The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka notes with serious concern and rejects your declaration that Jerusalem should be made the capital of Israel.
Posted on December 7th, 2017
President Muslim Council of Sri Lanka
December 7, 2017
President Donald J Trump
President of the United States of America
The White House.
Office of the President.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500.
Through kind courtesy of
Ambassador Atul Keshap
United States Embassy in Sri Lanka
204, Galle Road,
Colombo 3
Dear Mr. President,
The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka notes with serious concern and rejects your declaration that Jerusalem should be made the capital of Israel.
Mr. President, your decision and announcement will have very severe repercussions in Palestine, the Arab world and the Muslims across the globe. This is a totally illegitimate and ill-advised decision, which contradicts international laws and resolutions, and violates the sanctity of the holy city of Jerusalem. This is a declaration of war against the entire global Muslim population. All Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims will resist this across the world. We are certain the majority of people in the USA and the peoples of the free world too will not condone your unilateral illegal decision.
Both Muslims and Christians revere Bait Al-Muqaddes also known as the Al Aqsa Mosque, the third most important mosque and the sacred city of Jerusalem. It is also in Islamic history that Muslims first turned towards its direction in prayer. It without a doubt should be the capital of free Palestine.
Your ill advised move serves as a blatant reminder to all Arabs and Muslims including all leaders of Islamic states that the United States recognizes the illegitimate Zionist occupation only and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to live in peace in their own home, Palestine.
Your unilateral decision is seen as dangerous and provocative by everyone in the Muslim world, and is seen as a declaration of war against the entire Muslim population across the world. We kindly urge you to reconsider your decision, and lead a peace process that will give the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and bring peace to the entire Middle East and the world.
We thank you for your consideration and look forward to your help in realizing the dreams of the Palestinian people to live in peace and dignity.
Yours sincerely,
N M Ameen
Muslim Council of Sri Lanka
December 7th, 2017 at 10:02 pm
We stand with Trump!
Hats off to you Mr. President of USA
Jerusalem is the right capital of ISRAEL no argument and Islamic Muslim Palestine should be erased from world map and all beasts there should be annihilated.
Thank you gain Mr. Trump
December 7th, 2017 at 10:43 pm
Islamic Muslim Palestine should be erased from world map !
No wonder our Thesiya Thalaivar VP want TE nothing else.
December 7th, 2017 at 11:04 pm
We fully agree with President TRUMP.
JERUSALEM was always the capital of ISRAEL.
British divided it and handed it over to ARABS at Independence in 1948. Tel Aviv has NO historical relevance.
IF ARABS in Israel have a problem try JORDAN.
ALL US presidents AGREED that the US EMBASSY must be in JERUSALEM the real capital of Israel but didn’t SAY so and didn’t do it. TRUMP has been HONEST.
This POLITICAL CORRECTNESS madness must STOP. Sometimes you have to do the RIGHT THING and TELL the TRUTH.
(Using violence to change history won’t work. Firing rockets at Israel for this is a sign of BARBARITY.)
December 7th, 2017 at 11:12 pm
SL must be grateful for ISRAEL and go with TRUMP’s decision. Palestine trained LTTE in 1970s.
“Illegitimate Zionist occupation”? What nonsense! Where is the JEWISH country? Arabs have 30+ countries. Jews must have at least one country! Israel is a LEGITIMATE country and a UN member. Palestine is NOT a UN member. Palestine is ILLEGITIMATE. NO COUNTRY recognizes it.
Arabs should STOP occupying the JEWISH STATE as they have 30+ countries of their own.
For the record, PALESTINIAN people were NEVER Muslims. Those who claim to be Palestinian today speak ARABIC, follow ARABIC religion, listen to ARABIC songs, dress like ARABS, etc. They are ARABS.
December 8th, 2017 at 5:40 am
Very good move by President Trump. He should be commended for taking this brave step. Religion of violence came 650 years later than Christianity and more than 1000 later than Judaism. So mussies have a claim to Jerusalem! Of course being mussies they have a claim to everything with their fastest breeding and violent religion. If you go to any museum in the world, you know how the two legged creatures came to being. And! These two legged creatures are so clever they can make unimaginably complex things. They even make human-like robots and before long they will be able to create a fully functioning human. That clever! Then you don’t need messages from above in the form of 1:2:1, 2:1:5 etc. like if your neighbour isn’t a konaka pala kill him etc. Absolute lunacy in this day and age. What non sense these messages from above! These two legged creatures are so clever they can
obviously make laws to discipline themselves surely without help from these 1:2:1 etc. etc.
We all know humans evolved from the chimp over millions of years. If this creator god couldn’t create this clever two legged creatures in the first place, then he has no credibility. Then we all know the universe created after the big bang. It’s an unimaginably vast place, to this day scientists can’t find the edges of universe. Can any one create such a place? You do your maths! Follow a religion, which can pass the science test. There is only one religion in the world, it is Buddhism which passes the science test with flying colours!
December 8th, 2017 at 5:51 am
I agree on trump’s decision. Muslims must learn to live with other races peacefully and harmoniously anywhere in the world. Nowadays they are dancing a different tune demanding more and more land and benefits from countries where they live as minorities. They are trying to change histories from countries where they live by shrewdly and cunningly erasing the original places of other cultures. What Trump is doing is great not allowing Muslims to come to America like in the past. Actually we too should do the same because most of the Terrorists are Muslim origin all over the world. They are not peaceful people as they boasts. Muslim religion not to be blamed but the Muslim people should be blamed for all the carnage and terrorism in the world. ISS,AlQaida, Boko Haram and many more terrorist organisations are all Muslims. See what they are doing to the innocent people and to the peaceful countries around the world. They kill their own people like animals. Can you say they are peaceful people when you look at the deadly incidents happening in the world? We have to stop them before they create unnecessary problems in my country too. Our leaders must keep an eye and act fast to stop our Muslim politicians destroying our forests and lands etc before they make us minority race in my own country.
December 8th, 2017 at 7:33 am
they make us minority race in my own country.- Also for Ilankai Muslim people Mother Lanka is THEIR own country too so We ( |You & Me) do not have any right to stop them to become majority !!!
December 8th, 2017 at 8:20 pm
S A Kumar,
This is the only and one homeland for Hela people. We have nothing to do with Indian myths. Tamils should go and find their homeland and Muslims should go back to Arabia, where they do not allow other nationalities to become citizens and no other religions and faiths allowed.
We in Helaya has full rights to make this free of dirty, stingy, Tribal Tamils and Muslims who are subhumans here!
Get lost . VP is sent to kingdom calm, so do will be the Wiggy and RS, TNA if you continue to trouble us.
Hail Hitler
December 9th, 2017 at 2:51 am
This is the only and one homeland for Hela people- Agreed for Hela(Eelam) people this is one & only country .
We in Helaya has full rights to make this free- Why this kolavri machgn ???
live & let’s live in United Sinhela Lanka until Eelam war V !!!