patriots we must educate the masses about this.  A confederacy is a very loose relationship among a number of smaller political units. The vast majority of political power rests with the provincial/regional governments; the central (confederal) government has very little power. The independent States of the former Soviet Union, Switzerland’s 26 canton system and the Confederate States of America (1861-1865), the Colonies of Australia (1778 – 1900) before the federation are examples of confederal states. These confederal states no longer exist as they evolved to become separate nations.

Recent past mistakes

The then government in 2009 soon after winning the war had the golden opportunity to disband the provincial governments altogether. The then leader on 19 May 2009 when he addressed the nation ought to have stated that the 13th Amendment  was enacted owing to the terrorist war and since the terrorists were totally annihilated by the country’s brave armed forces there was no need to continue with the 13th Amendment.  He ought to have stated that all people henceforth should live as one people. Unfortunately, this did not happen.  The brave leadership that was expected from the leader, who provided fine political leadership to the war (2006 – 2009), at that time did not come across. Then, again, in 2012, the then government had a golden opportunity to dismantle the provincial government system in entirety through an island wide plebiscite (all-island referendum), prior to holding the Northern Provincial Council election in 2013. We patriots worked day and night campaigning to make the referendum a reality; the government  was hell bent on preserving the provincial council system. Our meetings with very senior government officials became to no avail. Again, genuine leadership was not shown then.  The government showed its extreme desire to maintain the provincial council system and to establish a new Northern Provincial Council, knowing well that that new Northern provincial government will be a threat to the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The government was not brave and forthright in thinking about the country’s future as one nation – that, it is our paramount duty to preserve the country’s sovereignty.  The then leadership so desperate on holding CHOGM, very much wanted to hold the Northern Provincial Council election mainly to please the western world. The government knew that holding of the Northern Provincial Council election meant that giving power to a TNA led Northern Provincial Council that will not allow new Sinhalese to buy land and/or live in the north. We all know CHOGM ended as a total publicity disaster for the then government and the new Northern Provincial Government as expected has become racist. One example is that it does little to stop elements from trying to remove Buddha statutes from their current places of religious worship. The examples of racism that Sinhalese have suffered in the North since 2013 are numerous (we have accounted some of them in our records, and have assisted people in taking action against some perpetrators).


It is time we patriots come out of our ‘nests’ and say loudly and elaborately that the country already has a strong federal system (created in 1987), the proposed system will be the introduction of type of a confederal system which would eventually lead to secession (specifically due to our election of weak leaders in the country). We as a nation should oppose the Constitutional reforms as they currently stand.

We should not disregard what the Parliament’s subcommittee on centre-periphery relations, under the chairmanship of Dharmalingamn Siddhartham, TNA Member of Parliament from the North, articulated in its report that the unitary character of the current Constitution is an impediment to the effective functioning of provincial councils. Basically Mr Siddhartham was arguing that the current federal structure is inefficient and form of a confederation structure is required. He knows that that will lead to creation of the Tamil Eelam.

Once something closer confederation is formed, with more powers (especially the  Police and Land powers), the TNA led Northern Provincial government, may be able to make a successful UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence).  Their constant demand to remove army camps from the north is also due to having this in mind. This is how Kosovo was accepted as a new nation – a declaration of independence by a group of people. The main criteria for Kosovo’s formation and the recognition of the Balkan nations (Croatia, Bosnia, Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina) was the West’s perceived interest to create such new nations. Even if we oppose it at that time, it will be a case of trying to shut the stable after the horse has bolted.

We must never forget that TNA was the former LTTE proxy in the Parliament.

The writer is a Lawyer

36 Responses to “Since 1987 what we have in Sri Lanka is a federal system, what is now being proposed is  form of a confederal system”

  1. SA Kumar Says:

    All Province will be able to decide not only who can own land in that province, but, who can enter those lands as well.

    There is hardly any new land available in the South for citizens of Sri Lanka to live except in the North and East. –

    Chanaka Bandarage well done !!!

  2. SA Kumar Says:

    Chanaka Bandarage
    I thought Our TE dream had natural dead after May 2009 but not yet .

    Live & let’s live until Eelam war V.

  3. Dilrook Says:

    Thanks Chanaka for telling the bitter truth. Sri Lanka is a full federal country.

    The proposed new constitution will make it a confederation like the Soviet Union.

    Japan, the UK, France and China are unitary countries. They are not federal despite some federal features. Success of their governance systems is too obvious.

  4. Chanaka B Says:

    Thanks Dilrook, my mistake – France is not a federal country.

    The former Soviet Union was a confederation that constituted of 15 entities (republics). We will also have one Sri Lankan armed force.

    Our problem is that we will have a group within the confederation, who will be just marking the time. As, they aspire secession.

  5. Senerath Says:

    99.9% politicians do not even talk about removing 13Am to bring back our lost country in 1987. We have to look for that 0.1% and vote them to power.

  6. SA Kumar Says:

    99.9% politicians know Fully implement 6A & 13A is the one & only solution for United Mother Lanka to keep country as one .

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    Sri Lanka was bullied by INDIA into accepting the 13-A in 1987.
    It is an ILLEGAL piece of legislation.

    I have no idea why the 13-A has not yet been removed through an Amendment to the existing Constitution of Sri Lanka.

    Same with the Vadukoddai Resolution of 1976 – why has not this Resolution not yet been revoked officially in Parliament by the present day Tamil leaders ?

    All these items are leading to the division of Sri Lanka.

    Is Sri Lanka a Democracy ?
    Certainly not, judging by what is going on in the country, since Independence in 1948.
    Leaders here are wagged about by foreign powers ?
    Leaders promise positive action during Election times, but something else happens AFTER Elections !

  8. Chanaka B Says:

    I think we should give up the idea of abolishing 13A. No politician will do it, as they will be under enormous pressure from the provincial government parliamentarians not to do so. Those parliamentarians will be angry, as they might lose their jobs and perks that come with the jobs.

    It is the country that will be the loser.

    No one is concerned (even the patriots) about the restrictions on Sinhalese to live in the North and some parts of the East. As I have outlined, this is contrary to the Constitution.

    All people should be able to live and work in Sri Lanka wherever they like. This is real ‘Sanhindiyawa’.

  9. Dilrook Says:

    Chanaka is right. No party or president will ever remove 13A. However, we must strive to get it removed. At the same time, it is more productive to be flexible to live under 13A and protect the little left.

    Sinhalese will never be allowed to live in the north by Tamils and Sinhala existence in the east is gradually coming to an end. Like 13A, no party or president will change that.

    Given these bitter truths, we must consider the Indian model in Sri Lanka. This is extremely unpopular among the Sinhalese who still hope against hope that 13A and Tamil-only/Muslim-only nature of parts of the north-east will change. This is extremely dangerous because we will lose areas outside the north and east as well. If the Indian model is enforced, Sinhalese will have at least 7 provinces, the entire Wet Zone and a lion’s share of economic activity under Sinhala rule. Otherwise we will lose them as well. Tamils are not after arid and unproductive north. They are after the western province. It will take Sinhalese another decade or two to realise this. If not for the Indian model, Kerala, parts of Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, pockets in New Delhi and Bombay would be Tamil controlled. The Indian model saved the Indian Hindi majority and less aggressive minorities. Until 13A is removed, Sri Lanka must adopt the Indian federal and language model. If 72 million Tamils can live under it, there is no reason why 3 million Tamils cannot.

    There after Tamils will never be able to achieve Tamil Eelam as it can be used as a template in India!

  10. Chanaka B Says:

    Dilrook, I do not think Eelamists are after the entire Sri Lanka. We should be realistic in our criticism. They are hell bent on creating the Eelam in the North and East (1/3 of Sri Lanka). True there are plenty of dry, arid land; at the same time the best fertile and productive lands are there (all lands in the East (thousands of tanks), then, around the tanks in Vavuniya (lots), Mannar – Rice Bowl (Yoda Wewa ), Kilinochchi (Iranamadu) are some of the best agricultural lands of Sri Lanka. I think beyond Elephant Pass up, they want to make the area industrial and fishery development (not agricultural). Muslims have gained some access to them (Bathiudeen has done well), but Sinhalese have been totally eliminated. The governments since May 2009 are to be totally blamed. What the Sinhalese are experiencing is contrary to all Human Rights laws in the country and international.

  11. Chanaka B Says:


    Vadukoddai Resolution is a misnomer. You ask anyone who lived in 1976, they will say such a Resolution was unheard of at that time. In 1976 we had the Nonaligned summit conference. Sirima B would not have allowed Chelva to run amok during that time. Just because Chelva met few people under a tree in Vadukoddai and discussed things – they did not matter at that time, they should not matter now too.

    It is only now that they are trying to make it a big issue.

  12. Senerath Says:

    Don’t worry. Best people of Yahapalanaya is going to join the best people of JO. Country will be saved for the 2nd time by our heroes of Battaramulla !

    ආණ්‌ඩුවේ මැති ඇමැතීන්
    රැසක්‌ ඒකාබද්ධය සමඟ එක්‌වෙනවා
    – හිටපු ජනපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ

    නෝමන් පලිහවඩන

    යහපාලන රජයට සම්බන්ධ මැති ඇමැතිවරුන් විශාල පිරිසක්‌ ළඟදීම ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්‌ෂයට එක්‌වෙන බව හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‌ෂ මහතා “දිවයින”ට ඊයේ (27දා) කියා සිටියේය.

    මෙම පිරිස වරින්වර ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්‌ෂයට එක්‌වන බවත් මෙසේ පැමිණෙන සංඛ්‍යාව කොපමණදැයි සඳහන් කළ නොහැකි බවත් හෙතෙම පැවැසීය.

    මෙම අයගේ නම් කල්තියා පැවසීමට නොහැකි විවිධ චෝදනා ඉදිරිපත් කර ඔවුන්ගේ පැමිණීම වැළැක්‌වීමට ආණ්‌ඩුව කටයුතු කරන නිසා යෑයිද මහින්ද රාජපක්‌ෂ මහතා සඳහන් කළේය.

  13. Dilrook Says:


    I disagree on that.

    Tamils already have the north to themselves. Even without further federal, almost all jobs, governance, schools, hospitals, etc. are for Tamils. While keeping it that way, they want to expand into the Wet Zone where industrial activity takes place. Given the chance all Tamils want to live in Colombo. Tamil Eelam is just a stepping stone to Eelam. Now they have started to twist history and place names of areas outside the north and east as well. A clear sign of their next stage of ambitions. This started with “Jaffna Kingdom” and referred to the Jaffna peninsular only. Then it expanded to the entire north and then to the east. Now they want Malayanadu (Upcountry) as well.

    Despite a lot of effort by both administrations, investors shun the north and east.

    The summary is, Sinhalese must protect areas outside the north and east as a matter of priority. These are the areas that sustain the Sinhala economy and culture. If lost, we lose the entire island. If compromised, we start to lose the entire island.

  14. Dilrook Says:

    I also disagree on Vadukoddai Resolution. It mattered a lot in 1976 and in 1977 too. TULF (the second largest party in parliament in 1977) took up the VR as its manifesto! It pretended to the world that its resounding victory in 1977 winning the second largest number of seats was an approval of the VR.

    Interestingly, Chelva and others made use of the Non-aligned summit to push their agenda very cleverly. It was the summit that shut the Sri Lankan government up and created space for them to pass and work for Tamil self-determination. VR is based on this.

    NAM is the most powerful bloc that supported self determination of new nations. It’s stated objective was “to create a global order based on sovereign equality, political and economic self-determination, justice and freedom”.

  15. Chanaka B Says:


    I have noted your comments.

    Lots of people (Sinhalese) are disinterred in the North and East and have basically given up those areas. Sinhalese seldom visit those areas. That is because of the stupid policies of our leaders. I say all people including Sinhalese should reside in those areas, which are parts of Sri Lanka.

    Any political party can pass any number of Resolutions. Eelamists would love the idea if we give prominence to a useless document called VR Resolution which has no legal basis at all. It is something like the term ‘Black July’ – a term now universally accepted to refer to the ‘massacre of innocent Tamils by the Sinhalese in 1983’. The terminology was a Sinhala invention, quickly adopted by the Eelam lobby for their own advantage. And we continue to use it and give legitimacy.

    In 1977 TULF was the main opposition because the SLFP was restricted to 8 seats and UNP won 140 seats in a 168 seat parliament.

    Let’s wind up the conversation for the moment. thanks.

  16. Senerath Says:


    you said “NAM is the most powerful bloc that supported self determination of new nations”.

    LKY said

    ” In the election that followed, his widow, Sirimavo Bandaranaike,became prime minister on the sympathy vote. She proved to be a less voluble but much tougher leader. When I met her in Ceylon in August 1970, she was a determined woman who believed in the non-aligned ideology. Ceylon favoured the withdrawal of all US troops from South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and a Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone in the Indian Ocean, free of big

    As a younger man, I patiently explained my different foreign policy objectives, that Singapore would be gravely threatened if South Vietnam were to fall into the hands of the communists, threatening Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. The insurgency would spread into Malaysia, with serious consequences for Singapore. We could not subscribe to this high-minded ideology when it had serious consequences for our future.

    Other great powers in the region, China and Japan, would in time expand their naval build-up.

    Interesting to note that his prediction “the insurgency would spread into Malaysia, with serious consequences for Singapore” was wrong or he was just arguing BS, but he remained an ally of USA for security of Singapore. By controlling corruption, racial balance and strict rules he was sucessful.

  17. Senerath Says:

    If we are to counter INDIAN headache , we need a superpower as security. Cannot play the double game our selfish stupid politicians including Mahinda playing.

  18. SA Kumar Says:

    Thank Gods ( Siva & Bhuddha) at last Two ( Chanaka B & Dilrook ) of MY Chignkala Sakotharam support fully implement of 6A & 13A (same as Indian model 16A& Union ACT )

    I am waiting for My Dearest Two more Sinhela sakodarayas (Fran Daiz & USA-Ananda) to convince .

    Live & let’s live in United Sinhela Island ( Chignkala Theevu) .

    Thalaiva Velu , soon I can leave you rest in peace !!!

  19. Fran Diaz Says:


    Thanks for response.

    I personally think (lots of people agree too) that the idea of the 13-A being removed must be constantly on the cards, and the 13-A removed, sooner the better.
    The PC folk in power must be given alternative jobs in DDCs etc.

    * The 13-A is the killer of Lanka.
    It is an ILLEGAL piece of legislation, imposed by INDIA.
    To accept it is to admit defeat and subjugation to INDIAN colonisation.
    What if the N&E merges and expands ?
    What will that mean to the rest of Lanka ?

    * Likewise, the V’koddai Resoln (1976) must be put up front for all to see the injustice of it all.
    When Sinhala & Others were slaughtered and the country destroyed by the LTTE for nearly 30 yrs, the world kept quiet !
    How long must Lankans be silent on such madness ?

    A few people cannot do this.

    ALL PATRIOTS must unite !


    More thoughts for all readers :

    Are Sinhala & Other people cattle for slaughter ?

    Apart from the ILLEGAL 13-A & the killer V’koddai Resolution, Lanka has to present the REAL Tamil problem to the world i.e. The CASTE PROBLEMS of Tamil Nadu. Very few outsiders or for that matter, few Lankans know of the REAL PROBLEMS of Tamil folk, that there are some 15 MILLION TAMILS designated as Dalits on their birth certificates. In Andrapradsh, 50% of the population there are classified as low caste. The CASTE SYSTEM has gone on for 3,000 yrs. The Buddha was NOT for the CASTE SYSTEM.
    Tamils use Lanka as a trampoline to create mayhem in Lanka and go abroad as Refugees (no other way), and to get Eelam (little now, more later).
    And the Yahap govt wants to give 500 acres to the A’pradesh govt to form an industrial park ! What perfidy !

    Right now, ALL PATRIOTIC ORGANISATIONS, local and abroad, must form ONE UNIT to fight for Truth & Justice for ALL in Lanka. Even the Tamils of Lanka will benefit if there is Peace & Prosperity in Lanka for ALL in Lanka ! As matters stand, there is resentment that Truth & Justice has not happened for the vast numbers in Lanka and Tamils will feel that sooner or later, silently or otherwise.

    An uneasy peace may be had by pretending that justice has happened, but that is no real or lasting peace at all.
    Foreigners who want to “divide & rule” will use any injustices in Lanka, to their own advantage !

  20. Chanaka B Says:

    Fran, there is no doubt 13A must be abolished. The country can be well run without ‘පලාත් සභා’.

    Now that the Northern PC is implemented, it is difficult to abolish them system. That is why we worked our guts out in 2012/13 to disband all ‘පලාත් සභා’ through a referendum. There needs to be a brave leader who can show to the world that ‘පලාත් සභා’ are an impediment to Sri Lanka’s development and that they must be abolished. Let’s wait and see whether such a leader would emerge in our life time.

    It is likely we may lose 1/3 of the country (north and east) in our life times. We should focus on this, not about losing the other 7 provinces where Sinhala people live. The problem is that lots of people have given up on the north and east including politicians.

    Vadukoddai Resolution is not something like a UN Resolution. It was a Resolution passed by separatists. It has no legal basis. If we worry about it now and give deference, we are giving that cause legitimacy.

  21. SA Kumar Says:

    all ‘පලාත් සභා’ through a referendum- Care full My chignkala Sakotharam votes in N&E පලාත් සභා (Pirathesa savai) may interpret by so call world(USA & Europe & India) as separation for TE even though We tamil want Fedaral TE not Thani TE.

    Implement 6A & 13A ( Do not implement 13A with out implement 6A) together than We-Tamils TE dream die itself with in year or two.

    mean time let me go back our 2,000 years day dream , Nalai pirakkum TE ( Tomorrow TE will born)

    Velu, where are you Thalaiva !!!!

  22. Fran Diaz Says:


    Thanks for response.

    1. We ought not wait till a brave Leader emerges in some far off future time to remove the 13-A.

    PATRIOTS of Lanka must unite under one organisation (call it SRI LANKA PATRIOTS ASSOCIATION – that is, SRI LANKA DESHAPREMI SANGVIDHANAYA, or similar name), which organistion must bring together a massive number from abroad and local people, and pressure any govt in power to do our Will and remove the 13-A. Such an Association can be led by the present time proven PATRIOTIC leaders. What is important is that it is ONE organisation, with the main aim of first removing the 13-A, and developing Lanka in the right way for all to benefit.
    I agree with you that the world must be educated on the subject of “Palaath Palana Sabha” (PPS) – that PPSs are an impediment to the growth of Lanka. Such an Organisation must educate every Embassy & High Comission plus the UN that the PPS are an impediment to Reconciliation, Peace & Progress in Lanka.

    The Deshipremi Sangvidhanaya must out clearly alternative Development Plans for the N&E and the rest of Lanka – Plans which are far better than the existing ones.

    Or else it will be too late.

    2. Re the V’koddai Resolution : It is important that this is revoked officially in Pariiament by the present day Tamil Leaders. It is the VR of 1976 which prompted the Tamil youth to take up arms and form the nascent LTTE which INDIA trained later in Tamil Nadu. The recent events in Jaffna ponits to the same type of mind set from a part of the Northern Youth – that violence is the way to go.
    Even though the VR has no real legal basis, it is a battle cry that carries the approval of the Tamil leaders, prompting negative action by the Tamil youth.
    The VR gives hopes to Tamil youth of low caste that the Caste divide will be erased through a Tamiil only Eelam.

    Tamil Youth have quite forgotten that it was SWRD Bandaraniake who first gave them even the right to enter classrooms to study in school, through the Social Disabilities Act (1957). Before that Act, the Caste divide in the North prohibited the Tamil youth from even entering a classroom. Such were the Caste restrictions imposed on the Tamil Youth.

    3. It must be an added warning that Climate Change & Global Warming will bring vast changes to the coastline of Sri Lanka. Experts predict that the polar cap meltdown will cause some 15 ft rise in seawater levels all over the world. What this may do to the Lanka and INDIAN coastline is mindboggling.
    Working together as ONE NATION is essential for the survival of us all.

    “SAVE SRI LANKA” ought to be the long term motto of the PATRIOTIC organisation.

  23. Fran Diaz Says:

    Read as “set out clearly”

  24. Chanaka B Says:


    I am happy to be part of the SRI LANKA PATRIOTS ASSOCIATION suggested by you.

    There are already such organisations. I am a member of a few of them. What is important is an amalgamation of these organisation into SRI LANKA PATRIOTS ASSOCIATION. Regardless of petty differences, we should get together to build a giant movement to abolish 13A. Also, fight against the Constitutional Reforms that are in current form.

    The main problem in the country is public apathy. The general populace are disinterested in patriotic activities. This is mainly because of the mistrust they have in political parties. Some ‘patriots’ have shown that they are not genuine and have hidden agendas. Some are doing the ‘dirty work’ of the politicians.

    SRI LANKA PATRIOTS ASSOCIATION should not have any political affiliation whatsoever.

    We should ‘sell’ to people that ‘පලාත් සභා’ are a white elephant. The country cannot sustain them anymore. Apart from the huge cost of maintaining them, they are a breeding ground for corruption, bribery, maladministration, violence and indiscipline. People pay double and triple taxes due to ‘පලාත් සභා’ , as the federal government also tax them. We should be able to explain to the West and India why ‘පලාත් සභා’ must go. We are not doing this to discriminate against any minority, but to build a healthy, prosperous, One Sri Lanka. Many Tamils and Muslim agree that ‘පලාත් සභා’ are not suitable to Sri Lanka and that they must go.

    We still have the potential to become a leading economy of Asia (like Singapore, South Korea). With ‘පලාත් සභා’ in place we cannot achieve this. The country is in total disarray currently due to ‘පලාත් සභා’. Remember the Meethotamulle ‘කුණු කන්ද’; as there are so many players now, there was no one to take the responsibility. If we had the pre 1987 Constitution, the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) would have taken the responsibility about Colombo’s garbage problem. Now we have CMC, UDA, Western Provincial Council, Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha, Ministry of Megapolis – all trying to avoid the responsibility.

    There is provision in the Constitution to abolish ‘පලාත් සභා’ through an all island referendum. I t written about this before.

    Though I respect your views about V’koddai Resolution, my view remains the same. I say V’koddai Resolution (if such a Resolution seriously existed) died with the defeat of the LTTE. For misguided Tamil youth, Prabhakaran is still the leader, not many people know about Chelva. The best we should do is not to give any importance to the V’koddai Resolution, which was unheard or insignificant in the 1970s and 1980s.

  25. Fran Diaz Says:

    Thanks, Chanaka !
    I will respond soon.

  26. Fran Diaz Says:


    * I agree that the SL PATRIOTS ASSOCIATION should NOT have any political affiliations.

    * The other matter to be addressed urgently is the Sale of Land to Foreigners, which law was brought in by the Yahap govt as soon as they came into power, enabling this to happen. No one seems to know all the details of this Law – at least, it appears to be so. That Land on Lease to Foreigners appears unlimited is proven by the H’thota Harbor fiasco.

    * I propose also that the SL PATRIOTS ASSOC be led by a group knowledgable in the Law of the Land.
    We also note that the Yahap govt ignores the Law of Land, when convenient.

    * All Law inimical to the Unitary Status of the Country ought to be repealed.

    * Concerned Readers should write in many more ideas to be followed through.

    Best wishes,

  27. Chanaka B Says:


    Due to work commitments I can only be an overseas member of the SRI LANKA PATRIOTS’ ASSOCIATION. But, will give time and energy, if it is formed.

    The leadership should consist of professionals; including yourself, being the architect.

    I do not think it should tackle every issue of the land; the following 3 would be sufficient:

    • Abolish 13A

    • Oppose the current proposed Constitutional Reforms

    • Allow Sinhalese to settle in the North and East

    They are major tasks!

    (The moment politicians are involved in the Association that will be the end of it)

    Good luck!

  28. Senerath Says:

    Gomin Dayasiri says Parliament is a club, club of the corrupt. He says honest young people have been denied the opportunity of being good politicians because of two people, Ranil and Mahinda. Essentially we must understand these two are the co-presidents of the same club.

  29. SA Kumar Says:

    Chanaka B

    I can joint you if you

    1) Fully implement 6A &13A together
    2) Fully support the current proposed Constitutional Reforms
    3) Allow Sinhalese to settle in the North and East- at least 100,000 Forces family in Vanni ( As SF suggested to avoid Eelam war V)

    (I)lanka(i) Putha(lvan) !!!

  30. Fran Diaz Says:

    Dear Chanaka,

    Agree with all you say here.
    I have also written a personal note to you. Hope you received it.

    We are all architects of the ongoing thinking to bring PEACE TO SRI LANKA. This has gone on for many years. So many able & PATRIOTIC people have lost their lives during the Cold War phase – what a waste of lives & funds for Sri Lanka.

    I can only occasionally put forward an idea or two.
    Most of the work has already been done by our wonderful PATRIOTIC professionals, journalists, writers to the web, etc.
    More need to join in !

    Let us also watch the ongoing political scene while we consolidate our PATRIOTIC work for Lanka.

  31. Chanaka B Says:


    Thanks for the email.

    I am a member of the Joint Action Committee which Dr Anula Wijesundera and Colnel Anil Amarasekara are co-chairmen. As you may know this is the umbrella organisaiton for all patriotic organisations in Sri Lanka. It represents a large number of patriotic organisaitons. As everyone knows it does very good patriotic work. We regularly meet in Colombo. The work we discussed herein, we are already doing them to some extent. I am very closely associated with Jayagrahanaya – a superb patriotic organisation that does enormous amount of good work. We directly assist Sinhala families who were subjected to LTTE persecution. Dr Anula Wijesundera is a great asset we have. In Sri Lanka Support Group, we do similar work, especially to preserve ancient Buddhist archeological sites in the East. I invite all good hearted patriots to join the Joint Action Committee, Jayagrahanaya and Sri Lanka Support Group (you are very welcome to attend the next Joint Action Committee meeting; please contact me privately about this).

    I have noticed there is public apathy for patriotic work. Apart from the reasons mentioned in this Article and in the above Comments, one main reason is that in the past 25 years governments have brainwashed people’s mind (especially school children) to believe that we have discriminated against minorities especially our Tamil brethren. Our history books and school text books have been written to show that the north and east are not traditional Sinhala Buddhist areas. In July 1983, it is the Sinhalese who rescued and helped Tamils. There’s hardly a Sinhala family that did not sympathise and/or assisted Tamils. But, worldwide there is a perception being created that the Sinhalese together butchered innocent Tamils. Our governments contributed to creating this perception or at least did nothing to rebut it from being created (it is we who created the terminology ‘Black July’).

    These days the television and radio stations constantly ask people not to be racist and engage in Sanhindiayawa. This is very good. But, Sanhindiyawa must work both ways, not one way.

  32. Senerath Says:

    Apart from the reasons mentioned in this Article and in the above Comments, one main reason is that in the past 25 years governments have brainwashed people’s mind (especially school children) to believe that we have discriminated against minorities especially our Tamil brethren.” _ Chanaka B

    Very true. In the North Tamils learn a different history. Before any re-con-silly action all should come to a conclusion on histroy after an open debate. This root problems shall be sorted out.

  33. Fran Diaz Says:


    Thank you very much for your detailed response.

    We truly appreciate the wonderful work done by Patriotic organisations, with special thanks to you, Dr Anula W & Col Anil A. We will join in whatever ways we can. Over decades, myself and my family have supported orphanages and contributed funds to helping the needy in Sri Lanka. During the 1983 TRUMPED UP RIOTS, we saved a Jaffna Tamil girl from office, brought her to our home where she lived with us for a number of days. She was surprised that ‘Sinhala people lived simply’ as she had been told in Jaffna that Colombo Sinhala homes had marble floors and we lived in lazy luxury.

    The lies told re the Tamil Problem then are similar to lies told now, in Lanka and abroad.
    Suggestion : This is one of the main problames to be tackled by one and all.
    Stop the lies, cheat & deceit.

    Suggesiton :

    This is just one of the main problem to be tackled by PATRIOTS : THE LIES, CHEAT & DECEIT (LCD) by some Tamils locally and ABROAD.
    Some NGOs have picked up the LCD !
    Some VIPs have picked up the LCD !

    Solution : Tell the truth about the so called Tamil Problem.
    That the Sri Lanka Tamil peoples problems are similar to the problems of all the Others in Sri Lanka.
    That the real Tamil Problem is the CASTE WAR OF TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
    Learn some facts about the Caste Wars in Tamil Nadu and tell people about it.

    If there is a better way to do away with some Tamil peoples Lies, Cheat & Deceit, do write in.

  34. Chanaka B Says:



    In 1983, our family gave protection to Tamil neighbours. They thanked us so much and stated they could not believe why we risked our own lives in saving them. In our area, Tamil shops were burnt down or looted. The police told us that suspects included Tamils and Muslims.

    ‘Black July’ is a term used by separatists. Wikipedia has a page for it.

    Non-separatists should not use it. By using it, we are giving ammunition to the separatists’ ulterior goals.


    History Recorrection

    Since early 1980s efforts have been made to distort our history calculatedly. For example, if you read a PhD thesis in the early 60s by a famous History Scholar, he never mentioned that there existed an independent Tamil Homeland in Sri Lanka. He emphasised that the first Tamil settlement in Sri Lanka came to existence only in the 10th century BC, and that was also not in the north or east, but on the west coast. But, after 1983, he too changed the history to say that the north and east are traditional homelands of the Tamils. Sadly, mainly due to government inactiveness this is almost now universally accepted as our history. In 1987 we embodied this in our Constitution too.

    People worldwide now see the distorted Sri Lankan History in famous websites like BBC, Wikipedia.

    During the colonial rule, Portuguese, Dutch and British Historians wrote Sri Lankan History books. They wrote the correct Sri Lankan history. They never mentioned that there existed a Tamil Kingdom in Sri Lanka (Chola, Maagha, Elara were South Indian invaders who were chased back to South India by our Kings).

    The correct history of the country until 1983 or so (per Mahavamsa) was at the time of Portuguese invasion, there existed 3 Sinhalese Kingdoms in the country (not ethnic enclaves) – Ruhunu, Maya, Pihiti (Thun Sinhale). Jaffna was part of the Pihiti Kingdom (Ali Mankanda – Elephant Pass was a rest station for elephants that were exported by the Pihiti Kings (Kandian Kingdom), via the port in Mannar).

    It is heartbreaking to see how our history has been distorted internationally. Both us and our future generations will pay a high price one day for allowing the history to be distorted.

    As the governments will never do this, if a group of patriots could volunteer, we can work together to correct the distortions in History websites. This is a big task!

  35. Senerath Says:

    True. The reason for the twisting of the history goes back to the root cause corruption. First of all getting Uni positions to minorities and not punishing those distrot history, scared of minority ministers leaving govenrment. Ministry of Law, Education, Ports/Airports shall never be given to minority parties, if we could altoghter not eleiminate political parties dedicated to races. It is also a good way to discourage it.

  36. Fran Diaz Says:


    Many thanks for your response.
    Will write to you. Busy time for me …


    Control of the Central Bank is under the Ministry of Finance.
    Exec PM takes the Min of Finance under HIS control !
    What should be done ?


    Go the way of S’pore, Malaysia etc to bring proper balance to Lanka again.
    How do other Democracies manage ? Take the best ideas from success stories to keep the Country intact, Unitary and Safe for all here, in every way possible.


    Important topics for all to address :

    * The greatest threat to Mankind is Climate Change.
    Address that topic through the proven Patriotic Leaders in Lanka.

    * Next greatest threat is nuclear war (probably will never happen due to fear from all sides of mass death).

    * Next, poisonous chemicals such as Glyphosate, posing as innocent and useful items.

    There are other items too. Readers, pls write in.

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